path: root/_ont/
blob: 5dad78c40e0b7066264308fc6e5898bb322cd7b0 (plain) (tree)






















title: ZTE F6005 
has_children: false
layout: default
parent: ZTE

# Hardware Specifications

|                  |                                   |
| ---------------- | --------------------------------- |
| Vendor/Brand     | ZTE                               |
| Model            | F6005                             |
| ODM              | CIG                               |
| ODM Product Code | [G-97CP](/ont-cig-g-97cp)         |
| Chipset          | Realtek RTL9601D                  |
| Flash            | 16MB                              |
| RAM              | 32MB                              |
| System           | Linux (Luna SDK 1.9.0)            |
| 2.5GBaseT        | Yes                               |
| Optics           | SC/APC                            |
| IP address       |                       |
| Web Gui          | ✅ user `admin`, password `admin` |
| SSH              |                                   |
| Telnet           |                                   |
| Serial           |                                   |
| Form Factor      | ONT                               |
{% include image.html file="f6005_of.jpg" alt="F6005 Open Fiber" caption="F6005 with Open Fiber branding <a href=''>@mirko991</a>" %}
{% include image.html file="f6005_tim.jpg" alt="F6005 TIM" caption="F6005 with ZTE branding, like the ones used by TIM" %}
{% include image.html file="f6005_teardown.jpg" alt="F6005 teardown" caption="F6005 teardown" %}

## Serial

The ONT has a TTL 3.3v UART console (configured as 115200 8-N-1) that can be accessed from the top surface. To accept TX line commands, the GND of the TTL adapter should be attached to the ONT's shield:

{% include image.html file="q-010g-t_ttl.jpg"  alt="ZTE F6005 TTL" caption="ZTE F6005 TTL" %}

{% include alert.html content="Some USB TTL adapters label TX and RX pins the other way around: try to swap them if the connection doesn't work." alert="Note"  icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}

## List of software versions
- V6.0.10N14 (TIM)
- V6.0.10N20 (TIM)
- V6.0.10P2N02 (OpenFiber)
- V6.0.10P2N18 (OpenFiber)
- V6.0.10P2N19 (OpenFiber)

{% include_relative username="ont" alertEnablePassword="The following enable password is used to enter GponCLI over a serial connection. The models currently distributed in Italy by TIM and OpenFiber have no way to enter GponCLI via serial, only via telnet after flashing a custom firmware. The enable password is not useful for accessing the Web Gui." %}

{% include_relative %}

# Advanced settings
## Unlock serial and TELNET

This ONT is the twin brother of [CIG G97-CP](/ont-cig-g-97cp), if you can find its bootloader (named `CIG_bu.en_V3.09.15`), you can easly repack the firmware and enable its serial port. 
You need a 3.3V SPI programmer (like a modded CH341a) to read and write back the flash.

{% include alert.html content="This was tested only on a TIM V6.0.10N20 firmware!" alert="Note" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

After getting a full dump of your ONT, here is the procedure to replace the original bootloader with CIG's to enable the serial port:

Cut old bootloader:
dd if=flash_dump.bin of=no_boot_flash_dump.bin bs=1 skip=184064

Attach the new one:
cat CIG_bu.en_V3.09.15 no_boot_flash_dump.bin > mod-boot_flash_dump.bin

Now you can flash the file `mod-boot_flash_dump.bin` back to your SPI. 

After powering up the ONT, the serial port will print this message:

*                                    *
*  KEY -- Enter console terminal     *
*                                    *

To access full U-Boot a special escape sequence is needed. 

If Tera Term is used, create a simple MACRO file that contains this code:

`send $1B $1D $0F $0B`

Configure Tera Term with the correct serial parameters (refer to **Serial** paragraph), select the created MACRO file **BEFORE** powering up the ONT but **DON'T OPEN IT NOW**, power-up the ONT and when you see the above message, quickly open the macro to reach the U-Boot prompt:


{% include alert.html content="Note that this proceedure needs to be done each time you power-cycle the ONT" alert="Note" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

Now with the U-Boot prompt a custom firmware that enables TELNET can be flashed. 
Please note that if a **TIM** or **OpenFiber** base firmware is used, the TTL will be silent after kernel loading because it is disabled at kernel level.

Here is the procedure to flash a custom firmware on the ONT via the U-Boot console:

- Attach the ONT via ethernet cable to your PC and configure it to have IP ****
- Launch TFTP server and place custom firmware inside its root folder renamed into `cramfs.img.crc`. Be sure that the file has this name, otherwise the upgrade procedure will stop immediately
- Run this command on U-Boot prompt:

9601D# upgdimage
start : 0x00200000 size :0x00700000
Using LUNA GMAC  device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'cramfs.img.crc'.
Load address: 0x80400000
Loading: Got ARP REPLY, set server/gtwy eth addr (00:1c:c2:42:30:ac)
Bytes transferred = 6582276 (647004 hex)
file size is 0x647004 from Env
RootFS CRAMFS size [0x647004] length [0x647004]
CRC32 for 80400000 ... 80a46fff ==> 382329fa
finish crc32, crc value is 0x382329fa
finish crc cmp!!!
ErasingStart: 0x200000 size:0x647004,alignment size:0x650000
Erasing 6619136 B from 00200000... 100% ~ 0084ffff/6619136 B
Writing 6619136 B from 80400000 to 00200000... 100% ~ 0084ffff/6619136 B

{% include alert.html content="Please note that some OLTs (like TIM's Alcatel OLTs in Italy) need to have software image 0 or 1 set as active. So in this case, these commands will have to be executed twice to flash the image on both slots:" alert="Note" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}


set activeimage imagea

And flash image with the `upgdimage`.


set activeimage imageb

And flash image with the `upgdimage`.

This way both slots will have the same firmware version and will avoid any swap by the OLT.

After these steps, power-cycle ONT and login via TELNET with `root\admin` credentials. From this moment you can simply spoof your ONT with the usual commands.

# Known Bugs

The buffer size of the hardware is suboptimal: because of this the ONT is unable to work at full speed during uploads if the server is geographically and/or latency-wise far. There are no known problems if there is only one subscriber on the GPON tree. 
In versions V6.0.10N14 and V6.0.10P2N02 this problem is felt more than with newer firmware as in the new versions (V6.0.10N20, V6.0.10P2N18, V6.0.10P2N19), an attempt is made to avoid buffer filling by means of pause frames. Not all routers support pause frames and some may still suffer from problems with the latest updates.

In version V6.0.10P2N18, problems were found in download speeds with 1 Gbps links.