#include "FTPClient.h"
// helper macro
#define CLIENT_SEND(fmt, ...) \
do \
{ \
FTP_DEBUG_MSG(">>> " fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
control.printf_P(PSTR(fmt "\n"), ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
FTPClient::FTPClient(FS &_FSImplementation) : FTPCommon(_FSImplementation)
void FTPClient::begin(const ServerInfo &theServer)
_server = &theServer;
const FTPClient::Status &FTPClient::transfer(const String &localFileName, const String &remoteFileName, TransferType direction)
_serverStatus.result = PROGRESS;
if (ftpState >= cIdle)
_remoteFileName = remoteFileName;
_direction = direction;
if (direction & FTP_GET)
file = THEFS.open(localFileName, "w");
else if (direction & FTP_PUT)
file = THEFS.open(localFileName, "r");
if (!file)
_serverStatus.result = ERROR;
_serverStatus.code = errorLocalFile;
_serverStatus.desc = F("Local file error");
ftpState = cConnect;
if (direction & 0x80)
while (ftpState <= cQuit)
// return error code with status "in PROGRESS"
_serverStatus.code = errorAlreadyInProgress;
return _serverStatus;
const FTPClient::Status &FTPClient::check()
return _serverStatus;
void FTPClient::handleFTP()
if (_server == nullptr)
_serverStatus.result = TransferResult::ERROR;
_serverStatus.code = errorUninitialized;
_serverStatus.desc = F("begin() not called");
else if (ftpState > cIdle)
_serverStatus.result = TransferResult::ERROR;
else if (cConnect == ftpState)
_serverStatus.code = errorConnectionFailed;
_serverStatus.desc = F("No connection to FTP server");
if (controlConnect())
FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Connection to %s:%u established", control.remoteIP().toString().c_str(), control.remotePort());
_serverStatus.result = TransferResult::PROGRESS;
ftpState = cGreet;
ftpState = cError;
else if (cGreet == ftpState)
if (waitFor(220 /* 220 (vsFTPd version) */, F("No server greeting")))
CLIENT_SEND("USER %s", _server->login.c_str());
ftpState = cUser;
else if (cUser == ftpState)
if (waitFor(331 /* 331 Password */))
CLIENT_SEND("PASS %s", _server->password.c_str());
ftpState = cPassword;
else if (cPassword == ftpState)
if (waitFor(230 /* 230 Login successful*/))
ftpState = cPassive;
else if (cPassive == ftpState)
if (waitFor(227 /* 227 Entering Passive Mode (ip,ip,ip,ip,port,port) */))
bool parseOK = false;
// find ()
uint8_t bracketOpen = _serverStatus.desc.indexOf(F("("));
uint8_t bracketClose = _serverStatus.desc.indexOf(F(")"));
if (bracketOpen && (bracketClose > bracketOpen))
FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Parsing PASV response %s", _serverStatus.desc.c_str());
_serverStatus.desc[bracketClose] = '\0';
if (parseDataIpPort(_serverStatus.desc.c_str() + bracketOpen + 1))
// catch ip= and replace with the control.remoteIP()
if (dataIP.toString() == F(""))
dataIP = control.remoteIP();
parseOK = true;
ftpState = cData;
if (!parseOK)
_serverStatus.code = errorServerResponse;
_serverStatus.desc = F("FTP server response not understood.");
else if (cData == ftpState)
// open data connection
if (dataConnect() < 0)
_serverStatus.code = errorDataConnectionFailed;
_serverStatus.desc = F("No data connection to FTP server");
ftpState = cError;
FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Data connection to %s:%u established", data.remoteIP().toString().c_str(), data.remotePort());
millisBeginTrans = millis();
bytesTransfered = 0;
ftpState = cTransfer;
if (_direction & FTP_PUT_NONBLOCKING)
CLIENT_SEND("STOR %s", _remoteFileName.c_str());
else if (_direction & FTP_GET_NONBLOCKING)
CLIENT_SEND("RETR %s", _remoteFileName.c_str());
else if (cTransfer == ftpState)
bool res = true;
if (_direction & FTP_PUT_NONBLOCKING)
res = doFiletoNetwork();
res = doNetworkToFile();
if (!res || !data.connected())
ftpState = cFinish;
else if (cFinish == ftpState)
ftpState = cQuit;
else if (cQuit == ftpState)
_serverStatus.result = OK;
ftpState = cIdle;
else if (cIdle == ftpState)
int8_t FTPClient::controlConnect()
if (_server->validateCA)
FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Ignoring CA verification - FTP only");
control.connect(_server->servername, _server->port);
FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Connection to %s:%d ... %S", _server->servername.c_str(), _server->port, control.connected() ? PSTR("OK") : PSTR("failed"));
if (control.connected())
return 1;
return -1;
bool FTPClient::waitFor(const uint16_t respCode, const __FlashStringHelper *errorString, uint16_t timeOut)
// initalize waiting
if (0 == waitUntil)
waitUntil = millis();
waitUntil += timeOut;
// timeout
if ((int32_t)(millis() - waitUntil) >= 0)
FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Waiting for code %u - timeout!", respCode);
_serverStatus.code = errorTimeout;
if (errorString)
_serverStatus.desc = errorString;
_serverStatus.desc = F("timeout");
ftpState = cTimeout;
waitUntil = 0;
return false;
// check for bytes from the client
while (control.available())
char c = control.read();
//FTP_DEBUG_MSG("readChar() line='%s' <= %c", _serverStatus.desc.c_str(), c);
if (c == '\n' || c == '\r')
// filter out empty lines
if (0 == _serverStatus.desc.length())
// line complete, evaluate code
_serverStatus.code = atoi(_serverStatus.desc.c_str());
if (respCode != _serverStatus.code)
ftpState = cError;
FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Waiting for code %u but SMTP server replies: %s", respCode, _serverStatus.desc.c_str());
FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Waiting for code %u success, SMTP server replies: %s", respCode, _serverStatus.desc.c_str());
waitUntil = 0;
return (respCode == _serverStatus.code);
// just add the char
_serverStatus.desc += c;
return false;
bool SMTPSSender::connect()
client = new WiFiClientSecure();
if (NULL == client)
return false;
DEBUG_MSG("%SCA validation!", _server->validateCA ? PSTR("") : PSTR("NO "));
if (_server->validateCA == false)
// disable CA checks
reinterpret_cast<WiFiClientSecure *>(client)->setInsecure();
// Determine if MFLN is supported by a server
// if it returns true, use the ::setBufferSizes(rx, tx) to shrink
// the needed BearSSL memory while staying within protocol limits.
bool mfln = reinterpret_cast<WiFiClientSecure *>(client)->probeMaxFragmentLength(_server->servername, _server->port, 512);
DEBUG_MSG("MFLN %Ssupported", mfln ? PSTR("") : PSTR("un"));
if (mfln)
reinterpret_cast<WiFiClientSecure *>(client)->setBufferSizes(512, 512);
reinterpret_cast<WiFiClientSecure *>(client)->connect(_server->servername, _server->port);
return reinterpret_cast<WiFiClientSecure *>(client)->connected();