#include /* udp(7) */ #include #include #include /* poll(2) */ #include /* socket(2) */ #include #include /* close(2) */ #include /* perror(3) */ #include /* open(2) */ #include #include /* errno(3) */ #include /* byteorder(3) */ #include /* getaddrinfo(3) */ #include /* atoi(3) */ #include /* strchr(3) */ #include "domain2name.c" #define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAXDOMAIN 255 #define QUERYDOMAIN "http://sijanec.eu/link?r=.sijanec.eu." #define EXPECTEDA #define HELP "find recursive DNS resolvers on IPv4 networks\n" \ "%s [-a ipv4] [-b ipv4] [-d domain] [-h] [-o filename] [-p port] network1 [network2 ...]\n" \ " -a Specify the IPv4 of the -d domain to be used instead of getaddrinfo(3).\n" \ " -b Bind on a specific interface, defined by IPv4. Default is any interface.\n" \ " -d Specify the domain name to be used in queries that has a single A record.\n" \ " -h Show this help and exit.\n" \ " -o Output PCAP to filename. Any existing file is truncated.\n" \ " -p Set the source port number to use instead of a dynamically asigned one\n" \ "Network addresses are optionally followed by slash and netmask, otherwise networks are\n" \ "understood as single host addresses. Both network names and netmasks can be domains to\n" \ "be looked up or IP dot-notation addresses. Mask can also be a bit prefix (/32 default).\n" \ "When scanning the Internet please make sure that you specify your own domain instead\n" \ "of the default one (dnsfind.sijanec.eu).\n" /* DNS PACKET: HEADER QUESTION ANSWER AUTHORITY ADDITIONAL datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1035 DEFINITIONS: (those appear somewhere in the packet, packet does not start with definitions!) LABLEN 8 bits: first two bits zero, then 6 bits length of label POINTER 8 bits: first two bits one, then 6 bits as offset from first byte of packet STRING a single byte for defining length (0-256 - all eight bits) and then string of chars DOMAIN i.) one or more LABLEN followed by ASCII label (no dots) end with either LABLEN 0 or a POINTER that points to some LABLEN somewhere else in the packet -OR-: ii.) a POINTER that points to some LABLEN somewhere else in the packet HEADER: 12 bytes XID 16 bits: random string to be matched in response to prevent cache poisoning / QR 1 bit : what type is this packet? 0 query 1 response | OPCODE 4 bits: type of query 0 std 1 invrs 2 srvst 3-15 reserved 1 byte AA 1 bit : is response authoritative? 0 no 1 yes | TC 1 bit : was response truncated? 0 no 1 yes \ RD 1 bit : does query desire recursion? 0 no 1 yes / RA 1 bit : does response server recurse? 0 no 1 yes 1 byte Z 3 bits: reserved for future 0 only option \ RCODE 4 bits: error condition 0 ok 1 fmter 2 srvfa 3 nxdom 4 N/I 5 forbidden QDCOUNT 16 bits: number of questions ANCOUNT 16 bits: number of answers NSCOUNT 16 bits: authority section (where to ask for actual response - NS RECORDS) ARCOUNT 16 bits: additional section (glue records) QUESTION: QNAME DOMAIN QTYPE 16 bits: 1 A 2 NS 5 CNAME 6 SOA 10 NULL 12 PTR 13 HINFO 15 MX 16 TXT ... QCLASS 16 bits: 1 INTERNET 2 CSNET (obsolete) 3 CHAOS 4 HESIOD 255 ANY ... ANSWER: NAME DOMAIN TYPE same as QTYPE CLASS same description as QCLASS, except class 255 ANY is not allowed here RDLEN 16 bits: length of RDATA field - this is a number 0-65536, no two zero bits RDATA A: 4 bytes IP address NS: DOMAIN CNAME: DOMAIN SOA: NAME-ns1 NAME-email 32b-serial 32b-refresh 32b-retry 32b-expire 32b-nxdomainttl NULL: any data up to RDLEN PTR: DOMAIN HINFO: STRING-CPU, STRING-OS MX: 16 bit preference, NAME-like domain TXT: one or more STRING */ /* PCAP file format: GLOBALHEADER PACKETHEADER PACKETDATA PACKETHEADER2 PACKETDATA2 ... GLOBAL HEADER: 24 bytes MAGIC 32 bits: 0xA1B2C3D4 timestamp is s and micros 0xA1B23C4D timestamp is s and nanos MAJOR 16 bits: version 2 https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-gharris-opsawg-pcap-00.html MINOR 16 bits: version 4 _/ /-------------------------------------------------\ RESERV1 32 bits: unused and set to 0 < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frame_check_sequence| RESERV2 32 bits: unused and set to 0 \--------------------------------------------\ ^ | SNAPLEN 32 bits: larger or equal to size of largest capture of a single packet |/ \| FCS 4 bits: if last bit is 1, first 3 tell nr of bytes of FCS appended to every packet/ LINKTYP 28 bits: pkt type //tcpdump.org/linktypes.html 101 IPv4/v6 1 ether | | PACKET HEADER: 16 bytes SECONDS 32 bits: UNIX timestamp NANOSEC 32 bits: nanoseconds elapsed since the second, can also be microseconds - see MAGIC CAPTURE 32 bits: number of bytes captured from the packet following the header ORIGLEN 32 bits: number of bytes of the original packet size (can be more than CAPTURE) */ /* IPv4 PACKET: HEADER DATA https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc791 HEADER: /-- VERSION 4 bits: 4 IPv4 6 IPv6 | T HEADLEN 4 bits: >= 5. Header size 32 bit words (header is padded), so it points to data. |w SRVTYPE 8 bits: 3bPrecedence 1bLowDelay 1bHighThroughput 1bHighReliability 2bReserved |e Prec.: 0routine 1prio 2immediate 3flash 4flashoverride 5critic 110inetctrl 111netctrl |n LENGTH 16 bits: length including header and data. every host must accept at least 576. |t IDENTIF 16 bits: not so unique ID per src-dest persisted across fragmentations for reassembly |y FLAGS 3 bits: bit 0 (1. bit): evil bit, bit 1: don't fragment, bit 2: more fragments | B FOFFSET 13 bits: where in complete datagram this fragment belongs in 64 bit words-first has 0 |y TTL 8 bits: every router decreases by one, when zero, packet is destroyed |t PROTO 8 bits: datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc790#page-6 1 ICMP 6 TCP 17 UDP |e CHCKSUM 16 bits: 16 bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of 16b words in header |s SRCADDR 32 bits: \-- DSTADDR 32 bits: OPTIONS variable: depending on type, it may be single byte-type or byte-type, byte-len, data. Option type byte: 1b-copy to fragmented headers 2b-option class 5b-option number Option classes: 0 control 1 reserved 2 debugging 3 reserved Option byte zero denotes an end of options, NOOP is option number 1 PADDING variable: zero bytes ensuring header is aligned into 32 bit words */ #define MICROSECOND 0xA1B2C3D4 #define NANOSECOND 0xA1B23C4D #define PCAPVERMAJ 2 #define PCAPVERMIN 4 enum linktype { Ethernet = 1, Ip = 101 }; struct pcap_global { uint32_t subsecond __attribute__((packed)); uint16_t major __attribute__((packed)); uint16_t minor __attribute__((packed)); uint32_t reserved[2] __attribute__((packed)); uint32_t snaplen __attribute__((packed)); unsigned int fcs : 4 __attribute__((packed)); enum linktype linktype : 28 __attribute__((packed)); } __attribute__((packed)); #define microseconds subseconds #define nanoseconds subseconds struct pcap_packet { uint32_t seconds __attribute__((packed)); uint32_t subseconds __attribute__((packed)); uint32_t capture_length __attribute__((packed)); uint32_t original_length __attribute__((packed)); } __attribute__((packed)); enum precedence { Routine, Priority, Immediate, Flash, Flash_override, Critical, Inetctrl, Netctrl }; enum srvtype { Low_delay = 1 << 0, High_throughput = 1 << 1, High_reliability = 1 << 2, Reserved_0 = 1 << 3, Reserved_1 = 1 << 4 }; enum ip_flags { Evil = 1 << 0, Df = 1 << 1, Mf = 1 << 2 }; enum protocol { ICMP = 1, TCP = 6, UDP = 17 }; struct ip { unsigned int version : 4 __attribute__((packed)); unsigned int headlen : 4 __attribute__((packed)); enum precedence precedence : 3 __attribute__((packed)); enum srvtype srvtype : 5 __attribute__((packed)); uint16_t length __attribute__((packed)); uint16_t identifier __attribute__((packed)); enum ip_flags flags : 3 __attribute__((packed)); unsigned int foffset : 13 __attribute__((packed)); uint8_t ttl /* ignored for uint8_t */; enum protocol protocol : 8 __attribute__((packed)); uint16_t checksum __attribute__((packed)); struct in_addr src __attribute__((packed)); struct in_addr dst __attribute__((packed)); char options[] /* ignored for char[] */; /* options, padding and data */ } __attribute__((packed)); enum qr { Question, Response }; enum opcode { Query, Iquery, Stauts }; enum rcode { Success, Format_error, Servfail, Nxdomain, Ni, Forbidden }; enum type { A = 1, Ns, Md, Cname = 5, /* we skip the quite obsolete Mf record, luckily Mf (more fragments) is also 4 */ Soa, Mb, Mg, Mr, Null, Wks, Ptr, Hinfo, Minfo, Mx, Txt }; enum class { In = 1, Cs, Ch, He, Any = 255 }; enum dns_flags { Aa = 1 << 0, Tc = 1 << 1, Rd = 1 << 2, Ra = 1 << 3, Z0 = 1 << 4, Z1 = 1 << 5, Z2 = 1 << 6 }; struct header { uint16_t xid __attribute__((packed)); enum qr qr : 1 __attribute__((packed)); enum opcode opcode : 4 __attribute__((packed)); enum dns_flags flags : 7 __attribute__((packed)); enum rcode rcode : 4 __attribute__((packed)); uint16_t qdcount __attribute__((packed)); uint16_t ancount __attribute__((packed)); uint16_t nscount __attribute__((packed)); uint16_t arcount __attribute__((packed)); char data[] /* ignored for char[] */; } __attribute__((packed)); struct question { char * qname __attribute__((packed)); enum type qtype : 16 __attribute__((packed)); enum class qclass : 16 __attribute__((packed)); } __attribute__((packed)); struct answer { char * name __attribute__((packed)); enum class class : 16 __attribute__((packed)); uint16_t rdlen __attribute__((packed)); char * rdata __attribute__((packed)); }; struct in_net { struct in_addr addr; struct in_addr mask; }; int resolve (const char * d, uint32_t * r) { struct addrinfo hints = { .ai_family = AF_INET, .ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM, .ai_flags = 0, .ai_protocol = 0, .ai_canonname = NULL, .ai_addr = NULL, .ai_next = NULL }; struct addrinfo * result; int ret = getaddrinfo(d, NULL, &hints, &result); *r = ((struct sockaddr_in *) result->ai_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr; /* ah yes, C */ freeaddrinfo(result); return ret; } int main (int argc, char ** argv) { int r = 0; struct in_addr a = { .s_addr = 0 }; struct sockaddr_in b = { .sin_family = AF_INET, .sin_port = 0, .sin_addr = { .s_addr = INADDR_ANY } }; char * d = "dnsfind.sijanec.eu"; int s = -1; /* socket */ int o = -1; /* output file */ char buf[512]; /* max dns packet */ int c; /* child process */ struct in_net * n; /* networks */ int l; /* count of networks */ while (1) { switch (getopt(argc, argv, ":a:b:d:h")) { case 'a': inet_aton(optarg, &a); break; case 'b': inet_aton(optarg, &b.sin_addr); break; case 'd': d = optarg; break; case 'h': printf(HELP, argv[0]); r = 0; goto r; case 'o': if ((o = open(optarg, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY)) == -1) { perror("open(optarg, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY)"); r = 1; goto r; } write(o, "", 1); break; case 'p': b.sin_port = htons(atoi(optarg)); break; case -1: if (!(l = argc-optind)) { fprintf(stderr, "specify targets to scan :: " HELP, argv[0]); r = 2; goto r; } n = alloca(l*sizeof(*n)); for (int i = optind; i < argc; i++) { int w = i-optind; char * m = strchr(argv[i], '/'); int e; if (m) *m++ = '\0'; else m = "32"; fprintf(stderr, "network %d: resolving %s ... ", w, argv[i]); if ((e = resolve(argv[i], &n[w].addr.s_addr))) { fprintf(stderr, "failed: %s\n", gai_strerror(e)); r = 3; goto r; } fprintf(stderr, " %s mask %s ...", inet_ntoa(n[w].addr), m); char * p; int x = strtoll(m, &p, 10); n[w].mask.s_addr = 0; for (int j = 0; j < x && j < 32; j++) n[w].mask.s_addr = n[w].mask.s_addr >> 1 | 1 << 31; n[w].mask.s_addr = htonl(n[w].mask.s_addr); if (*p) if ((e = resolve(m, &n[w].mask.s_addr))) { fprintf(stderr, "no: %s\n", gai_strerror(e)); r = 4; goto r; } fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", inet_ntoa(n[w].mask)); } goto o; case '?': fprintf(stderr, "unknown option :: " HELP, argv[0]); r = 5; goto r; case ':': fprintf(stderr, "missing option argument :: " HELP, argv[0]); r = 6; goto r; } } o: if (!a.s_addr) { int e; fprintf(stderr, "resolving %s ... ", d); if ((e = resolve(d, &a.s_addr))) { fprintf(stderr, "failed: %s\n", gai_strerror(e)); r = 7; goto r; } fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", inet_ntoa(a)); } if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) == -1) { perror("socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)"); r = 8; goto r; } if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &b, sizeof(struct sockaddr))) { perror("bind(s, (struct sokaddr *) &b, sizeof(struct sockaddr))"); r = 9; goto r; } if ((c = fork()) == -1) { perror("fork()"); r = 10; goto r; } r: if (s != -1) if (close(s)) perror("close(s)"); if (o != -1) if (close(o)) perror("close(o)"); return r; }