#define DC_LOGIN_FORMAT "{\"login\":\"%s\",\"password\":\"%s\",\"undelete\":false,\"captcha_key\":null,\"login_source\":null,\"gift_code_sku_id\":null}" #define DC_COMPILE_INFO __VERSION__ " " __BASE_FILE__ " " __FILE__ " " __TIMESTAMP__ #define DC_STR(x) x #define DC_USER_AGENT "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36" /* this is so we can fool the login system */ #define DC_SERVER_ADDRESS "discord.com" #define DC_SERVER_PORT 443 #define DC_SERVER_SSL 1 #define DC_SERVER_ORIGIN "https://discord.com" #define DC_WS_ADDRESS "gateway.discord.gg" #define DC_WS_PORT DC_SERVER_PORT #define DC_WS_SSL DC_SERVER_SSL #define DC_WS_ORIGIN DC_SERVER_ORIGIN #define DC_WS_PATH "/?encoding=json&v=9" #define DC_API_PREFIX "/api/v9/" #define DC_LWS_ABLE_TO_PARSE_HEADERS 1 #define DC_RECONNECT_DELAY 10 unsigned char dc_api_identify_u[] = { #include }; char * dc_api_identify = (char *) dc_api_identify_u; /* libwebsockets information: libwebsockets works with event loops and discord.c primary targets debian for building (it must work on debian), but debian does not ship libwebsockets with glib or libevent event loop support, so loops are implemented in the classic poll() style. this reduces performance probably. if you use discord.c API with support for a platform specific event loop, you may rewrite LWS to do things differently. currently calls into API (dc_api_i and dc_api_o) will both do LWS stuff. */ void dc_api_stack (struct dc_api_io i) { /* stack output struct to be delivered via dc_api_o 2usr */ DC_MR(i.program->api_ios); assert((i.program->api_ios[i.program->api_ios_length] = malloc(sizeof(i)))); *(i.program->api_ios[i.program->api_ios_length++]) = i; return; } signed char dc_json_cb (struct lejp_ctx * ctx, char reason) { /* to prevent warnings of incompatible pointer times, we create a new type with enum later on */ enum dc_json_paths path = ctx->path_match-1; /* we assume that the order of incoming data is */ struct dc_lws_pass * pass = ctx->user; /* correct. op and t should come first, etc. */ struct dc_client * client = pass->api_io.client; struct dc_program * program = pass->api_io.program; pass->json_reason = reason; if (reason == LEJPCB_FAILED || reason == LEJPCB_COMPLETE || reason == LEJPCB_START) { DC_API_IO_GC(pass->api_io); pass->packet = DC_NONE; return '\0'; } if (getenv("DC_J")) /* print json to standard error */ fprintf(stderr, "JSON: %s %s\n", ctx->path, ctx->buf); if (ctx->path_match && reason & LEJP_FLAG_CB_IS_VALUE) { switch (path) { case DC_JSON_S: /* packet sequence number */ pass->api_io.client->last_packet = strtoull(ctx->buf, NULL, 10); break; case DC_JSON_OP: switch (atoi(ctx->buf)) { case DC_PING: client->last_ping = 0; dc_handle_ping(pass->api_io, NULL); break; default: break; } break; case DC_JSON_PING: pass->api_io.client->ping_interval = atoi(ctx->buf)/1000-1; pass->api_io.client->last_ping = time(NULL); /* we don't ping b4 IDENT */ break; case DC_JSON_T: for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(dc_ws_packet)/sizeof(dc_ws_packet[0]); i++) if (strcmp(dc_ws_packet[i], ctx->buf)) { pass->packet = DC_STRPKTOFF+i; break; } break; default: /* to prevent warning: enumeration value DC_JSON_* not handled */ break; } } if (reason & LEJP_FLAG_CB_IS_VALUE && (path == DC_JSON_ME_USERNAME || path == DC_JSON_ME_ID || path == DC_JSON_ME_DISCRIMINATOR) && (!client->user || !client->user->username || !client->user->id || client->user->status & DC_INCOMPLETE)) { /* if filled, then it's someone else */ if (!client->user) { /* on first d.user this is our user, subsequent are someone else! */ DC_MR(program->users); /* don't need DC_IN_PROGRESS, we have ref in cl */ program->users[program->users_length++] = client->user = dc_user_init(); client->user->status |= DC_INCOMPLETE; /* when ->disc is set, it's complete */ } /* we do not check on the object end */ switch (path) { /* email is already set from login */ case DC_JSON_ME_USERNAME: if (!client->user->username) client->user->username = strdup(ctx->buf); break; case DC_JSON_ME_ID: if (!client->user->id) client->user->id = strtoull(ctx->buf, NULL, 10); break; case DC_JSON_ME_DISCRIMINATOR: if (client->user->status & DC_INCOMPLETE) { /* we can't just check if */ client->user->discriminator = atoi(ctx->buf); /* !discriminat, */ client->user->status &= ~DC_INCOMPLETE; /* because 0 is allowd */ } break; default: break; } return '\0'; /* because we use same checks for parsing other users GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE */ } if ((path == DC_JSON_ME || path == DC_JSON_USER || path == DC_JSON_MESSAGE_AUTHOR || path == DC_JSON_MESSAGE_REFOBJ_AUTHOR || path == DC_JSON_MESSAGE_MENTION_USER || path == DC_JSON_MESSAGE_REFOBJ_MENTION_USER || path == DC_JSON_MEMBER) && reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_START) { /* dc_user_free(pass->api_io.user); */ /* parser branches MUST ALWAYS set to 0 */ pass->api_io.user = dc_user_init(); /* and possibly free api_io members after! */ pass->api_io.user->status |= DC_IN_PROGRESS; /* if we never get here again */ } if ((path == DC_JSON_ME || path == DC_JSON_USER || path == DC_JSON_MESSAGE_AUTHOR || path == DC_JSON_MESSAGE_REFOBJ_AUTHOR || path == DC_JSON_MESSAGE_MENTION_USER || path == DC_JSON_MESSAGE_REFOBJ_MENTION_USER || path == DC_JSON_MEMBER) && reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_END) { if (getenv("DC_R")) assert(pass->api_io.user->id); if (!pass->api_io.user->id) { dc_user_free(pass->api_io.user, DC_UNSET); pass->api_io.user = NULL; return '\0'; } pass->api_io.user->status &= ~DC_IN_PROGRESS; pass->api_io.user = dc_addr_user(program, DC_ISAE(program->users), pass->api_io.user, DC_MAY_FREE); switch (path) { case DC_JSON_MESSAGE_AUTHOR: if (pass->api_io.message) pass->api_io.message->user = pass->api_io.user; break; case DC_JSON_MESSAGE_REFOBJ_AUTHOR: if (pass->api_io.message && pass->api_io.message->reply) pass->api_io.message->reply->user = pass->api_io.user; break; case DC_JSON_MESSAGE_MENTION_USER: if (pass->api_io.message) dc_add_user(DC_ISAE(pass->api_io.message->users), pass->api_io.user, DC_UNSET); break; case DC_JSON_MESSAGE_REFOBJ_MENTION_USER: if (pass->api_io.message && pass->api_io.message->reply) dc_add_user(DC_ISAE(pass->api_io.message->reply->users), pass->api_io.user, DC_UNSET); break; default: break; } pass->api_io.user = NULL; } if ((path == DC_JSON_DM || path == DC_JSON_GUILD_CHANNEL) && reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_START) { pass->api_io.channel = dc_channel_init(); pass->api_io.channel->status |= DC_IN_PROGRESS; } if (path == DC_JSON_DM && reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_END) { struct dc_channel ** channel = &client->guilds[0]->channel; /* 1. guild = DMs */ while (*channel) /* a ni to malo kremž? zakaj dodajam na konec, če bi lahko samo */ channel = &(*channel)->next; /* dodal na začetek v O(1) */ if (!pass->api_io.channel->id) { dc_channel_free(pass->api_io.channel, DC_UNSET); pass->api_io.channel = NULL; return '\0'; } pass->api_io.channel->next = NULL; pass->api_io.channel->guild = client->guilds[0]; /* client->guilds[0] always exists */ pass->api_io.channel->status &= ~DC_IN_PROGRESS; free(pass->api_io.channel->topic); pass->api_io.channel->topic = strdup(""); for (size_t i = 0; i < pass->api_io.channel->users_length; i++) { pass->api_io.channel->topic = realloc(pass->api_io.channel->topic, strlen(pass->api_io.channel->topic) + strlen(pass->api_io.channel->users[i]->username) + 1 + 2 + 1 + 4); char buf[64]; snprintf(buf, 63, "#%04d%s", pass->api_io.channel->users[i]->discriminator, i+1 < pass->api_io.channel->users_length ? ", " : ""); strcat(pass->api_io.channel->topic, pass->api_io.channel->users[i]->username); strcat(pass->api_io.channel->topic, buf); } struct dc_channel * ch; if ((ch = dc_find_channel(program->channels, program->channels_length, pass->api_io.channel->id))) DC_TRANSFER_CHANNEL(pass->api_io.channel, ch); pass->api_io.channel = dc_addr_channel(program, DC_ISAE(program->channels), pass->api_io.channel, DC_MAY_FREE | DC_REPLACE); if (!dc_find_ll_channel(client->guilds[0]->channel, pass->api_io.channel->id)) { fprintf(stderr, "new DM id=%llu (:\n", pass->api_io.channel->id); pass->api_io.channel->next = NULL; *channel = pass->api_io.channel; } pass->api_io.channel->guild = client->guilds[0]; pass->api_io.channel = NULL; /* we're done, NULL it or PROBLEMS WILL APPEAR!!! */ } if (path == DC_JSON_GUILD_CHANNEL && reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_END) { if (!pass->api_io.channel->id || !DC_CHANNEL_SUPPORTED(pass->api_io.channel->type)) { dc_channel_free(pass->api_io.channel, DC_UNSET); pass->api_io.channel = NULL; return '\0'; } struct dc_channel ** channel = &pass->api_io.guild->channel; while (*channel) channel = &(*channel)->next; struct dc_channel * ch; if ((ch = dc_find_channel(program->channels, program->channels_length, pass->api_io.channel->id))) DC_TRANSFER_CHANNEL(pass->api_io.channel, ch); pass->api_io.channel = dc_addr_channel(program, DC_ISAE(program->channels), pass->api_io.channel, DC_MAY_FREE | DC_REPLACE); if (!dc_find_ll_channel(pass->api_io.guild->channel, pass->api_io.channel->id)) { fprintf(stderr, "new channel id=%llu (:\n", pass->api_io.channel->id); pass->api_io.channel->next = NULL; *channel = pass->api_io.channel; } struct dc_permission ** pe = &pass->api_io.channel->permission; while (*pe) { /* fix all permission pointers to channel to this new channel */ (*pe)->channel = pass->api_io.channel; pe = &(*pe)->next; } pass->api_io.channel = NULL; /* we're done, NULL it or */ } if (path == DC_JSON_GUILD && reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_START) { pass->api_io.guild = dc_guild_init(); pass->api_io.guild->status |= DC_IN_PROGRESS; } if (path == DC_JSON_GUILD && reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_END) { if (!pass->api_io.guild->id) { dc_guild_free(pass->api_io.guild, DC_UNSET); pass->api_io.guild = NULL; return '\0'; } pass->api_io.guild->status &= ~DC_IN_PROGRESS; pass->api_io.guild = dc_addr_guild(program, DC_ISAE(program->guilds), pass->api_io.guild, DC_MAY_FREE | DC_REPLACE); /* when we replace, new guild's chs' & roles' ptrs */ struct dc_channel ** channel = &pass->api_io.guild->channel; /* to guild will be inv. */ struct dc_role ** role = &pass->api_io.guild->role; while (*channel) { (*channel)->guild = pass->api_io.guild; channel = &(*channel)->next; } while (*role) { (*role)->guild = pass->api_io.guild; role = &(*role)->next; } struct dc_guild * gu; if ((gu = dc_find_guild(program->guilds, program->guilds_length, pass->api_io.guild->id))) DC_TRANSFER_GUILD(pass->api_io.guild, gu); dc_add_guild(DC_ISAE(client->guilds), pass->api_io.guild, DC_UNSET); pass->api_io.guild = NULL; /* we're done, NULL it or PROBLEMS WILL APPEAR!!! */ } if (path == DC_JSON_GUILD_ROLE && reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_START) { pass->api_io.role = dc_role_init(); pass->api_io.role->status |= DC_IN_PROGRESS; } if (path == DC_JSON_GUILD_ROLE && reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_END) { if (!pass->api_io.role->id) { dc_role_free(pass->api_io.role, DC_UNSET); pass->api_io.role = NULL; return '\0'; } pass->api_io.role->status &= ~DC_IN_PROGRESS; struct dc_role * ro; if ((ro = dc_find_role(program->roles, program->roles_length, pass->api_io.role->id))) dc_transfer_role(pass->api_io.role, ro); pass->api_io.role = dc_add_role(DC_ISAE(program->roles), pass->api_io.role, DC_MAY_FREE | DC_REPLACE); struct dc_role ** role; role = &pass->api_io.guild->role; while (*role) role = &(*role)->next; if (!dc_find_ll_role(pass->api_io.guild->role, pass->api_io.role->id)) { fprintf(stderr, "new role id=%lld (:\n", pass->api_io.role->id); pass->api_io.role->next = NULL; *role = pass->api_io.role; } pass->api_io.role->guild = pass->api_io.guild; if (pass->api_io.role->name && !strncmp(pass->api_io.role->name, "@everyone", strlen(pass->api_io.role->name))) pass->api_io.role->status |= DC_EVERYONE; pass->api_io.role = NULL; /* we're done, NULL it or PROBLEMS WILL APPEAR!!! */ } if (path == DC_JSON_MEMBERSHIP && (reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_END || reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_START)) pass->api_io.id = 0; if (reason & LEJP_FLAG_CB_IS_VALUE) { struct dc_user * user; /* this is just a var for you use */ struct dc_role * role; /* now we rely on -Wuninitialized to detect weird stuff */ unsigned long long int id; /* so don't initialize them here, that'd be wrong */ int št; switch (path) { case DC_JSON_FRIEND: /* we assume we get users[] before relationships[] */ user = dc_find_user(program->users, program->users_length, strtoull(ctx->buf, NULL, 10)); if (user) dc_add_user(DC_ISAE(client->users), user, DC_UNSET); break; case DC_JSON_DM_USER: /* we assume we get users[] before private_channels[] */ user = dc_find_user(program->users, program->users_length, strtoull(ctx->buf, NULL, 10)); if (user && pass->api_io.channel) dc_add_user(DC_ISAE(pass->api_io.channel->users), user,DC_UNSET); break; case DC_JSON_ME_USERNAME: /* we are always checking for user because evil srv */ case DC_JSON_USER_NAME: /* might insert dots in keys and prevent OBJECT_CREATE */ case DC_JSON_MEMBER_USERNAME: if (pass->api_io.user && !pass->api_io.user->username) /* no trust srv */ pass->api_io.user->username = strdup(ctx->buf); break; case DC_JSON_ME_ID: case DC_JSON_USER_ID: case DC_JSON_MEMBER_ID: if (pass->api_io.user) pass->api_io.user->id = strtoll(ctx->buf, NULL, 10); break; case DC_JSON_ME_DISCRIMINATOR: case DC_JSON_USER_DISCRIMINATOR: case DC_JSON_MEMBER_DISCRIMINATOR: if (pass->api_io.user) pass->api_io.user->discriminator = atoi(ctx->buf); break; /* yeah, we don't care about nicknames */ case DC_JSON_DM_TYPE: case DC_JSON_GUILD_CHANNEL_TYPE: if (pass->api_io.channel) pass->api_io.channel->type = atoi(ctx->buf); break; case DC_JSON_DM_ID: case DC_JSON_GUILD_CHANNEL_ID: if (pass->api_io.channel) pass->api_io.channel->id = strtoull(ctx->buf, NULL, 10); break; case DC_JSON_DM_NAME: case DC_JSON_GUILD_CHANNEL_NAME: if (pass->api_io.channel && !pass->api_io.channel->name) pass->api_io.channel->name = strdup(ctx->buf); break; case DC_JSON_GUILD_NAME: if (pass->api_io.guild && !pass->api_io.guild->name) pass->api_io.guild->name = strdup(ctx->buf); break; case DC_JSON_GUILD_ID: if (pass->api_io.guild) pass->api_io.guild->id = strtoull(ctx->buf, NULL, 10); break; case DC_JSON_GUILD_CHANNEL_TOPIC: if (pass->api_io.channel && !pass->api_io.channel->topic) pass->api_io.channel->topic = strdup(ctx->buf); break; case DC_JSON_GUILD_ROLE_ID: if (pass->api_io.role) pass->api_io.role->id = strtoull(ctx->buf, NULL, 10); break; case DC_JSON_GUILD_ROLE_NAME: if (pass->api_io.role && !pass->api_io.role->name) pass->api_io.role->name = strdup(ctx->buf); break; case DC_JSON_GUILD_ROLE_PERMISSION: if (pass->api_io.role) { if (strtoull(ctx->buf, NULL, 10) & DC_ADMIN) pass->api_io.role->permissions = DC_ALL_PERMISSIONS; else pass->api_io.role->permissions = strtoull(ctx->buf, NULL, 10); } break; case DC_JSON_MEMBERSHIP_USER: pass->api_io.id = strtoull(ctx->buf, NULL, 10); break; case DC_JSON_MEMBERSHIP_ROLE: case DC_JSON_MEMBER_ROLE: if (!pass->api_io.id) /* we assume we get ID first */ if (!pass->api_io.user || !(pass->api_io.id = pass->api_io.user->id)) break; if (!(id = strtoull(ctx->buf, NULL, 10))) break; št = 0; if (!(user = dc_find_user(program->users, program->users_length, pass->api_io.id))) { št |= 1; user = dc_user_init(); } if (!(role = dc_find_role(program->roles, program->roles_length, id))) { št |= 2; role = dc_role_init(); role->id = id; } dc_add_user(DC_ISAE(role->users), user, DC_UNSET); if (št & 1) dc_addr_user(program, DC_ISAE(program->users), user, DC_UNSET); if (št & 2) dc_addr_role(program, DC_ISAE(program->roles), role, DC_UNSET); fprintf(stderr, "new role membership user %s#%d (usr=%llu role=%llu)\n", user->username ? user->username : "", user->discriminator, user->id, role->id); pass->api_io.id = 0; break; default: break; } } if (pass->packet == DC_NONE) /* useless to do anything BELOW if we haven't recvd packet type */ return '\0'; switch (pass->packet) { case DC_MESSAGE_CREATE: break; default: break; } return '\0'; /* by the way, what does the return value do here? write in the comments below (; */ } static int dc_lws_cb (struct lws * wsi, enum lws_callback_reasons rs, void * us, void * in, size_t len) { struct dc_lws_pass * pass = (struct dc_lws_pass *) us; unsigned char buf[LWS_PRE+DC_LWS_BUF+1]; /* whooh, boy, this is more than a meg of stack! */ switch (rs) { case LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_CONNECTION_ERROR: /* TODO: handle and report somehow */ if (pass) { pass->api_io.status = DC_NET_ERROR; pass->wsi = NULL; pass->api_io.status |= DC_FROM_LWS; dc_api_i(pass->api_io); pass->api_io.status &= ~DC_FROM_LWS; } lwsl_err("CLIENT_CONNECTION_ERROR: %s\n", in ? (char *) in : "(null)"); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_APPEND_HANDSHAKE_HEADER: /* lws gives us len space after *in */ ; unsigned char ** p = (unsigned char **) in, * end = (*p)+len; for (int i = 0; i < DC_LWS_HEADERS_LENGTH; i++) if (pass->headers[i][0]) if (lws_add_http_header_by_name(wsi, (const unsigned char *) dc_lws_headers[i], (const unsigned char *) pass->headers[i], strlen(pass->headers[i]), p, end)) return -1; char slen[32]; snprintf(slen, 32, "%u", pass->body_length); if (lws_add_http_header_by_name(wsi, (const unsigned char *) "Content-Length:", (const unsigned char *) slen, strlen(slen), p, end)) return -1; if (!lws_http_is_redirected_to_get(wsi)) { lwsl_user("doing POST flow\n"); lws_client_http_body_pending(wsi, 1); lws_callback_on_writable(wsi); } else lwsl_user("doing GET flow, got redirected - this is a bug, report!\n"); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_HTTP_WRITEABLE: /* see minimal post example on how to send */ if (lws_http_is_redirected_to_get(wsi)) { fprintf(stderr, "http is redirected to get\n"); break; /* for setting avatar pictures or uploading files. Yecch */ } fprintf(stderr, "LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_HTTP_WRITABLE, %d\n", pass->api_io.status); if (lws_write(wsi, (unsigned char *) pass->body, pass->body_length, LWS_WRITE_HTTP_FINAL) != (int) pass->body_length) { /* TODO: fix to allow sending large bodies */ fprintf(stderr, "lws_write can't write that much!\n"); return 1; } lws_client_http_body_pending(wsi, 0); pass->body_length = 0; break; case LWS_CALLBACK_ESTABLISHED_CLIENT_HTTP: pass->status = lws_http_client_http_response(wsi); /* 200 OK, 404 Not Found,...*/ fprintf(stderr, "Connected with server response: %d\n", pass->status); #ifdef DC_LWS_ABLE_TO_PARSE_HEADERS /* how to query custom headers (http 1.x only at the moment) */ for (int i = 0; i < DC_LWS_HEADERS_LENGTH; i++) { pass->headers[i][0] = '\0'; /* to clear any headers we requested with */ int n = lws_hdr_custom_length(wsi, dc_lws_headers[i], strlen(dc_lws_headers[i])); if (n < -1) lwsl_notice("Error with header %s.\n", dc_lws_headers[i]); else if (lws_hdr_custom_copy(wsi, pass->headers[i], DC_LWS_MAX_HEADER_LENGTH, dc_lws_headers[i], strlen(dc_lws_headers[i])) < 0) lwsl_notice("Header %s too long or non existent.\n", dc_lws_headers[i]); else lwsl_notice("%s %s\n", dc_lws_headers[i], pass->headers[i]); } #endif break; case LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE_CLIENT_HTTP_READ: /* chunked body, without headers */ fprintf(stderr, "RECEIVE_CLIENT_HTTP_READ: read %d, current pass->body_length %d\n", len, pass->body_length); pass->body = realloc(pass->body, pass->body_length + len + 1); memcpy(pass->body+pass->body_length, in, len); pass->body[(pass->body_length += len)] = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "contents of pass->body: %s\n", pass->body); return 0; /* don't pass to lws_callback_http_dummy */ case LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE_CLIENT_HTTP: /* uninterpreted http content */ ; char * ptr = (char *) buf + LWS_PRE; /* see, BEFORE the pointer - lower addr */ int len2 /* DC_LWS_BUF again */ = sizeof(buf) - LWS_PRE; if (lws_http_client_read(wsi, &ptr, &len2) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "lws_http_client_read -1\n"); return -1; } return 0; /* don't pass to lws_callback_http_dummy */ case LWS_CALLBACK_COMPLETED_CLIENT_HTTP: lwsl_user("LWS_CALLBACK_COMPLETED_CLIENT_HTTP\n"); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED_CLIENT_HTTP: lwsl_user("LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED_CLIENT_HTTP\n"); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_WSI_DESTROY: /* if I understand the docs correctly, this is allways */ if (pass->api_io.pass != pass) fprintf(stderr, "[!!!] REPORT THIS BUG: pass->api_io.pass != pass\n"); if (pass->api_io.status & DC_DESTROY_CB) { pass->api_io.status |= DC_FROM_LWS; dc_api_i(pass->api_io); pass->api_io.status &= ~DC_FROM_LWS; } DC_API_IO_GC(pass->api_io); /* frees all unfinished parsing objects */ pass->packet = DC_NONE; pass->api_io.client->pass = NULL; dc_lws_pass_free(pass, DC_UNSET); /* called the last time us ptr & wsi r still */ break; /* accessible - we can free the struct that was passed in as a heap ptr */ case LWS_CALLBACK_WSI_CREATE: /* first - outermost - call with wsi present */ if (pass->api_io.client) { if (pass->api_io.status & DC_SET_PASS) { fprintf(stderr, "pass->api_io.client->pass = pass\n"); pass->api_io.client->pass = pass; } if (pass->api_io.status & DC_SET_WS_ACTIVE) /* how to get if wsi is ws */ pass->api_io.client->status |= DC_WS_ACTIVE; /* or http? IDFK. */ } break; case LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_ESTABLISHED: /* websocket established */ fprintf(stderr, "LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_ESTABLISHED\n"); pass->api_io.status = DC_OK; pass->wsi = wsi; pass->api_io.status |= DC_FROM_LWS; dc_api_i(pass->api_io); pass->api_io.status &= ~DC_FROM_LWS; break; case LWS_CALLBACK_WS_PEER_INITIATED_CLOSE: pass->reason = 0; if (len < 2) fprintf(stderr, "SERVER CLOSED CONNECTION WITHOUT PROIVIDING REASON!\n"); else pass->reason = ntohs(*(uint16_t *) in /* i sure hope this is legal */); fprintf(stderr, "SERVER CLOSED CONNECTION WITH REASON %d\n", pass->reason); if (len > 2) fprintf(stderr, "with additional message: %.*s\n", len-2, (char *) in+2); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_CLOSED: /* websocket closed */ pass->api_io.client->disconnect_time = time(NULL); DC_API_IO_GC(pass->api_io); /* frees all unfinished parsing objects */ pass->packet = DC_NONE; pass->api_io.status = DC_NET_ERROR; pass->wsi = NULL; pass->api_io.status |= DC_FROM_LWS; dc_api_i(pass->api_io); pass->api_io.status &= ~DC_FROM_LWS; break; case LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_RECEIVE: /* websocket receive, pass to json parser ? */ if (getenv("DC_N")) /* output received network to stdout */ fprintf(stdout, "%.*s", len, (const unsigned char *) in); if (pass->json_reason == LEJPCB_COMPLETE || pass->json_reason == LEJPCB_FAILED || !(pass->api_io.status & DC_LEJP_CONSTRUCTED)) { /* we regenerate a new context in case we didn't do that yet or in case the previous one finished parsing */ pass->api_io.status |= DC_LEJP_CONSTRUCTED; pass->packet = DC_NONE; lejp_construct(&pass->json_ctx, dc_json_cb, us /* == (void *) pass */, (const char * const *) dc_json_paths, LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(dc_json_paths)); } /* lejp_parse does return number of excess bytes after parsing json. but I */ pass->len = len; /* assume that server sends in chunks that always terminate */ pass->cp = in; /* when json object terminates. valve pls fix */ lejp_parse(&pass->json_ctx, (const unsigned char *) in, len); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_WRITEABLE: /* invoke with lws_callback_on_writeable(wsi) 4 ws */ if (!pass->api_io.client) /* we empty all payloads from 0 to finish */ break; for (size_t i = 0; i < pass->api_io.client->payloads_length; i++) { char * body = pass->api_io.client->payloads[i]->body; size_t length = pass->api_io.client->payloads[i]->length; fprintf(stderr, "going to write to ws: %.*s\n", length, body); if (lws_write(wsi, (unsigned char *) body, length, LWS_WRITE_BINARY) != (int) length) { /* body already has LWS_PRE bytes allocated before it */ fprintf(stderr, "ws lws_write failed!\n"); return -1; } dc_payload_free(pass->api_io.client->payloads[i], DC_UNSET); pass->api_io.client->payloads[i] = NULL; /* THIS MUST BE DONE, otherws */ } /* _free function will double free, because it frees till _sizeof */ pass->api_io.client->payloads_length = 0; break; default: break; } return lws_callback_http_dummy(wsi, rs, us, in, len); } void dc_api_i (struct dc_api_io i) { /* this function does not call attached functions, only output does that */ struct lws_client_connect_info info; struct dc_lws_pass * pass; if (!i.program) return; if (i.program->lws_context && !(i.status & DC_FROM_LWS)) lws_service(i.program->lws_context, 0); /* DO NOT CALL THIS FROM _cb! */ switch (i.type) { case DC_API_MESSAGE: break; case DC_API_CHANNEL: break; case DC_API_GUILD: break; case DC_API_LOGIN: /* TODO: library currently only works for a single client */ if (!i.program->clients_length) /* already attempted login */ DC_MR(i.program->clients); i.program->clients[0] = i.client; i.program->clients_length = 1; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.context = i.program->lws_context; #if DC_SERVER_SSL info.ssl_connection = LCCSCF_USE_SSL; #endif info.port = DC_SERVER_PORT; info.address = DC_SERVER_ADDRESS; info.path = DC_API_PREFIX "auth/login"; info.host = info.address; /* info.origin = DC_SERVER_ORIGIN; */ /* just don't send it */ info.method = "POST"; pass = calloc(1, sizeof(struct dc_lws_pass)); /* cb frees */ fprintf(stderr, "allocated pass at %p\n", (void *) pass); i.status |= DC_DESTROY_CB; /* so that lws_cb will call api on destroy - fin rq */ pass->body_length = asprintf(&pass->body, DC_LOGIN_FORMAT, i.client->email, i.client->password); fprintf(stderr, "length: %u string: %s\n", pass->body_length, pass->body); i.type = DC_API_LOGIN_CB; i.status &= ~DC_SET_PASS; /* this is a HTTP request, pass is for websockets */ memcpy(&pass->api_io, &i, sizeof(i)); pass->api_io.pass = pass; strcpy(pass->headers[DC_LWS_CONTENT_TYPE], "application/json"); info.userdata = pass; #if DC_LWS_ABLE_TO_PARSE_HEADERS info.alpn = "http/1.1"; #endif info.protocol = dc_lws_protocols[0].name; if (i.client->authorization) /* attempt cookie login without user/pass */ strcpy(pass->headers[DC_LWS_AUTHORIZATION], i.client->authorization); i.status = DC_UNSET /* we clear the status */; lws_client_connect_via_info(&info); break; case DC_API_LOGIN_CB: #define DC_STACK_RETURN(x) do { i.client->status = x; dc_api_stack(i); return; } while (0) i.type = DC_API_LOGIN; i.status &= ~DC_OK; if (!i.pass->body) { i.client->status |= DC_REQUEST_FAILED; dc_api_stack(i); break; } fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s\n", i.pass->body); if (strstr(i.pass->body, "INVALID_LOGIN")) DC_STACK_RETURN(DC_BAD_LOGIN); if (strstr(i.pass->body, "captcha-required")) DC_STACK_RETURN(DC_CAPTCHA_NEEDED); if (strstr(i.pass->body, "ACCOUNT_LOGIN_VERIFICATION_EMAIL")) DC_STACK_RETURN(DC_VERIFICATION_NEEDED); char * cp, * c2; #define DC_LTS "\"token\": \"" if (!(cp = strstr(i.pass->body, DC_LTS)+strlen(DC_LTS)) || !(c2 = strchr(cp+strlen(DC_LTS), '"'))) DC_STACK_RETURN(DC_ERROR); c2[0] = '\0'; /* body is on heap, we can edit it */ free(i.client->authorization); /* in case we set it previously */ i.client->authorization = strdup(cp); fprintf(stderr, "got token %s\n", i.client->authorization); i.client->status |= DC_OK | DC_INCOMPLETE; dc_api_stack(i); /* we now have to connect to the websocket */ goto ws; /* we could call dc_api_i but that just fills stack */ break; case DC_API_WS: fprintf(stderr, "DC_API_WS called\n"); ws: memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.context = i.program->lws_context; if (!info.context) fprintf(stderr, "[BUG] !!! !info.context\n"); info.port = DC_WS_PORT; info.address = DC_WS_ADDRESS; info.path = DC_WS_PATH; info.host = info.address; info.origin = DC_WS_ORIGIN; #if DC_WS_SSL info.ssl_connection = LCCSCF_USE_SSL; #endif info.protocol = dc_lws_protocols[0].name; info.local_protocol_name = info.protocol; pass = calloc(1, sizeof(struct dc_lws_pass)); i.type = DC_API_WS_CB; i.status |= DC_SET_PASS | DC_SET_WS_ACTIVE; i.status &= ~DC_DESTROY_CB; /* this is only for http requests */ memcpy(&pass->api_io, &i, sizeof(i)); pass->api_io.pass = pass; info.userdata = pass; if (i.client->authorization) /* attempt cookie login without user/pass */ strcpy(pass->headers[DC_LWS_AUTHORIZATION], i.client->authorization); fprintf(stderr, "starting websocket session\n"); i.status = DC_UNSET; /* we clear the status */ if (!lws_client_connect_via_info(&info)) { i.client->status = DC_NET_ERROR; dc_api_stack(i); } break; case DC_API_WS_CB: i.client->status &= ~(DC_NET_ERROR | DC_OK); i.client->status |= i.status; if (i.status & DC_NET_ERROR) { /* pass and pass->body were freed on _DESTROY */ fprintf(stderr, "websocket connection was closed by the remote host\n"); i.pass = NULL; /* pass was/will be freed on _DESTROY, discard it! */ } else if (!i.client->authorization) { fprintf(stderr, "what the fuck?! DC_API_WS_CB called without token!\n"); } else { /* commerce identify */ struct dc_payload * p = calloc(1, sizeof(struct dc_payload)); p->length = asprintf(&p->body, dc_api_identify, i.client->authorization); /* body buffer to identify packet */ dc_ws_stack(i.client, p, DC_NO_WRITE); p = calloc(1, sizeof(struct dc_payload)); /* official client sends a */ p->length = asprintf(&p->body, DC_WS_PING_FORMAT, (unsigned long long int) 0); dc_ws_stack(i.client, p, DC_UNSET); /* right after identify. */ } dc_api_stack(i); /* cl.stat is either NET_ERROR 4 closed or error or OK 4 esta */ break; case DC_API_REGISTER: break; case DC_API_STATUS: break; case DC_API_USER: break; case DC_API_ROLE: break; case DC_API_NONE: break; case DC_API_ATTACH: DC_MR(i.program->attached_functions); /* makes room for at least one */ i.program->attached_functions[i.program->attached_functions_length++] = i.attached_function; /* is on heap */ break; } } struct dc_api_io dc_api_o (struct dc_api_io i /* for ->program */) { if (!i.program) { i.type = DC_API_STATUS; i.status = DC_USER_ERROR; return i; } if (i.program->lws_context) lws_service(i.program->lws_context, 0); for (size_t x = 0; x < i.program->clients_length; x++) { if (i.program->clients[x]->status & DC_WS_ACTIVE && !i.program->clients[x]->pass && i.program->clients[x]->disconnect_time+DC_RECONNECT_DELAYclients[x]; i.client->status &= ~DC_WS_ACTIVE; /* because we create a new WSI */ i.type = DC_API_WS; dc_api_i(i); } } struct dc_api_io o = { .type = DC_API_NONE, .program = i.program }; /* dc_api_stack pop: */ if (i.program->api_ios_length) { memcpy(&o, (i.program->api_ios[--i.program->api_ios_length]), sizeof(o)); dc_api_io_free(i.program->api_ios[i.program->api_ios_length], DC_UNSET); i.program->api_ios[i.program->api_ios_length] = NULL; } int is_broken = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < i.program->attached_functions_length; j++) { /* call attached functions */ if (i.program->attached_functions[j]->type != DC_API_TIMEOUT) { if (i.program->attached_functions[j]->type == o.type && !is_broken) if (i.program->attached_functions[j]->function(o, i.program->attached_functions[j]->user_data) & DC_BREAK) is_broken++; } else if (i.program->attached_functions[j]->last + i.program->attached_functions[j]->every < time(NULL)) if (!(i.program->attached_functions[j]->function(o, i.program->attached_functions[j]->user_data) & DC_RETRY)) i.program->attached_functions[j]->last = time(NULL); } return o; }