path: root/node_modules/commander/typings
diff options
authorAnton Luka Šijanec <>2020-02-08 16:41:06 +0100
committerAnton Luka Šijanec <>2020-02-08 16:41:06 +0100
commitf87697e22f289cc96fc4e79da81575115b3e89a2 (patch)
tree57870d84a853db60c80e254beb423c838d910fbe /node_modules/commander/typings
parentchanged version to 1.0.7-beta (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/commander/typings')
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/commander/typings/index.d.ts b/node_modules/commander/typings/index.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcda277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/commander/typings/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+// Type definitions for commander 2.11
+// Project:
+// Definitions by: Alan Agius <>, Marcelo Dezem <>, vvakame <>, Jules Randolph <>
+// Definitions:
+declare namespace local {
+ class Option {
+ flags: string;
+ required: boolean;
+ optional: boolean;
+ bool: boolean;
+ short?: string;
+ long: string;
+ description: string;
+ /**
+ * Initialize a new `Option` with the given `flags` and `description`.
+ *
+ * @param {string} flags
+ * @param {string} [description]
+ */
+ constructor(flags: string, description?: string);
+ }
+ class Command extends NodeJS.EventEmitter {
+ [key: string]: any;
+ args: string[];
+ /**
+ * Initialize a new `Command`.
+ *
+ * @param {string} [name]
+ */
+ constructor(name?: string);
+ /**
+ * Set the program version to `str`.
+ *
+ * This method auto-registers the "-V, --version" flag
+ * which will print the version number when passed.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str
+ * @param {string} [flags]
+ * @returns {Command} for chaining
+ */
+ version(str: string, flags?: string): Command;
+ /**
+ * Add command `name`.
+ *
+ * The `.action()` callback is invoked when the
+ * command `name` is specified via __ARGV__,
+ * and the remaining arguments are applied to the
+ * function for access.
+ *
+ * When the `name` is "*" an un-matched command
+ * will be passed as the first arg, followed by
+ * the rest of __ARGV__ remaining.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * program
+ * .version('0.0.1')
+ * .option('-C, --chdir <path>', 'change the working directory')
+ * .option('-c, --config <path>', 'set config path. defaults to ./deploy.conf')
+ * .option('-T, --no-tests', 'ignore test hook')
+ *
+ * program
+ * .command('setup')
+ * .description('run remote setup commands')
+ * .action(function() {
+ * console.log('setup');
+ * });
+ *
+ * program
+ * .command('exec <cmd>')
+ * .description('run the given remote command')
+ * .action(function(cmd) {
+ * console.log('exec "%s"', cmd);
+ * });
+ *
+ * program
+ * .command('teardown <dir> [otherDirs...]')
+ * .description('run teardown commands')
+ * .action(function(dir, otherDirs) {
+ * console.log('dir "%s"', dir);
+ * if (otherDirs) {
+ * otherDirs.forEach(function (oDir) {
+ * console.log('dir "%s"', oDir);
+ * });
+ * }
+ * });
+ *
+ * program
+ * .command('*')
+ * .description('deploy the given env')
+ * .action(function(env) {
+ * console.log('deploying "%s"', env);
+ * });
+ *
+ * program.parse(process.argv);
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {string} [desc] for git-style sub-commands
+ * @param {CommandOptions} [opts] command options
+ * @returns {Command} the new command
+ */
+ command(name: string, desc?: string, opts?: commander.CommandOptions): Command;
+ /**
+ * Define argument syntax for the top-level command.
+ *
+ * @param {string} desc
+ * @returns {Command} for chaining
+ */
+ arguments(desc: string): Command;
+ /**
+ * Parse expected `args`.
+ *
+ * For example `["[type]"]` becomes `[{ required: false, name: 'type' }]`.
+ *
+ * @param {string[]} args
+ * @returns {Command} for chaining
+ */
+ parseExpectedArgs(args: string[]): Command;
+ /**
+ * Register callback `fn` for the command.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * program
+ * .command('help')
+ * .description('display verbose help')
+ * .action(function() {
+ * // output help here
+ * });
+ *
+ * @param {(...args: any[]) => void} fn
+ * @returns {Command} for chaining
+ */
+ action(fn: (...args: any[]) => void): Command;
+ /**
+ * Define option with `flags`, `description` and optional
+ * coercion `fn`.
+ *
+ * The `flags` string should contain both the short and long flags,
+ * separated by comma, a pipe or space. The following are all valid
+ * all will output this way when `--help` is used.
+ *
+ * "-p, --pepper"
+ * "-p|--pepper"
+ * "-p --pepper"
+ *
+ * @example
+ * // simple boolean defaulting to false
+ * program.option('-p, --pepper', 'add pepper');
+ *
+ * --pepper
+ * program.pepper
+ * // => Boolean
+ *
+ * // simple boolean defaulting to true
+ * program.option('-C, --no-cheese', 'remove cheese');
+ *
+ * program.cheese
+ * // => true
+ *
+ * --no-cheese
+ * program.cheese
+ * // => false
+ *
+ * // required argument
+ * program.option('-C, --chdir <path>', 'change the working directory');
+ *
+ * --chdir /tmp
+ * program.chdir
+ * // => "/tmp"
+ *
+ * // optional argument
+ * program.option('-c, --cheese [type]', 'add cheese [marble]');
+ *
+ * @param {string} flags
+ * @param {string} [description]
+ * @param {((arg1: any, arg2: any) => void) | RegExp} [fn] function or default
+ * @param {*} [defaultValue]
+ * @returns {Command} for chaining
+ */
+ option(flags: string, description?: string, fn?: ((arg1: any, arg2: any) => void) | RegExp, defaultValue?: any): Command;
+ option(flags: string, description?: string, defaultValue?: any): Command;
+ /**
+ * Allow unknown options on the command line.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} [arg] if `true` or omitted, no error will be thrown for unknown options.
+ * @returns {Command} for chaining
+ */
+ allowUnknownOption(arg?: boolean): Command;
+ /**
+ * Parse `argv`, settings options and invoking commands when defined.
+ *
+ * @param {string[]} argv
+ * @returns {Command} for chaining
+ */
+ parse(argv: string[]): Command;
+ /**
+ * Parse options from `argv` returning `argv` void of these options.
+ *
+ * @param {string[]} argv
+ * @returns {ParseOptionsResult}
+ */
+ parseOptions(argv: string[]): commander.ParseOptionsResult;
+ /**
+ * Return an object containing options as key-value pairs
+ *
+ * @returns {{[key: string]: any}}
+ */
+ opts(): { [key: string]: any };
+ /**
+ * Set the description to `str`.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str
+ * @param {{[argName: string]: string}} argsDescription
+ * @return {(Command | string)}
+ */
+ description(str: string, argsDescription?: {[argName: string]: string}): Command;
+ description(): string;
+ /**
+ * Set an alias for the command.
+ *
+ * @param {string} alias
+ * @return {(Command | string)}
+ */
+ alias(alias: string): Command;
+ alias(): string;
+ /**
+ * Set or get the command usage.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str
+ * @return {(Command | string)}
+ */
+ usage(str: string): Command;
+ usage(): string;
+ /**
+ * Set the name of the command.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str
+ * @return {Command}
+ */
+ name(str: string): Command;
+ /**
+ * Get the name of the command.
+ *
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+ name(): string;
+ /**
+ * Output help information for this command.
+ *
+ * @param {(str: string) => string} [cb]
+ */
+ outputHelp(cb?: (str: string) => string): void;
+ /** Output help information and exit.
+ *
+ * @param {(str: string) => string} [cb]
+ */
+ help(cb?: (str: string) => string): never;
+ }
+declare namespace commander {
+ type Command = local.Command
+ type Option = local.Option
+ interface CommandOptions {
+ noHelp?: boolean;
+ isDefault?: boolean;
+ }
+ interface ParseOptionsResult {
+ args: string[];
+ unknown: string[];
+ }
+ interface CommanderStatic extends Command {
+ Command: typeof local.Command;
+ Option: typeof local.Option;
+ CommandOptions: CommandOptions;
+ ParseOptionsResult: ParseOptionsResult;
+ }
+declare const commander: commander.CommanderStatic;
+export = commander;