// Copyright 2018 yuzu Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #pragma once #include <mutex> #include <set> #include <unordered_map> #include <boost/icl/interval_map.hpp> #include <boost/range/iterator_range_core.hpp> #include "common/common_types.h" #include "core/settings.h" #include "video_core/gpu.h" #include "video_core/rasterizer_interface.h" class RasterizerCacheObject { public: explicit RasterizerCacheObject(const u8* host_ptr) : host_ptr{host_ptr}, cache_addr{ToCacheAddr(host_ptr)} {} virtual ~RasterizerCacheObject(); CacheAddr GetCacheAddr() const { return cache_addr; } const u8* GetHostPtr() const { return host_ptr; } /// Gets the address of the shader in guest memory, required for cache management virtual VAddr GetCpuAddr() const = 0; /// Gets the size of the shader in guest memory, required for cache management virtual std::size_t GetSizeInBytes() const = 0; /// Sets whether the cached object should be considered registered void SetIsRegistered(bool registered) { is_registered = registered; } /// Returns true if the cached object is registered bool IsRegistered() const { return is_registered; } /// Returns true if the cached object is dirty bool IsDirty() const { return is_dirty; } /// Returns ticks from when this cached object was last modified u64 GetLastModifiedTicks() const { return last_modified_ticks; } /// Marks an object as recently modified, used to specify whether it is clean or dirty template <class T> void MarkAsModified(bool dirty, T& cache) { is_dirty = dirty; last_modified_ticks = cache.GetModifiedTicks(); } private: bool is_registered{}; ///< Whether the object is currently registered with the cache bool is_dirty{}; ///< Whether the object is dirty (out of sync with guest memory) u64 last_modified_ticks{}; ///< When the object was last modified, used for in-order flushing const u8* host_ptr{}; ///< Pointer to the memory backing this cached region CacheAddr cache_addr{}; ///< Cache address memory, unique from emulated virtual address space }; template <class T> class RasterizerCache : NonCopyable { friend class RasterizerCacheObject; public: explicit RasterizerCache(VideoCore::RasterizerInterface& rasterizer) : rasterizer{rasterizer} {} /// Write any cached resources overlapping the specified region back to memory void FlushRegion(CacheAddr addr, std::size_t size) { std::lock_guard lock{mutex}; const auto& objects{GetSortedObjectsFromRegion(addr, size)}; for (auto& object : objects) { FlushObject(object); } } /// Mark the specified region as being invalidated void InvalidateRegion(CacheAddr addr, u64 size) { std::lock_guard lock{mutex}; const auto& objects{GetSortedObjectsFromRegion(addr, size)}; for (auto& object : objects) { if (!object->IsRegistered()) { // Skip duplicates continue; } Unregister(object); } } /// Invalidates everything in the cache void InvalidateAll() { std::lock_guard lock{mutex}; while (interval_cache.begin() != interval_cache.end()) { Unregister(*interval_cache.begin()->second.begin()); } } protected: /// Tries to get an object from the cache with the specified cache address T TryGet(CacheAddr addr) const { const auto iter = map_cache.find(addr); if (iter != map_cache.end()) return iter->second; return nullptr; } T TryGet(const void* addr) const { const auto iter = map_cache.find(ToCacheAddr(addr)); if (iter != map_cache.end()) return iter->second; return nullptr; } /// Register an object into the cache virtual void Register(const T& object) { std::lock_guard lock{mutex}; object->SetIsRegistered(true); interval_cache.add({GetInterval(object), ObjectSet{object}}); map_cache.insert({object->GetCacheAddr(), object}); rasterizer.UpdatePagesCachedCount(object->GetCpuAddr(), object->GetSizeInBytes(), 1); } /// Unregisters an object from the cache virtual void Unregister(const T& object) { std::lock_guard lock{mutex}; object->SetIsRegistered(false); rasterizer.UpdatePagesCachedCount(object->GetCpuAddr(), object->GetSizeInBytes(), -1); const CacheAddr addr = object->GetCacheAddr(); interval_cache.subtract({GetInterval(object), ObjectSet{object}}); map_cache.erase(addr); } /// Returns a ticks counter used for tracking when cached objects were last modified u64 GetModifiedTicks() { std::lock_guard lock{mutex}; return ++modified_ticks; } virtual void FlushObjectInner(const T& object) = 0; /// Flushes the specified object, updating appropriate cache state as needed void FlushObject(const T& object) { std::lock_guard lock{mutex}; if (!object->IsDirty()) { return; } FlushObjectInner(object); object->MarkAsModified(false, *this); } std::recursive_mutex mutex; private: /// Returns a list of cached objects from the specified memory region, ordered by access time std::vector<T> GetSortedObjectsFromRegion(CacheAddr addr, u64 size) { if (size == 0) { return {}; } std::vector<T> objects; const ObjectInterval interval{addr, addr + size}; for (auto& pair : boost::make_iterator_range(interval_cache.equal_range(interval))) { for (auto& cached_object : pair.second) { if (!cached_object) { continue; } objects.push_back(cached_object); } } std::sort(objects.begin(), objects.end(), [](const T& a, const T& b) -> bool { return a->GetLastModifiedTicks() < b->GetLastModifiedTicks(); }); return objects; } using ObjectSet = std::set<T>; using ObjectCache = std::unordered_map<CacheAddr, T>; using IntervalCache = boost::icl::interval_map<CacheAddr, ObjectSet>; using ObjectInterval = typename IntervalCache::interval_type; static auto GetInterval(const T& object) { return ObjectInterval::right_open(object->GetCacheAddr(), object->GetCacheAddr() + object->GetSizeInBytes()); } ObjectCache map_cache; IntervalCache interval_cache; ///< Cache of objects u64 modified_ticks{}; ///< Counter of cache state ticks, used for in-order flushing VideoCore::RasterizerInterface& rasterizer; };