#include "common.h" #include "patcher.h" #include "AnimBlendAssociation.h" #include "Boat.h" #include "SpecialFX.h" #include "CarCtrl.h" #include "CivilianPed.h" #include "Clock.h" #include "DMAudio.h" #include "Draw.h" #include "Heli.h" #include "math/Matrix.h" #include "ModelIndices.h" #include "ModelInfo.h" #include "Object.h" #include "Pad.h" #include "PhoneInfo.h" #include "Pickups.h" #include "Plane.h" #include "Pools.h" #include "Population.h" #include "Replay.h" #include "RpAnimBlend.h" #include "RwHelper.h" #include "CutsceneMgr.h" #include "render/Skidmarks.h" #include "Streaming.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "Train.h" #include "Weather.h" #include "Zones.h" #include "Font.h" #include "Text.h" uint8 &CReplay::Mode = *(uint8*)0x95CD5B; CAddressInReplayBuffer &CReplay::Record = *(CAddressInReplayBuffer*)0x942F7C; CAddressInReplayBuffer &CReplay::Playback = *(CAddressInReplayBuffer*)0x8F5F48; uint8 *&CReplay::pBuf0 = *(uint8**)0x8E2C64; CAutomobile *&CReplay::pBuf1 = *(CAutomobile**)0x8E2C68; uint8 *&CReplay::pBuf2 = *(uint8**)0x8E2C6C; CPlayerPed *&CReplay::pBuf3 = *(CPlayerPed**)0x8E2C70; uint8 *&CReplay::pBuf4 = *(uint8**)0x8E2C74; CCutsceneHead *&CReplay::pBuf5 = *(CCutsceneHead**)0x8E2C78; uint8 *&CReplay::pBuf6 = *(uint8**)0x8E2C80; CPtrNode *&CReplay::pBuf7 = *(CPtrNode**)0x8E2C84; uint8 *&CReplay::pBuf8 = *(uint8**)0x8E2C54; CEntryInfoNode *&CReplay::pBuf9 = *(CEntryInfoNode**)0x8E2C58; uint8 *&CReplay::pBuf10 = *(uint8**)0x8F2C28; CDummyPed *&CReplay::pBuf11 = *(CDummyPed**)0x8F2C2C; uint8 *&CReplay::pRadarBlips = *(uint8**)0x8F29F8; uint8 *&CReplay::pStoredCam = *(uint8**)0x8F2C34; uint8 *&CReplay::pWorld1 = *(uint8**)0x8E29C4; CReference *&CReplay::pEmptyReferences = *(CReference**)0x8F256C; CStoredDetailedAnimationState *&CReplay::pPedAnims = *(CStoredDetailedAnimationState**)0x8F6260; uint8 *&CReplay::pPickups = *(uint8**)0x8F1A48; uint8 *&CReplay::pReferences = *(uint8**)0x880FAC; uint8(&CReplay::BufferStatus)[8] = *(uint8(*)[8])*(uintptr*)0x8804D8; uint8(&CReplay::Buffers)[8][100000] = *(uint8(*)[8][100000])*(uintptr*)0x779958; bool &CReplay::bPlayingBackFromFile = *(bool*)0x95CD58; bool &CReplay::bReplayEnabled = *(bool*)0x617CAC; uint32 &CReplay::SlowMotion = *(uint32*)0x9414D4; uint32 &CReplay::FramesActiveLookAroundCam = *(uint32*)0x880F84; bool &CReplay::bDoLoadSceneWhenDone = *(bool*)0x95CD76; CPtrList &CReplay::WorldPtrList = *(CPtrList*)0x880F90; CPtrList &CReplay::BigBuildingPtrList = *(CPtrList*)0x941284; CWanted &CReplay::PlayerWanted = *(CWanted*)0x8F6278; CPlayerInfo &CReplay::PlayerInfo = *(CPlayerInfo*)0x8F5840; uint32 &CReplay::Time1 = *(uint32*)0x8F29DC; uint32 &CReplay::Time2 = *(uint32*)0x8F29D0; uint32 &CReplay::Time3 = *(uint32*)0x8F29D4; uint32 &CReplay::Time4 = *(uint32*)0x8F29C8; uint32 &CReplay::Frame = *(uint32*)0x8F2554; uint8 &CReplay::ClockHours = *(uint8*)0x95CDC5; uint8 &CReplay::ClockMinutes = *(uint8*)0x95CDA2; uint16 &CReplay::OldWeatherType = *(uint16*)0x95CCEA; uint16 &CReplay::NewWeatherType = *(uint16*)0x95CC6E; float &CReplay::WeatherInterpolationValue = *(float*)0x8F1A28; float &CReplay::TimeStepNonClipped = *(float*)0x8F5FF4; float &CReplay::TimeStep = *(float*)0x8F2C24; float &CReplay::TimeScale = *(float*)0x880E20; float &CReplay::CameraFixedX = *(float*)0x943054; float &CReplay::CameraFixedY = *(float*)0x943058; float &CReplay::CameraFixedZ = *(float*)0x94305C; int32 &CReplay::OldRadioStation = *(int32*)0x94151C; int8 &CReplay::CameraMode = *(int8*)0x95CD5F; bool &CReplay::bAllowLookAroundCam = *(bool*)0x95CDCD; float &CReplay::LoadSceneX = *(float*)0x880F9C; float &CReplay::LoadSceneY = *(float*)0x880F98; float &CReplay::LoadSceneZ = *(float*)0x880F94; float &CReplay::CameraFocusX = *(float*)0x942F5C; float &CReplay::CameraFocusY = *(float*)0x942F74; float &CReplay::CameraFocusZ = *(float*)0x942F58; bool &CReplay::bPlayerInRCBuggy = *(bool*)0x95CDC3; static void(*(&CBArray)[30])(CAnimBlendAssociation*, void*) = *(void(*(*)[30])(CAnimBlendAssociation*, void*))*(uintptr*)0x61052C; static void(*CBArray_RE3[])(CAnimBlendAssociation*, void*) = { nil, &CPed::PedGetupCB, &CPed::PedStaggerCB, &CPed::PedEvadeCB, &CPed::FinishDieAnimCB, &CPed::FinishedWaitCB, &CPed::FinishLaunchCB, &CPed::FinishHitHeadCB, &CPed::PedAnimGetInCB, &CPed::PedAnimDoorOpenCB, &CPed::PedAnimPullPedOutCB, &CPed::PedAnimDoorCloseCB, &CPed::SetInCarCB, &CPed::PedSetOutCarCB, &CPed::PedAnimAlignCB, &CPed::PedSetDraggedOutCarCB, &CPed::PedAnimStepOutCarCB, &CPed::PedSetInTrainCB, &CPed::PedSetOutTrainCB, &CPed::FinishedAttackCB, &CPed::FinishFightMoveCB, &PhonePutDownCB, &PhonePickUpCB, &CPed::PedAnimDoorCloseRollingCB, &CPed::FinishJumpCB, &CPed::PedLandCB, &FinishFuckUCB, &CPed::RestoreHeadingRateCB, &CPed::PedSetQuickDraggedOutCarPositionCB, &CPed::PedSetDraggedOutCarPositionCB }; #if 0 WRAPPER uint8 FindCBFunctionID(void(*f)(CAnimBlendAssociation*, void*)) { EAXJMP(0x584E70); } #else static uint8 FindCBFunctionID(void(*f)(CAnimBlendAssociation*, void*)) { for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(CBArray) / sizeof(*CBArray); i++){ if (CBArray[i] == f) return i; } for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(CBArray_RE3) / sizeof(*CBArray_RE3); i++) { if (CBArray_RE3[i] == f) return i; } return 0; } #endif static void(*FindCBFunction(uint8 id))(CAnimBlendAssociation*, void*) { return CBArray_RE3[id]; } WRAPPER static void ApplyPanelDamageToCar(uint32, CAutomobile*, bool) { EAXJMP(0x584EA0); } void PrintElementsInPtrList(void) { for (CPtrNode* node = CWorld::GetBigBuildingList(LEVEL_NONE).first; node; node = node->next) { /* Most likely debug print was present here */ } } void CReplay::Init(void) { pBuf0 = nil; pBuf1 = nil; pBuf2 = nil; pBuf3 = nil; pBuf4 = nil; pBuf5 = nil; pBuf6 = nil; pBuf7 = nil; pBuf8 = nil; pBuf9 = nil; pBuf10 = nil; pBuf11 = nil; pRadarBlips = nil; pStoredCam = nil; pWorld1 = nil; pEmptyReferences = nil; pPedAnims = nil; pPickups = nil; pReferences = nil; Mode = MODE_RECORD; Playback.m_nOffset = 0; Playback.m_pBase = nil; Playback.m_bSlot = 0; Record.m_nOffset = 0; Record.m_pBase = nil; Record.m_bSlot = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) BufferStatus[i] = REPLAYBUFFER_UNUSED; Record.m_bSlot = 0; Record.m_pBase = Buffers[0]; BufferStatus[0] = REPLAYBUFFER_RECORD; Buffers[0][Record.m_nOffset] = REPLAYPACKET_END; bPlayingBackFromFile = false; bReplayEnabled = true; SlowMotion = 1; FramesActiveLookAroundCam = 0; bDoLoadSceneWhenDone = false; } void CReplay::DisableReplays(void) { bReplayEnabled = false; } void CReplay::EnableReplays(void) { bReplayEnabled = true; } void PlayReplayFromHD(void); void CReplay::Update(void) { if (CCutsceneMgr::IsCutsceneProcessing() || CTimer::GetIsPaused()) return; switch (Mode){ case MODE_RECORD: RecordThisFrame(); break; case MODE_PLAYBACK: PlaybackThisFrame(); break; } if (CDraw::FadeValue || !bReplayEnabled) return; if (Mode == MODE_PLAYBACK){ if (CPad::NewKeyState.F[0] && !CPad::OldKeyState.F[0]) FinishPlayback(); } else if (Mode == MODE_RECORD){ if (CPad::NewKeyState.F[0] && !CPad::OldKeyState.F[0]) TriggerPlayback(REPLAYCAMMODE_ASSTORED, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, false); if (CPad::NewKeyState.F[1] && !CPad::OldKeyState.F[1]) SaveReplayToHD(); if (CPad::NewKeyState.F[2] && !CPad::OldKeyState.F[2]) PlayReplayFromHD(); } } #if 0 WRAPPER void CReplay::RecordThisFrame(void) { EAXJMP(0x5932B0); } #else void CReplay::RecordThisFrame(void) { tGeneralPacket* general = (tGeneralPacket*)&Record.m_pBase[Record.m_nOffset]; general->type = REPLAYPACKET_GENERAL; general->camera_pos.CopyOnlyMatrix(&TheCamera.GetMatrix()); general->player_pos = FindPlayerCoors(); general->in_rcvehicle = CWorld::Players[CWorld::PlayerInFocus].m_pRemoteVehicle ? true : false; Record.m_nOffset += sizeof(*general); tClockPacket* clock = (tClockPacket*)&Record.m_pBase[Record.m_nOffset]; clock->type = REPLAYPACKET_CLOCK; clock->hours = CClock::GetHours(); clock->minutes = CClock::GetMinutes(); Record.m_nOffset += sizeof(*clock); tWeatherPacket* weather = (tWeatherPacket*)&Record.m_pBase[Record.m_nOffset]; weather->type = REPLAYPACKET_WEATHER; weather->old_weather = CWeather::OldWeatherType; weather->new_weather = CWeather::NewWeatherType; weather->interpolation = CWeather::InterpolationValue; Record.m_nOffset += sizeof(*weather); tTimerPacket* timer = (tTimerPacket*)&Record.m_pBase[Record.m_nOffset]; timer->type = REPLAYPACKET_TIMER; timer->timer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(); Record.m_nOffset += sizeof(*timer); CVehiclePool* vehicles = CPools::GetVehiclePool(); for (int i = 0; i < vehicles->GetSize(); i++){ CVehicle* v = vehicles->GetSlot(i); if (v && v->m_rwObject && v->GetModelIndex() != MI_AIRTRAIN && v->GetModelIndex() != MI_TRAIN) StoreCarUpdate(v, i); } CPedPool* peds = CPools::GetPedPool(); for (int i = 0; i < peds->GetSize(); i++) { CPed* p = peds->GetSlot(i); if (!p || !p->m_rwObject) continue; if (!p->bRecordedForReplay){ tPedHeaderPacket* ph = (tPedHeaderPacket*)&Record.m_pBase[Record.m_nOffset]; ph->type = REPLAYPACKET_PED_HEADER; ph->index = i; ph->mi = p->GetModelIndex(); ph->pedtype = p->m_nPedType; Record.m_nOffset += sizeof(*ph); p->bRecordedForReplay = true; } StorePedUpdate(p, i); } for (uint8 i = 0; i < 16; i++){ if (!CBulletTraces::aTraces[i].m_bInUse) continue; tBulletTracePacket* bt = (tBulletTracePacket*)&Record.m_pBase[Record.m_nOffset]; bt->type = REPLAYPACKET_BULLET_TRACES; bt->index = i; bt->frames = CBulletTraces::aTraces[i].m_framesInUse; bt->lifetime = CBulletTraces::aTraces[i].m_lifeTime; bt->inf = CBulletTraces::aTraces[i].m_vecInf; bt->sup = CBulletTraces::aTraces[i].m_vecSup; Record.m_nOffset += sizeof(*bt); } tEndOfFramePacket* eof = (tEndOfFramePacket*)&Record.m_pBase[Record.m_nOffset]; eof->type = REPLAYPACKET_ENDOFFRAME; Record.m_nOffset += sizeof(*eof); if (Record.m_nOffset <= 97000){ /* Unsafe assumption which can cause buffer overflow * if size of next frame exceeds 3000 bytes. * Most notably it causes various timecyc errors. */ Record.m_pBase[Record.m_nOffset] = REPLAYPACKET_END; return; } Record.m_pBase[Record.m_nOffset] = REPLAYPACKET_END; BufferStatus[Record.m_bSlot] = REPLAYBUFFER_PLAYBACK; Record.m_bSlot = (Record.m_bSlot + 1) % 8; BufferStatus[Record.m_bSlot] = REPLAYBUFFER_RECORD; Record.m_pBase = Buffers[Record.m_bSlot]; Record.m_nOffset = 0; *Record.m_pBase = REPLAYPACKET_END; MarkEverythingAsNew(); } #endif #if 0 WRAPPER void CReplay::StorePedUpdate(CPed *ped, int id) { EAXJMP(0x5935B0); } #else void CReplay::StorePedUpdate(CPed *ped, int id) { tPedUpdatePacket* pp = (tPedUpdatePacket*)&Record.m_pBase[Record.m_nOffset]; pp->type = REPLAYPACKET_PED_UPDATE; pp->index = id; pp->heading = 128.0f / M_PI * ped->m_fRotationCur; pp->matrix.CompressFromFullMatrix(ped->GetMatrix()); pp->assoc_group_id = ped->m_animGroup; /* Would be more sane to use GetJustIndex(ped->m_pMyVehicle) in following assignment */ if (ped->bInVehicle && ped->m_pMyVehicle) pp->vehicle_index = (CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetIndex(ped->m_pMyVehicle) >> 8) + 1; else pp->vehicle_index = 0; pp->weapon_model = ped->m_wepModelID; StorePedAnimation(ped, &pp->anim_state); Record.m_nOffset += sizeof(tPedUpdatePacket); } #endif #if 0 WRAPPER void CReplay::StorePedAnimation(CPed *ped, CStoredAnimationState *state) { EAXJMP(0x593670); } #else void CReplay::StorePedAnimation(CPed *ped, CStoredAnimationState *state) { CAnimBlendAssociation* second; float blend_amount; CAnimBlendAssociation* main = RpAnimBlendClumpGetMainAssociation((RpClump*)ped->m_rwObject, &second, &blend_amount); if (main){ state->animId = main->animId; state->time = 255.0f / 4.0f * max(0.0f, min(4.0f, main->currentTime)); state->speed = 255.0f / 3.0f * max(0.0f, min(3.0f, main->speed)); }else{ state->animId = 3; state->time = 0; state->speed = 85; } if (second) { state->secAnimId = second->animId; state->secTime = 255.0f / 4.0f * max(0.0f, min(4.0f, second->currentTime)); state->secSpeed = 255.0f / 3.0f * max(0.0f, min(3.0f, second->speed)); state->blendAmount = 255.0f / 2.0f * max(0.0f, min(2.0f, blend_amount)); }else{ state->secAnimId = 0; state->secTime = 0; state->secSpeed = 0; state->blendAmount = 0; } CAnimBlendAssociation* partial = RpAnimBlendClumpGetMainPartialAssociation((RpClump*)ped->m_rwObject); if (partial) { state->partAnimId = partial->animId; state->partAnimTime = 255.0f / 4.0f * max(0.0f, min(4.0f, partial->currentTime)); state->partAnimSpeed = 255.0f / 3.0f * max(0.0f, min(3.0f, partial->speed)); state->partBlendAmount = 255.0f / 2.0f * max(0.0f, min(2.0f, partial->blendAmount)); }else{ state->partAnimId = 0; state->partAnimTime = 0; state->partAnimSpeed = 0; state->partBlendAmount = 0; } } #endif #if 0 WRAPPER void CReplay::StoreDetailedPedAnimation(CPed *ped, CStoredDetailedAnimationState *state) { EAXJMP(0x593BB0); } #else void CReplay::StoreDetailedPedAnimation(CPed *ped, CStoredDetailedAnimationState *state) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ CAnimBlendAssociation* assoc = RpAnimBlendClumpGetMainAssociation_N((RpClump*)ped->m_rwObject, i); if (assoc){ state->aAnimId[i] = assoc->animId; state->aCurTime[i] = 255.0f / 4.0f * max(0.0f, min(4.0f, assoc->currentTime)); state->aSpeed[i] = 255.0f / 3.0f * max(0.0f, min(3.0f, assoc->speed)); state->aBlendAmount[i] = 255.0f / 2.0f * max(0.0f, min(2.0f, assoc->blendAmount)); state->aFlags[i] = assoc->flags; if (assoc->callbackType == CAnimBlendAssociation::CB_FINISH || assoc->callbackType == CAnimBlendAssociation::CB_DELETE) { state->aFunctionCallbackID[i] = FindCBFunctionID(assoc->callback); if (assoc->callbackType == CAnimBlendAssociation::CB_FINISH) state->aFunctionCallbackID[i] |= 0x80; }else{ state->aFunctionCallbackID[i] = 0; } }else{ state->aAnimId[i] = NUM_ANIMS; state->aCurTime[i] = 0; state->aSpeed[i] = 85; state->aFunctionCallbackID[i] = 0; state->aFlags[i] = 0; } } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { CAnimBlendAssociation* assoc = RpAnimBlendClumpGetMainPartialAssociation_N((RpClump*)ped->m_rwObject, i); if (assoc) { state->aAnimId2[i] = assoc->animId; state->aCurTime2[i] = 255.0f / 4.0f * max(0.0f, min(4.0f, assoc->currentTime)); state->aSpeed2[i] = 255.0f / 3.0f * max(0.0f, min(3.0f, assoc->speed)); state->aBlendAmount2[i] = 255.0f / 2.0f * max(0.0f, min(2.0f, assoc->blendAmount)); state->aFlags2[i] = assoc->flags; if (assoc->callbackType == CAnimBlendAssociation::CB_FINISH || assoc->callbackType == CAnimBlendAssociation::CB_DELETE) { state->aFunctionCallbackID2[i] = FindCBFunctionID(assoc->callback); if (assoc->callbackType == CAnimBlendAssociation::CB_FINISH) state->aFunctionCallbackID2[i] |= 0x80; }else{ state->aFunctionCallbackID2[i] = 0; } } else { state->aAnimId2[i] = NUM_ANIMS; state->aCurTime2[i] = 0; state->aSpeed2[i] = 85; state->aFunctionCallbackID2[i] = 0; state->aFlags2[i] = 0; } } } #endif #if 0 WRAPPER void CReplay::ProcessPedUpdate(CPed *ped, float interpolation, CAddressInReplayBuffer *buffer) { EAXJMP(0x594050); } #else void CReplay::ProcessPedUpdate(CPed *ped, float interpolation, CAddressInReplayBuffer *buffer) { tPedUpdatePacket *pp = (tPedUpdatePacket*)&buffer->m_pBase[buffer->m_nOffset]; if (!ped){ debug("Replay:Ped wasn't there\n"); buffer->m_nOffset += sizeof(tPedUpdatePacket); return; } ped->m_fRotationCur = pp->heading * M_PI / 128.0f; ped->m_fRotationDest = pp->heading * M_PI / 128.0f; CMatrix ped_matrix; pp->matrix.DecompressIntoFullMatrix(ped_matrix); ped->GetMatrix() = ped->GetMatrix() * CMatrix(1.0f - interpolation); *ped->GetMatrix().GetPosition() *= (1.0f - interpolation); ped->GetMatrix() += CMatrix(interpolation) * ped_matrix; if (pp->vehicle_index) { ped->m_pMyVehicle = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSlot(pp->vehicle_index - 1); ped->bInVehicle = pp->vehicle_index; } else { ped->m_pMyVehicle = nil; ped->bInVehicle = false; } if (pp->assoc_group_id != ped->m_animGroup) { ped->m_animGroup = (AssocGroupId)pp->assoc_group_id; if (ped == FindPlayerPed()) ((CPlayerPed*)ped)->ReApplyMoveAnims(); } RetrievePedAnimation(ped, &pp->anim_state); ped->RemoveWeaponModel(-1); if (pp->weapon_model != (uint8)-1) ped->AddWeaponModel(pp->weapon_model); CWorld::Remove(ped); CWorld::Add(ped); buffer->m_nOffset += sizeof(tPedUpdatePacket); } #endif #if 0 WRAPPER void CReplay::RetrievePedAnimation(CPed *ped, CStoredAnimationState *state) { EAXJMP(0x5942A0); } #else void CReplay::RetrievePedAnimation(CPed *ped, CStoredAnimationState *state) { CAnimBlendAssociation* anim1 = CAnimManager::BlendAnimation( (RpClump*)ped->m_rwObject, (state->animId > 3) ? ASSOCGRP_STD : ped->m_animGroup, (AnimationId)state->animId, 100.0f); anim1->SetCurrentTime(state->time * 4.0f / 255.0f); anim1->speed = state->speed * 3.0f / 255.0f; anim1->SetBlend(1.0f, 1.0f); anim1->callbackType = CAnimBlendAssociation::CB_NONE; if (state->blendAmount && state->secAnimId){ float time = state->secTime * 4.0f / 255.0f; float speed = state->secSpeed * 3.0f / 255.0f; float blend = state->blendAmount * 2.0f / 255.0f; CAnimBlendAssociation* anim2 = CAnimManager::BlendAnimation( (RpClump*)ped->m_rwObject, (state->secAnimId > 3) ? ASSOCGRP_STD : ped->m_animGroup, (AnimationId)state->secAnimId, 100.0f); anim2->SetCurrentTime(time); anim2->speed = speed; anim2->SetBlend(blend, 1.0f); anim2->callbackType = CAnimBlendAssociation::CB_NONE; } RpAnimBlendClumpRemoveAssociations((RpClump*)ped->m_rwObject, 0x10); if (state->partAnimId){ float time = state->partAnimTime * 4.0f / 255.0f; float speed = state->partAnimSpeed * 3.0f / 255.0f; float blend = state->partBlendAmount * 2.0f / 255.0f; if (blend > 0.0f && state->partAnimId != ANIM_IDLE_STANCE){ CAnimBlendAssociation* anim3 = CAnimManager::BlendAnimation( (RpClump*)ped->m_rwObject, ASSOCGRP_STD, (AnimationId)state->partAnimId, 1000.0f); anim3->SetCurrentTime(time); anim3->speed = speed; anim3->SetBlend(blend, 0.0f); } } } #endif #if 0 WRAPPER void CReplay::RetrieveDetailedPedAnimation(CPed *ped, CStoredDetailedAnimationState *state) { EAXJMP(0x5944B0); } #else void CReplay::RetrieveDetailedPedAnimation(CPed *ped, CStoredDetailedAnimationState *state) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ if (state->aAnimId[i] == NUM_ANIMS) continue; CAnimBlendAssociation* anim = CAnimManager::BlendAnimation( (RpClump*)ped->m_rwObject, state->aAnimId[i] > 3 ? ASSOCGRP_STD : ped->m_animGroup, (AnimationId)state->aAnimId[i], 100.0f); anim->SetCurrentTime(state->aCurTime[i] * 4.0f / 255.0f); anim->speed = state->aSpeed[i] * 3.0f / 255.0f; /* Lack of commented out calculation causes megajump */ anim->SetBlend(state->aBlendAmount[i] /* * 2.0f / 255.0f */, 1.0f); anim->flags = state->aFlags[i]; uint8 callback = state->aFunctionCallbackID[i]; if (!callback) anim->callbackType = CAnimBlendAssociation::CB_NONE; else if (callback & 0x80) anim->SetFinishCallback(FindCBFunction(callback & 0x7F), ped); else anim->SetDeleteCallback(FindCBFunction(callback & 0x7F), ped); } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (state->aAnimId2[i] == NUM_ANIMS) continue; CAnimBlendAssociation* anim = CAnimManager::BlendAnimation( (RpClump*)ped->m_rwObject, state->aAnimId2[i] > 3 ? ASSOCGRP_STD : ped->m_animGroup, (AnimationId)state->aAnimId2[i], 100.0f); anim->SetCurrentTime(state->aCurTime2[i] * 4.0f / 255.0f); anim->speed = state->aSpeed2[i] * 3.0f / 255.0f; /* Lack of commented out calculation causes megajump */ anim->SetBlend(state->aBlendAmount2[i] /* * 2.0f / 255.0f */, 1.0f); anim->flags = state->aFlags2[i]; uint8 callback = state->aFunctionCallbackID2[i]; if (!callback) anim->callbackType = CAnimBlendAssociation::CB_NONE; else if (callback & 0x80) anim->SetFinishCallback(FindCBFunction(callback & 0x7F), ped); else anim->SetDeleteCallback(FindCBFunction(callback & 0x7F), ped); } } #endif #if 0 WRAPPER void CReplay::PlaybackThisFrame(void) { EAXJMP(0x5946B0); } #else void CReplay::PlaybackThisFrame(void) { static int SlowMotionCounter = 0; CAddressInReplayBuffer buf = Playback; if (PlayBackThisFrameInterpolation(&buf, 1.0f, nil)){ DMAudio.SetEffectsFadeVol(127); DMAudio.SetMusicFadeVol(127); return; } if (SlowMotionCounter){ CAddressInReplayBuffer buf_sm = buf; if (PlayBackThisFrameInterpolation(&buf_sm, SlowMotionCounter * 1.0f / SlowMotion, nil)){ DMAudio.SetEffectsFadeVol(127); DMAudio.SetMusicFadeVol(127); return; } } SlowMotionCounter = (SlowMotionCounter + 1) % SlowMotion; if (SlowMotionCounter == 0) Playback = buf; ProcessLookAroundCam(); DMAudio.SetEffectsFadeVol(0); DMAudio.SetMusicFadeVol(0); } #endif #if 0 WRAPPER void CReplay::StoreCarUpdate(CVehicle *vehicle, int id) { EAXJMP(0x5947F0); } #else void CReplay::StoreCarUpdate(CVehicle *vehicle, int id) { tVehicleUpdatePacket* vp = (tVehicleUpdatePacket*)&Record.m_pBase[Record.m_nOffset]; vp->type = REPLAYPACKET_VEHICLE; vp->index = id; vp->matrix.CompressFromFullMatrix(vehicle->GetMatrix()); vp->health = vehicle->m_fHealth / 4.0f; /* Not anticipated that health can be > 1000. */ vp->acceleration = vehicle->m_fGasPedal * 100.0f; vp->panels = vehicle->IsCar() ? ((CAutomobile*)vehicle)->m_DamageManager.m_abPanelsStatus : 0; vp->velocityX = 8000.0f * max(-4.0f, min(4.0f, vehicle->GetSpeed().x)); /* 8000!? */ vp->velocityY = 8000.0f * max(-4.0f, min(4.0f, vehicle->GetSpeed().y)); vp->velocityZ = 8000.0f * max(-4.0f, min(4.0f, vehicle->GetSpeed().z)); vp->mi = vehicle->GetModelIndex(); vp->primary_color = vehicle->m_currentColour1; vp->secondary_color = vehicle->m_currentColour2; if (vehicle->GetModelIndex() == MI_RHINO) vp->car_gun = 128.0f / M_PI * ((CAutomobile*)vehicle)->m_fCarGunLR; else vp->wheel_state = 50.0f * vehicle->m_fSteerAngle; if (vehicle->IsCar()){ CAutomobile* car = (CAutomobile*)vehicle; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ vp->wheel_susp_dist[i] = 50.0f * car->m_afWheelSuspDist[i]; vp->wheel_rotation[i] = 128.0f / M_PI * car->m_afWheelRotation[i]; } vp->door_angles[0] = 127.0f / M_PI * car->m_aDoors[2].m_fAngle; vp->door_angles[1] = 127.0f / M_PI * car->m_aDoors[3].m_fAngle; vp->door_status = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){ if (car->m_DamageManager.m_bDoorStatus[i] == 3) vp->door_status |= BIT(i); } } Record.m_nOffset += sizeof(tVehicleUpdatePacket); } #endif #if 0 WRAPPER void CReplay::ProcessCarUpdate(CVehicle *vehicle, float interpolation, CAddressInReplayBuffer *buffer) { EAXJMP(0x594D10); } #else void CReplay::ProcessCarUpdate(CVehicle *vehicle, float interpolation, CAddressInReplayBuffer *buffer) { tVehicleUpdatePacket* vp = (tVehicleUpdatePacket*)&buffer->m_pBase[buffer->m_nOffset]; if (!vehicle){ debug("Replay:Car wasn't there"); return; } CMatrix vehicle_matrix; vp->matrix.DecompressIntoFullMatrix(vehicle_matrix); vehicle->GetMatrix() = vehicle->GetMatrix() * CMatrix(1.0f - interpolation); *vehicle->GetMatrix().GetPosition() *= (1.0f - interpolation); vehicle->GetMatrix() += CMatrix(interpolation) * vehicle_matrix; vehicle->m_vecTurnSpeed = CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); vehicle->m_fHealth = 4 * vp->health; vehicle->m_fGasPedal = vp->acceleration / 100.0f; if (vehicle->IsCar()) ApplyPanelDamageToCar(vp->panels, (CAutomobile*)vehicle, true); vehicle->m_vecMoveSpeed = CVector(vp->velocityX / 8000.0f, vp->velocityY / 8000.0f, vp->velocityZ / 8000.0f); if (vehicle->GetModelIndex() == MI_RHINO) { ((CAutomobile*)vehicle)->m_fCarGunLR = vp->car_gun * M_PI / 128.0f; vehicle->m_fSteerAngle = 0.0f; }else{ vehicle->m_fSteerAngle = vp->wheel_state / 50.0f; } if (vehicle->IsCar()) { CAutomobile* car = (CAutomobile*)vehicle; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { car->m_afWheelSuspDist[i] = vp->wheel_susp_dist[i] / 50.0f; car->m_afWheelRotation[i] = vp->wheel_rotation[i] * M_PI / 128.0f; } car->m_aDoors[2].m_fAngle = car->m_aDoors[2].m_fPreviousAngle = vp->door_angles[0] * M_PI / 127.0f; car->m_aDoors[3].m_fAngle = car->m_aDoors[3].m_fPreviousAngle = vp->door_angles[1] * M_PI / 127.0f; if (vp->door_angles[0]) car->m_DamageManager.m_bDoorStatus[2] = 2; if (vp->door_angles[1]) car->m_DamageManager.m_bDoorStatus[3] = 2; if (vp->door_status & 1 && car->m_DamageManager.GetDoorStatus(CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_BONNET) != 3){ car->m_DamageManager.SetDoorStatus(CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_BONNET, 3); car->SetDoorDamage(17, CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_BONNET, true); } if (vp->door_status & 2 && car->m_DamageManager.GetDoorStatus(CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_BUMPER) != 3) { car->m_DamageManager.SetDoorStatus(CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_BUMPER, 3); car->SetDoorDamage(18, CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_BUMPER, true); } if (vp->door_status & 4 && car->m_DamageManager.GetDoorStatus(CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_LF) != 3) { car->m_DamageManager.SetDoorStatus(CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_LF, 3); car->SetDoorDamage(15, CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_LF, true); } if (vp->door_status & 8 && car->m_DamageManager.GetDoorStatus(CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_RF) != 3) { car->m_DamageManager.SetDoorStatus(CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_RF, 3); car->SetDoorDamage(11, CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_RF, true); } if (vp->door_status & 0x10 && car->m_DamageManager.GetDoorStatus(CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_LR) != 3) { car->m_DamageManager.SetDoorStatus(CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_LR, 3); car->SetDoorDamage(16, CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_LR, true); } if (vp->door_status & 0x20 && car->m_DamageManager.GetDoorStatus(CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_RR) != 3) { car->m_DamageManager.SetDoorStatus(CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_RR, 3); car->SetDoorDamage(12, CDamageManager::CAR_DOOR_RR, true); } vehicle->m_veh_flagA10 = true; if (vehicle->IsCar()) ((CAutomobile*)vehicle)->m_nDriveWheelsOnGround = 4; CWorld::Remove(vehicle); CWorld::Add(vehicle); if (vehicle->IsBoat()) ((CBoat*)vehicle)->m_bIsAnchored = false; } } #endif #if 0 WRAPPER bool CReplay::PlayBackThisFrameInterpolation(CAddressInReplayBuffer *buffer, float interpolation, uint32 *pTimer) { EAXJMP(0x595240); } #else bool CReplay::PlayBackThisFrameInterpolation(CAddressInReplayBuffer *buffer, float interpolation, uint32 *pTimer){ /* Mistake. Not even sure what this is even doing here... * PlayerWanted is a backup to restore at the end of replay. * Setting current wanted pointer to it makes it useless. * Causes picking up bribes in replays reducing wanted level bug. * Obviously fact of picking them up is a bug on its own, * but it doesn't cancel this one. */ FindPlayerPed()->m_pWanted = &PlayerWanted; CBulletTraces::Init(); float split = 1.0f - interpolation; int ped_min_index = 0; /* Optimization due to peds and vehicles placed in buffer sequentially. */ int vehicle_min_index = 0; /* So next ped can't have pool index less than current. */ for(;;){ uint8* ptr = buffer->m_pBase; uint32 offset = buffer->m_nOffset; uint8 type = ptr[offset]; if (type == REPLAYPACKET_ENDOFFRAME) break; switch (type) { case REPLAYPACKET_END: { int slot = buffer->m_bSlot; if (BufferStatus[slot] == REPLAYBUFFER_RECORD) { FinishPlayback(); return true; } buffer->m_bSlot = (slot + 1) % 8; buffer->m_nOffset = 0; buffer->m_pBase = Buffers[buffer->m_bSlot]; ped_min_index = 0; vehicle_min_index = 0; break; } case REPLAYPACKET_VEHICLE: { tVehicleUpdatePacket* vp = (tVehicleUpdatePacket*)&ptr[offset]; for (int i = vehicle_min_index; i < vp->index; i++) { CVehicle* v = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSlot(i); if (!v) continue; /* Removing vehicles not present in this frame. */ CWorld::Remove(v); delete v; } vehicle_min_index = vp->index + 1; CVehicle* v = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSlot(vp->index); CVehicle* new_v; if (!v) { int mi = vp->mi; if (CStreaming::ms_aInfoForModel[mi].m_loadState != 1) { CStreaming::RequestModel(mi, 0); } else { if (mi == MI_DEADDODO || mi == MI_AIRTRAIN) { new_v = new(vp->index << 8) CPlane(mi, 2); } else if (mi == MI_TRAIN) { new_v = new(vp->index << 8) CTrain(mi, 2); } else if (mi == MI_CHOPPER || mi == MI_ESCAPE) { new_v = new(vp->index << 8) CHeli(mi, 2); } else if (CModelInfo::IsBoatModel(mi)){ new_v = new(vp->index << 8) CBoat(mi, 2); } else{ new_v = new(vp->index << 8) CAutomobile(mi, 2); } new_v->m_status = STATUS_PLAYER_PLAYBACKFROMBUFFER; vp->matrix.DecompressIntoFullMatrix(new_v->GetMatrix()); new_v->m_currentColour1 = vp->primary_color; new_v->m_currentColour2 = vp->secondary_color; CWorld::Add(new_v); } } ProcessCarUpdate(CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSlot(vp->index), interpolation, buffer); buffer->m_nOffset += sizeof(tVehicleUpdatePacket); break; } case REPLAYPACKET_PED_HEADER: { tPedHeaderPacket* ph = (tPedHeaderPacket*)&ptr[offset]; if (!CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSlot(ph->index)) { if (CStreaming::ms_aInfoForModel[ph->mi].m_loadState != 1) { CStreaming::RequestModel(ph->mi, 0); } else { CPed* new_p = new(ph->index << 8) CCivilianPed(ph->pedtype, ph->mi); new_p->m_status = STATUS_PLAYER_PLAYBACKFROMBUFFER; new_p->GetMatrix().SetUnity(); CWorld::Add(new_p); } } buffer->m_nOffset += sizeof(tPedHeaderPacket); break; } case REPLAYPACKET_PED_UPDATE: { tPedUpdatePacket* pu = (tPedUpdatePacket*)&ptr[offset]; for (int i = ped_min_index; i < pu->index; i++) { CPed* p = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSlot(i); if (!p) continue; /* Removing peds not present in this frame. */ CWorld::Remove(p); delete p; } ped_min_index = pu->index + 1; ProcessPedUpdate(CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSlot(pu->index), interpolation, buffer); break; } case REPLAYPACKET_GENERAL: { tGeneralPacket* pg = (tGeneralPacket*)&ptr[offset]; TheCamera.GetMatrix() = TheCamera.GetMatrix() * CMatrix(split); *TheCamera.GetMatrix().GetPosition() *= split; TheCamera.GetMatrix() += CMatrix(interpolation) * pg->camera_pos; RwMatrix* pm = &RpAtomicGetFrame(&TheCamera.m_pRwCamera->object.object)->modelling; pm->pos = *(RwV3d*)TheCamera.GetMatrix().GetPosition(); pm->at = *(RwV3d*)TheCamera.GetMatrix().GetForward(); pm->up = *(RwV3d*)TheCamera.GetMatrix().GetUp(); pm->right = *(RwV3d*)TheCamera.GetMatrix().GetRight(); CameraFocusX = split * CameraFocusX + interpolation * pg->player_pos.x; CameraFocusY = split * CameraFocusY + interpolation * pg->player_pos.y; CameraFocusZ = split * CameraFocusZ + interpolation * pg->player_pos.z; bPlayerInRCBuggy = pg->in_rcvehicle; buffer->m_nOffset += sizeof(tGeneralPacket); break; } case REPLAYPACKET_CLOCK: { tClockPacket* pc = (tClockPacket*)&ptr[offset]; CClock::SetGameClock(pc->hours, pc->minutes); buffer->m_nOffset += sizeof(tClockPacket); break; } case REPLAYPACKET_WEATHER: { tWeatherPacket* pw = (tWeatherPacket*)&ptr[offset]; CWeather::OldWeatherType = pw->old_weather; CWeather::NewWeatherType = pw->new_weather; CWeather::InterpolationValue = pw->interpolation; buffer->m_nOffset += sizeof(tWeatherPacket); break; } case REPLAYPACKET_ENDOFFRAME: { /* Not supposed to be here. */ buffer->m_nOffset++; break; } case REPLAYPACKET_TIMER: { tTimerPacket* pt = (tTimerPacket*)&ptr[offset]; if (pTimer) *pTimer = pt->timer; CTimer::SetTimeInMilliseconds(pt->timer); buffer->m_nOffset += sizeof(tTimerPacket); break; } case REPLAYPACKET_BULLET_TRACES: { tBulletTracePacket* pb = (tBulletTracePacket*)&ptr[offset]; CBulletTraces::aTraces[pb->index].m_bInUse = true; CBulletTraces::aTraces[pb->index].m_framesInUse = pb->frames; CBulletTraces::aTraces[pb->index].m_lifeTime = pb->lifetime; CBulletTraces::aTraces[pb->index].m_vecInf = pb->inf; CBulletTraces::aTraces[pb->index].m_vecSup = pb->sup; buffer->m_nOffset += sizeof(tBulletTracePacket); } default: break; } } buffer->m_nOffset += 4; for (int i = vehicle_min_index; i < CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSize(); i++) { CVehicle* v = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSlot(i); if (!v) continue; /* Removing vehicles not present in this frame. */ CWorld::Remove(v); delete v; } for (int i = ped_min_index; i < CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSize(); i++) { CPed* p = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSlot(i); if (!p) continue; /* Removing peds not present in this frame. */ CWorld::Remove(p); delete p; } ProcessReplayCamera(); return false; } #endif #if 0 WRAPPER void CReplay::FinishPlayback(void) { EAXJMP(0x595B20); } #else void CReplay::FinishPlayback(void) { if (Mode != MODE_PLAYBACK) return; EmptyAllPools(); RestoreStuffFromMem(); Mode = MODE_RECORD; if (bDoLoadSceneWhenDone){ CVector v_ls(LoadSceneX, LoadSceneY, LoadSceneZ); CGame::currLevel = CTheZones::GetLevelFromPosition(v_ls); CCollision::SortOutCollisionAfterLoad(); CStreaming::LoadScene(v_ls); } bDoLoadSceneWhenDone = false; if (bPlayingBackFromFile){ Init(); MarkEverythingAsNew(); } DMAudio.SetEffectsFadeVol(127); DMAudio.SetMusicFadeVol(127); } #endif #if 0 WRAPPER void CReplay::EmptyReplayBuffer(void) { EAXJMP(0x595BD0); } #else void CReplay::EmptyReplayBuffer(void) { if (Mode == MODE_PLAYBACK) return; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ BufferStatus[i] = REPLAYBUFFER_UNUSED; } Record.m_bSlot = 0; Record.m_pBase = Buffers[0]; BufferStatus[0] = REPLAYBUFFER_RECORD; Record.m_pBase[Record.m_nOffset] = 0; MarkEverythingAsNew(); } #endif WRAPPER void CReplay::ProcessReplayCamera(void) { EAXJMP(0x595C40); } #if 0 WRAPPER void CReplay::TriggerPlayback(uint8 cam_mode, float cam_x, float cam_y, float cam_z, bool load_scene) { EAXJMP(0x596030); } #else void CReplay::TriggerPlayback(uint8 cam_mode, float cam_x, float cam_y, float cam_z, bool load_scene) { if (Mode != MODE_RECORD) return; CameraFixedX = cam_x; CameraFixedY = cam_y; CameraFixedZ = cam_z; Mode = MODE_PLAYBACK; FramesActiveLookAroundCam = 0; CameraMode = cam_mode; bAllowLookAroundCam = true; bPlayingBackFromFile = false; OldRadioStation = DMAudio.GetRadioInCar(); DMAudio.ChangeMusicMode(0); DMAudio.SetEffectsFadeVol(0); DMAudio.SetMusicFadeVol(0); int current; for (current = 0; current < 8; current++) if (BufferStatus[current] == REPLAYBUFFER_RECORD) break; int first; for (first = (current + 1) % 8; ; first = (first + 1) % 8) if (BufferStatus[first] == REPLAYBUFFER_RECORD || BufferStatus[first] == REPLAYBUFFER_PLAYBACK) break; Playback.m_bSlot = first; Playback.m_nOffset = 0; Playback.m_pBase = Buffers[first]; CObject::DeleteAllTempObjectInArea(CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 1000000.0f); StoreStuffInMem(); EmptyPedsAndVehiclePools(); SlowMotion = 1; CSkidmarks::Clear(); StreamAllNecessaryCarsAndPeds(); if (load_scene) bDoLoadSceneWhenDone = false; else{ bDoLoadSceneWhenDone = true; LoadSceneX = TheCamera.GetPosition().x; LoadSceneY = TheCamera.GetPosition().y; LoadSceneZ = TheCamera.GetPosition().z; CVector ff_coord; FindFirstFocusCoordinate(&ff_coord); CGame::currLevel = CTheZones::GetLevelFromPosition(ff_coord); CCollision::SortOutCollisionAfterLoad(); CStreaming::LoadScene(ff_coord); } if (cam_mode == REPLAYCAMMODE_ASSTORED) TheCamera.CarZoomIndicator = 5.0f; } #endif #if 0 WRAPPER void CReplay::StoreStuffInMem(void) { EAXJMP(0x5961F0); } #else void CReplay::StoreStuffInMem(void) { CPools::GetVehiclePool()->Store(pBuf0, pBuf1); CPools::GetPedPool()->Store(pBuf2, pBuf3); CPools::GetObjectPool()->Store(pBuf4, pBuf5); CPools::GetPtrNodePool()->Store(pBuf6, pBuf7); CPools::GetEntryInfoNodePool()->Store(pBuf8, pBuf9); CPools::GetDummyPool()->Store(pBuf10, pBuf11); pWorld1 = new uint8[sizeof(CSector) * NUMSECTORS_X * NUMSECTORS_Y]; memcpy(pWorld1, CWorld::GetSector(0, 0), NUMSECTORS_X * NUMSECTORS_Y * sizeof(CSector)); WorldPtrList = CWorld::GetMovingEntityList(); BigBuildingPtrList = CWorld::GetBigBuildingList(LEVEL_NONE); pPickups = new uint8[sizeof(CPickup) * NUMPICKUPS]; memcpy(pPickups, CPickups::aPickUps, NUMPICKUPS * sizeof(CPickup)); pReferences = new uint8[(sizeof(CReference) * NUMREFERENCES)]; memcpy(pReferences, CReferences::aRefs, NUMREFERENCES * sizeof(CReference)); pEmptyReferences = CReferences::pEmptyList; pStoredCam = new uint8[sizeof(CCamera)]; memcpy(pStoredCam, &TheCamera, sizeof(CCamera)); pRadarBlips = new uint8[sizeof(CBlip) * NUMRADARBLIPS]; memcpy(pRadarBlips, CRadar::ms_RadarTrace, NUMRADARBLIPS * sizeof(CBlip)); PlayerWanted = *FindPlayerPed()->m_pWanted; PlayerInfo = CWorld::Players[0]; Time1 = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(); Time2 = CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsNonClipped(); Time3 = CTimer::GetPreviousTimeInMilliseconds(); Time4 = CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode(); Frame = CTimer::GetFrameCounter(); ClockHours = CClock::GetHours(); ClockMinutes = CClock::GetMinutes(); OldWeatherType = CWeather::OldWeatherType; NewWeatherType = CWeather::NewWeatherType; WeatherInterpolationValue = CWeather::InterpolationValue; TimeStepNonClipped = CTimer::GetTimeStepNonClipped(); TimeStep = CTimer::GetTimeStep(); TimeScale = CTimer::GetTimeScale(); int size = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSize(); pPedAnims = (CStoredDetailedAnimationState*)malloc(size * sizeof(CStoredDetailedAnimationState)); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { CPed* ped = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSlot(i); if (ped) StoreDetailedPedAnimation(ped, &pPedAnims[i]); } } #endif #if 0 WRAPPER void CReplay::RestoreStuffFromMem(void) { EAXJMP(0x5966E0); } #else void CReplay::RestoreStuffFromMem(void) { CPools::GetVehiclePool()->CopyBack(pBuf0, pBuf1); CPools::GetPedPool()->CopyBack(pBuf2, pBuf3); CPools::GetObjectPool()->CopyBack(pBuf4, pBuf5); CPools::GetPtrNodePool()->CopyBack(pBuf6, pBuf7); CPools::GetEntryInfoNodePool()->CopyBack(pBuf8, pBuf9); CPools::GetDummyPool()->CopyBack(pBuf10, pBuf11); memcpy(CWorld::GetSector(0, 0), pWorld1, sizeof(CSector) * NUMSECTORS_X * NUMSECTORS_Y); delete[] pWorld1; pWorld1 = nil; CWorld::GetMovingEntityList() = WorldPtrList; CWorld::GetBigBuildingList(LEVEL_NONE) = BigBuildingPtrList; memcpy(CPickups::aPickUps, pPickups, sizeof(CPickup) * NUMPICKUPS); delete[] pPickups; pPickups = nil; memcpy(CReferences::aRefs, pReferences, sizeof(CReference) * NUMREFERENCES); delete[] pReferences; pReferences = nil; CReferences::pEmptyList = pEmptyReferences; pEmptyReferences = nil; memcpy(&TheCamera, pStoredCam, sizeof(CCamera)); delete[] pStoredCam; pStoredCam = nil; memcpy(CRadar::ms_RadarTrace, pRadarBlips, sizeof(CBlip) * NUMRADARBLIPS); delete[] pRadarBlips; pRadarBlips = nil; FindPlayerPed()->m_pWanted = new CWanted(PlayerWanted); /* Nice memory leak */ CWorld::Players[0] = PlayerInfo; int i = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSize(); while (--i){ CPed* ped = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSlot(i); if (!ped) continue; int mi = ped->GetModelIndex(); CStreaming::RequestModel(mi, 0); CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(false); ped->m_rwObject = nil; ped->m_modelIndex = -1; ped->SetModelIndex(mi); ped->m_pVehicleAnim = 0; ped->m_audioEntityId = DMAudio.CreateEntity(0, ped); DMAudio.SetEntityStatus(ped->m_audioEntityId, true); CPopulation::UpdatePedCount(ped->m_nPedType, false); if (ped->m_wepModelID >= 0) ped->AddWeaponModel(ped->m_wepModelID); } i = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSize(); while (--i){ CVehicle* vehicle = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSlot(i); if (!vehicle) continue; int mi = vehicle->GetModelIndex(); CStreaming::RequestModel(mi, 0); CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(false); vehicle->m_rwObject = nil; vehicle->m_modelIndex = -1; vehicle->SetModelIndex(mi); if (mi == MI_DODO){ CAutomobile* dodo = (CAutomobile*)vehicle; GetFirstObject(dodo->m_apModelNodes[4])->flags = 0; /* TODO: 4 to enum */ CMatrix tmp1; tmp1.Attach(&dodo->m_apModelNodes[1]->modelling, false); CMatrix tmp2(&dodo->m_apModelNodes[4]->modelling, false); *tmp1.GetPosition() += CVector(tmp2.GetPosition()->x + 0.1f, 0.0f, tmp2.GetPosition()->z); tmp1.UpdateRW(); } if (vehicle->IsCar()){ CAutomobile* car = (CAutomobile*)vehicle; int32 panels = car->m_DamageManager.m_abPanelsStatus; car->m_DamageManager.m_abPanelsStatus = 0; ApplyPanelDamageToCar(panels, car, true); car->SetDoorDamage(17, 0, true); /* BONNET */ car->SetDoorDamage(18, 1, true); /* BUMPER */ car->SetDoorDamage(15, 2, true); /* DOOR_FRONT_LEFT */ car->SetDoorDamage(11, 3, true); /* DOOR_FRONT_RIGHT */ car->SetDoorDamage(16, 4, true); /* DOOR_BACK_LEFT */ car->SetDoorDamage(12, 5, true); /* DOOR_BACK_RIGHT */ } vehicle->m_audioEntityId = DMAudio.CreateEntity(0, vehicle); DMAudio.SetEntityStatus(vehicle->m_audioEntityId, true); CCarCtrl::UpdateCarCount(vehicle, false); if ((mi == MI_AIRTRAIN || mi == MI_DEADDODO) && vehicle->m_rwObject){ CVehicleModelInfo* info = (CVehicleModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(mi); if (RwObjectGetType(vehicle->m_rwObject) == rpATOMIC){ vehicle->GetMatrix().Detach(); if (vehicle->m_rwObject){ if (RwObjectGetType(vehicle->m_rwObject) == rpATOMIC){ RwFrame* frame = RpAtomicGetFrame(vehicle->m_rwObject); RpAtomicDestroy((RpAtomic*)vehicle->m_rwObject); RwFrameDestroy(frame); } vehicle->m_rwObject = nil; } }else{ vehicle->DeleteRwObject(); int model_id = info->m_wheelId; if (model_id != -1){ if ((vehicle->m_rwObject = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(model_id)->CreateInstance())){ vehicle->GetMatrix().AttachRW(&((RwFrame*)vehicle->m_rwObject->parent)->modelling, false); } } } } } PrintElementsInPtrList(); i = CPools::GetObjectPool()->GetSize(); while (--i){ CObject* object = CPools::GetObjectPool()->GetSlot(i); if (!object) continue; int mi = object->GetModelIndex(); CStreaming::RequestModel(mi, 0); CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(false); object->m_rwObject = nil; object->m_modelIndex = -1; object->SetModelIndex(mi); object->GetMatrix().m_attachment = nil; if (RwObjectGetType(object->m_rwObject) == rpATOMIC) object->GetMatrix().AttachRW(RwFrameGetMatrix(RpAtomicGetFrame(object->m_rwObject)), false); } i = CPools::GetDummyPool()->GetSize(); while (--i){ CDummy* dummy = CPools::GetDummyPool()->GetSlot(i); if (!dummy) continue; int mi = dummy->GetModelIndex(); CStreaming::RequestModel(mi, 0); CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(false); dummy->m_rwObject = nil; dummy->m_modelIndex = -1; dummy->SetModelIndex(mi); dummy->GetMatrix().m_attachment = nil; if (RwObjectGetType(dummy->m_rwObject) == rpATOMIC) dummy->GetMatrix().AttachRW(RwFrameGetMatrix(RpAtomicGetFrame(dummy->m_rwObject)), false); } CTimer::SetTimeInMilliseconds(Time1); CTimer::SetTimeInMillisecondsNonClipped(Time2); CTimer::SetPreviousTimeInMilliseconds(Time3); CTimer::SetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode(Time4); CTimer::SetTimeScale(TimeScale); CTimer::SetFrameCounter(Frame); CTimer::SetTimeStep(TimeStep); CTimer::SetTimeStepNonClipped(TimeStepNonClipped); CClock::SetGameClock(ClockHours, ClockMinutes); CWeather::OldWeatherType = OldWeatherType; CWeather::NewWeatherType = NewWeatherType; CWeather::InterpolationValue = WeatherInterpolationValue; for (int i = 0; i < CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSize(); i++) { CPed* ped = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSlot(i); if (!ped) continue; RetrieveDetailedPedAnimation(ped, &pPedAnims[i]); } free(pPedAnims); pPedAnims = nil; DMAudio.ChangeMusicMode(0); DMAudio.SetRadioInCar(OldRadioStation); DMAudio.ChangeMusicMode(1); } #endif WRAPPER void CReplay::EmptyPedsAndVehiclePools(void) { EAXJMP(0x5970E0); } WRAPPER void CReplay::EmptyAllPools(void) { EAXJMP(0x5971B0); } WRAPPER void CReplay::MarkEverythingAsNew(void) { EAXJMP(0x597280); } WRAPPER void CReplay::SaveReplayToHD(void) { EAXJMP(0x597330); } WRAPPER void PlayReplayFromHD(void) { EAXJMP(0x597420); } WRAPPER void CReplay::StreamAllNecessaryCarsAndPeds(void) { EAXJMP(0x597560); } WRAPPER void CReplay::FindFirstFocusCoordinate(CVector *coord) { EAXJMP(0x5975E0); } WRAPPER bool CReplay::ShouldStandardCameraBeProcessed(void) { EAXJMP(0x597680); } WRAPPER void CReplay::ProcessLookAroundCam(void) { EAXJMP(0x5976C0); } WRAPPER size_t CReplay::FindSizeOfPacket(uint8 type) { EAXJMP(0x597CC0); } #if 0 WRAPPER void CReplay::Display(void) { EAXJMP(0x595EE0); } #else void CReplay::Display() { if (CReplay::IsPlayingBack() && CTimer::GetFrameCounter() + 1 & 0x20) { CFont::SetPropOn(); CFont::SetBackgroundOff(); CFont::SetScale(SCREEN_SCALE_X(1.5f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(1.5f)); CFont::SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT); CFont::SetColor(CRGBA(255, 255, 200, 200)); CFont::SetFontStyle(FONT_BANK); CFont::PrintString(SCREEN_SCALE_X(63.5f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(30.0f), TheText.Get("REPLAY")); } } #endif STARTPATCHES InjectHook(0x592FC0, PrintElementsInPtrList, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x592FE0, CReplay::Init, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x593150, CReplay::DisableReplays, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x593160, CReplay::EnableReplays, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x593170, CReplay::Update, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x595B20, CReplay::FinishPlayback, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x594050, CReplay::ProcessPedUpdate, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x594D10, CReplay::ProcessCarUpdate, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x593BB0, CReplay::StoreDetailedPedAnimation, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x5944B0, CReplay::RetrieveDetailedPedAnimation, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x596030, CReplay::TriggerPlayback, PATCH_JUMP); ENDPATCHES