title: Root Procedure for Huawei MA5671A
has_children: false
parent: Huawei MA5671A
layout: default
1. Take the SFP molex and the 4 coloured cables and solder them to the molex according to the following diagram:
| USB TTL(UART) Adapter | wire colour in picture | SFP 20pins Molex connector |
| --------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------------------- |
| 3.3V | red | pin #15 and #16 |
| TX | orange | pin #2 |
| RX | yellow | pin #7 |
| GND | green | pin #14 |
{% include alert.html content="Use GND wire as ON/OFF switch, otherwise there will be a slight delay before data is displayed on the console (putty/TeraTerm)." alert="Important" icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}
{% include alert.html content="Try PIN 10 or other GND PINs if it doesn't work with 14." alert="Note" icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}
{% include alert.html content="Some USB TTL adapters label TX and RX pins the other way around: try to swap them if it doesn't work." alert="Note" icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}
1. Install python and `pyserial` with `pip`
pip install pyserial
1. Make the connections as shown to a TTL adapter except for GND (which remains detached and is used as a switch)
{% include image.html file="ma5671a-root-1.jpg" alt="Example of how the sfp-ttl connection should look like" caption="Example of how the sfp-ttl connection should look like" %}
{% include image.html file="new-root-procedure\board-molex-arduino.jpg" alt="Example of how the sfp-ttl connection should look like with a custom board" caption="Example of how the sfp-ttl connection should look like with a custom board" %}
{% include image.html file="ma5671a-root-2.jpg" alt="Molex SFP" caption="Molex SFP" %}
1. Open Tera Term (or other serial terminal emulator), find the correct serial port of the TTL adapter, change the port on the script on line 7 instead of `COM8`.
1. After this, run the following python script and connect the GND pin:
import sys
import time
import serial.tools
ser = serial.Serial("COM8", 115200, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS)
print('[+] Use serial port device:', ser.name)
print('[+] Waiting for trigger characters...')
while True:
recv = ser.readline().decode()
except Exception as x:
print("Decode errore", x)
if recv.startswith('U-Boot'):
print('[+] Received! transfer enable command...')
print('[+] Transfer command sequence 1')
t_end = time.time() + 3
while time.time() < t_end:
print('[+] Transfer command sequence 2')
ser.write('setenv bootdelay 3\n'.encode())
print('[+] Transfer command sequence 3')
ser.write('setenv asc0 0\n'.encode())
print('[+] Transfer command sequence 4')
'setenv preboot "gpio input 105;gpio input 106;gpio input 107;gpio input 108;gpio set 3;gpio set 109;gpio set 110;gpio clear 423;gpio clear 422;gpio clear 325;gpio clear 402;gpio clear 424"\n'.encode())
print('[+] Transfer command sequence 5')
print('[+] Transfer command sequence 6')
print('[+] Enable command transfer complete! rebooting...')
except Exception as e:
print('[!] Error:', e)
e = None
del e
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
1. Reboot the stick
1. Open Tera Term (or other serial terminal emulator), after load press `enter` to activate the console
{% include image.html file="new-root-procedure\press-enter.jpg" alt="Press enter for activate the console" caption="Press enter for activate the console" %}
1. With `sed` change the default shell from `/opt/lantiq/bin/minishell` to `/bin/ash` the file `/etc/passwd`:
sed -i "s|/opt/lantiq/bin/minishell|/bin/ash|g" /etc/passwd
{% include alert.html content="Do not use `vim`!" alert="Important" icon="svg-warning" color="red" %}
{% include alert.html content="Take attention to kernel panics, they happen often! Be quick, if a kernel panic happens wait for the reboot and try again." alert="Important" icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}
[ 34.612000] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt
[ 34.612000] Rebooting in 3 seconds..
{% include alert.html content="The cause of these kernel panics could be insufficient power supply." alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}
1. Reboot it this time connected to the router with cage or mediaconverter, with the port set to an IP on the subnet (the stick has the IP
{% include alert.html content="If your subnet is make sure you have no ip conflicts." alert="Note" icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}
1. Run the terminal and login to the stick with ssh
ssh root@
The password is `admin123`.
{% include alert.html content="If you use a modern OpenSSH version (e.g. >= 8.8) you will have to enable some deprecated algorithms: ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss [...]" alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}
# Miscellaneous Links
- [Come avere i 2.5 Gbps su un unico dispositivo senza il Fastgate](https://forum.fibra.click/d/17836-come-avere-i-25-gbps-su-un-unico-dispositivo-senza-il-fastgate)
- [Support MA5671A SFP GPON](https://forum.openwrt.org/t/support-ma5671a-sfp-gpon/48042)
- [La fibre Orange à 2Gbps, sur un routeur MikroTik 10Gbps CCR2004, via un ONT SFP+](https://lafibre.info/remplacer-livebox/guide-de-connexion-fibre-directement-sur-un-routeur-voire-meme-en-2gbps/msg832904/#msg832904)
- [Bypassing the HH3K up to 2.5Gbps using a BCM57810S NIC](https://www.dslreports.com/forum/r32230041-Internet-Bypassing-the-HH3K-up-to-2-5Gbps-using-a-BCM57810S-NIC)
- [Bypassing the HH3K up to 2.5Gbps using a BCM57810S NIC](https://www.dslreports.com/forum/r32230041-Internet-Bypassing-the-HH3K-up-to-2-5Gbps-using-a-BCM57810S-NIC)