#pragma once class cLogger { public: enum eLogLevel { llRegular, llInfo, llWarning, llError, }; class cListener { public: virtual void Log(AString a_Message, eLogLevel a_LogLevel) = 0; virtual ~cListener(){} }; void Log (const char * a_Format, eLogLevel a_LogLevel, va_list a_ArgList) FORMATSTRING(2, 0); /** Logs the simple text message at the specified log level. */ void LogSimple(AString a_Message, eLogLevel a_LogLevel = llRegular); void AttachListener(cListener * a_Listener); void DetachListener(cListener * a_Listener); static cLogger & GetInstance(void); // Must be called before calling GetInstance in a multithreaded context static void InitiateMultithreading(); private: cCriticalSection m_CriticalSection; std::vector<cListener *> m_LogListeners; }; extern void LOG(const char* a_Format, ...) FORMATSTRING(1, 2); extern void LOGINFO(const char* a_Format, ...) FORMATSTRING(1, 2); extern void LOGWARN(const char* a_Format, ...) FORMATSTRING(1, 2); extern void LOGERROR(const char* a_Format, ...) FORMATSTRING(1, 2); // In debug builds, translate LOGD to LOG, otherwise leave it out altogether: #ifdef _DEBUG #define LOGD LOG #else #define LOGD(...) #endif // _DEBUG #define LOGWARNING LOGWARN