#pragma once class cItem; class cFurnaceRecipe { public: cFurnaceRecipe(void); ~cFurnaceRecipe(); void ReloadRecipes(void); struct cFuel { cItem * In; int BurnTime; ///< How long this fuel burns, in ticks }; struct cRecipe { cItem * In; cItem * Out; int CookTime; ///< How long this recipe takes to smelt, in ticks }; /** Returns a recipe for the specified input, nullptr if no recipe found */ const cRecipe * GetRecipeFrom(const cItem & a_Ingredient) const; /** Returns true if the item is a fuel, false if not. */ bool IsFuel(const cItem & a_Item) const; /** Returns the amount of time that the specified fuel burns, in ticks */ int GetBurnTime(const cItem & a_Fuel) const; private: void ClearRecipes(void); /** Parses the fuel contained in the line, adds it to m_pState's fuels. Logs a warning to the console on input error. */ void AddFuelFromLine(const AString & a_Line, unsigned int a_LineNum); /** Parses the recipe contained in the line, adds it to m_pState's recipes. Logs a warning to the console on input error. */ void AddRecipeFromLine(const AString & a_Line, unsigned int a_LineNum); /** Parses an item string in the format "<ItemType>[: <Damage>][, <Amount>]", returns true if successful. */ bool ParseItem(const AString & a_String, cItem & a_Item); struct sFurnaceRecipeState; sFurnaceRecipeState * m_pState; };