#pragma once // Declared only so it can be partially specialized template <class Signature> class cFunctionRef; /** A light-weight, type-erased reference to a function object. ### Usage `cFunctionRef` is used whenever you call a normal function with a lambda. e.g. one of the `cWorld::DoWith` functions, m_World->DoWithChunkAt(BlockPos, [](cChunk & a_Chunk) -> bool { ... } ); It looks like you're calling it with a lambda but that would require `DoWithChunkAt` to be a template. The function is really being called with `cFunctionRef<bool(cChunk&)>` which is constructed from the lambda via a templated constructor. This gives you a generic pointer to the lambda which doesn't depend on the type of the function object it references. ### Notes - This is similar to a `std::function` but doesn't copy the function object. This means that mutable function objects will be modified for the caller but would not be if using a `std::function` (See #3990 for implications of this). - A `cFunctionRef` has no empty state but is non-owning and so is safe to call as long as the referred object is still alive. */ template <class Ret, class... Args> class cFunctionRef<Ret(Args...)> { public: /** Construct from a function object. */ template <class FunctionObject, typename std::enable_if< // Don't disable the default copy constructor !std::is_same<typename std::decay<FunctionObject>::type, cFunctionRef>::value, int>::type = 0 > cFunctionRef(FunctionObject && a_FunctionObject) { // Store an opaque reference to the object. m_CallableData = &a_FunctionObject; // Along with a function that knows how to call the object. m_CallFunction = &ObjectFunctionCaller<FunctionObject>; } /** Call the referenced function object */ Ret operator () (Args... a_Args) { return m_CallFunction(m_CallableData, std::forward<Args>(a_Args)...); } private: /** Function that performs the call. */ template <class ObjectType> static Ret ObjectFunctionCaller(void * a_Callable, Args... a_Args) { // Convert opaque reference to the concrete type. using ObjectPtr = typename std::add_pointer<ObjectType>::type; auto & Object = *static_cast<ObjectPtr>(a_Callable); // Forward the call down to the object. return Object(std::forward<Args>(a_Args)...); } using cCallFunction = Ret(*)(void *, Args...); /** Type erased reference to a callable. */ void * m_CallableData; /** Function that knows how to call the type erased reference. */ cCallFunction m_CallFunction; };