#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules #include "FastRandom.h" #include "Mobs/MonsterTypes.h" #include "ThrownEnderPearlEntity.h" #include "Player.h" cThrownEnderPearlEntity::cThrownEnderPearlEntity(cEntity * a_Creator, Vector3d a_Pos, Vector3d a_Speed) : Super(pkEnderPearl, a_Creator, a_Pos, a_Speed, 0.25f, 0.25f) { } void cThrownEnderPearlEntity::OnHitEntity(cEntity & a_EntityHit, Vector3d a_HitPos) { Super::OnHitEntity(a_EntityHit, a_HitPos); int Damage = 0; if (a_EntityHit.IsEnderCrystal()) { // Endercrystals are destroyed: Damage = CeilC(a_EntityHit.GetHealth()); } a_EntityHit.TakeDamage(dtRangedAttack, this, Damage, 1); TeleportCreator(a_HitPos); Destroy(); } void cThrownEnderPearlEntity::OnHitSolidBlock(Vector3d a_HitPos, eBlockFace a_HitFace) { Super::OnHitSolidBlock(a_HitPos, a_HitFace); TeleportCreator(a_HitPos); Destroy(); } void cThrownEnderPearlEntity::TeleportCreator(Vector3d a_HitPos) { if (m_CreatorData.m_Name.empty()) { return; } GetWorld()->FindAndDoWithPlayer( m_CreatorData.m_Name, [=](cPlayer & a_Entity) { auto & Random = GetRandomProvider(); // 5% chance to spawn an endermite if (Random.RandBool(0.05)) { Vector3d PlayerPosition = a_Entity.GetPosition(); m_World->SpawnMob(PlayerPosition.x, PlayerPosition.y, PlayerPosition.z, mtEndermite); } // Teleport the creator here, make them take 5 damage: a_Entity.TeleportToCoords(a_HitPos.x, a_HitPos.y + 0.2, a_HitPos.z); a_Entity.TakeDamage(dtEnderPearl, this, 5, 0); return false; } ); }