#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules #include "Player.h" #include "ArrowEntity.h" #include "../Chunk.h" cArrowEntity::cArrowEntity(cEntity * a_Creator, double a_X, double a_Y, double a_Z, const Vector3d & a_Speed) : super(pkArrow, a_Creator, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, 0.5, 0.5), m_PickupState(psNoPickup), m_DamageCoeff(2), m_IsCritical(false), m_Timer(0), m_HitGroundTimer(0), m_HasTeleported(false), m_bIsCollected(false), m_HitBlockPos(Vector3i(0, 0, 0)) { SetSpeed(a_Speed); SetMass(0.1); SetGravity(-20.0f); SetAirDrag(0.2f); SetYawFromSpeed(); SetPitchFromSpeed(); LOGD("Created arrow %d with speed {%.02f, %.02f, %.02f} and rot {%.02f, %.02f}", m_UniqueID, GetSpeedX(), GetSpeedY(), GetSpeedZ(), GetYaw(), GetPitch() ); } cArrowEntity::cArrowEntity(cPlayer & a_Player, double a_Force) : super(pkArrow, &a_Player, a_Player.GetThrowStartPos(), a_Player.GetThrowSpeed(a_Force * 1.5 * 20), 0.5, 0.5), m_PickupState(psInSurvivalOrCreative), m_DamageCoeff(2), m_IsCritical((a_Force >= 1)), m_Timer(0), m_HitGroundTimer(0), m_HasTeleported(false), m_bIsCollected(false), m_HitBlockPos(0, 0, 0) { if (a_Player.IsGameModeCreative()) { m_PickupState = psInCreative; } SetGravity(-20.0f); SetAirDrag(0.01f); } bool cArrowEntity::CanPickup(const cPlayer & a_Player) const { switch (m_PickupState) { case psNoPickup: return false; case psInSurvivalOrCreative: return (a_Player.IsGameModeSurvival() || a_Player.IsGameModeCreative()); case psInCreative: return a_Player.IsGameModeCreative(); } ASSERT(!"Unhandled pickup state"); return false; } void cArrowEntity::OnHitSolidBlock(const Vector3d & a_HitPos, eBlockFace a_HitFace) { Vector3d Hit = a_HitPos; Hit += GetSpeed().NormalizeCopy() / 100000; // Make arrow sink into block a bit so it lodges (TODO: investigate how to stop them going so far so that they become black clientside) super::OnHitSolidBlock(Hit, a_HitFace); Vector3i BlockHit = Hit.Floor(); int X = BlockHit.x, Y = BlockHit.y, Z = BlockHit.z; m_HitBlockPos = Vector3i(X, Y, Z); // Broadcast arrow hit sound m_World->BroadcastSoundEffect("random.bowhit", static_cast<double>(X), static_cast<double>(Y), static_cast<double>(Z), 0.5f, static_cast<float>(0.75 + (static_cast<float>((GetUniqueID() * 23) % 32)) / 64)); if ((m_World->GetBlock(Hit) == E_BLOCK_TNT) && IsOnFire()) { m_World->SetBlock(X, Y, Z, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0); m_World->SpawnPrimedTNT(X, Y, Z); } } void cArrowEntity::OnHitEntity(cEntity & a_EntityHit, const Vector3d & a_HitPos) { int Damage = static_cast<int>(GetSpeed().Length() / 20 * m_DamageCoeff + 0.5); if (m_IsCritical) { Damage += m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(Damage / 2 + 2); } unsigned int PowerLevel = m_CreatorData.m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchPower); if (PowerLevel > 0) { int ExtraDamage = static_cast<int>(ceil(0.25 * (PowerLevel + 1))); Damage += ExtraDamage; } // int KnockbackAmount = 1; unsigned int PunchLevel = m_CreatorData.m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchPunch); if (PunchLevel > 0) { Vector3d LookVector = GetLookVector(); Vector3f FinalSpeed = Vector3f(0, 0, 0); switch (PunchLevel) { case 1: FinalSpeed = LookVector * Vector3d(5, 0.3, 5); break; case 2: FinalSpeed = LookVector * Vector3d(8, 0.3, 8); break; default: break; } a_EntityHit.SetSpeed(FinalSpeed); } // a_EntityHit.TakeDamage(dtRangedAttack, this, Damage, KnockbackAmount); // TODO fix knockback. a_EntityHit.TakeDamage(dtRangedAttack, this, Damage, 0); // Until knockback is fixed. if (IsOnFire() && !a_EntityHit.IsSubmerged() && !a_EntityHit.IsSwimming()) { a_EntityHit.StartBurning(100); } // Broadcast successful hit sound GetWorld()->BroadcastSoundEffect("random.successful_hit", GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), 0.5, static_cast<float>(0.75 + (static_cast<float>((GetUniqueID() * 23) % 32)) / 64)); Destroy(); } void cArrowEntity::CollectedBy(cPlayer & a_Dest) { if (m_IsInGround && !m_bIsCollected && CanPickup(a_Dest)) { // Do not add the arrow to the inventory when the player is in creative: if (!a_Dest.IsGameModeCreative()) { int NumAdded = a_Dest.GetInventory().AddItem(E_ITEM_ARROW); if (NumAdded == 0) { // No space in the inventory return; } } GetWorld()->BroadcastCollectEntity(*this, a_Dest); GetWorld()->BroadcastSoundEffect("random.pop", GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), 0.5, static_cast<float>(0.75 + (static_cast<float>((GetUniqueID() * 23) % 32)) / 64)); m_bIsCollected = true; } } void cArrowEntity::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) { super::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk); m_Timer += a_Dt; if (m_bIsCollected) { if (m_Timer > std::chrono::milliseconds(500)) { Destroy(); return; } } else if (m_Timer > std::chrono::minutes(5)) { Destroy(); return; } if (m_IsInGround) { if (!m_HasTeleported) // Sent a teleport already, don't do again { if (m_HitGroundTimer > std::chrono::milliseconds(500)) { m_World->BroadcastTeleportEntity(*this); m_HasTeleported = true; } else { m_HitGroundTimer += a_Dt; } } int RelPosX = m_HitBlockPos.x - a_Chunk.GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width; int RelPosZ = m_HitBlockPos.z - a_Chunk.GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width; cChunk * Chunk = a_Chunk.GetRelNeighborChunkAdjustCoords(RelPosX, RelPosZ); if (Chunk == nullptr) { // Inside an unloaded chunk, abort return; } if (Chunk->GetBlock(RelPosX, m_HitBlockPos.y, RelPosZ) == E_BLOCK_AIR) // Block attached to was destroyed? { m_IsInGround = false; // Yes, begin simulating physics again } } }