// ChunkSender.cpp // Interfaces to the cChunkSender class representing the thread that waits for chunks becoming ready (loaded / generated) and sends them to clients #include "Globals.h" #include "ChunkSender.h" #include "World.h" #include "BlockEntities/BlockEntity.h" #include "Protocol/ChunkDataSerializer.h" #include "ClientHandle.h" #include "Chunk.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cNotifyChunkSender: /** Callback that can be used to notify chunk sender upon another chunkcoord notification */ class cNotifyChunkSender : public cChunkCoordCallback { virtual void Call(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, bool a_IsSuccess) override { cChunkSender & ChunkSender = m_ChunkSender; m_World.DoWithChunk( a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, [&ChunkSender] (cChunk & a_Chunk) -> bool { ChunkSender.QueueSendChunkTo(a_Chunk.GetPosX(), a_Chunk.GetPosZ(), cChunkSender::E_CHUNK_PRIORITY_MIDHIGH, a_Chunk.GetAllClients()); return true; } ); } cChunkSender & m_ChunkSender; cWorld & m_World; public: cNotifyChunkSender(cChunkSender & a_ChunkSender, cWorld & a_World): m_ChunkSender(a_ChunkSender), m_World(a_World) { } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cChunkSender: cChunkSender::cChunkSender(cWorld & a_World) : super("ChunkSender"), m_World(a_World) { } cChunkSender::~cChunkSender() { Stop(); } bool cChunkSender::Start() { m_ShouldTerminate = false; return super::Start(); } void cChunkSender::Stop(void) { m_ShouldTerminate = true; m_evtQueue.Set(); Wait(); } void cChunkSender::QueueSendChunkTo(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, eChunkPriority a_Priority, cClientHandle * a_Client) { ASSERT(a_Client != nullptr); { cChunkCoords Chunk{a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ}; cCSLock Lock(m_CS); auto iter = m_ChunkInfo.find(Chunk); if (iter != m_ChunkInfo.end()) { auto & info = iter->second; if (info.m_Priority > a_Priority) { m_SendChunks.push(sChunkQueue{a_Priority, Chunk}); info.m_Priority = a_Priority; } info.m_Clients.insert(a_Client); } else { m_SendChunks.push(sChunkQueue{a_Priority, Chunk}); auto info = sSendChunk{Chunk, a_Priority}; info.m_Clients.insert(a_Client); m_ChunkInfo.emplace(Chunk, info); } } m_evtQueue.Set(); } void cChunkSender::QueueSendChunkTo(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, eChunkPriority a_Priority, std::list<cClientHandle *> a_Clients) { { cChunkCoords Chunk{a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ}; cCSLock Lock(m_CS); auto iter = m_ChunkInfo.find(Chunk); if (iter != m_ChunkInfo.end()) { auto & info = iter->second; if (info.m_Priority > a_Priority) { m_SendChunks.push(sChunkQueue{a_Priority, Chunk}); info.m_Priority = a_Priority; } info.m_Clients.insert(a_Clients.begin(), a_Clients.end()); } else { m_SendChunks.push(sChunkQueue{a_Priority, Chunk}); auto info = sSendChunk{Chunk, a_Priority}; info.m_Clients.insert(a_Clients.begin(), a_Clients.end()); m_ChunkInfo.emplace(Chunk, info); } } m_evtQueue.Set(); } void cChunkSender::RemoveClient(cClientHandle * a_Client) { { cCSLock Lock(m_CS); for (auto && pair : m_ChunkInfo) { auto && clients = pair.second.m_Clients; clients.erase(a_Client); // nop for sets that do not contain a_Client } } m_evtQueue.Set(); m_evtRemoved.Wait(); // Wait for all remaining instances of a_Client to be processed (Execute() makes a copy of m_ChunkInfo) } void cChunkSender::Execute(void) { while (!m_ShouldTerminate) { m_evtQueue.Wait(); { cCSLock Lock(m_CS); while (!m_SendChunks.empty()) { // Take one from the queue: auto Chunk = m_SendChunks.top().m_Chunk; m_SendChunks.pop(); auto itr = m_ChunkInfo.find(Chunk); if (itr == m_ChunkInfo.end()) { continue; } std::unordered_set<cClientHandle *> clients; std::swap(itr->second.m_Clients, clients); m_ChunkInfo.erase(itr); cCSUnlock Unlock(Lock); SendChunk(Chunk.m_ChunkX, Chunk.m_ChunkZ, clients); } } m_evtRemoved.SetAll(); // Notify all waiting threads that all clients are processed and thus safe to destroy } // while (!m_ShouldTerminate) } void cChunkSender::SendChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, std::unordered_set<cClientHandle *> a_Clients) { // Ask the client if it still wants the chunk: for (auto itr = a_Clients.begin(); itr != a_Clients.end();) { if (!(*itr)->WantsSendChunk(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ)) { itr = a_Clients.erase(itr); } else { itr++; } } // If the chunk has no clients, no need to packetize it: if (!m_World.HasChunkAnyClients(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ)) { return; } // If the chunk is not valid, do nothing - whoever needs it has queued it for loading / generating if (!m_World.IsChunkValid(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ)) { return; } // If the chunk is not lighted, queue it for relighting and get notified when it's ready: if (!m_World.IsChunkLighted(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ)) { m_World.QueueLightChunk(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, cpp14::make_unique<cNotifyChunkSender>(*this, m_World)); return; } // Query and prepare chunk data: if (!m_World.GetChunkData(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, *this)) { return; } cChunkDataSerializer Data(m_BlockTypes, m_BlockMetas, m_BlockLight, m_BlockSkyLight, m_BiomeMap, m_World.GetDimension()); for (const auto client : a_Clients) { // Send: client->SendChunkData(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, Data); // Send block-entity packets: for (const auto & Pos : m_BlockEntities) { m_World.SendBlockEntity(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z, *client); } // for itr - m_Packets[] } m_BlockEntities.clear(); // TODO: Send entity spawn packets } void cChunkSender::BlockEntity(cBlockEntity * a_Entity) { m_BlockEntities.push_back(a_Entity->GetPos()); } void cChunkSender::Entity(cEntity *) { // Nothing needed yet, perhaps in the future when we save entities into chunks we'd like to send them upon load, too ;) } void cChunkSender::BiomeData(const cChunkDef::BiomeMap * a_BiomeMap) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(m_BiomeMap); i++) { if ((*a_BiomeMap)[i] < 255) { // Normal MC biome, copy as-is: m_BiomeMap[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>((*a_BiomeMap)[i]); } else { // TODO: MCS-specific biome, need to map to some basic MC biome: ASSERT(!"Unimplemented MCS-specific biome"); } } // for i - m_BiomeMap[] }