#pragma once #include "BlockHandler.h" /** Handler for the small (singleblock) mushrooms. */ class cBlockMushroomHandler final : public cClearMetaOnDrop { using Super = cClearMetaOnDrop; public: using Super::Super; private: // TODO: Add Mushroom Spread virtual bool CanBeAt(const cChunk & a_Chunk, const Vector3i a_Position, const NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) const override { if (a_Position.y <= 0) { return false; } // TODO: Cannot be at too much daylight switch (a_Chunk.GetBlock(a_Position.addedY(-1))) { case E_BLOCK_GLASS: case E_BLOCK_CACTUS: case E_BLOCK_ICE: case E_BLOCK_LEAVES: case E_BLOCK_NEW_LEAVES: case E_BLOCK_AIR: { return false; } } return true; } virtual ColourID GetMapBaseColourID(NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) const override { UNUSED(a_Meta); return 0; } };