#pragma once #include "BlockHandler.h" #include "../Entities/Player.h" #include "../ClientHandle.h" class cBlockCauldronHandler final : public cBlockHandler { using Super = cBlockHandler; public: using Super::Super; private: virtual cItems ConvertToPickups(const NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, const cItem * const a_Tool) const override { return cItem(E_ITEM_CAULDRON, 1, 0); } virtual bool OnUse( cChunkInterface & a_ChunkInterface, cWorldInterface & a_WorldInterface, cPlayer & a_Player, const Vector3i a_BlockPos, eBlockFace a_BlockFace, const Vector3i a_CursorPos ) const override { NIBBLETYPE Meta = a_ChunkInterface.GetBlockMeta(a_BlockPos); auto EquippedItem = a_Player.GetEquippedItem(); switch (EquippedItem.m_ItemType) { case E_ITEM_BUCKET: { if (Meta == 3) { a_ChunkInterface.SetBlockMeta(a_BlockPos, 0); // Give new bucket, filled with fluid when the gamemode is not creative: if (!a_Player.IsGameModeCreative()) { a_Player.ReplaceOneEquippedItemTossRest(cItem(E_ITEM_WATER_BUCKET)); } } break; } case E_ITEM_WATER_BUCKET: { if (Meta < 3) { a_ChunkInterface.SetBlockMeta(a_BlockPos, 3); // Give empty bucket back when the gamemode is not creative: if (!a_Player.IsGameModeCreative()) { a_Player.ReplaceOneEquippedItemTossRest(cItem(E_ITEM_BUCKET)); } a_Player.GetStatistics().Custom[CustomStatistic::FillCauldron]++; } break; } case E_ITEM_GLASS_BOTTLE: { if (Meta > 0) { a_ChunkInterface.SetBlockMeta(a_BlockPos, --Meta); // Give new potion when the gamemode is not creative: if (!a_Player.IsGameModeCreative()) { a_Player.ReplaceOneEquippedItemTossRest(cItem(E_ITEM_POTION)); } a_Player.GetStatistics().Custom[CustomStatistic::UseCauldron]++; } break; } case E_ITEM_POTION: { // Refill cauldron with water bottles. if ((Meta < 3) && (EquippedItem.m_ItemDamage == 0)) { a_ChunkInterface.SetBlockMeta(Vector3i(a_BlockPos), ++Meta); // Give back an empty bottle when the gamemode is not creative: if (!a_Player.IsGameModeCreative()) { a_Player.ReplaceOneEquippedItemTossRest(cItem(E_ITEM_GLASS_BOTTLE)); } } break; } case E_ITEM_LEATHER_BOOTS: case E_ITEM_LEATHER_CAP: case E_ITEM_LEATHER_PANTS: case E_ITEM_LEATHER_TUNIC: { // Resets any color to default: if ((Meta > 0) && ((EquippedItem.m_ItemColor.GetRed() != 255) || (EquippedItem.m_ItemColor.GetBlue() != 255) || (EquippedItem.m_ItemColor.GetGreen() != 255))) { a_ChunkInterface.SetBlockMeta(a_BlockPos, --Meta); auto NewItem = cItem(EquippedItem); NewItem.m_ItemColor.Clear(); a_Player.ReplaceOneEquippedItemTossRest(NewItem); } break; } case E_BLOCK_BLACK_SHULKER_BOX: case E_BLOCK_BLUE_SHULKER_BOX: case E_BLOCK_BROWN_SHULKER_BOX: case E_BLOCK_CYAN_SHULKER_BOX: case E_BLOCK_GRAY_SHULKER_BOX: case E_BLOCK_GREEN_SHULKER_BOX: case E_BLOCK_LIGHT_BLUE_SHULKER_BOX: case E_BLOCK_LIGHT_GRAY_SHULKER_BOX: case E_BLOCK_LIME_SHULKER_BOX: case E_BLOCK_MAGENTA_SHULKER_BOX: case E_BLOCK_ORANGE_SHULKER_BOX: case E_BLOCK_PINK_SHULKER_BOX: case E_BLOCK_RED_SHULKER_BOX: case E_BLOCK_YELLOW_SHULKER_BOX: { // Resets shulker box color. // TODO: When there is an actual default shulker box add the appropriate changes here! - 19.09.2020 - // 12xx12 if (Meta == 0) { // The cauldron is empty: break; } // Proceed with normal cleaning: a_ChunkInterface.SetBlockMeta(a_BlockPos, --Meta); auto NewShulker = cItem(EquippedItem); NewShulker.m_ItemType = E_BLOCK_PURPLE_SHULKER_BOX; a_Player.ReplaceOneEquippedItemTossRest(NewShulker); break; } } if (!EquippedItem.GetHandler().IsPlaceable()) { // Item not placeable in the first place, our work is done: return true; } // This is a workaround for versions < 1.13, where rclking a cauldron with a block, places a block. // Using cauldrons with blocks was added in 1.13 as part of shulker cleaning. const auto ResendPosition = AddFaceDirection(a_BlockPos, a_BlockFace); a_Player.GetClientHandle()->SendBlockChange( ResendPosition, a_ChunkInterface.GetBlock(ResendPosition), a_ChunkInterface.GetBlockMeta(ResendPosition) ); return true; } virtual bool IsUseable() const override { return true; } virtual void OnUpdate( cChunkInterface & a_ChunkInterface, cWorldInterface & a_WorldInterface, cBlockPluginInterface & a_PluginInterface, cChunk & a_Chunk, const Vector3i a_RelPos ) const override { auto WorldPos = a_Chunk.RelativeToAbsolute(a_RelPos); if (!a_WorldInterface.IsWeatherWetAtXYZ(WorldPos.addedY(1))) { // It's not raining at our current location or we do not have a direct view of the sky return; } auto Meta = a_Chunk.GetMeta(a_RelPos); if (Meta < 3) { a_Chunk.SetMeta(a_RelPos, Meta + 1); } } virtual ColourID GetMapBaseColourID(NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) const override { UNUSED(a_Meta); return 21; } };