// SimplexNoise.h // Declares and implements the simplex noise, using a template parameter for the underlying datatype /* Note: This code has been adapted from the public domain code by Stefan Gustavson, available at http://staffwww.itn.liu.se/~stegu/simplexnoise/simplexnoise.pdf */ #include <random> template<typename Datatype> class cSimplexNoise { public: cSimplexNoise(unsigned a_Seed) { // Based on the seed, initialize the permutation table, using a simple LCG and swapping // Initialize with sorted sequence: for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(m_Perm) / 2; i++) { m_Perm[i] = static_cast<int>(i); } // Use swaps to randomize: std::minstd_rand lcg(a_Seed); for (size_t i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { std::swap(m_Perm[lcg() % (ARRAYCOUNT(m_Perm) / 2)], m_Perm[lcg() % (ARRAYCOUNT(m_Perm) / 2)]); } // Copy to the upper half of the buffer (to avoid the need for modulo when accessing neighbors): for (size_t i = ARRAYCOUNT(m_Perm) / 2; i < ARRAYCOUNT(m_Perm); i++) { m_Perm[i] = m_Perm[i - ARRAYCOUNT(m_Perm) / 2]; } // Copy to the "modulo 12" table to optimize away four modulo ops per value calculation: for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(m_Perm); i++) { m_PermMod12[i] = m_Perm[i] % 12; } } /** Returns a dot product of an int vector with a Datatype vector. */ inline Datatype dot(const int * g, const Datatype x, const Datatype y, const Datatype z) { return g[0] * x + g[1] * y + g[2] * z; } /** Returns a dot product of two Datatype vectors. */ inline Datatype dot(const Datatype * g, const Datatype x, const Datatype y, const Datatype z) { return g[0] * x + g[1] * y + g[2] * z; } /** Returns the floor of the specified value, already type-cast to proper int type. */ inline int datafloor(const Datatype a_Val) { return (a_Val > 0) ? static_cast<int>(a_Val) : static_cast<int>(a_Val - 1); // This is faster than std::floor() } /** Returns a single noise value based on the 3D coords. */ Datatype GetValueAt3D(const Datatype a_X, const Datatype a_Y, const Datatype a_Z) { // The gradients are the midpoints of the vertices of a cube. static const Datatype grad3[12][3] = { {1, 1, 0}, {-1, 1, 0}, {1, -1, 0}, {-1, -1, 0}, {1, 0, 1}, {-1, 0, 1}, {1, 0, -1}, {-1, 0, -1}, {0, 1, 1}, { 0, -1, 1}, {0, 1, -1}, { 0, -1, -1} }; // Skew factors: static const Datatype F3 = static_cast<Datatype>(1.0 / 3.0); static const Datatype G3 = static_cast<Datatype>(1.0 / 6.0); // Noise contributions from the four corners: Datatype n0, n1, n2, n3; // Skew the input space to determine which simplex cell we're in Datatype s = (a_X + a_Y + a_Z) * F3; int i = datafloor(a_X + s); int j = datafloor(a_Y + s); int k = datafloor(a_Z + s); // Unskew back into the XYZ space to calculate the distances from cell origin: Datatype t = (i + j + k) * G3; Datatype X0 = i - t; Datatype Y0 = j - t; Datatype Z0 = k - t; Datatype x0 = a_X - X0; Datatype y0 = a_Y - Y0; Datatype z0 = a_Z - Z0; // For the 3D case, the simplex shape is a slightly irregular tetrahedron. // Determine which simplex we are in. int i1, j1, k1; // Offsets for second corner of simplex in IJK coords int i2, j2, k2; // Offsets for third corner of simplex in IJK coords if (x0 >= y0) { if (y0 >= z0) { // X Y Z order i1 = 1; j1 = 0; k1 = 0; i2 = 1; j2 = 1; k2 = 0; } else if (x0 >= z0) { // X Z Y order i1 = 1; j1 = 0; k1 = 0; i2 = 1; j2 = 0; k2 = 1; } else { // Z X Y order i1 = 0; j1 = 0; k1 = 1; i2 = 1; j2 = 0; k2 = 1; } } else { if (y0 < z0) { // Z Y X order i1 = 0; j1 = 0; k1 = 1; i2 = 0; j2 = 1; k2 = 1; } else if (x0 < z0) { // Y Z X order i1 = 0; j1 = 1; k1 = 0; i2 = 0; j2 = 1; k2 = 1; } else { // Y X Z order i1 = 0; j1 = 1; k1 = 0; i2 = 1; j2 = 1; k2 = 0; } } // A step of (1, 0, 0) in IJK means a step of (1 - c, -c, -c) in XYZ, // a step of (0, 1, 0) in IJK means a step of (-c, 1 - c, -c) in XYZ, and // a step of (0, 0, 1) in IJK means a step of (-c, -c, 1 - c) in XYZ, where c = G3 = 1 / 6. Datatype x1 = x0 - i1 + G3; // Offsets for second corner in XYZ coords Datatype y1 = y0 - j1 + G3; Datatype z1 = z0 - k1 + G3; Datatype x2 = x0 - i2 + static_cast<Datatype>(2) * G3; // Offsets for third corner in XYZ coords Datatype y2 = y0 - j2 + static_cast<Datatype>(2) * G3; Datatype z2 = z0 - k2 + static_cast<Datatype>(2) * G3; Datatype x3 = x0 - static_cast<Datatype>(1) + static_cast<Datatype>(3) * G3; // Offsets for last corner in XYZ coords Datatype y3 = y0 - static_cast<Datatype>(1) + static_cast<Datatype>(3) * G3; Datatype z3 = z0 - static_cast<Datatype>(1) + static_cast<Datatype>(3) * G3; // Work out the hashed gradient indices of the four simplex corners int ii = i & 255; int jj = j & 255; int kk = k & 255; int gi0 = m_PermMod12[ii + m_Perm[jj + m_Perm[kk]]]; int gi1 = m_PermMod12[ii + i1 + m_Perm[jj + j1 + m_Perm[kk + k1]]]; int gi2 = m_PermMod12[ii + i2 + m_Perm[jj + j2 + m_Perm[kk + k2]]]; int gi3 = m_PermMod12[ii + 1 + m_Perm[jj + 1 + m_Perm[kk + 1]]]; // Calculate the contribution from the four corners Datatype t0 = static_cast<Datatype>(0.6) - x0 * x0 - y0 * y0 - z0 * z0; if (t0 < 0) { n0 = 0.0; } else { t0 *= t0; n0 = t0 * t0 * dot(grad3[gi0], x0, y0, z0); } Datatype t1 = static_cast<Datatype>(0.6) - x1 * x1 - y1 * y1 - z1 * z1; if (t1 < 0) { n1 = 0.0; } else { t1 *= t1; n1 = t1 * t1 * dot(grad3[gi1], x1, y1, z1); } Datatype t2 = static_cast<Datatype>(0.6) - x2 * x2 - y2 * y2 - z2 * z2; if (t2 < 0) { n2 = 0.0; } else { t2 *= t2; n2 = t2 * t2 * dot(grad3[gi2], x2, y2, z2); } Datatype t3 = static_cast<Datatype>(0.6) - x3 * x3 - y3 * y3 - z3 * z3; if (t3 < 0) { n3 = 0.0; } else { t3 *= t3; n3 = t3 * t3 * dot(grad3[gi3], x3, y3, z3); } // Add contributions from each corner to get the final noise value. // The result is scaled to stay just inside [-1, 1] return static_cast<Datatype>(32) * (n0 + n1 + n2 + n3); } /** Generates the 3D version of the SImplex noise. a_Out is the 3D array into which the noise is output. Organized as [x + a_SizeX * y + a_SizeX * a_SizeY * z]. a_SizeX, a_SizeY, a_SizeZ are the dimensions of the a_Out array. a_Start and a_End are the coords of the 3D array in the noise-space. */ void Generate3D( Datatype * a_Out, int a_SizeX, int a_SizeY, int a_SizeZ, Datatype a_StartX, Datatype a_EndX, Datatype a_StartY, Datatype a_EndY, Datatype a_StartZ, Datatype a_EndZ ) { Datatype * out = a_Out; for (int z = 0; z < a_SizeZ; ++z) { Datatype nz = a_StartZ + z * (a_EndZ - a_StartZ) / a_SizeZ; for (int y = 0; y < a_SizeY; ++y) { Datatype ny = a_StartY + y * (a_EndY - a_StartY) / a_SizeY; for (int x = 0; x < a_SizeX; ++x) { Datatype nx = a_StartX + x * (a_EndX - a_StartX) / a_SizeX; *out = GetValueAt3D(nx, ny, nz); ++out; } // for x } // for y } // for z } protected: /** The permutation table, initialized by the seed. */ int m_Perm[512]; /** A copy of the permutation table, with each item modulo 12, to avoid 4 modulo operations per value calculation. */ int m_PermMod12[512]; };