path: root/src/Generating/ProtIntGen.h
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authorMattes D <>2014-10-30 16:24:35 +0100
committerMattes D <>2014-10-30 16:24:35 +0100
commit8c04abf9aa749af3b15bc92f517b636c9593109e (patch)
treebb9af9b2d0d0c9760c937dd98b25c1738b075a13 /src/Generating/ProtIntGen.h
parentMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into GrownBiomes (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1008 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Generating/ProtIntGen.h b/src/Generating/ProtIntGen.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3d10c4ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Generating/ProtIntGen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1008 @@
+// ProtIntGen.h
+// Declares the prototyping integer generators - cProtIntGen class and its descendants
+These classes generate 2D arrays of integers that have various interpretations. The main purpose of these
+classes is to provide fast prototyping for cIntGen classes - unlike cIntGen classes, these are not
+template-based and so they take care of the underlying sizes automatically. This makes them easier to chain
+and re-chain, since the size parameters don't need to be adjusted after each such case. Their performance is,
+however, slightly worse, which is why we use cIntGen classes in the final generator.
+Because there is no SizeX / SizeZ template param, the generators would have to either alloc memory for each
+underlying generator's values, or use a maximum-size buffer. We chose the latter, to avoid memory allocation
+overhead; this however means that there's (an arbitrary) limit to the size of the generated data.
+#pragma once
+// We need the biome group constants defined there:
+#include "IntGen.h"
+/** Interface that all the generator classes provide. */
+class cProtIntGen
+ /** Maximum size of the generated area.
+ Adjust the constant if you need larger areas, these are just so that we can use fixed-size buffers. */
+ static const int m_BufferSize = 900;
+ /** Type of the generic interface used for storing links to the underlying generators. */
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<cProtIntGen> Underlying;
+ /** Force a virtual destructor in all descendants.
+ Descendants contain virtual functions and are referred to via pointer-to-base, so they need a virtual destructor. */
+ virtual ~cProtIntGen() {}
+ /** Generates the array of specified size into a_Values, based on given min coords. */
+ virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, int a_SizeX, int a_SizeZ, int * a_Values) = 0;
+/** Provides additional cNoise member and its helper functions. */
+class cProtIntGenWithNoise :
+ public cProtIntGen
+ typedef cProtIntGen super;
+ cProtIntGenWithNoise(int a_Seed) :
+ m_Noise(a_Seed)
+ {
+ }
+ cNoise m_Noise;
+ /** Chooses one of a_Val1 or a_Val2, based on m_Noise and the coordinates for querying the noise. */
+ int ChooseRandomOne(int a_RndX, int a_RndZ, int a_Val1, int a_Val2)
+ {
+ int rnd = m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(a_RndX, a_RndZ) / 7;
+ return ((rnd & 1) == 0) ? a_Val1 : a_Val2;
+ }
+ /** Chooses one of a_ValN, based on m_Noise and the coordinates for querying the noise. */
+ int ChooseRandomOne(int a_RndX, int a_RndZ, int a_Val1, int a_Val2, int a_Val3, int a_Val4)
+ {
+ int rnd = m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(a_RndX, a_RndZ) / 7;
+ switch (rnd % 4)
+ {
+ case 0: return a_Val1;
+ case 1: return a_Val2;
+ case 2: return a_Val3;
+ default: return a_Val4;
+ }
+ }
+/** Generates a 2D array of random integers in the specified range [0 .. Range). */
+class cProtIntGenChoice :
+ public cProtIntGenWithNoise
+ typedef cProtIntGenWithNoise super;
+ cProtIntGenChoice(int a_Seed, int a_Range) :
+ super(a_Seed),
+ m_Range(a_Range)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, int a_SizeX, int a_SizeZ, int * a_Values) override
+ {
+ for (int z = 0; z < a_SizeZ; z++)
+ {
+ int BaseZ = a_MinZ + z;
+ for (int x = 0; x < a_SizeX; x++)
+ {
+ a_Values[x + a_SizeX * z] = (super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(a_MinX + x, BaseZ) / 7) % m_Range;
+ }
+ } // for z
+ }
+ int m_Range;
+/** Decides between the ocean and landmass biomes.
+Has a threshold (in percent) of how much land, the larger the threshold, the more land.
+Generates 0 for ocean, biome group ID for landmass. */
+class cProtIntGenLandOcean :
+ public cProtIntGenWithNoise
+ typedef cProtIntGenWithNoise super;
+ cProtIntGenLandOcean(int a_Seed, int a_Threshold) :
+ super(a_Seed),
+ m_Threshold(a_Threshold)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, int a_SizeX, int a_SizeZ, int * a_Values) override
+ {
+ for (int z = 0; z < a_SizeZ; z++)
+ {
+ int BaseZ = a_MinZ + z;
+ for (int x = 0; x < a_SizeX; x++)
+ {
+ int rnd = (super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(a_MinX + x, BaseZ) / 7);
+ a_Values[x + a_SizeX * z] = ((rnd % 100) < m_Threshold) ? ((rnd / 128) % bgLandOceanMax + 1) : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the centerpoint of the world is within the area, set it to bgTemperate, always:
+ if ((a_MinX <= 0) && (a_MinZ <= 0) && (a_MinX + a_SizeX > 0) && (a_MinZ + a_SizeZ > 0))
+ {
+ a_Values[-a_MinX - a_MinZ * a_SizeX] = bgTemperate;
+ }
+ }
+ int m_Threshold;
+class cProtIntGenZoom :
+ public cProtIntGenWithNoise
+ typedef cProtIntGenWithNoise super;
+ cProtIntGenZoom(int a_Seed, Underlying a_UnderlyingGen) :
+ super(a_Seed),
+ m_UnderlyingGen(a_UnderlyingGen)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, int a_SizeX, int a_SizeZ, int * a_Values) override
+ {
+ // Get the coords for the lower generator:
+ int lowerMinX = a_MinX >> 1;
+ int lowerMinZ = a_MinZ >> 1;
+ int lowerSizeX = a_SizeX / 2 + 2;
+ int lowerSizeZ = a_SizeZ / 2 + 2;
+ ASSERT(lowerSizeX * lowerSizeZ <= m_BufferSize);
+ ASSERT(lowerSizeX > 0);
+ ASSERT(lowerSizeZ > 0);
+ // Generate the underlying data with half the resolution:
+ int lowerData[m_BufferSize];
+ m_UnderlyingGen->GetInts(lowerMinX, lowerMinZ, lowerSizeX, lowerSizeZ, lowerData);
+ const int lowStepX = (lowerSizeX - 1) * 2;
+ int Cache[m_BufferSize];
+ // Discreet-interpolate the values into twice the size:
+ for (int z = 0; z < lowerSizeZ - 1; ++z)
+ {
+ int idx = (z * 2) * lowStepX;
+ int PrevZ0 = lowerData[z * lowerSizeX];
+ int PrevZ1 = lowerData[(z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ for (int x = 0; x < lowerSizeX - 1; ++x)
+ {
+ int ValX1Z0 = lowerData[x + 1 + z * lowerSizeX];
+ int ValX1Z1 = lowerData[x + 1 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ int RndX = (x + lowerMinX) * 2;
+ int RndZ = (z + lowerMinZ) * 2;
+ Cache[idx] = PrevZ0;
+ Cache[idx + lowStepX] = super::ChooseRandomOne(RndX, RndZ, PrevZ0, PrevZ1);
+ idx++;
+ Cache[idx] = super::ChooseRandomOne(RndX, RndZ, PrevZ0, ValX1Z0);
+ Cache[idx + lowStepX] = super::ChooseRandomOne(RndX, RndZ, PrevZ0, ValX1Z0, PrevZ1, ValX1Z1);
+ idx++;
+ PrevZ0 = ValX1Z0;
+ PrevZ1 = ValX1Z1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Copy from Cache into a_Values; take into account the even/odd offsets in a_Min:
+ for (int z = 0; z < a_SizeZ; ++z)
+ {
+ memcpy(a_Values + z * a_SizeX, Cache + (z + (a_MinZ & 1)) * lowStepX + (a_MinX & 1), a_SizeX * sizeof(int));
+ }
+ }
+ Underlying m_UnderlyingGen;
+class cProtIntGenSmooth :
+ public cProtIntGenWithNoise
+ typedef cProtIntGenWithNoise super;
+ cProtIntGenSmooth(int a_Seed, Underlying a_Underlying) :
+ super(a_Seed),
+ m_Underlying(a_Underlying)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, int a_SizeX, int a_SizeZ, int * a_Values) override
+ {
+ // Generate the underlying values:
+ int lowerSizeX = a_SizeX + 2;
+ int lowerSizeZ = a_SizeZ + 2;
+ ASSERT(lowerSizeX * lowerSizeZ <= m_BufferSize);
+ int lowerData[m_BufferSize];
+ m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX - 1, a_MinZ - 1, lowerSizeX, lowerSizeZ, lowerData);
+ // Smooth - for each square check if the surroundings are the same, if so, expand them diagonally.
+ // Also get rid of single-pixel irregularities (A-B-A):
+ for (int z = 0; z < a_SizeZ; z++)
+ {
+ int NoiseZ = a_MinZ + z;
+ for (int x = 0; x < a_SizeX; x++)
+ {
+ int val = lowerData[x + 1 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ int Above = lowerData[x + 1 + z * lowerSizeX];
+ int Below = lowerData[x + 1 + (z + 2) * lowerSizeX];
+ int Left = lowerData[x + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ int Right = lowerData[x + 2 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ if ((Left == Right) && (Above == Below))
+ {
+ if (((super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(a_MinX + x, NoiseZ) / 7) % 2) == 0)
+ {
+ val = Left;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ val = Above;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (Left == Right)
+ {
+ val = Left;
+ }
+ if (Above == Below)
+ {
+ val = Above;
+ }
+ }
+ a_Values[x + z * a_SizeX] = val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Underlying m_Underlying;
+class cProtIntGenBeaches :
+ public cProtIntGen
+ typedef cProtIntGen super;
+ cProtIntGenBeaches(Underlying a_Underlying) :
+ m_Underlying(a_Underlying)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, int a_SizeX, int a_SizeZ, int * a_Values) override
+ {
+ // Map for biome -> its beach:
+ static const int ToBeach[] =
+ {
+ /* biOcean */ biOcean,
+ /* biPlains */ biBeach,
+ /* biDesert */ biBeach,
+ /* biExtremeHills */ biStoneBeach,
+ /* biForest */ biBeach,
+ /* biTaiga */ biColdBeach,
+ /* biSwampland */ biSwampland,
+ /* biRiver */ biRiver,
+ /* biNether */ biNether,
+ /* biEnd */ biEnd,
+ /* biFrozenOcean */ biColdBeach,
+ /* biFrozenRiver */ biColdBeach,
+ /* biIcePlains */ biColdBeach,
+ /* biIceMountains */ biColdBeach,
+ /* biMushroomIsland */ biMushroomShore,
+ /* biMushroomShore */ biMushroomShore,
+ /* biBeach */ biBeach,
+ /* biDesertHills */ biBeach,
+ /* biForestHills */ biBeach,
+ /* biTaigaHills */ biColdBeach,
+ /* biExtremeHillsEdge */ biStoneBeach,
+ /* biJungle */ biBeach,
+ /* biJungleHills */ biBeach,
+ /* biJungleEdge */ biBeach,
+ /* biDeepOcean */ biOcean,
+ /* biStoneBeach */ biStoneBeach,
+ /* biColdBeach */ biColdBeach,
+ /* biBirchForest */ biBeach,
+ /* biBirchForestHills */ biBeach,
+ /* biRoofedForest */ biBeach,
+ /* biColdTaiga */ biColdBeach,
+ /* biColdTaigaHills */ biColdBeach,
+ /* biMegaTaiga */ biStoneBeach,
+ /* biMegaTaigaHills */ biStoneBeach,
+ /* biExtremeHillsPlus */ biStoneBeach,
+ /* biSavanna */ biBeach,
+ /* biSavannaPlateau */ biBeach,
+ /* biMesa */ biMesa,
+ /* biMesaPlateauF */ biMesa,
+ /* biMesaPlateau */ biMesa,
+ };
+ // Generate the underlying values:
+ int lowerSizeX = a_SizeX + 2;
+ int lowerSizeZ = a_SizeZ + 2;
+ ASSERT(lowerSizeX * lowerSizeZ <= m_BufferSize);
+ int lowerValues[m_BufferSize];
+ m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX - 1, a_MinZ - 1, lowerSizeX, lowerSizeZ, lowerValues);
+ // Add beaches between ocean and biomes:
+ for (int z = 0; z < a_SizeZ; z++)
+ {
+ for (int x = 0; x < a_SizeX; x++)
+ {
+ int val = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ int Above = lowerValues[x + 1 + z * lowerSizeX];
+ int Below = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 2) * lowerSizeX];
+ int Left = lowerValues[x + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ int Right = lowerValues[x + 2 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ if (!IsBiomeOcean(val))
+ {
+ if (IsBiomeOcean(Above) || IsBiomeOcean(Below) || IsBiomeOcean(Left) || IsBiomeOcean(Right))
+ {
+ val = ToBeach[(val % 128) % ARRAYCOUNT(ToBeach)];
+ }
+ }
+ a_Values[x + z * a_SizeX] = val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Underlying m_Underlying;
+/** Generates the underlying numbers and then randomly changes some zeroes into nonzeroes. */
+class cProtIntGenAddIslands :
+ public cProtIntGenWithNoise
+ typedef cProtIntGenWithNoise super;
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<cProtIntGen> Underlying;
+ cProtIntGenAddIslands(int a_Seed, int a_Threshold, Underlying a_Underlying) :
+ super(a_Seed),
+ m_Threshold(a_Threshold),
+ m_Underlying(a_Underlying)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, int a_SizeX, int a_SizeZ, int * a_Values) override
+ {
+ m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, a_SizeX, a_SizeZ, a_Values);
+ for (int z = 0; z < a_SizeZ; z++)
+ {
+ for (int x = 0; x < a_SizeX; x++)
+ {
+ if (a_Values[x + z * a_SizeX] == bgOcean)
+ {
+ int rnd = super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(a_MinX + x, a_MinZ + z) / 7;
+ if (rnd % 100 < m_Threshold)
+ {
+ a_Values[x + z * a_SizeX] = (rnd / 100) % bgLandOceanMax;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int m_Threshold;
+ Underlying m_Underlying;
+/** A filter that adds an edge biome group between two biome groups that need an edge between them. */
+class cProtIntGenBiomeGroupEdges :
+ public cProtIntGen
+ typedef cProtIntGen super;
+ cProtIntGenBiomeGroupEdges(Underlying a_Underlying) :
+ m_Underlying(a_Underlying)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, int a_SizeX, int a_SizeZ, int * a_Values)
+ {
+ // Generate the underlying biome groups:
+ int lowerSizeX = a_SizeX + 2;
+ int lowerSizeZ = a_SizeZ + 2;
+ ASSERT(lowerSizeX * lowerSizeZ <= m_BufferSize);
+ int lowerValues[m_BufferSize];
+ m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, lowerSizeX, lowerSizeZ, lowerValues);
+ // Change the biomes on incompatible edges into an edge biome:
+ for (int z = 0; z < a_SizeZ; z++)
+ {
+ for (int x = 0; x < a_SizeX; x++)
+ {
+ int val = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ int Above = lowerValues[x + 1 + z * lowerSizeX];
+ int Below = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 2) * lowerSizeX];
+ int Left = lowerValues[x + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ int Right = lowerValues[x + 2 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ switch (val)
+ {
+ // Desert should neighbor only oceans, desert and temperates; change to temperate when another:
+ case bgDesert:
+ {
+ if (
+ !isDesertCompatible(Above) ||
+ !isDesertCompatible(Below) ||
+ !isDesertCompatible(Left) ||
+ !isDesertCompatible(Right)
+ )
+ {
+ val = bgTemperate;
+ }
+ break;
+ } // case bgDesert
+ // Ice should not neighbor deserts; change to temperate:
+ case bgIce:
+ {
+ if (
+ (Above == bgDesert) ||
+ (Below == bgDesert) ||
+ (Left == bgDesert) ||
+ (Right == bgDesert)
+ )
+ {
+ val = bgTemperate;
+ }
+ break;
+ } // case bgIce
+ // Jungle should not neighbor Desert or Ice; change to temperate:
+ case bgJungle:
+ {
+ if (
+ !isJungleCompatible(Above) ||
+ !isJungleCompatible(Below) ||
+ !isJungleCompatible(Left) ||
+ !isJungleCompatible(Right)
+ )
+ {
+ val = bgTemperate;
+ }
+ } // case bgJungle
+ // Mesa should neighbor only oceans and deserts; change to desert when another:
+ case bgMesa:
+ {
+ if (
+ !isMesaCompatible(Above) ||
+ !isMesaCompatible(Below) ||
+ !isMesaCompatible(Left) ||
+ !isMesaCompatible(Right)
+ )
+ {
+ val = bgDesert;
+ }
+ break;
+ } // case bgDesert
+ }
+ a_Values[x + z * a_SizeX] = val;
+ } // for x
+ } // for z
+ }
+ Underlying m_Underlying;
+ inline bool isDesertCompatible(int a_BiomeGroup)
+ {
+ switch (a_BiomeGroup)
+ {
+ case bgOcean:
+ case bgDesert:
+ case bgTemperate:
+ case bgMesa:
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool isJungleCompatible(int a_BiomeGroup)
+ {
+ return ((a_BiomeGroup != bgDesert) && (a_BiomeGroup != bgMesa) && (a_BiomeGroup != bgIce));
+ }
+ inline bool isMesaCompatible(int a_BiomeGroup)
+ {
+ return ((a_BiomeGroup == bgOcean) || (a_BiomeGroup == bgDesert));
+ }
+/** Turns biome group indices into real biomes.
+For each pixel, takes its biome group and chooses a random biome from that group; replaces the value with
+that biome. */
+class cProtIntGenBiomes :
+ public cProtIntGenWithNoise
+ typedef cProtIntGenWithNoise super;
+ cProtIntGenBiomes(int a_Seed, Underlying a_Underlying) :
+ super(a_Seed),
+ m_Underlying(a_Underlying)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, int a_SizeX, int a_SizeZ, int * a_Values) override
+ {
+ // Define the per-biome-group biomes:
+ static const int oceanBiomes[] =
+ {
+ biOcean, // biDeepOcean,
+ };
+ static const int desertBiomes[] =
+ {
+ biDesert, biDesert, biDesert, biDesert, biDesert, biDesert, biSavanna, biSavanna, biPlains,
+ };
+ static const int temperateBiomes[] =
+ {
+ biForest, biForest, biRoofedForest, biExtremeHills, biPlains, biBirchForest, biSwampland,
+ };
+ static const int mountainBiomes[] =
+ {
+ biExtremeHills, biForest, biTaiga, biPlains,
+ };
+ static const int jungleBiomes[] =
+ {
+ biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biForest,
+ };
+ static const int iceBiomes[] =
+ {
+ biIcePlains, biIcePlains, biIcePlains, biIcePlains, biColdTaiga,
+ };
+ static const int mesaBiomes[] =
+ {
+ biMesa, biMesaPlateau,
+ };
+ static const cBiomesInGroups BiomesInGroups[] =
+ {
+ /* bgOcean */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(oceanBiomes)), oceanBiomes},
+ /* bgDesert */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(desertBiomes)), desertBiomes},
+ /* bgTemperate */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(temperateBiomes)), temperateBiomes},
+ /* bgMountains */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(mountainBiomes)), mountainBiomes},
+ /* bgJungle */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(jungleBiomes)), jungleBiomes},
+ /* bgIce */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(iceBiomes)), iceBiomes},
+ /* bgMesa */ { static_cast<int>(ARRAYCOUNT(mesaBiomes)), mesaBiomes},
+ };
+ // Generate the underlying values, representing biome groups:
+ m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, a_SizeX, a_SizeZ, a_Values);
+ // Overwrite each biome group with a random biome from that group:
+ for (int z = 0; z < a_SizeZ; z++)
+ {
+ int IdxZ = z * a_SizeX;
+ for (int x = 0; x < a_SizeX; x++)
+ {
+ int val = a_Values[x + IdxZ];
+ const cBiomesInGroups & Biomes = BiomesInGroups[val % ARRAYCOUNT(BiomesInGroups)];
+ int rnd = (super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(x + a_MinX, z + a_MinZ) / 7);
+ a_Values[x + IdxZ] = Biomes.Biomes[rnd % Biomes.Count];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ struct cBiomesInGroups
+ {
+ const int Count;
+ const int * Biomes;
+ };
+ /** The underlying int generator */
+ Underlying m_Underlying;
+class cProtIntGenReplaceRandomly :
+ public cProtIntGenWithNoise
+ typedef cProtIntGenWithNoise super;
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<cProtIntGen> Underlying;
+ cProtIntGenReplaceRandomly(int a_From, int a_To, int a_Chance, int a_Seed, Underlying a_Underlying) :
+ super(a_Seed),
+ m_From(a_From),
+ m_To(a_To),
+ m_Chance(a_Chance),
+ m_Underlying(a_Underlying)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, int a_SizeX, int a_SizeZ, int * a_Values) override
+ {
+ // Generate the underlying values:
+ m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, a_SizeX, a_SizeZ, a_Values);
+ // Replace some of the values:
+ for (int z = 0; z < a_SizeZ; z++)
+ {
+ int idxZ = z * a_SizeX;
+ for (int x = 0; x < a_SizeX; x++)
+ {
+ int idx = x + idxZ;
+ if (a_Values[idx] == m_From)
+ {
+ int rnd = super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(x + a_MinX, z + a_MinZ) / 7;
+ if (rnd % 100 < m_Chance)
+ {
+ a_Values[idx] = m_To;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // for z
+ }
+ int m_From;
+ int m_To;
+ int m_Chance;
+ Underlying m_Underlying;
+/** Mixer that joins together finalized biomes and rivers.
+It first checks for oceans; if there's no ocean, it checks for a river. */
+class cProtIntGenMixRivers:
+ public cProtIntGen
+ typedef cProtIntGen super;
+ cProtIntGenMixRivers(Underlying a_Biomes, Underlying a_Rivers):
+ m_Biomes(a_Biomes),
+ m_Rivers(a_Rivers)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, int a_SizeX, int a_SizeZ, int * a_Values) override
+ {
+ // Generate the underlying data:
+ ASSERT(a_SizeX * a_SizeZ <= m_BufferSize);
+ m_Biomes->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, a_SizeX, a_SizeZ, a_Values);
+ int riverData[m_BufferSize];
+ m_Rivers->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, a_SizeX, a_SizeZ, riverData);
+ // Mix the values:
+ for (int z = 0; z < a_SizeZ; z++)
+ {
+ int idxZ = z * a_SizeX;
+ for (int x = 0; x < a_SizeX; x++)
+ {
+ int idx = x + idxZ;
+ if (IsBiomeOcean(a_Values[idx]))
+ {
+ // Oceans are kept without any changes
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (riverData[idx] != biRiver)
+ {
+ // There's no river, keep the current value
+ continue;
+ }
+ // There's a river, change the output to a river or a frozen river, based on the original biome:
+ if (IsBiomeVeryCold((EMCSBiome)a_Values[idx]))
+ {
+ a_Values[idx] = biFrozenRiver;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ a_Values[idx] = biRiver;
+ }
+ } // for x
+ } // for z
+ }
+ Underlying m_Biomes;
+ Underlying m_Rivers;
+/** Generates a river based on the underlying data.
+This is basically an edge detector over the underlying data. The rivers are the edges where the underlying
+data changes from one pixel to its neighbor. */
+class cProtIntGenRiver:
+ public cProtIntGenWithNoise
+ typedef cProtIntGenWithNoise super;
+ cProtIntGenRiver(int a_Seed, Underlying a_Underlying):
+ super(a_Seed),
+ m_Underlying(a_Underlying)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, int a_SizeX, int a_SizeZ, int * a_Values) override
+ {
+ // Generate the underlying data:
+ int lowerSizeX = a_SizeX + 2;
+ int lowerSizeZ = a_SizeZ + 2;
+ ASSERT(lowerSizeX * lowerSizeZ <= m_BufferSize);
+ int lowerValues[m_BufferSize];
+ m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX - 1, a_MinZ - 1, lowerSizeX, lowerSizeZ, lowerValues);
+ // Detect the edges:
+ for (int z = 0; z < a_SizeZ; z++)
+ {
+ for (int x = 0; x < a_SizeX; x++)
+ {
+ int Above = lowerValues[x + 1 + z * lowerSizeX];
+ int Below = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 2) * lowerSizeX];
+ int Left = lowerValues[x + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ int Right = lowerValues[x + 2 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ int val = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ if ((val == Above) && (val == Below) && (val == Left) && (val == Right))
+ {
+ val = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ val = biRiver;
+ }
+ a_Values[x + z * a_SizeX] = val;
+ } // for x
+ } // for z
+ }
+ Underlying m_Underlying;
+/** Turns some of the oceans into the specified biome. Used for mushroom and deep ocean.
+The biome is only placed if at least 3 of its neighbors are ocean and only with the specified chance. */
+class cProtIntGenAddToOcean:
+ public cProtIntGenWithNoise
+ typedef cProtIntGenWithNoise super;
+ cProtIntGenAddToOcean(int a_Seed, int a_Chance, int a_ToValue, Underlying a_Underlying):
+ super(a_Seed),
+ m_Chance(a_Chance),
+ m_ToValue(a_ToValue),
+ m_Underlying(a_Underlying)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, int a_SizeX, int a_SizeZ, int * a_Values) override
+ {
+ // Generate the underlying data:
+ int lowerSizeX = a_SizeX + 2;
+ int lowerSizeZ = a_SizeZ + 2;
+ ASSERT(lowerSizeX * lowerSizeZ <= m_BufferSize);
+ int lowerValues[m_BufferSize];
+ m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX - 1, a_MinZ - 1, lowerSizeX, lowerSizeZ, lowerValues);
+ // Add the mushroom islands:
+ for (int z = 0; z < a_SizeZ; z++)
+ {
+ for (int x = 0; x < a_SizeX; x++)
+ {
+ int val = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ if (!IsBiomeOcean(val))
+ {
+ a_Values[x + z * a_SizeX] = val;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Count the ocean neighbors:
+ int Above = lowerValues[x + 1 + z * lowerSizeX];
+ int Below = lowerValues[x + 1 + (z + 2) * lowerSizeX];
+ int Left = lowerValues[x + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ int Right = lowerValues[x + 2 + (z + 1) * lowerSizeX];
+ int NumOceanNeighbors = 0;
+ if (IsBiomeOcean(Above))
+ {
+ NumOceanNeighbors += 1;
+ }
+ if (IsBiomeOcean(Below))
+ {
+ NumOceanNeighbors += 1;
+ }
+ if (IsBiomeOcean(Left))
+ {
+ NumOceanNeighbors += 1;
+ }
+ if (IsBiomeOcean(Right))
+ {
+ NumOceanNeighbors += 1;
+ }
+ // If at least 3 ocean neighbors and the chance is right, change:
+ if (
+ (NumOceanNeighbors >= 3) &&
+ ((super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(x + a_MinX, z + a_MinZ) / 7) % 1000 < m_Chance)
+ )
+ {
+ a_Values[x + z * a_SizeX] = m_ToValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ a_Values[x + z * a_SizeX] = val;
+ }
+ } // for x
+ } // for z
+ }
+ /** Chance, in permille, of changing the biome. */
+ int m_Chance;
+ /** The value to change the ocean into. */
+ int m_ToValue;
+ Underlying m_Underlying;
+/** Changes random pixels of the underlying data to the specified value. */
+class cProtIntGenSetRandomly :
+ public cProtIntGenWithNoise
+ typedef cProtIntGenWithNoise super;
+ cProtIntGenSetRandomly(int a_Seed, int a_Chance, int a_ToValue, Underlying a_Underlying) :
+ super(a_Seed),
+ m_Chance(a_Chance),
+ m_ToValue(a_ToValue),
+ m_Underlying(a_Underlying)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void GetInts(int a_MinX, int a_MinZ, int a_SizeX, int a_SizeZ, int * a_Values) override
+ {
+ // Generate the underlying data:
+ m_Underlying->GetInts(a_MinX, a_MinZ, a_SizeX, a_SizeZ, a_Values);
+ // Change random pixels to bgOcean:
+ for (int z = 0; z < a_SizeZ; z++)
+ {
+ for (int x = 0; x < a_SizeX; x++)
+ {
+ int rnd = super::m_Noise.IntNoise2DInt(x + a_MinX, z + a_MinZ) / 7;
+ if (rnd % 1000 < m_Chance)
+ {
+ a_Values[x + z * a_SizeX] = m_ToValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Chance, in permille, of changing each pixel. */
+ int m_Chance;
+ /** The value to which to set the pixel. */
+ int m_ToValue;
+ Underlying m_Underlying;