path: root/lib/tolua++/src/bin/lua/code.lua
diff options
authorJulian Laubstein <>2015-11-05 10:56:20 +0100
committerJulian Laubstein <>2015-11-05 10:56:20 +0100
commit51e5e6e9a8ed689c044256859f16f1b1f57585b7 (patch)
tree3a0d2409a61622edcc3ec5953a28fb3c13cc8705 /lib/tolua++/src/bin/lua/code.lua
parentMerge pull request #2601 from Gargaj/patch-1 (diff)
parentOutsourced all libraries into submodules (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/tolua++/src/bin/lua/code.lua')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tolua++ b/lib/tolua++
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 9181fc9ef73fa1c052f968d68dc60538f144a47
diff --git a/lib/tolua++/src/bin/lua/code.lua b/lib/tolua++/src/bin/lua/code.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e19b6bbf..000000000
--- a/lib/tolua++/src/bin/lua/code.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
--- tolua: code class
--- Written by Waldemar Celes
--- TeCGraf/PUC-Rio
--- Jul 1999
--- $Id: $
--- This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it.
--- The software provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and
--- the author has no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates,
--- enhancements, or modifications.
--- global
-code_n = 1
--- Code class
--- Represents Lua code to be compiled and included
--- in the initialization function.
--- The following fields are stored:
--- text = text code
-classCode = {
- text = '',
-classCode.__index = classCode
--- register code
-function classCode:register (pre)
- pre = pre or ''
- -- clean Lua code
- local s = clean(self.text)
- if not s then
- --print(self.text)
- error("parser error in embedded code")
- end
- -- get first line
- local _, _, first_line=string.find(self.text, "^([^\n\r]*)")
- if string.find(first_line, "^%s*%-%-") then
- if string.find(first_line, "^%-%-##") then
- first_line = string.gsub(first_line, "^%-%-##", "")
- if flags['C'] then
- s = string.gsub(s, "^%-%-##[^\n\r]*\n", "")
- end
- end
- else
- first_line = ""
- end
- -- pad to 16 bytes
- local npad = 16 - (#s % 16)
- local spad = ""
- for i=1,npad do
- spad = spad .. "-"
- end
- s = s..spad
- -- convert to C
- output('\n'..pre..'{ /* begin embedded lua code */\n')
- output(pre..' int top = lua_gettop(tolua_S);')
- output(pre..' static const unsigned char B[] = {\n ')
- local t={n=0}
- local b = gsub(s,'(.)',function (c)
- local e = ''
- t.n=t.n+1 if t.n==15 then t.n=0 e='\n'..pre..' ' end
- return format('%3u,%s',strbyte(c),e)
- end
- )
- output(b..strbyte(" "))
- output('\n'..pre..' };\n')
- if first_line and first_line ~= "" then
- output(pre..' tolua_dobuffer(tolua_S,(char*)B,sizeof(B),"tolua embedded: '..first_line..'");')
- else
- output(pre..' tolua_dobuffer(tolua_S,(char*)B,sizeof(B),"tolua: embedded Lua code '..code_n..'");')
- end
- output(pre..' lua_settop(tolua_S, top);')
- output(pre..'} /* end of embedded lua code */\n\n')
- code_n = code_n +1
--- Print method
-function classCode:print (ident,close)
- print(ident.."Code{")
- print(ident.." text = [["..self.text.."]],")
- print(ident.."}"..close)
--- Internal constructor
-function _Code (t)
- setmetatable(t,classCode)
- append(t)
- return t
--- Constructor
--- Expects a string representing the code text
-function Code (l)
- return _Code {
- text = l
- }