path: root/src/Mobs/Monster.cpp
blob: 8e0d3a1792464d45f989ae550c811757a584a20b (plain) (tree)

























































































































































































































#include "Globals.h"  // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules

#include "IncludeAllMonsters.h"
#include "LineBlockTracer.h"
#include "../BlockInfo.h"
#include "../Root.h"
#include "../Server.h"
#include "../ClientHandle.h"
#include "../Items/ItemHandler.h"
#include "../World.h"
#include "../EffectID.h"
#include "../Entities/Player.h"
#include "../Entities/ExpOrb.h"
#include "../MonsterConfig.h"
#include "../BoundingBox.h"

#include "Items/ItemSpawnEgg.h"

#include "../Chunk.h"
#include "../FastRandom.h"

#include "PathFinder.h"
#include "../Entities/LeashKnot.h"

/** Map for eType <-> string
Needs to be alpha-sorted by the strings, because binary search is used in StringToMobType()
The strings need to be lowercase (for more efficient comparisons in StringToMobType())
m_VanillaName is the name that vanilla use for this mob.
static const struct
	eMonsterType m_Type;
	const char * m_lcName;
	const char * m_VanillaName;
	const char * m_VanillaNameNBT;
} g_MobTypeNames[] =
	{mtBat,            "bat",            "Bat",            "bat"},
	{mtBlaze,          "blaze",          "Blaze",          "blaze"},
	{mtCaveSpider,     "cavespider",     "CaveSpider",     "cave_spider"},
	{mtChicken,        "chicken",        "Chicken",        "chicken"},
	{mtCow,            "cow",            "Cow",            "cow"},
	{mtCreeper,        "creeper",        "Creeper",        "creeper"},
	{mtEnderman,       "enderman",       "Enderman",       "enderman"},
	{mtEnderDragon,    "enderdragon",    "EnderDragon",    "ender_dragon"},
	{mtGhast,          "ghast",          "Ghast",          "ghast"},
	{mtGiant,          "giant",          "Giant",          "giant"},
	{mtGuardian,       "guardian",       "Guardian",       "guardian"},
	{mtHorse,          "horse",          "EntityHorse",    "horse"},
	{mtIronGolem,      "irongolem",      "VillagerGolem",  "iron_golem"},
	{mtMagmaCube,      "magmacube",      "LavaSlime",      "magma_cube"},
	{mtMooshroom,      "mooshroom",      "MushroomCow",    "mooshroom"},
	{mtOcelot,         "ocelot",         "Ozelot",         "ocelot"},
	{mtPig,            "pig",            "Pig",            "pig"},
	{mtRabbit,         "rabbit",         "Rabbit",         "rabbit"},
	{mtSheep,          "sheep",          "Sheep",          "sheep"},
	{mtSilverfish,     "silverfish",     "Silverfish",     "silverfish"},
	{mtSkeleton,       "skeleton",       "Skeleton",       "skeleton"},
	{mtSlime,          "slime",          "Slime",          "slime"},
	{mtSnowGolem,      "snowgolem",      "SnowMan",        "snow_golem"},
	{mtSpider,         "spider",         "Spider",         "spider"},
	{mtSquid,          "squid",          "Squid",          "squid"},
	{mtVillager,       "villager",       "Villager",       "villager"},
	{mtWitch,          "witch",          "Witch",          "witch"},
	{mtWither,         "wither",         "WitherBoss",     "wither"},
	{mtWitherSkeleton, "witherskeleton", "WitherSkeleton", "wither_skeleton"},
	{mtWolf,           "wolf",           "Wolf",           "wolf"},
	{mtZombie,         "zombie",         "Zombie",         "zombie"},
	{mtZombiePigman,   "zombiepigman",   "PigZombie",      "zombie_pigman"},
	{mtZombieVillager, "zombievillager", "ZombieVillager", "zombie_villager"},
} ;

// cMonster:

cMonster::cMonster(const AString & a_ConfigName, eMonsterType a_MobType, const AString & a_SoundHurt, const AString & a_SoundDeath, const AString & a_SoundAmbient, float a_Width, float a_Height)
	: Super(etMonster, a_Width, a_Height)
	, m_EMState(IDLE)
	, m_EMPersonality(AGGRESSIVE)
	, m_PathFinder(a_Width, a_Height)
	, m_PathfinderActivated(false)
	, m_JumpCoolDown(0)
	, m_IdleInterval(0)
	, m_DestroyTimer(0)
	, m_MobType(a_MobType)
	, m_CustomName()
	, m_CustomNameAlwaysVisible(false)
	, m_SoundHurt(a_SoundHurt)
	, m_SoundDeath(a_SoundDeath)
	, m_SoundAmbient(a_SoundAmbient)
	, m_AttackRate(3)
	, m_AttackDamage(1)
	, m_AttackRange(1)
	, m_AttackCoolDownTicksLeft(0)
	, m_SightDistance(25)
	, m_DropChanceWeapon(0.085f)
	, m_DropChanceHelmet(0.085f)
	, m_DropChanceChestplate(0.085f)
	, m_DropChanceLeggings(0.085f)
	, m_DropChanceBoots(0.085f)
	, m_CanPickUpLoot(true)
	, m_TicksSinceLastDamaged(100)
	, m_BurnsInDaylight(false)
	, m_RelativeWalkSpeed(1)
	, m_Age(1)
	, m_AgingTimer(TPS * 60 * 20)  // about 20 minutes
	, m_WasLastTargetAPlayer(false)
	, m_LeashedTo(nullptr)
	, m_LeashToPos(nullptr)
	, m_IsLeashActionJustDone(false)
	, m_CanBeLeashed(GetMobFamily() == eFamily::mfPassive)
	, m_LovePartner(nullptr)
	, m_LoveTimer(0)
	, m_LoveCooldown(0)
	, m_MatingTimer(0)
	, m_Target(nullptr)
	if (!a_ConfigName.empty())

	// Prevent mobs spawning at the same time from making sounds simultaneously
	m_AmbientSoundTimer = GetRandomProvider().RandInt(0, 100);

void cMonster::OnRemoveFromWorld(cWorld & a_World)
	SetTarget(nullptr);  // Tell them we're no longer targeting them.

	if (m_LovePartner != nullptr)

	if (IsLeashed())
		cEntity * LeashedTo = GetLeashedTo();
		Unleash(false, true);

		// Remove leash knot if there are no more mobs leashed to
		if (!LeashedTo->HasAnyMobLeashed() && LeashedTo->IsLeashKnot())


void cMonster::SpawnOn(cClientHandle & a_Client)

	if (IsLeashed())
		a_Client.SendLeashEntity(*this, *this->GetLeashedTo());

void cMonster::MoveToWayPoint(cChunk & a_Chunk)
	if ((m_NextWayPointPosition - GetPosition()).SqrLength() < WAYPOINT_RADIUS * WAYPOINT_RADIUS)

	if (m_JumpCoolDown <= 0)
		if (DoesPosYRequireJump(FloorC(m_NextWayPointPosition.y)))
			if (
				(IsOnGround() && (GetSpeed().SqrLength() <= 0.5)) ||  // If walking on the ground, we need to slow down first, otherwise we miss the jump
				m_bOnGround = false;
				m_JumpCoolDown = 20;
				AddPosY(1.6);  // Jump!!
				SetSpeedX(3.2 * (m_NextWayPointPosition.x - GetPosition().x));  // Move forward in a preset speed.
				SetSpeedZ(3.2 * (m_NextWayPointPosition.z - GetPosition().z));  // The numbers were picked based on trial and error

	Vector3d Distance = m_NextWayPointPosition - GetPosition();
	if ((std::abs(Distance.x) > 0.05) || (std::abs(Distance.z) > 0.05))
		Distance.y = 0;

		if (m_bOnGround)
			Distance *= 2.5f;
		else if (IsInWater())
			Distance *= 1.3f;
			// Don't let the mob move too much if he's falling.
			Distance *= 0.25f;
		// Apply walk speed:
		Distance *= m_RelativeWalkSpeed;
		/* Reduced default speed.
		Close to Vanilla, easier for mobs to follow m_NextWayPointPositions, hence
		better pathfinding. */
		Distance *= 0.5;

void cMonster::MoveToPosition(const Vector3d & a_Position)
	m_FinalDestination = a_Position;
	m_PathfinderActivated = true;

void cMonster::StopMovingToPosition()
	m_PathfinderActivated = false;

void cMonster::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
	Super::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk);
	if (!IsTicking())
		// The base class tick destroyed us

	ASSERT((GetTarget() == nullptr) || (GetTarget()->IsPawn() && (GetTarget()->GetWorld() == GetWorld())));
	if (m_AttackCoolDownTicksLeft > 0)
		m_AttackCoolDownTicksLeft -= 1;

	if (m_Health <= 0)
		// The mob is dead, but we're still animating the "puff" they leave when they die
		m_DestroyTimer += a_Dt;
		if (m_DestroyTimer > std::chrono::seconds(1))

	if (m_TicksSinceLastDamaged < 100)

	// Process the undead burning in daylight.
	HandleDaylightBurning(*Chunk, WouldBurnAt(GetPosition(), *Chunk));

	bool a_IsFollowingPath = false;
	if (m_PathfinderActivated && (GetMobType() != mtGhast))  // Pathfinder is currently disabled for ghasts, which have their own flying mechanism
		if (ReachedFinalDestination() || (m_LeashToPos != nullptr))
			StopMovingToPosition();  // Simply sets m_PathfinderActivated to false.
			// Note that m_NextWayPointPosition is actually returned by GetNextWayPoint)
			switch (m_PathFinder.GetNextWayPoint(*Chunk, GetPosition(), &m_FinalDestination, &m_NextWayPointPosition, m_EMState == IDLE))
				case ePathFinderStatus::PATH_FOUND:
					/* If I burn in daylight, and I won't burn where I'm standing, and I'll burn in my next position, and at least one of those is true:
					1. I am idle
					2. I was not hurt by a player recently.
					Then STOP. */
					if (
						m_BurnsInDaylight && ((m_TicksSinceLastDamaged >= 100) || (m_EMState == IDLE)) &&
						WouldBurnAt(m_NextWayPointPosition, *Chunk) &&
						!WouldBurnAt(GetPosition(), *Chunk)
						// If we burn in daylight, and we would burn at the next step, and we won't burn where we are right now, and we weren't provoked recently:
						a_IsFollowingPath = true;  // Used for proper body / head orientation only.
				case ePathFinderStatus::PATH_NOT_FOUND:



	switch (m_EMState)
		case IDLE:
			// If enemy passive we ignore checks for player visibility.
			InStateIdle(a_Dt, a_Chunk);
		case CHASING:
			// If we do not see a player anymore skip chasing action.
			InStateChasing(a_Dt, a_Chunk);
		case ESCAPING:
			InStateEscaping(a_Dt, a_Chunk);
		case ATTACKING: break;
	}  // switch (m_EMState)

	// Leash calculations


	// Ambient mob sounds
	if (!m_SoundAmbient.empty() && (--m_AmbientSoundTimer <= 0))
		auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
		auto ShouldPlaySound = Random.RandBool();
		if (ShouldPlaySound)
			auto SoundPitchMultiplier = 1.0f + (Random.RandReal(1.0f) - Random.RandReal(1.0f)) * 0.2f;
			m_World->BroadcastSoundEffect(m_SoundAmbient, GetPosition(), 1.0f, SoundPitchMultiplier * 1.0f);
		m_AmbientSoundTimer = 100;

	if (m_AgingTimer > 0)
		if ((m_AgingTimer <= 0) && IsBaby())

void cMonster::CalcLeashActions(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt)
	// This mob just spotted in the world and [m_LeashToPos not null] shows that should be leashed to a leash knot at m_LeashToPos.
	// This keeps trying until knot is found. Leash knot may be in a different chunk that needn't or can't be loaded yet.
	if (!IsLeashed() && (m_LeashToPos != nullptr))
		auto LeashKnot = cLeashKnot::FindKnotAtPos(*m_World, { FloorC(m_LeashToPos->x), FloorC(m_LeashToPos->y), FloorC(m_LeashToPos->z) });
		if (LeashKnot != nullptr)

	if (!IsLeashed())

	static const double CloseFollowDistance = 1.8;   // The closest the mob will path towards the leashed to entity
	static const double LeashNaturalLength  = 5.0;   // The closest the mob is actively pulled towards the entity
	static const double LeashMaximumLength  = 10.0;  // Length where the leash breaks
	static const double LeashSpringConstant = 20.0;  // How stiff the leash is

	const auto LeashedToPos = m_LeashedTo->GetPosition();
	const auto Displacement = LeashedToPos - GetPosition();
	const auto Distance = Displacement.Length();
	const auto Direction = Displacement.NormalizeCopy();

	// If the leash is over-extended, break the leash:
	if (Distance > LeashMaximumLength)
		LOGD("Leash broken (distance)");

	// If the mob isn't following close enough, pull the mob towards the leashed to entity:
	if (Distance > LeashNaturalLength)
		// Accelerate monster towards the leashed to entity:
		const auto Extension = Distance - LeashNaturalLength;
		auto Acceleration = Direction * (Extension * LeashSpringConstant);

		// Stop mobs from floating up when on the ground
		if (IsOnGround() && (Acceleration.y < std::abs(GetGravity())))
			Acceleration.y = 0.0;

		// Apply the acceleration
		using namespace std::chrono;
		AddSpeed(Acceleration * duration_cast<duration<double>>(a_Dt).count());

	// Passively follow the leashed to entity:
	if (Distance > CloseFollowDistance)
		const Vector3d TargetBlock((LeashedToPos - Direction * CloseFollowDistance).Floor());
		// Move to centre of target block face
		MoveToPosition(TargetBlock + Vector3d{ 0.5, 0.0, 0.5 });

void cMonster::SetPitchAndYawFromDestination(bool a_IsFollowingPath)
	Vector3d BodyDistance;
	if (!a_IsFollowingPath)
		if (GetTarget() == nullptr)
			// Avoid dirtying head position when nothing will change
			// Thus avoids creating unnecessary network traffic

		BodyDistance = GetTarget()->GetPosition() - GetPosition();
		BodyDistance = m_NextWayPointPosition - GetPosition();

	double BodyRotation, BodyPitch;
	VectorToEuler(BodyDistance.x, BodyDistance.y, BodyDistance.z, BodyRotation, BodyPitch);

	Vector3d HeadDistance;
	if (GetTarget() != nullptr)
		if (GetTarget()->IsPlayer())  // Look at a player
			HeadDistance = GetTarget()->GetPosition() - GetPosition();
		else  // Look at some other entity
			HeadDistance = GetTarget()->GetPosition() - GetPosition();
			// HeadDistance.y = GetTarget()->GetPosY() + GetHeight();
	else  // Look straight
		HeadDistance = BodyDistance;
		HeadDistance.y = 0;

	double HeadRotation, HeadPitch;
	VectorToEuler(HeadDistance.x, HeadDistance.y, HeadDistance.z, HeadRotation, HeadPitch);
	if ((std::abs(BodyRotation - HeadRotation) < 70) && (std::abs(HeadPitch) < 60))

void cMonster::HandleFalling()
	m_bTouchGround = IsOnGround();

int cMonster::FindFirstNonAirBlockPosition(double a_PosX, double a_PosZ)
	auto Position = GetPosition().Floor();
	Position.y = Clamp(Position.y, 0, cChunkDef::Height);

	if (!cBlockInfo::IsSolid(m_World->GetBlock(Position)))
		while (!cBlockInfo::IsSolid(m_World->GetBlock(Position)) && (Position.y > 0))

		return Position.y + 1;
		while ((Position.y < cChunkDef::Height) && cBlockInfo::IsSolid(m_World->GetBlock(Position)))

		return Position.y;

bool cMonster::DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
	if (!Super::DoTakeDamage(a_TDI))
		return false;

	if (!m_SoundHurt.empty() && (m_Health > 0))
		m_World->BroadcastSoundEffect(m_SoundHurt, GetPosition(), 1.0f, 0.8f);

	if ((a_TDI.Attacker != nullptr) && a_TDI.Attacker->IsPawn())
		if (
			(!a_TDI.Attacker->IsPlayer()) ||
			(static_cast<cPlayer *>(a_TDI.Attacker)->CanMobsTarget())
		m_TicksSinceLastDamaged = 0;
	return true;

void cMonster::KilledBy(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
	if (m_SoundHurt != "")
		m_World->BroadcastSoundEffect(m_SoundDeath, GetPosition(), 1.0f, 0.8f);

	if (IsTame())
		if ((m_MobType == mtWolf) || (m_MobType == mtOcelot) || (m_MobType == mtCat) || (m_MobType == mtParrot))

	int Reward;
	switch (m_MobType)
		// Animals
		case mtChicken:
		case mtCow:
		case mtHorse:
		case mtPig:
		case mtRabbit:
		case mtSheep:
		case mtSquid:
		case mtMooshroom:
		case mtOcelot:
		case mtWolf:
			Reward = GetRandomProvider().RandInt(1, 3);

		// Monsters
		case mtCaveSpider:
		case mtCreeper:
		case mtEnderman:
		case mtGhast:
		case mtGuardian:
		case mtSilverfish:
		case mtSkeleton:
		case mtSpider:
		case mtWitch:
		case mtWitherSkeleton:
		case mtZombie:
		case mtZombiePigman:
		case mtZombieVillager:
		case mtSlime:
		case mtMagmaCube:
			Reward = GetRandomProvider().RandInt(6, 8);
		case mtBlaze:
			Reward = 10;

		// Bosses
		case mtEnderDragon:
			Reward = 12000;
		case mtWither:
			Reward = 50;

			Reward = 0;
	if ((a_TDI.Attacker != nullptr) && (!IsBaby()))
		m_World->SpawnSplitExperienceOrbs(GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), Reward);
	m_DestroyTimer = std::chrono::milliseconds(0);

void cMonster::OnRightClicked(cPlayer & a_Player)

	const cItem & EquippedItem = a_Player.GetEquippedItem();
	if ((EquippedItem.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_NAME_TAG) && !EquippedItem.m_CustomName.empty())
		if (!a_Player.IsGameModeCreative())

	// Using leashes
	m_IsLeashActionJustDone = false;
	if (IsLeashed() && (GetLeashedTo() == &a_Player))  // a player can only unleash a mob leashed to him
	else if (IsLeashed())
		// Mob is already leashed but client anticipates the server action and draws a leash link, so we need to send current leash to cancel it
		m_World->BroadcastLeashEntity(*this, *this->GetLeashedTo());
	else if (CanBeLeashed() && (EquippedItem.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_LEASH))
		if (!a_Player.IsGameModeCreative())

// Checks to see if EventSeePlayer should be fired
// monster sez: Do I see the player
void cMonster::CheckEventSeePlayer(cChunk & a_Chunk)
	if (GetTarget() != nullptr)

	cPlayer * TargetPlayer = nullptr;
	double ClosestDistance = m_SightDistance * m_SightDistance;
	const auto MyHeadPosition = GetPosition().addedY(GetHeight());

	// Enumerate all players within sight:
	m_World->ForEachPlayer([this, &TargetPlayer, &ClosestDistance, MyHeadPosition](cPlayer & a_Player)
		if (!a_Player.CanMobsTarget())
			return false;

		const auto TargetHeadPosition = a_Player.GetPosition().addedY(a_Player.GetHeight());
		const auto TargetDistance = (TargetHeadPosition - MyHeadPosition).SqrLength();

		// TODO: Currently all mobs see through lava, but only Nether-native mobs should be able to.
		if (
			(TargetDistance < ClosestDistance) &&
			cLineBlockTracer::LineOfSightTrace(*GetWorld(), MyHeadPosition, TargetHeadPosition, cLineBlockTracer::losAirWaterLava)
			TargetPlayer = &a_Player;
			ClosestDistance = TargetDistance;

		return false;

	// Target him if suitable player found:
	if (TargetPlayer != nullptr)
		EventSeePlayer(TargetPlayer, a_Chunk);

void cMonster::CheckEventLostPlayer(const std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt)
	const auto Target = GetTarget();

	if (Target == nullptr)

	// Check if the player died, is in creative mode, etc:
	if (Target->IsPlayer() && !static_cast<cPlayer *>(Target)->CanMobsTarget())

	// Check if the target is too far away:
	if (!Target->GetBoundingBox().DoesIntersect({ GetPosition(), m_SightDistance * 2.0 }))

	const auto MyHeadPosition = GetPosition().addedY(GetHeight());
	const auto TargetHeadPosition = Target->GetPosition().addedY(Target->GetHeight());
	if (!cLineBlockTracer::LineOfSightTrace(*GetWorld(), MyHeadPosition, TargetHeadPosition, cLineBlockTracer::losAirWaterLava))
		if ((m_LoseSightAbandonTargetTimer += a_Dt) > std::chrono::seconds(4))
		// Subtract the amount of time we "handled" instead of setting to zero, so we don't ignore a large a_Dt of say, 8s:
		m_LoseSightAbandonTargetTimer -= std::min(std::chrono::milliseconds(4000), m_LoseSightAbandonTargetTimer);

// What to do if player is seen
// default to change state to chasing
void cMonster::EventSeePlayer(cPlayer * a_SeenPlayer, cChunk & a_Chunk)

void cMonster::EventLosePlayer(void)

	m_EMState = IDLE;
	m_LoseSightAbandonTargetTimer = std::chrono::seconds::zero();

void cMonster::InStateIdle(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
	if (m_PathfinderActivated)
		return;  // Still getting there

	m_IdleInterval += a_Dt;

	if (m_IdleInterval > std::chrono::seconds(1))
		auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();

		// At this interval the results are predictable
		int rem = Random.RandInt(1, 7);
		m_IdleInterval -= std::chrono::seconds(1);  // So nothing gets dropped when the server hangs for a few seconds

		Vector3d Dist;
		Dist.x = static_cast<double>(Random.RandInt(-5, 5));
		Dist.z = static_cast<double>(Random.RandInt(-5, 5));

		if ((Dist.SqrLength() > 2)  && (rem >= 3))

			Vector3d Destination(GetPosX() + Dist.x, GetPosition().y, GetPosZ() + Dist.z);

			cChunk * Chunk = a_Chunk.GetNeighborChunk(static_cast<int>(Destination.x), static_cast<int>(Destination.z));
			if ((Chunk == nullptr) || !Chunk->IsValid())

			BLOCKTYPE BlockType;
			NIBBLETYPE BlockMeta;
			int RelX = static_cast<int>(Destination.x) - Chunk->GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width;
			int RelZ = static_cast<int>(Destination.z) - Chunk->GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width;
			int YBelowUs = static_cast<int>(Destination.y) - 1;
			if (YBelowUs >= 0)
				Chunk->GetBlockTypeMeta(RelX, YBelowUs, RelZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
				if (BlockType != E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_WATER)  // Idle mobs shouldn't enter water on purpose

// What to do if in Chasing State
// This state should always be defined in each child class
void cMonster::InStateChasing(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)

// What to do if in Escaping State
void cMonster::InStateEscaping(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)

	if (GetTarget() != nullptr)
		Vector3d newloc = GetPosition();
		newloc.x = (GetTarget()->GetPosition().x < newloc.x)? (newloc.x + m_SightDistance): (newloc.x - m_SightDistance);
		newloc.z = (GetTarget()->GetPosition().z < newloc.z)? (newloc.z + m_SightDistance): (newloc.z - m_SightDistance);
		m_EMState = IDLE;  // This shouldnt be required but just to be safe

void cMonster::ResetAttackCooldown()
	m_AttackCoolDownTicksLeft = static_cast<int>(TPS * m_AttackRate);  // A second has 20 ticks, an attack rate of 1 means 1 hit every second

void cMonster::SetCustomName(const AString & a_CustomName)
	m_CustomName = a_CustomName;

	// The maximal length is 64
	if (a_CustomName.length() > 64)
		m_CustomName = a_CustomName.substr(0, 64);

	if (m_World != nullptr)

void cMonster::SetCustomNameAlwaysVisible(bool a_CustomNameAlwaysVisible)
	m_CustomNameAlwaysVisible = a_CustomNameAlwaysVisible;
	if (m_World != nullptr)

void cMonster::GetMonsterConfig(const AString & a_Name)
	cRoot::Get()->GetMonsterConfig()->AssignAttributes(this, a_Name);

bool cMonster::IsNetherNative(void)
	return false;

bool cMonster::IsUndead(void)
	return false;

AString cMonster::MobTypeToString(eMonsterType a_MobType)
	// Mob types aren't sorted, so we need to search linearly:
	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(g_MobTypeNames); i++)
		if (g_MobTypeNames[i].m_Type == a_MobType)
			return g_MobTypeNames[i].m_lcName;

	// Not found:
	return "";

AString cMonster::MobTypeToVanillaName(eMonsterType a_MobType)
	// Mob types aren't sorted, so we need to search linearly:
	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(g_MobTypeNames); i++)
		if (g_MobTypeNames[i].m_Type == a_MobType)
			return g_MobTypeNames[i].m_VanillaName;

	// Not found:
	return "";

AString cMonster::MobTypeToVanillaNBT(eMonsterType a_MobType)
	// Mob types aren't sorted, so we need to search linearly:
	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(g_MobTypeNames); i++)
		if (g_MobTypeNames[i].m_Type == a_MobType)
			return g_MobTypeNames[i].m_VanillaNameNBT;

	// Not found:
	return "";

eMonsterType cMonster::StringToMobType(const AString & a_Name)
	AString lcName = StrToLower(a_Name);

	// Search Cuberite name:
	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(g_MobTypeNames); i++)
		if (strcmp(g_MobTypeNames[i].m_lcName, lcName.c_str()) == 0)
			return g_MobTypeNames[i].m_Type;

	// Not found. Search Vanilla name:
	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(g_MobTypeNames); i++)
		if (strcmp(StrToLower(g_MobTypeNames[i].m_VanillaName).c_str(), lcName.c_str()) == 0)
			return g_MobTypeNames[i].m_Type;

	// Search in NBT name
	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(g_MobTypeNames); i++)
		if (strcmp(StrToLower(g_MobTypeNames[i].m_VanillaNameNBT).c_str(), lcName.c_str()) == 0)
			return g_MobTypeNames[i].m_Type;

	// Not found:
	return mtInvalidType;

cMonster::eFamily cMonster::FamilyFromType(eMonsterType a_Type)
	// Passive-agressive mobs are counted in mob spawning code as passive

	switch (a_Type)
		case mtBat:             return mfAmbient;
		case mtBlaze:           return mfHostile;
		case mtCat:             return mfPassive;
		case mtCaveSpider:      return mfHostile;
		case mtChicken:         return mfPassive;
		case mtCod:             return mfWater;
		case mtCow:             return mfPassive;
		case mtCreeper:         return mfHostile;
		case mtDolphin:         return mfWater;
		case mtDonkey:          return mfPassive;
		case mtDrowned:         return mfHostile;
		case mtElderGuardian:   return mfHostile;
		case mtEnderDragon:     return mfNoSpawn;
		case mtEnderman:        return mfHostile;
		case mtEndermite:       return mfHostile;
		case mtEvoker:          return mfHostile;
		case mtFox:             return mfPassive;
		case mtGhast:           return mfHostile;
		case mtGiant:           return mfNoSpawn;
		case mtGuardian:        return mfWater;  // Just because they have special spawning conditions. TODO: If Watertemples have been added, this needs to be edited!
		case mtHoglin:          return mfHostile;
		case mtHorse:           return mfPassive;
		case mtHusk:            return mfHostile;
		case mtIllusioner:      return mfHostile;
		case mtIronGolem:       return mfPassive;
		case mtLlama:           return mfPassive;
		case mtMagmaCube:       return mfHostile;
		case mtMooshroom:       return mfPassive;
		case mtMule:            return mfPassive;
		case mtOcelot:          return mfPassive;
		case mtPanda:           return mfPassive;
		case mtParrot:          return mfPassive;
		case mtPhantom:         return mfHostile;
		case mtPig:             return mfPassive;
		case mtPiglin:          return mfHostile;
		case mtPiglinBrute:     return mfHostile;
		case mtPillager:        return mfHostile;
		case mtPolarBear:       return mfPassive;
		case mtPufferfish:      return mfWater;
		case mtRabbit:          return mfPassive;
		case mtRavager:         return mfHostile;
		case mtSalmon:          return mfWater;
		case mtSheep:           return mfPassive;
		case mtShulker:         return mfHostile;
		case mtSilverfish:      return mfHostile;
		case mtSkeleton:        return mfHostile;
		case mtSkeletonHorse:   return mfPassive;
		case mtSlime:           return mfHostile;
		case mtSnowGolem:       return mfNoSpawn;
		case mtSpider:          return mfHostile;
		case mtSquid:           return mfWater;
		case mtStray:           return mfHostile;
		case mtStrider:         return mfHostile;
		case mtTraderLlama:     return mfPassive;
		case mtTropicalFish:    return mfWater;
		case mtTurtle:          return mfWater;  // I'm not quite sure
		case mtVex:             return mfHostile;
		case mtVindicator:      return mfHostile;
		case mtVillager:        return mfPassive;
		case mtWanderingTrader: return mfPassive;
		case mtWitch:           return mfHostile;
		case mtWither:          return mfNoSpawn;
		case mtWitherSkeleton:  return mfHostile;
		case mtWolf:            return mfPassive;
		case mtZoglin:          return mfHostile;
		case mtZombie:          return mfHostile;
		case mtZombieHorse:     return mfPassive;
		case mtZombiePigman:    return mfHostile;
		case mtZombieVillager:  return mfHostile;
		case mtInvalidType:     break;
	UNREACHABLE("Unhandled mob type");

cTickTime cMonster::GetSpawnDelay(cMonster::eFamily a_MobFamily)
	switch (a_MobFamily)
		case mfHostile:   return 40_tick;
		case mfPassive:   return 40_tick;
		case mfAmbient:   return 40_tick;
		case mfWater:     return 400_tick;
		case mfNoSpawn:   return -1_tick;
	UNREACHABLE("Unhandled mob family");

/** Sets the target. */
void cMonster::SetTarget (cPawn * a_NewTarget)
	ASSERT((a_NewTarget == nullptr) || (IsTicking()));
	if (m_Target == a_NewTarget)
	cPawn * OldTarget = m_Target;
	m_Target = a_NewTarget;

	if (OldTarget != nullptr)
		// Notify the old target that we are no longer targeting it.

	if (a_NewTarget != nullptr)
		// Notify the new target that we are now targeting it.
		m_WasLastTargetAPlayer = m_Target->IsPlayer();


void cMonster::UnsafeUnsetTarget()
	m_Target = nullptr;

cPawn * cMonster::GetTarget()
	return m_Target;

std::unique_ptr<cMonster> cMonster::NewMonsterFromType(eMonsterType a_MobType)
	auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();

	// Create the mob entity
	switch (a_MobType)
		case mtMagmaCube:
			return std::make_unique<cMagmaCube>(1 << Random.RandInt(2));  // Size 1, 2 or 4
		case mtSlime:
			return std::make_unique<cSlime>(1 << Random.RandInt(2));  // Size 1, 2 or 4
		case mtVillager: return std::make_unique<cVillager>(cVillager::GetRandomProfession());
		case mtHorse:
			// Horses take a type (species), a colour, and a style (dots, stripes, etc.)
			int HorseType = Random.RandInt(7);
			int HorseColor = Random.RandInt(6);
			int HorseStyle = Random.RandInt(4);
			int HorseTameTimes = Random.RandInt(1, 6);

			if ((HorseType == 5) || (HorseType == 6) || (HorseType == 7))
				// Increase chances of normal horse (zero)
				HorseType = 0;

			return std::make_unique<cHorse>(HorseType, HorseColor, HorseStyle, HorseTameTimes);
		case mtZombieVillager:
			return std::make_unique<cZombieVillager>(cVillager::GetRandomProfession());
		case mtBat:            return std::make_unique<cBat>();
		case mtBlaze:          return std::make_unique<cBlaze>();
		case mtCaveSpider:     return std::make_unique<cCaveSpider>();
		case mtChicken:        return std::make_unique<cChicken>();
		case mtCow:            return std::make_unique<cCow>();
		case mtCreeper:        return std::make_unique<cCreeper>();
		case mtEnderDragon:    return std::make_unique<cEnderDragon>();
		case mtEnderman:       return std::make_unique<cEnderman>();
		case mtGhast:          return std::make_unique<cGhast>();
		case mtGiant:          return std::make_unique<cGiant>();
		case mtGuardian:       return std::make_unique<cGuardian>();
		case mtIronGolem:      return std::make_unique<cIronGolem>();
		case mtMooshroom:      return std::make_unique<cMooshroom>();
		case mtOcelot:         return std::make_unique<cOcelot>();
		case mtPig:            return std::make_unique<cPig>();
		case mtRabbit:         return std::make_unique<cRabbit>();
		case mtSheep:          return std::make_unique<cSheep>();
		case mtSilverfish:     return std::make_unique<cSilverfish>();
		case mtSkeleton:       return std::make_unique<cSkeleton>();
		case mtSnowGolem:      return std::make_unique<cSnowGolem>();
		case mtSpider:         return std::make_unique<cSpider>();
		case mtSquid:          return std::make_unique<cSquid>();
		case mtWitch:          return std::make_unique<cWitch>();
		case mtWither:         return std::make_unique<cWither>();
		case mtWitherSkeleton: return std::make_unique<cWitherSkeleton>();
		case mtWolf:           return std::make_unique<cWolf>();
		case mtZombie:         return std::make_unique<cZombie>();
		case mtZombiePigman:   return std::make_unique<cZombiePigman>();
			ASSERT(!"Unhandled mob type whilst trying to spawn mob!");
			return nullptr;

void cMonster::EngageLoveMode(cMonster *a_Partner)
	m_LovePartner = a_Partner;
	m_MatingTimer = 50;  // about 3 seconds of mating

void cMonster::ResetLoveMode()
	m_LovePartner = nullptr;
	m_LoveTimer = 0;
	m_MatingTimer = 0;
	m_LoveCooldown = TPS * 60 * 5;  // 5 minutes

	// when an animal is in love mode, the client only stops sending the hearts if we let them know it's in cooldown, which is done with the "age" metadata

void cMonster::LoveTick(void)
	// if we have a partner, mate
	if (m_LovePartner != nullptr)

		if (m_MatingTimer > 0)
			// If we should still mate, keep bumping into them until baby is made
			Vector3d Pos = m_LovePartner->GetPosition();
			// Mating finished. Spawn baby
			Vector3f Pos = (GetPosition() + m_LovePartner->GetPosition()) * 0.5;
			UInt32 BabyID = m_World->SpawnMob(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z, GetMobType(), true);

			cMonster * Baby = nullptr;

			m_World->DoWithEntityByID(BabyID, [&](cEntity & a_Entity)
				Baby = static_cast<cMonster *>(&a_Entity);
				return true;

			if (Baby != nullptr)
				Baby->InheritFromParents(this, m_LovePartner);

			m_World->SpawnExperienceOrb(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z, GetRandomProvider().RandInt(1, 6));

			m_World->DoWithPlayerByUUID(m_Feeder, [&] (cPlayer & a_Player)
				if (GetMobType() == eMonsterType::mtCow)
				return true;
		// We have no partner, so we just chase the player if they have our breeding item
		cItems FollowedItems;
		if (FollowedItems.Size() > 0)
			m_World->DoWithNearestPlayer(GetPosition(), static_cast<float>(m_SightDistance), [&](cPlayer & a_Player) -> bool
				const cItem & EquippedItem = a_Player.GetEquippedItem();
				if (FollowedItems.ContainsType(EquippedItem))
					Vector3d PlayerPos = a_Player.GetPosition();

				return true;

	// If we are in love mode but we have no partner, search for a partner neabry
	if (m_LoveTimer > 0)
		if (m_LovePartner == nullptr)
			m_World->ForEachEntityInBox(cBoundingBox(GetPosition(), 8, 8), [=](cEntity & a_Entity)
				// If the entity is not a monster, don't breed with it
				// Also, do not self-breed
				if ((a_Entity.GetEntityType() != etMonster) || (&a_Entity == this))
					return false;

				auto & Me = static_cast<cMonster &>(*this);
				auto & PotentialPartner = static_cast<cMonster &>(a_Entity);

				// If the potential partner is not of the same species, don't breed with it
				if (PotentialPartner.GetMobType() != Me.GetMobType())
					return false;

				// If the potential partner is not in love
				// Or they already have a mate, do not breed with them
				if ((!PotentialPartner.IsInLove()) || (PotentialPartner.GetPartner() != nullptr))
					return false;

				// All conditions met, let's breed!
				return true;

	if (m_MatingTimer > 0)
	if (m_LoveCooldown > 0)

void cMonster::RightClickFeed(cPlayer & a_Player)

	const cItem & EquippedItem = a_Player.GetEquippedItem();

	// If a player holding breeding items right-clicked me, go into love mode
	if ((m_LoveCooldown == 0) && !IsInLove() && !IsBaby())
		cItems Items;
		if (Items.ContainsType(EquippedItem.m_ItemType))
			if (!a_Player.IsGameModeCreative())
			m_LoveTimer = TPS * 30;  // half a minute
			m_World->BroadcastEntityAnimation(*this, EntityAnimation::AnimalFallsInLove);
	// If a player holding my spawn egg right-clicked me, spawn a new baby
	if (EquippedItem.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_SPAWN_EGG)
		eMonsterType MonsterType = cItemSpawnEggHandler::ItemDamageToMonsterType(EquippedItem.m_ItemDamage);
		if (
			(MonsterType == m_MobType) &&
			(m_World->SpawnMob(GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), m_MobType, true) != cEntity::INVALID_ID)  // Spawning succeeded
			if (!a_Player.IsGameModeCreative())
				// The mob was spawned, "use" the item:
	// Stores feeder UUID for statistic tracking
	m_Feeder = a_Player.GetUUID();

void cMonster::AddRandomDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, unsigned int a_Min, unsigned int a_Max, short a_Item, short a_ItemHealth)
	auto Count = GetRandomProvider().RandInt(a_Min, a_Max);
	auto MaxStackSize = static_cast<unsigned int>(cItem(a_Item).GetMaxStackSize());
	while (Count > MaxStackSize)
		a_Drops.emplace_back(a_Item, static_cast<char>(MaxStackSize), a_ItemHealth);
		Count -= MaxStackSize;
	if (Count > 0)
		a_Drops.emplace_back(a_Item, static_cast<char>(Count), a_ItemHealth);

void cMonster::AddRandomUncommonDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, float a_Chance, short a_Item, short a_ItemHealth)
	if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(a_Chance / 100.0))
		a_Drops.emplace_back(a_Item, static_cast<char>(1), a_ItemHealth);

void cMonster::AddRandomRareDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, cItems & a_Items, unsigned int a_LootingLevel)
	auto & r1 = GetRandomProvider();
	if (r1.RandBool((5 + a_LootingLevel) / 200.0))
		size_t Rare = r1.RandInt<size_t>(a_Items.Size() - 1);

void cMonster::AddRandomArmorDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, unsigned int a_LootingLevel)
	auto & r1 = GetRandomProvider();

	double LootingBonus = a_LootingLevel / 100.0;

	if (r1.RandBool(m_DropChanceHelmet + LootingBonus))
		if (!GetEquippedHelmet().IsEmpty())

	if (r1.RandBool(m_DropChanceChestplate + LootingBonus))
		if (!GetEquippedChestplate().IsEmpty())

	if (r1.RandBool(m_DropChanceLeggings + LootingBonus))
		if (!GetEquippedLeggings().IsEmpty())

	if (r1.RandBool(m_DropChanceBoots + LootingBonus))
		if (!GetEquippedBoots().IsEmpty())

void cMonster::AddRandomWeaponDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, unsigned int a_LootingLevel)
	if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(m_DropChanceWeapon + (a_LootingLevel / 100.0)))
		if (!GetEquippedWeapon().IsEmpty())

void cMonster::HandleDaylightBurning(cChunk & a_Chunk, bool WouldBurn)
	if (!m_BurnsInDaylight)

	int RelY = POSY_TOINT;
	if ((RelY < 0) || (RelY >= cChunkDef::Height))
		// Outside the world
	if (!a_Chunk.IsLightValid())
		m_World->QueueLightChunk(GetChunkX(), GetChunkZ());

	if (!IsOnFire() && WouldBurn)
		// Burn for 100 ticks, then decide again

bool cMonster::WouldBurnAt(Vector3d a_Location, cChunk & a_Chunk)
	// If the Y coord is out of range, return the most logical result without considering anything else:
	int RelY = FloorC(a_Location.y);
	if (RelY >= cChunkDef::Height)
		// Always burn above the world
		return true;
	if (RelY <= 0)
		// The mob is about to die, no point in burning
		return false;

	PREPARE_REL_AND_CHUNK(a_Location, a_Chunk);
	if (!RelSuccess)
		return false;

	if (
		(Chunk->GetBlock(Rel) != E_BLOCK_SOULSAND) &&   // Not on soulsand
		(GetWorld()->GetTimeOfDay() < 13000_tick) &&    // Daytime
		Chunk->IsWeatherSunnyAt(Rel.x, Rel.z) &&        // Not raining
		!IsInWater()                                    // Isn't swimming
		int MobHeight = CeilC(a_Location.y + GetHeight()) - 1;  // The block Y coord of the mob's head
		if (MobHeight >= cChunkDef::Height)
			return true;
		// Start with the highest block and scan down to just above the mob's head.
		// If a non transparent is found, return false (do not burn). Otherwise return true.
		// Note that this loop is not a performance concern as transparent blocks are rare and the loop almost always bailes out
		// instantly.(An exception is e.g. standing under a long column of glass).
		int CurrentBlock = Chunk->GetHeight(Rel.x, Rel.z);
		while (CurrentBlock > MobHeight)
			BLOCKTYPE Block = Chunk->GetBlock(Rel.x, CurrentBlock, Rel.z);
			if (
				// Do not burn if a block above us meets one of the following conditions:
				(!cBlockInfo::IsTransparent(Block)) ||
				(Block == E_BLOCK_LEAVES) ||
				(Block == E_BLOCK_NEW_LEAVES) ||
				return false;
		return true;

	return false;

cMonster::eFamily cMonster::GetMobFamily(void) const
	return FamilyFromType(m_MobType);

void cMonster::LeashTo(cEntity & a_Entity, bool a_ShouldBroadcast)
	// Do nothing if already leashed
	if (m_LeashedTo != nullptr)

	m_LeashedTo = &a_Entity;


	if (a_ShouldBroadcast)
		m_World->BroadcastLeashEntity(*this, a_Entity);

	m_IsLeashActionJustDone = true;

void cMonster::Unleash(bool a_ShouldDropLeashPickup, bool a_ShouldBroadcast)
	// Do nothing if not leashed
	if (m_LeashedTo == nullptr)


	m_LeashedTo = nullptr;

	if (a_ShouldDropLeashPickup)
		cItems Pickups;
		Pickups.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_LEASH, 1, 0));
		GetWorld()->SpawnItemPickups(Pickups, GetPosX() + 0.5, GetPosY() + 0.5, GetPosZ() + 0.5);

	if (a_ShouldBroadcast)

	m_IsLeashActionJustDone = true;

void cMonster::Unleash(bool a_ShouldDropLeashPickup)
	Unleash(a_ShouldDropLeashPickup, true);