package org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.test; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypesimpl.SequenceOfStringUTF8; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.CardReferenceType; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.ControlData; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.CustomerStatusType; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.DocumentData; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.ExtensionData; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.IssuingData; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.LinkMode; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.OpenTicketData; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.SequenceOfCardReferenceType; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.SequenceOfCustomerStatusType; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.SequenceOfDocumentData; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.SequenceOfExtensionData; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.SequenceOfTicketLinkType; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.SequenceOfTravelerType; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.StationPassageData; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.TicketDetailData; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.TicketLinkType; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.TicketType; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.TokenType; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.TravelerData; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.TravelerType; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.asn.omv1.UicRailTicketData; public class SimpleTicketLinkTestTicket { public static UicRailTicketData getUicTestTicket() { UicRailTicketData ticket = new UicRailTicketData(); populateTicket(ticket); return ticket; } /* value UicRailTicketData ::= { issuingDetail { issuingYear 2018 issuingDay 1 specimen TRUE, securePaperTicket FALSE, activated TRUE, issuerPNR "issuerTestPNR", issuedOnLine 12 } ,travelerDetail{ traveler { { firstName "John" ,secondName "Dow" ,idCard "12345" ,ticketHolder TRUE ,status {{customerStatusDescr "senior" }} } } ,groupName "myGroup" } ,transportDocument { { token {tokenProviderIA5 "VDV", token '82DA'H } ,ticket openTicket : { returnIncluded FALSE infoText "openTicketInfo" } } ,{ ticket stationPassage : { productName "passage" ,stationNameUTF8 { "Amsterdam" } ,validFromDay 0 ,numberOfDaysValid 123 } } } ,controlDetail { identificationByCardReference { { trailingCardIdNum 100 } } ,identificationByIdCard FALSE ,identificationByPassportId FALSE ,passportValidationRequired FALSE ,onlineValidationRequired FALSE ,ageCheckRequired FALSE ,reductionCardCheckRequired FALSE ,infoText "cd" ,includedTickets { { referenceIA5 "UED12435867" ,issuerName "OEBB" ,issuerPNR "PNR" ,productOwnerIA5 "test" ,ticketType pass ,linkMode onlyValidInCombination } } } ,extension { { extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H } ,{ extensionId "2", extensionData '83DA'H } } } */ /* * asn.1 version 1.3 encoding: Encoding to the file 'data.uper' using PER UNALIGNED encoding rule... UicRailTicketData SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 5] issuingDetail IssuingData SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 7] issuingYear INTEGER [length (not encoded) = 1.0] 2018 issuingDay INTEGER [length (not encoded) = 1.1] 1 specimen BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] TRUE securePaperTicket BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] FALSE activated BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] TRUE issuerPNR IA5String [length = 13.0] "issuerTestPNR" issuedOnLine INTEGER [length = 1.0] 12 travelerDetail TravelerData SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 2] traveler SEQUENCE OF [count = 1] TravelerType SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 5] firstName UTF8String [length = 4.0] 0x4a6f686e secondName UTF8String [length = 3.0] 0x446f77 idCard IA5String [length = 5.0] "12345" ticketHolder BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] TRUE status SEQUENCE OF [count = 1] CustomerStatusType SEQUENCE [fieldcount (not encoded) = 1] customerStatusDescr IA5String [length = 6.0] "senior" groupName UTF8String [length = 7.0] 0x6d7947726f7570 transportDocument SEQUENCE OF [count = 2] DocumentData SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 2] token TokenType SEQUENCE [fieldcount (not encoded) = 2] tokenProviderIA5 IA5String [length = 3.0] "VDV" token OCTET STRING [length = 2.0] 0x82da ticket CHOICE [index = 2] openTicket OpenTicketData SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 2] returnIncluded BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] FALSE infoText UTF8String [length = 14.0] 0x6f70656e5469636b6574496e666f DocumentData SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 1] ticket CHOICE [index = 9] stationPassage StationPassageData SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 4] productName UTF8String [length = 7.0] 0x70617373616765 stationNameUTF8 SEQUENCE OF [count = 1] UTF8String [length = 9.0] 0x416d7374657264616d validFromDay INTEGER [length (not encoded) = 1.2] 0 numberOfDaysValid INTEGER [length = 1.0] 123 controlDetail ControlData SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 9] identificationByCardReference SEQUENCE OF [count = 1] CardReferenceType SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 1] trailingCardIdNum INTEGER [length = 1.0] 100 identificationByIdCard BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] FALSE identificationByPassportId BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] FALSE passportValidationRequired BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] FALSE onlineValidationRequired BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] FALSE ageCheckRequired BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] FALSE reductionCardCheckRequired BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] FALSE infoText UTF8String [length = 2.0] 0x6364 includedTickets SEQUENCE OF [count = 1] TicketLinkType SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 6] referenceIA5 IA5String [length = 11.0] "UED12435867" issuerName UTF8String [length = 4.0] 0x4f454242 issuerPNR IA5String [length = 3.0] "PNR" productOwnerIA5 IA5String [length = 4.0] "test" ticketType TicketType ENUMERATED [length (not encoded) = 0.2] 1 linkMode LinkMode ENUMERATED [length (not encoded) = 0.1] 1 extension SEQUENCE OF [count = 2] ExtensionData SEQUENCE [fieldcount (not encoded) = 2] extensionId IA5String [length = 1.0] "1" extensionData OCTET STRING [length = 2.0] 0x82da ExtensionData SEQUENCE [fieldcount (not encoded) = 2] extensionId IA5String [length = 1.0] "2" extensionData OCTET STRING [length = 2.0] 0x83da Total encoded length = 154.3 Encoded successfully in 155 bytes: 78022020 050DD3CF 9F5CBCAA 65E7D284 EA40218A 02D00082 2537B437 01A237BB 82B164CD A3580883 73CBBB4E FE40EDAF 28EE4DEE AE004A03 AD12B014 16D08000 00000403 9BDC195B 951A58DA D95D125B 999BC480 88040EE0 C2E6E6C2 CECA0212 82DAE6E8 CAE4C8C2 DA0080BD A6010040 2C800131 B200ADC2 EAC588C5 93466D5C 366E089E 8A848407 4275204E 9979F428 100B1028 2DA01640 507B40 * * */ /* * asn.1 version 2.0 encoding * Encoding to the file 'data.uper' using PER UNALIGNED encoding rule... UicRailTicketData SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 5] issuingDetail IssuingData SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 7] issuingYear INTEGER [length (not encoded) = 1.0] 2018 issuingDay INTEGER [length (not encoded) = 1.1] 1 specimen BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] TRUE securePaperTicket BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] FALSE activated BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] TRUE issuerPNR IA5String [length = 13.0] "issuerTestPNR" issuedOnLine INTEGER [length = 1.0] 12 travelerDetail TravelerData SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 2] traveler SEQUENCE OF [count = 1] TravelerType SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 5] firstName UTF8String [length = 4.0] 0x4a6f686e secondName UTF8String [length = 3.0] 0x446f77 idCard IA5String [length = 5.0] "12345" ticketHolder BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] TRUE status SEQUENCE OF [count = 1] CustomerStatusType SEQUENCE [fieldcount (not encoded) = 1] customerStatusDescr IA5String [length = 6.0] "senior" groupName UTF8String [length = 7.0] 0x6d7947726f7570 transportDocument SEQUENCE OF [count = 2] DocumentData SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 2] token TokenType SEQUENCE [fieldcount (not encoded) = 2] tokenProviderIA5 IA5String [length = 3.0] "VDV" token OCTET STRING [length = 2.0] 0x82da ticket CHOICE [index = 2] openTicket OpenTicketData SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 2] returnIncluded BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] FALSE infoText UTF8String [length = 14.0] 0x6f70656e5469636b6574496e666f DocumentData SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 1] ticket CHOICE [index = 9] stationPassage StationPassageData SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 4] productName UTF8String [length = 7.0] 0x70617373616765 stationNameUTF8 SEQUENCE OF [count = 1] UTF8String [length = 9.0] 0x416d7374657264616d validFromDay INTEGER [length (not encoded) = 1.2] 0 numberOfDaysValid INTEGER [length = 1.0] 123 controlDetail ControlData SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 9] identificationByCardReference SEQUENCE OF [count = 1] CardReferenceType SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 1] trailingCardIdNum INTEGER [length = 1.0] 100 identificationByIdCard BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] FALSE identificationByPassportId BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] FALSE passportValidationRequired BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] FALSE onlineValidationRequired BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] FALSE ageCheckRequired BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] FALSE reductionCardCheckRequired BOOLEAN [length (not encoded) = 0.1] FALSE infoText UTF8String [length = 2.0] 0x6364 includedTickets SEQUENCE OF [count = 1] TicketLinkType SEQUENCE [root fieldcount (not encoded) = 6] referenceIA5 IA5String [length = 11.0] "UED12435867" issuerName UTF8String [length = 4.0] 0x4f454242 issuerPNR IA5String [length = 3.0] "PNR" productOwnerIA5 IA5String [length = 4.0] "test" ticketType TicketType ENUMERATED [length (not encoded) = 0.2] 1 linkMode LinkMode ENUMERATED [length (not encoded) = 0.1] 1 extension SEQUENCE OF [count = 2] ExtensionData SEQUENCE [fieldcount (not encoded) = 2] extensionId IA5String [length = 1.0] "1" extensionData OCTET STRING [length = 2.0] 0x82da ExtensionData SEQUENCE [fieldcount (not encoded) = 2] extensionId IA5String [length = 1.0] "2" extensionData OCTET STRING [length = 2.0] 0x83da Total encoded length = 154.6 Encoded successfully in 155 bytes: 78022020 050DD3CF 9F5CBCAA 65E7D284 EA40218A 02D00041 129BDA1B 80D11BDD C158B266 D1AC0441 B9E5DDA7 7F2076D7 947726F7 57002501 D689580A 0B684000 00000200 737B832B 72A34B1B 5B2BA24B 73337890 110081DC 185CDCD8 59D94042 505B5CDD 195C9918 5B401017 B4C02008 05900026 364015B8 5D58B118 B268CDAB 86CDC113 D1509080 E84EA409 D32F3E85 02016205 05B402C8 0A0F68 * * * */ public static String getEncodingV1Hex() { return "78022020050DD3CF9F5CBCAA65E7D284EA40218A02D000822537B43701A237BB" + "82B164CDA358088373CBBB4EFE40EDAF28EE4DEEAE004A03AD12B01416D08000" + "000004039BDC195B951A58DAD95D125B999BC48088040EE0C2E6E6C2CECA0212" + "82DAE6E8CAE4C8C2DA0080BDA60100402C800131B200ADC2EAC588C593466D5C" + "366E089E8A8484074275204E9979F428100B10282DA01640507B40"; } public static String getEncodingV2Hex() { return "78022020050DD3CF9F5CBCAA65E7D284EA40218A02D00041129BDA1B80D11BDD" + "C158B266D1AC0441B9E5DDA77F2076D7947726F757002501D689580A0B684000" + "00000200737B832B72A34B1B5B2BA24B73337890110081DC185CDCD859D94042" + "505B5CDD195C99185B401017B4C0200805900026364015B85D58B118B268CDAB" + "86CDC113D1509080E84EA409D32F3E850201620505B402C80A0F68"; } private static void populateTicket(UicRailTicketData ticket) { ticket.setControlDetail(new ControlData()); populate(ticket.getControlDetail()); ticket.setIssuingDetail(new IssuingData()); populateIssuingData(ticket.getIssuingDetail()); TravelerData td = new TravelerData(); populateTravelerData(td); ticket.setTravelerDetail(td); SequenceOfDocumentData ds = new SequenceOfDocumentData(); //OpenTicket DocumentData do1 = new DocumentData(); addOpenTicketData(do1); ds.add(do1); //StationPassage DocumentData do2 = new DocumentData(); addStationPassage(do2); ds.add(do2); ticket.setTransportDocument(ds); SequenceOfExtensionData ed = new SequenceOfExtensionData(); populateExtensionSequence(ed); ticket.setExtension(ed); } /* ticket stationPassage : { productName "passage" ,stationNameUTF8 { "Amsterdam" } ,validFromDay 0 ,numberOfDaysValid 123 } */ private static void addStationPassage(DocumentData dd) { TicketDetailData tdd = new TicketDetailData(); StationPassageData sp = new StationPassageData(); sp.setProductName("passage"); sp.setValidFromDay(0L); sp.setNumberOfDaysValid(123L); SequenceOfStringUTF8 ss = new SequenceOfStringUTF8(); ss.add("Amsterdam"); sp.setStationNameUTF8(ss); tdd.setStationPassage(sp); dd.setTicket(tdd); } /* { token {tokenProviderIA5 "VDV", token '82DA'H } ,ticket openTicket : { returnIncluded FALSE infoText "openTicketInfo" } } */ private static void addOpenTicketData(DocumentData dd) { TokenType to = new TokenType(); to.setTokenProviderIA5("VDV"); byte[] ba = { (byte) 0x82, (byte) 0xDA }; to.setToken(ba); dd.setToken(to); TicketDetailData tdd = new TicketDetailData(); OpenTicketData otd = new OpenTicketData(); otd.setInfoText("openTicketInfo"); otd.setReturnIncluded(false); tdd.setOpenTicket(otd); dd.setTicket(tdd); } /* ,travelerDetail{ traveler { { firstName "John" ,secondName "Dow" ,idCard "12345" ,ticketHolder TRUE ,status {{customerStatusDescr "senior" }} } } ,groupName "myGroup" } */ private static void populateTravelerData(TravelerData td) { td.setGroupName("myGroup"); SequenceOfTravelerType trs = new SequenceOfTravelerType(); TravelerType tr = new TravelerType(); tr.setIdCard("12345"); tr.setFirstName("John"); tr.setSecondName("Dow"); tr.setTicketHolder(true); SequenceOfCustomerStatusType ts = new SequenceOfCustomerStatusType(); CustomerStatusType cst = new CustomerStatusType(); cst.setCustomerStatusDescr("senior"); ts.add(cst); tr.setStatus(ts); trs.add(tr); td.setTraveler(trs); } /* ,issuingDetail { issuingYear 2018 issuingDay 1 specimen TRUE, securePaperTicket FALSE, activated TRUE, issuerPNR "issuerTestPNR", issuedOnLine 12 } */ private static void populateIssuingData(IssuingData issuingDetail) { issuingDetail.setIssuingYear(2018L); issuingDetail.setIssuingDay(1L); issuingDetail.setIssuerPNR("issuerTestPNR"); issuingDetail.setSpecimen(true); issuingDetail.setSecurePaperTicket(false); issuingDetail.setActivated(true); issuingDetail.setIssuedOnLine(12L); } /* ,extension { { extensionId "1", extensionData '82DA'H } ,{ extensionId "2", extensionData '83DA'H } } */ private static void populateExtensionSequence(SequenceOfExtensionData ed) { ExtensionData ed1 = new ExtensionData(); ed1.setExtensionId("1"); byte[] ba1 = { (byte) 0x82, (byte) 0xDA }; ed1.setExtensionData(ba1); ExtensionData ed2 = new ExtensionData(); ed2.setExtensionId("2"); byte[] ba2 = { (byte) 0x83, (byte) 0xDA }; ed2.setExtensionData(ba2); ed.add(ed1); ed.add(ed2); } /* ,controlDetail { identificationByCardReference { { trailingCardIdNum 100 } } ,identificationByIdCard FALSE ,identificationByPassportId FALSE ,passportValidationRequired FALSE ,onlineValidationRequired FALSE ,ageCheckRequired FALSE ,reductionCardCheckRequired FALSE ,infoText "cd" ,includedTickets { { productOwnerIA5 "test" , } } } */ private static void populate(ControlData controlDetail) { controlDetail.infoText = "cd"; controlDetail.setAgeCheckRequired(false); controlDetail.setIdentificationByIdCard(false); controlDetail.setIdentificationByPassportId(false); controlDetail.setOnlineValidationRequired(false); controlDetail.setPassportValidationRequired(false); controlDetail.setReductionCardCheckRequired(false); controlDetail.setIdentificationByCardReference(new SequenceOfCardReferenceType()); controlDetail.getIdentificationByCardReference().add(populateCardRefrence()); SequenceOfTicketLinkType sit = new SequenceOfTicketLinkType(); populateLinkedTickets(sit); controlDetail.setIncludedTickets(sit); } /* * */ private static void populateLinkedTickets(SequenceOfTicketLinkType sequenceOfTicketLinkType) { TicketLinkType tlt = new TicketLinkType(); tlt.productOwnerIA5="test"; tlt.setTicketType(TicketType.pass); tlt.setIssuerPNR("PNR"); tlt.setReferenceIA5("UED12435867"); tlt.setLinkMode(LinkMode.onlyValidInCombination); tlt.setIssuerName("OEBB"); sequenceOfTicketLinkType.add(tlt); } /* { trailingCardIdNum 100 } */ private static CardReferenceType populateCardRefrence() { CardReferenceType cr = new CardReferenceType(); cr.setTrailingCardIdNum(100L); return cr; } }