//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2001 Radical Entertainment Ltd. All rights reserved. // // WB_main.mel // // Description: Installs the World Builder (WB) interface. // As a convention all World Builder global procedures // and global variables are prefixed with "wb_". All commands // exposed through WB plugins are prefixed with "WB_". // // MCB = Menu Call Back // BCB = Button Call Back // // Modification History: // + Created Apr 11, 2001 -- bkusy // + Stolen & Adapted -- CBrisebois //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // w b _ b r e a k p o i n t // // Synopsis: // // Parameters: NONE // // Returns: NOTHING // // Constraints: NONE // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- global proc wb_breakpoint( string $tag ) { confirmDialog -m ( "BreakPoint: " + $tag ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // w b _ M C B _ A b o u t // // Synopsis: Display an About World Builder window. // // Parameters: NONE // // Returns: NOTHING // // Constraints: NONE // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- global proc wb_MCB_About() { string $pluginVersion = "2.0"; string $message = ( "\nSimpsons Road Rage World Builder.\n\n" + "Release " + $pluginVersion + "\n" + "(c) 2001, Radical Entertainment, Ltd.\n\n" ); confirmDialog -title "About World Builder" -message $message -button "OK" -defaultButton "OK"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // w b _ d o M a i n M e n u I w b m s // // Synopsis: Creates the WB menu on the menu handle passed in. // // Parameters: NONE // // Returns: NOTHING // // Constraints: NONE // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- global proc wb_doMainMenuItems( string $menu ) { global string $gMainWindow; global float $gWB_Offset; menu -edit -tearOff true -allowOptionBoxes true $menu; menuItem -label "Display Levels" -sm true; menuItem -label "Event Locators" -checkBox true -command "WB_ChangeDisplay(0, #1)"; menuItem -label "Script Locators" -checkBox true -command "WB_ChangeDisplay(1, #1)"; menuItem -label "Generic Locators" -checkBox true -command "WB_ChangeDisplay(2, #1)"; menuItem -label "Car Start Locators" -checkBox true -command "WB_ChangeDisplay(3, #1)"; menuItem -label "Dynamic Zone Locators" -checkBox true -command "WB_ChangeDisplay(4, #1)"; menuItem -label "Occlusion Locators" -checkBox true -command "WB_ChangeDisplay(5, #1)"; menuItem -label "Interior Entrance Locators" -checkBox true -command "WB_ChangeDisplay(7, #1)"; menuItem -label "Directional Locators" -checkBox true -command "WB_ChangeDisplay(8, #1)"; menuItem -label "Action Locators" -checkBox true -command "WB_ChangeDisplay(9, #1)"; menuItem -label "FOV" -checkBox true -command "WB_ChangeDisplay(10, #1)"; menuItem -label "Breakable Camera" -checkBox true -command "WB_ChangeDisplay(11, #1)"; menuItem -label "Static Camera" -checkBox true -command "WB_ChangeDisplay(12, #1)"; menuItem -label "Ped Group" -checkBox true -command "WB_ChangeDisplay(13, #1)"; menuItem -divider true; menuItem -label "Trigger Volumes" -checkBox true -command "WB_ChangeDisplay(20, #1)"; setParent -menu ..; menuItem -divider true; menuItem -label "Create Camera Path" -command "wb_MCB_CreateCameraPath()"; menuItem -label "Create Coin Path" -command "wb_MCB_CreateCoinPath()"; menuItem -divider true; menuItem -label "Set Prefix" -command "WB_SetPrefix()"; menuItem -divider true; menuItem -label "Snap Locator" -command "WB_SnapLocator( $gWB_Offset )"; menuItem -optionBox true -command "wb_MCB_SnapLocatorOptions()"; menuItem -divider true; menuItem -label "Export" -command "WB_Export()"; menuItem -optionBox true -command "WB_ExportOptions()"; menuItem -divider true; menuItem -label "About" -command "wb_MCB_About()"; setParent -m ..; if ( `shelfLayout -exists "WorldBuilder"` == 0 ) { addNewShelfTab "WorldBuilder"; } //Delete all the old buttons (in case there was a change).. string $buttons[] = `shelfLayout -q -ca WorldBuilder`; int $i; for ( $i = 0; $i < size($buttons); $i++ ) { deleteUI $buttons[ $i ]; } //Create all the buttons required.. shelfButton -c ("wb_BCB_CreateLocator(\"Event\")") -p "WorldBuilder" -i1 "eventlocator.bmp" -ann "Create Event Locator" -l "Event"; shelfButton -c ("wb_BCB_CreateLocator(\"Script\")") -p "WorldBuilder" -i1 "scriptlocator.bmp" -ann "Create Script Locator" -l "Script"; shelfButton -c ("wb_BCB_CreateLocator(\"Generic\")") -p "WorldBuilder" -i1 "genericlocator.bmp" -ann "Create Generic Locator" -l "Generic"; shelfButton -c ("wb_BCB_CreateLocator(\"Car Start\")") -p "WorldBuilder" -i1 "carstartlocator.bmp" -ann "Create Car Start Locator" -l "Car Start"; shelfButton -c ("wb_BCB_CreateLocator(\"Dynamic Zone\")") -p "WorldBuilder" -i1 "zonelocator.bmp" -ann "Create Dynamic Zone Locator" -l "Dynamic Zone"; shelfButton -c ("wb_BCB_CreateLocator(\"Occlusion\")") -p "WorldBuilder" -i1 "occlusionlocator.bmp" -ann "Create Occlusion Locator" -l "Occlusion"; shelfButton -c ("wb_BCB_CreateLocator(\"Interior Entrance\")") -p "WorldBuilder" -i1 "interiorlocator.bmp" -ann "Create Interior Entrance Locator" -l "Interior Entrance"; shelfButton -c ("wb_BCB_CreateLocator(\"Directional\")") -p "WorldBuilder" -i1 "directionallocator.bmp" -ann "Create Directional Locator" -l "Directional"; shelfButton -c ("wb_BCB_CreateLocator(\"Action\")") -p "WorldBuilder" -i1 "actionlocator.bmp" -ann "Create Action Locator" -l "Action"; shelfButton -c ("wb_BCB_CreateLocator(\"FOV\")") -p "WorldBuilder" -i1 "fovlocator.bmp" -ann "Create FOV Locator" -l "FOV"; shelfButton -c ("wb_BCB_CreateLocator(\"Breakable Camera\")") -p "WorldBuilder" -i1 "breakablecameralocator.bmp" -ann "Create Breakable Camera Locator" -l "Breakable Camera"; shelfButton -c ("wb_BCB_CreateLocator(\"Static Camera\")") -p "WorldBuilder" -i1 "staticcameralocator.bmp" -ann "Create Static Camera Locator" -l "Static Camera"; shelfButton -c ("wb_BCB_CreateLocator(\"Ped Group\")") -p "WorldBuilder" -i1 "pedgrouplocator.bmp" -ann "Create Ped Group Locator" -l "Ped Group"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // w b _ I n s t a l l U I // // Synopsis: // // Parameters: NONE // // Returns: NOTHING // // Constraints: NONE // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- global proc wb_InstallUI() { global string $gMainWindow; // // Install WB menu as a root menu. // if ( `menu -exists wb_MainMenu` ) deleteUI wb_MainMenu; menu -label "World Builder" -allowOptionBoxes true -parent $gMainWindow wb_MainMenu; wb_doMainMenuItems "wb_MainMenu"; } evalDeferred "wb_InstallUI"; source "wb_setup.mel"; source "wb_locator.mel"; source "wb_splines.mel"; source "wb_coinsplines.mel"; source "AEWBTriggerButton.mel"; source "AEWBSelectTarget.mel";