#include #include #include <..\..\..\tools\dsgmaker\InstaEntityDSGList.hpp> #include const int MAX_INSTA_DSG = 50; InstaEntityDSGList::InstaEntityDSGList () { mindex =0; mp_list = new tlInstaEntityDSGChunk* [MAX_INSTA_DSG]; mp_list[0]=NULL; } InstaEntityDSGList::~InstaEntityDSGList () { delete [] mp_list; } //input DSG name and it should return a pointer to the dsg or null if failure tlInstaEntityDSGChunk* InstaEntityDSGList::GetInstaEntity(const char * name) { //search the array for the name. for(unsigned int i=0;iGetName()); //if we find it return pointer otherwise it will return null by default if (strcmp ( mp_list[i]->GetName(),name)==0) { return( mp_list[i] ); } } return NULL; } // add a InstaEntitychunk to the list int InstaEntityDSGList::AddInstaEntity (tlInstaEntityDSGChunk* p_insta) { if(mindex < MAX_INSTA_DSG -1) { mp_list[mindex++]=p_insta; return 0; } else { printf("ERROR: InstaEntityDSGList if FULL! Unable to add entery! \n"); return 1; } }