path: root/external/optick/optick_gpu.d3d12.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/external/optick/optick_gpu.d3d12.cpp b/external/optick/optick_gpu.d3d12.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ee4dd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external/optick/optick_gpu.d3d12.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+#include "optick.config.h"
+#include "optick_common.h"
+#include "optick_memory.h"
+#include "optick_core.h"
+#include "optick_gpu.h"
+#include <atomic>
+#include <thread>
+#include <d3d12.h>
+#include <dxgi.h>
+#include <dxgi1_4.h>
+#define OPTICK_CHECK(args) do { HRESULT __hr = args; (void)__hr; OPTICK_ASSERT(__hr == S_OK, "Failed check"); } while(false);
+namespace Optick
+ class GPUProfilerD3D12 : public GPUProfiler
+ {
+ struct Frame
+ {
+ ID3D12CommandAllocator* commandAllocator;
+ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList;
+ Frame() : commandAllocator(nullptr), commandList(nullptr)
+ {
+ Reset();
+ }
+ void Reset()
+ {
+ }
+ void Shutdown();
+ ~Frame()
+ {
+ Shutdown();
+ }
+ };
+ struct NodePayload
+ {
+ ID3D12CommandQueue* commandQueue;
+ ID3D12QueryHeap* queryHeap;
+ ID3D12Fence* syncFence;
+ array<Frame, NUM_FRAMES_DELAY> frames;
+ NodePayload() : commandQueue(nullptr), queryHeap(nullptr), syncFence(nullptr) {}
+ ~NodePayload();
+ };
+ vector<NodePayload*> nodePayloads;
+ ID3D12Resource* queryBuffer;
+ ID3D12Device* device;
+ // VSync Stats
+ DXGI_FRAME_STATISTICS prevFrameStatistics;
+ //void UpdateRange(uint32_t start, uint32_t finish)
+ void InitNodeInternal(const char* nodeName, uint32_t nodeIndex, ID3D12CommandQueue* pCmdQueue);
+ void ResolveTimestamps(uint32_t startIndex, uint32_t count);
+ void WaitForFrame(uint64_t frameNumber);
+ public:
+ GPUProfilerD3D12();
+ ~GPUProfilerD3D12();
+ void InitDevice(ID3D12Device* pDevice, ID3D12CommandQueue** pCommandQueues, uint32_t numCommandQueues);
+ void QueryTimestamp(ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* context, int64_t* outCpuTimestamp);
+ void Flip(IDXGISwapChain* swapChain);
+ // Interface implementation
+ ClockSynchronization GetClockSynchronization(uint32_t nodeIndex) override;
+ void QueryTimestamp(void* context, int64_t* outCpuTimestamp) override
+ {
+ QueryTimestamp((ID3D12GraphicsCommandList*)context, outCpuTimestamp);
+ }
+ void Flip(void* swapChain) override
+ {
+ Flip(static_cast<IDXGISwapChain*>(swapChain));
+ }
+ };
+ template <class T> void SafeRelease(T **ppT)
+ {
+ if (*ppT)
+ {
+ (*ppT)->Release();
+ *ppT = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ void InitGpuD3D12(void* device, void** cmdQueues, uint32_t numQueues)
+ {
+ GPUProfilerD3D12* gpuProfiler = Memory::New<GPUProfilerD3D12>();
+ gpuProfiler->InitDevice((ID3D12Device*)device, (ID3D12CommandQueue**)cmdQueues, numQueues);
+ Core::Get().InitGPUProfiler(gpuProfiler);
+ }
+ GPUProfilerD3D12::GPUProfilerD3D12() : queryBuffer(nullptr), device(nullptr)
+ {
+ prevFrameStatistics = { 0 };
+ }
+ GPUProfilerD3D12::~GPUProfilerD3D12()
+ {
+ WaitForFrame(frameNumber - 1);
+ for (NodePayload* payload : nodePayloads)
+ Memory::Delete(payload);
+ nodePayloads.clear();
+ for (Node* node : nodes)
+ Memory::Delete(node);
+ nodes.clear();
+ SafeRelease(&queryBuffer);
+ }
+ void GPUProfilerD3D12::InitDevice(ID3D12Device* pDevice, ID3D12CommandQueue** pCommandQueues, uint32_t numCommandQueues)
+ {
+ device = pDevice;
+ uint32_t nodeCount = numCommandQueues; // device->GetNodeCount();
+ nodes.resize(nodeCount);
+ nodePayloads.resize(nodeCount);
+ heapDesc.CPUPageProperty = D3D12_CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN;
+ heapDesc.MemoryPoolPreference = D3D12_MEMORY_POOL_UNKNOWN;
+ heapDesc.CreationNodeMask = 0;
+ heapDesc.VisibleNodeMask = (1u << nodeCount) - 1u;
+ heapDesc.Type = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK;
+ D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC resourceDesc;
+ resourceDesc.Dimension = D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER;
+ resourceDesc.Alignment = 0;
+ resourceDesc.Width = MAX_QUERIES_COUNT * sizeof(int64_t);
+ resourceDesc.Height = 1;
+ resourceDesc.DepthOrArraySize = 1;
+ resourceDesc.MipLevels = 1;
+ resourceDesc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN;
+ resourceDesc.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
+ resourceDesc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;
+ resourceDesc.Layout = D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT_ROW_MAJOR;
+ resourceDesc.Flags = D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_NONE;
+ OPTICK_CHECK(device->CreateCommittedResource(
+ &heapDesc,
+ &resourceDesc,
+ nullptr,
+ IID_PPV_ARGS(&queryBuffer)));
+ // Get Device Name
+ LUID adapterLUID = pDevice->GetAdapterLuid();
+ IDXGIFactory4* factory;
+ OPTICK_CHECK(CreateDXGIFactory2(0, IID_PPV_ARGS(&factory)));
+ IDXGIAdapter1* adapter;
+ factory->EnumAdapterByLuid(adapterLUID, IID_PPV_ARGS(&adapter));
+ adapter->GetDesc1(&desc);
+ adapter->Release();
+ factory->Release();
+ char deviceName[128] = { 0 };
+ wcstombs_s(deviceName, desc.Description, OPTICK_ARRAY_SIZE(deviceName) - 1);
+ for (uint32_t nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodeCount; ++nodeIndex)
+ InitNodeInternal(deviceName, nodeIndex, pCommandQueues[nodeIndex]);
+ }
+ void GPUProfilerD3D12::InitNodeInternal(const char* nodeName, uint32_t nodeIndex, ID3D12CommandQueue* pCmdQueue)
+ {
+ GPUProfiler::InitNode(nodeName, nodeIndex);
+ NodePayload* node = Memory::New<NodePayload>();
+ nodePayloads[nodeIndex] = node;
+ node->commandQueue = pCmdQueue;
+ D3D12_QUERY_HEAP_DESC queryHeapDesc;
+ queryHeapDesc.Count = MAX_QUERIES_COUNT;
+ queryHeapDesc.Type = D3D12_QUERY_HEAP_TYPE_TIMESTAMP;
+ queryHeapDesc.NodeMask = 1u << nodeIndex;
+ OPTICK_CHECK(device->CreateQueryHeap(&queryHeapDesc, IID_PPV_ARGS(&node->queryHeap)));
+ OPTICK_CHECK(device->CreateFence(0, D3D12_FENCE_FLAG_NONE, IID_PPV_ARGS(&node->syncFence)));
+ for (Frame& frame : node->frames)
+ {
+ OPTICK_CHECK(device->CreateCommandAllocator(D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_DIRECT, IID_PPV_ARGS(&frame.commandAllocator)));
+ OPTICK_CHECK(device->CreateCommandList(1u << nodeIndex, D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_DIRECT, frame.commandAllocator, nullptr, IID_PPV_ARGS(&frame.commandList)));
+ OPTICK_CHECK(frame.commandList->Close());
+ }
+ }
+ void GPUProfilerD3D12::QueryTimestamp(ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* context, int64_t* outCpuTimestamp)
+ {
+ if (currentState == STATE_RUNNING)
+ {
+ uint32_t index = nodes[currentNode]->QueryTimestamp(outCpuTimestamp);
+ context->EndQuery(nodePayloads[currentNode]->queryHeap, D3D12_QUERY_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, index);
+ }
+ }
+ void GPUProfilerD3D12::ResolveTimestamps(uint32_t startIndex, uint32_t count)
+ {
+ if (count)
+ {
+ Node* node = nodes[currentNode];
+ D3D12_RANGE range = { sizeof(uint64_t)*startIndex, sizeof(uint64_t)*(startIndex + count) };
+ void* pData = nullptr;
+ queryBuffer->Map(0, &range, &pData);
+ memcpy(&node->queryGpuTimestamps[startIndex], (uint64_t*)pData + startIndex, sizeof(uint64_t) * count);
+ queryBuffer->Unmap(0, 0);
+ // Convert GPU timestamps => CPU Timestamps
+ for (uint32_t index = startIndex; index < startIndex + count; ++index)
+ *node->queryCpuTimestamps[index] = node->clock.GetCPUTimestamp(node->queryGpuTimestamps[index]);
+ }
+ }
+ void GPUProfilerD3D12::WaitForFrame(uint64_t frameNumberToWait)
+ {
+ NodePayload* payload = nodePayloads[currentNode];
+ while (frameNumberToWait > payload->syncFence->GetCompletedValue())
+ {
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1));
+ }
+ }
+ void GPUProfilerD3D12::Flip(IDXGISwapChain* swapChain)
+ {
+ OPTICK_CATEGORY("GPUProfilerD3D12::Flip", Category::Debug);
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(updateLock);
+ if (currentState == STATE_STARTING)
+ currentState = STATE_RUNNING;
+ if (currentState == STATE_RUNNING)
+ {
+ Node& node = *nodes[currentNode];
+ NodePayload& payload = *nodePayloads[currentNode];
+ uint32_t currentFrameIndex = frameNumber % NUM_FRAMES_DELAY;
+ uint32_t nextFrameIndex = (frameNumber + 1) % NUM_FRAMES_DELAY;
+ //Frame& currentFrame = frames[frameNumber % NUM_FRAMES_DELAY];
+ //Frame& nextFrame = frames[(frameNumber + 1) % NUM_FRAMES_DELAY];
+ QueryFrame& currentFrame = node.queryGpuframes[currentFrameIndex];
+ QueryFrame& nextFrame = node.queryGpuframes[nextFrameIndex];
+ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList = payload.frames[currentFrameIndex].commandList;
+ ID3D12CommandAllocator* commandAllocator = payload.frames[currentFrameIndex].commandAllocator;
+ commandAllocator->Reset();
+ commandList->Reset(commandAllocator, nullptr);
+ if (EventData* frameEvent = currentFrame.frameEvent)
+ QueryTimestamp(commandList, &frameEvent->finish);
+ // Generate GPU Frame event for the next frame
+ EventData& event = AddFrameEvent();
+ QueryTimestamp(commandList, &event.start);
+ QueryTimestamp(commandList, &AddFrameTag().timestamp);
+ nextFrame.frameEvent = &event;
+ uint32_t queryBegin = currentFrame.queryIndexStart;
+ uint32_t queryEnd = node.queryIndex;
+ if (queryBegin != (uint32_t)-1)
+ {
+ OPTICK_ASSERT(queryEnd - queryBegin <= MAX_QUERIES_COUNT, "Too many queries in one frame? Increase GPUProfiler::MAX_QUERIES_COUNT to fix the problem!");
+ currentFrame.queryIndexCount = queryEnd - queryBegin;
+ uint32_t startIndex = queryBegin % MAX_QUERIES_COUNT;
+ uint32_t finishIndex = queryEnd % MAX_QUERIES_COUNT;
+ if (startIndex < finishIndex)
+ {
+ commandList->ResolveQueryData(payload.queryHeap, D3D12_QUERY_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, startIndex, queryEnd - queryBegin, queryBuffer, startIndex * sizeof(int64_t));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ commandList->ResolveQueryData(payload.queryHeap, D3D12_QUERY_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, startIndex, MAX_QUERIES_COUNT - startIndex, queryBuffer, startIndex * sizeof(int64_t));
+ commandList->ResolveQueryData(payload.queryHeap, D3D12_QUERY_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 0, finishIndex, queryBuffer, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ commandList->Close();
+ payload.commandQueue->ExecuteCommandLists(1, (ID3D12CommandList*const*)&commandList);
+ payload.commandQueue->Signal(payload.syncFence, frameNumber);
+ // Preparing Next Frame
+ // Try resolve timestamps for the current frame
+ if (frameNumber >= NUM_FRAMES_DELAY && nextFrame.queryIndexCount)
+ {
+ WaitForFrame(frameNumber + 1 - NUM_FRAMES_DELAY);
+ uint32_t resolveStart = nextFrame.queryIndexStart % MAX_QUERIES_COUNT;
+ uint32_t resolveFinish = resolveStart + nextFrame.queryIndexCount;
+ ResolveTimestamps(resolveStart, std::min<uint32_t>(resolveFinish, MAX_QUERIES_COUNT) - resolveStart);
+ if (resolveFinish > MAX_QUERIES_COUNT)
+ ResolveTimestamps(0, resolveFinish - MAX_QUERIES_COUNT);
+ }
+ nextFrame.queryIndexStart = queryEnd;
+ nextFrame.queryIndexCount = 0;
+ // Process VSync
+ DXGI_FRAME_STATISTICS currentFrameStatistics = { 0 };
+ HRESULT result = swapChain->GetFrameStatistics(&currentFrameStatistics);
+ if ((result == S_OK) && (prevFrameStatistics.PresentCount + 1 == currentFrameStatistics.PresentCount))
+ {
+ EventData& data = AddVSyncEvent();
+ data.start = prevFrameStatistics.SyncQPCTime.QuadPart;
+ data.finish = currentFrameStatistics.SyncQPCTime.QuadPart;
+ }
+ prevFrameStatistics = currentFrameStatistics;
+ }
+ ++frameNumber;
+ }
+ GPUProfiler::ClockSynchronization GPUProfilerD3D12::GetClockSynchronization(uint32_t nodeIndex)
+ {
+ ClockSynchronization clock;
+ clock.frequencyCPU = GetHighPrecisionFrequency();
+ nodePayloads[nodeIndex]->commandQueue->GetTimestampFrequency((uint64_t*)&clock.frequencyGPU);
+ nodePayloads[nodeIndex]->commandQueue->GetClockCalibration((uint64_t*)&clock.timestampGPU, (uint64_t*)&clock.timestampCPU);
+ return clock;
+ }
+ GPUProfilerD3D12::NodePayload::~NodePayload()
+ {
+ SafeRelease(&queryHeap);
+ SafeRelease(&syncFence);
+ }
+ void GPUProfilerD3D12::Frame::Shutdown()
+ {
+ SafeRelease(&commandAllocator);
+ SafeRelease(&commandList);
+ }
+#include "optick_common.h"
+namespace Optick
+ void InitGpuD3D12(void* /*device*/, void** /*cmdQueues*/, uint32_t /*numQueues*/)
+ {
+ OPTICK_FAILED("OPTICK_ENABLE_GPU_D3D12 is disabled! Can't initialize GPU Profiler!");
+ }
+#endif //USE_OPTICK \ No newline at end of file