path: root/external/include/glm/gtx/matrix_decompose.hpp
blob: e163f5a35ceb95d111cf3c85d34978a96d5f3c3c (plain) (tree)

/// @ref gtx_matrix_decompose
/// @file glm/gtx/matrix_decompose.hpp
/// @see core (dependence)
/// @defgroup gtx_matrix_decompose GLM_GTX_matrix_decompose
/// @ingroup gtx
/// @brief Decomposes a model matrix to translations, rotation and scale components
/// <glm/gtx/matrix_decompose.hpp> need to be included to use these functionalities.

#pragma once

// Dependencies
#include "../mat4x4.hpp"
#include "../vec3.hpp"
#include "../vec4.hpp"
#include "../geometric.hpp"
#include "../gtc/quaternion.hpp"
#include "../gtc/matrix_transform.hpp"

#	pragma message("GLM: GLM_GTX_matrix_decompose extension included")

namespace glm
	/// @addtogroup gtx_matrix_decompose
	/// @{

	/// Decomposes a model matrix to translations, rotation and scale components 
	/// @see gtx_matrix_decompose
	template <typename T, precision P>
	GLM_FUNC_DECL bool decompose(
		tmat4x4<T, P> const & modelMatrix,
		tvec3<T, P> & scale, tquat<T, P> & orientation, tvec3<T, P> & translation, tvec3<T, P> & skew, tvec4<T, P> & perspective);

	/// @}
}//namespace glm

#include "matrix_decompose.inl"