'email','geslo'=>'password','ime'=>'firstname','priimek'=>'lastname','naziv'=>'salutation','telefon'=>'phone','drugo'=>'custom','odnos'=>'relation','last_status'=>'last_status','sent'=>'sent','responded'=>'responded','unsubscribed'=>'unsubscribed'); private $inv_variables_excel = array('email'=>'email','geslo'=>'password','ime'=>'firstname','priimek'=>'lastname','naziv'=>'salutation','telefon'=>'phone','drugo'=>'custom','odnos'=>'relation','last_status'=>'last_status','sent'=>'sent','responded'=>'responded','unsubscribed'=>'unsubscribed' ,'date_inserted'=>'date_inserted','date_sent'=>'date_sent','date_responded'=>'date_responded','date_unsubscribed'=>'date_unsubscribed','list_name'=>'list_name'); private $inv_variables_tel_excel = array('status'=>'status','email'=>'email','geslo'=>'password','ime'=>'firstname','priimek'=>'lastname','naziv'=>'salutation','telefon'=>'phone','drugo'=>'custom','odnos'=>'relation','call_time'=>'call_time','last_status'=>'last_status' ,'comment'=>'comment','date_inserted'=>'date_inserted','list_name'=>'list_name'); #private $inv_sys_db_map = array('email'=>'email','password'=>'geslo','firstname'=>'ime','lastname'=>'priimek','salutation'=>'naziv','phone'=>'telefon','custom'=>'drugo'); private $invitationAdvancedConditionId = 0; private $user_inv_ids = array(); private $db_table = ''; function __construct($sid) { $this->sid = $sid; SurveyInfo::SurveyInit($this->sid); if (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyColumn('db_table') == 1) $this->db_table = '_active'; $this->surveySettings = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow(); # koliko respondentov je že v bazi $sql_query_all = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted = '0'"); $sql_row_all = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query_all); $this->count_all = (int)$sql_row_all[0]; # preverimo ali prikazujemo nov ali star način odvisno od nastavitve v misc $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) FROM srv_anketa AS a WHERE id ='".$this->sid."' AND insert_time > (SELECT value FROM misc WHERE what = 'invitationTrackingStarted' LIMIT 1)"); list($newTracking) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query); $this->newTracking = (int)$newTracking > 0 ? true : false; SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: Init($this->sid); if (isset($_SESSION['rec_on_send_page']) && (int)$_SESSION['rec_on_send_page'] > 0) { $this->rec_send_page_limit = (int)$_SESSION['rec_on_send_page']; } else { $this->rec_send_page_limit = REC_ON_SEND_PAGE; } SurveySession::sessionStart($this->sid); $this->invitationAdvancedConditionId = (int)SurveySession::get('invitationAdvancedConditionId'); } function ajax() { if (isset($_REQUEST['a']) && trim($_REQUEST['a']) != '') { if (isset($_POST['recipients_list']) && $_POST['recipients_list'] != null) { $_POST['recipients_list'] = mysql_real_unescape_string($_POST['recipients_list']); } if (isset($_POST['fields']) && $_POST['fields'] != null) { $_POST['fields'] = mysql_real_unescape_string($_POST['fields']); } $this->action($_REQUEST['a']); } else { echo 'Ajax error!'; return 'Ajax error!'; } } function action($action) { global $lang; global $site_url; global $app_settings; global $global_user_id; $NoNavi = $_POST['noNavi']; if ($action == 'inv_lists') { #$NoNavi = true; } if ($action == 'view_archive') { $NoNavi = true; } if ($NoNavi == false) { echo '
'; $this->displayNavigation(); echo '
'; } // Warning za nastavitev streznika $MA = new MailAdapter($this->sid, $type='invitation'); if(!$MA->is1KA()){ if($MA->isGoogle()) $mail_settings = $MA->getGoogleSettings(); else $mail_settings = $MA->getSMTPSettings(); $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id); $isEmail = (int)SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('email'); if( (empty($mail_settings) || $mail_settings['SMTPFrom'] == '' || $mail_settings['SMTPUsername'] == '') && $userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations') && $isEmail ){ // Gorenje tega nima if (!Common::checkModule('gorenje')){ // Pri ajax klicih nikoli tega ne izpišemo, ravno tako ne izpisujemo, ce imamo vklopljeno posiljanje brez emaila (navadna posta, sms) $noEmailing = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing'); if($NoNavi == false && $noEmailing != 1){ echo '
'; echo ' '.$lang['srv_invitation_server_warning'].'!'; if($action != 'inv_server') echo ''.$lang['srv_usermailing_setting'].''; echo '
'; } } } } if ($action == M_INVITATIONS) { $this->useRecipientsList(); } else if ($action == 'add_recipients_view') { $this->useRecipientsList(); } else if ($action == 'add_recipients') { $this->addRecipients(); } else if ($action == 'view_recipients') { $this->viewRecipients(); } else if ($action == 'view_message') { $this->viewMessage($_POST['mid']); } else if ($action == 'make_default') { $this->makeDefaultMessage($_POST['mid']); } else if ($action == 'make_default_from_preview') { $this->makeDefaultFromPreview($_POST['mid']); } else if ($action == 'save_message_simple') { $this->save_message_simple(); } else if ($action == 'save_message_simple_noEmail') { $this->save_message_simple_noEmail(); } else if ($action == 'send_message') { $this->sendMessage($_POST['mid']); } else if ($action == 'view_archive') { $this->viewAarchive($_POST['mid']); } else if ($action == 'view_send_recipients') { if(isset($_POST['noMailing']) && $_POST['noMailing'] == '1') $this->selectSendToNoEmailing(); else $this->selectSendTo(); } else if ($action == 'mailToSourceChange') { $this->mailToSourceChange(); } else if ($action == 'send_mail') { // Posiljanje brez emailov (samo aktivacija prejemnikov) if(isset($_GET['noemailing']) && $_GET['noemailing'] == '1'){ $this->sendMailNoEmailing(); } // Klasicno posiljanje preko smtp-ja else{ $this->sendMail(); } } else if ($action == 'upload_recipients') { $this->uploadRecipients(); } else if ($action == 'view_archive_recipients') { $this->viewArchiveRecipients(); } else if ($action == 'edit_archive_comment') { $this->editArchiveComment(); } else if ($action == 'delete_recipient_confirm') { $this->deleteRecipientConfirm(); } else if ($action == 'delete_recipient') { $this->deleteRecipient(); } else if ($action == 'delete_recipient_single') { $this->deleteRecipientSingle(); } else if ($action == 'delete_recipient_all') { $this->deleteRecipientAll(); } else if ($action == 'export_recipients') { $this->exportRecipients(); } else if ($action == 'export_recipients_all') { $this->exportRecipients_all(); } else if ($action == 'use_recipients_list') { $this->useRecipientsList(); } else if ($action == 'change_import_type') { $this->changeImportType(); } else if ($action == 'save_recipient_list') { $this->saveRecipientList(); } else if ($action == 'get_profile_name') { echo "DEPRECATED!"; die(); $this->getProfileName(); } else if ($action == 'list_get_name') { $this->listGetName(); } else if ($action == 'invListEdit') { $this->invListEdit(); } else if ($action == 'save_rec_profile') { $this->saveRecProfile(); } else if ($action == 'delete_rec_profile') { $this->deleteRecProfile(); } else if ($action == 'edit_rec_profile') { $this->editRecProfile(); } else if ($action == 'update_rec_profile') { $this->updateRecProfile(); } else if ($action == 'delete_msg_profile') { $this->deleteMsgProfile(); } else if ($action == 'message_rename') { $this->messageRename(); } else if ($action == 'show_message_rename') { $this->showMessageRename(); } else if ($action == 'edit_recipient') { $this->editRecipient(); } else if ($action == 'save_recipient') { $this->saveRecipient(); } else if ($action == 'set_recipient_filter') { $this->setRecipientFilter(); } else if ($action == 'only_this_survey') { $this->onlyThisSurvey(); } else if ($action == 'add_users_to_database') { $this->add_users_to_database(); } else if ($action == 'add_checked_users_to_database') { $this->add_checked_users_to_database(); } else if ($action == 'arch_save_comment') { $this->saveArchiveComment(); } else if ($action == 'edit_message_details') { $this->editMessageDetails(); } else if ($action == 'message_save_details') { $this->messageSaveDetails(); } else if ($action == 'message_save_forward') { $this->messageSaveforward(); } else if ($action == 'message_save_forward_noEmail') { $this->messageSaveforwardNoEmail(); } else if ($action == 'prepare_save_message') { $this->prepareSaveMessage(); } else if ($action == 'showRecipientTracking') { $this->showRecipientTracking(); } else if ($action == 'arch_show_recipients') { $this->showArchiveRecipients(); } else if ($action == 'arch_show_details') { $this->showArchiveDetails(); } else if ($action == 'arch_edit_details') { $this->editArchiveDetails(); } else if ($action == 'inv_status') { $this->showInvitationStatus(); } else if ($action == 'inv_lists') { $this->showInvitationLists(); } else if ($action == 'inv_list_save') { $this->listSave(); } else if ($action == 'invListSaveOld') { $this->invListSaveOld(); } else if ($action == 'invListEditSave') { $this->invListEditSave(); } else if ($action == 'editRecList') { $doEdit = $_SESSION['inv_edit_rec_profile'][$this->sid] == 'true' ? true : false; if ($doEdit) { $this->showEditRecList(); } else { $this->showNoEditRecList(); } } else if ($action == 'deleteRecipientsList') { $this->deleteRecipientsList(); } else if($action == 'deleteRecipientsListMulti'){ $this->deleteRecipientsListMulti(); } else if ($action == 'showInvitationListsNames') { $this->showInvitationListsNames(); } else if ($action == 'changeInvRecListEdit') { $this->changeInvRecListEdit(); } else if ($action == 'upload_list') { $this->upload_list(); } else if ($action == 'send_upload_list') { $this->send_upload_list(); } else if ($action == 'changePaginationLimit') { $this->changePaginationLimit(); } else if ($action == 'setSortField') { $this->setSortField(); } else if ($action == 'validateSysVarsMapping') { $this->validateSysVarsMapping(); } else if ($action == 'addSysVarsMapping') { $this->addSysVarsMapping(); } else if ($action == 'recipientsAddForward') { $this->recipientsAddForward(); } else if ($action == 'showAdvancedConditions') { $this->showAdvancedConditions(); } else if ($action == 'setAdvancedCondition') { $this->setAdvancedCondition(); } else if ($action == 'inv_server') { $this->viewServerSettings(); } else if ($action == 'inv_settings') { $this->showInvitationSettings(); } else if ($action == 'set_noEmailing') { $this->setNoEmailing(); } else if ($action == 'set_noEmailing_type') { $this->setNoEmailingType(); } else if ($action == 'showAAISmtpPopup') { $this->showAAISmtpPopup(); } else { $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM srv_invitations_archive WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."')"); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql); // Ce imamo ze posiljanje je default stran "Pregled" if($row[0] == 1) $this->showInvitationStatus(); // Ce se nimamo nobenega posiljanja je default stran "Nastavitve" else $this->showInvitationSettings(); } } function addRecipients() { global $lang,$global_user_id; # dodamo uporabnike $fields = $_POST['fields']; $recipients_list = $this->getCleanString($_POST['recipients_list']); $new_profile_id = (int)$_POST['pid']; # če so bile spremembe v profilu ga shranimo kot novega list($old_recipients_list,$old_fields) = $this->getRecipientsProfile((int)$_POST['pid']); $old_recipients_list = $old_recipients_list != '' ? implode("\n", $old_recipients_list) : $old_recipients_list; $new_recipients_list = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $recipients_list); $old_fields = implode(",", $old_fields); $new_fields = implode(",", $fields); if ($_POST['save_profile'] == 'true' && ($old_recipients_list !== $new_recipients_list || $old_fields !== $new_fields)) { # shranjujemo v nov profil $post_fields = str_replace('inv_field_','',implode(',',$_POST['fields'])); $post_recipients = $this->getCleanString($_POST['recipients_list']); #zaporedno številčimo ime seznama1,2.... če slučajno ime že obstaja $new_name = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new']; $names = array(); $s = "SELECT name FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE name LIKE '%".$new_name."%' AND uid='$global_user_id'"; $q = sisplet_query($s); while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q)) { $names[] = $r['name']; } if (count($names) > 0) { $cnt = 1; while (in_array($lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'].$cnt, $names)) { $cnt++; } $new_name = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'].$cnt; } $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients_profiles". " (name,uid,fields,respondents,insert_time,comment, from_survey) ". " VALUES ('$new_name', '$global_user_id', '$post_fields', '$post_recipients', NOW(), '', '".$this->sid."' )"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); echo 'Napaka!'; } else { $new_profile_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } #dodamo polja $result = $this->addMassRecipients($recipients_list, $fields, $new_profile_id); /* # ni sprememb shranimo v sejo $this->saveSessionRecipients($recipients_list, $fields, $profile_comment); */ # prikažemo napake $invalid_recipiens_array = $this->displayRecipentsErrors($result); # po novem gremo na respondente $this->viewRecipients(); return ; } function saveSessionRecipients($recipients_list, $fields, $profile_comment=null ) { global $lang; # polja $field_list = (isset($_POST['field_list']) && trim($_POST['field_list']) != '') ? trim($_POST['field_list']) : 'email'; # shranimo v začasni profil $new_recipients = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $recipients_list); $new_recipients = explode("\n",$new_recipients); session_start(); if (is_array($_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid]['respondents'])) { $old_recipients = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid]['respondents']); $old_recipients = explode("\n",$old_recipients); $new_recipients = array_unique(array_merge($old_recipients, $new_recipients)); } if (is_array($new_recipients)) { $recipients_list = implode("\n",$new_recipients); } else { $recipients_list = ''; } $_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid] = array( 'pid'=>-1, 'name'=>$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist'], 'fields'=>$field_list, 'respondents'=>$recipients_list, 'comment'=>$profile_comment ); } function changeImportType() { $this->displayAddRecipientsView(); } #prikažemo vmesnik za dodajanje respondentov function addRecipientsView( $fields = array(), $recipients_list=null) { global $lang; global $site_url; //echo '


'; $noEmailing = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing'); $row = $this->surveySettings; echo '

'; // Text s podatki o nastavitvah posiljanja $settings_text = ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_type'].':'; $individual = (int)$this->surveySettings['individual_invitation']; if($individual == 0){ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_individual_0'].''; } else{ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_individual_1'].''; } $settings_text .= ' - '; if($noEmailing == 0){ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_noEmail_0'].''; } else{ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_noEmail_1'].''; } $settings_text .= ' - '; if($row['usercode_required'] == 0 && $individual != 0){ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_URL_0']; $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_0'].')'; } else{ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_URL_1']; if($row['usercode_skip'] == 1 || $individual == 0){ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_2'].')'; } else{ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_1'].')'; } } $settings_text .= ' '.$lang['edit4'].''; echo $settings_text; echo '

'; echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_invitation_num_respondents'].(int)$this->count_all; echo '
'; echo '
'; $this->displayAddRecipientsView($fields, $recipients_list); echo '
'; # id="inv_import" } function displayAddRecipientsView( $fields = array(), $recipients_list=null) { global $lang, $site_path, $site_url; $field_list = array(); # odvisno od tipa sporočil prikažemo različna polja # Personalizirano e-poštno vabilo // Ce ne posiljamo z emailom sta default polja ime in priimek $noEmailing = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing'); if($noEmailing == 1){ $default_fields = array( 'inv_field_email' => 0, 'inv_field_firstname' => 1, 'inv_field_lastname' => 1, 'inv_field_password' => 0, 'inv_field_salutation' => 0, 'inv_field_phone' => 0, 'inv_field_custom' => 0, ); } else{ $default_fields = array( 'inv_field_email' => count($fields) == 0 ? 1 : 0, 'inv_field_firstname' => 0, 'inv_field_lastname' => 0, 'inv_field_password' => 0, 'inv_field_salutation' => 0, 'inv_field_phone' => 0, 'inv_field_custom' => 0, ); } // Ce imamo modul 360 imamo tudi odnos if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('360_stopinj')){ $default_fields['inv_field_relation'] = 0; } # skreiramo nov vrstni red polj if (count($fields) > 0) { foreach ($fields as $key=>$field) { $field_list[$field] = 1; if (isset($default_fields[$field])) { unset($default_fields[$field]); } } } if (count($default_fields) > 0) { foreach ($default_fields as $key =>$field) { $field_list[$key] = $field; unset($default_fields[$key]); } } $import_type = isset($_POST['import_type']) ? (int)$_POST['import_type'] : 2; session_start(); $checked = (isset($_SESSION['inv_rec_only_this_survey']) && (int)$_SESSION['inv_rec_only_this_survey'] == 1) ? '1' : '0'; # profili respondentov echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_select_list'].'
'; $this->listRecipientsProfiles(); echo '
'; # id=inv_recipients_profiles_holder echo '
'; $sqlSysMapping = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_mapping WHERE sid = '$this->sid'"); if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlSysMapping) > 0) { $sysUserToAddQuery = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) FROM srv_user where ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND inv_res_id IS NULL AND deleted='0'"); list($sysUserToAdd) = mysqli_fetch_row($sysUserToAddQuery); } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo Help::display('inv_recipiens_from_system'); echo '
'; echo '
'; if ($import_type == 3) { $this->createSystemVariablesMapping(); } else { # sporočilo za personalizirana e-vabila in respondente iz baze echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_field_note'].''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; # iz seznama echo ''; # id=inv_import_list # iz datoteke echo ''; # id=inv_import_file } echo '
'; # id=inv_import_list_container echo '
'; } /** * * Enter description here ... * @param $_recipients - prejemniki vsak v svoji vrstici, ločeni z vejico * @param $fields - array polij ki jih dodajamo */ function addMassRecipients($_recipients = '', $fields = array(), $new_profile_id = null) { global $global_user_id; # vabila z e-maili naredimo tukaj, brez e-mailov pa s podebno funkcijo if (in_array('inv_field_email',$fields)) { # vabila z emaili $inv_iid = $this->inv_iid; # povezava imena polji iz forem, z imeni polji v bazi $db_vs_form_array = array( 'inv_field_email' => 'email', 'inv_field_firstname' => 'firstname', 'inv_field_lastname' => 'lastname', 'inv_field_password' => 'password', 'inv_field_cookie' => 'cookie', 'inv_field_salutation' => 'salutation', 'inv_field_phone' => 'phone', 'inv_field_custom' => 'custom', 'inv_field_relation' => 'relation', ); #dodamo potrebna sistemska polja $this->addSystemVariables($fields); # dodamo ustrezne uporabnike, neustrezne izpišemo še enkrat da se lahko popravijo $_recipients = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $_recipients); $recipients_list = explode("\n",$_recipients); $num_recipients_list = count($recipients_list); # katero polje je za e-mail if (in_array('inv_field_email',$fields)) { $user_email = true; } else { #za tip 0 - Personalizirano e-poštno vabilo kjer je polje e-mail obvezno # dodamo polje email $user_email = true; $fields[] = 'inv_field_email'; } # polje cookie mora bit zraven if (!in_array('inv_field_cookie',$fields)) { $fields[] = 'inv_field_cookie'; } /* brez preverjanja unikatnosti # polovimo že dodane prejemnike iz baze $email_in_db = array(); $sql_string = "SELECT email FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0 ) { while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $email_in_db[] = strtolower($sql_row['email']); } } */ # katero polje je za password if (in_array('inv_field_password',$fields)) { $user_password = true; } else { $user_password = false; # dodamo polje password $fields[] = 'inv_field_password'; } # polja za bazo $db_fields = ''; foreach ($fields as $field) { $db_fields .= ', '.$db_vs_form_array[$field]; } # katera gesla (code) že imamo v bazi za to anketo $password_in_db = array(); $sql_string = "SELECT password FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted = '0'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $password_in_db[$sql_row['password']] = $sql_row['password']; } $unsubscribed = array(); #polovimo prejemnike ki ne želijo prejemati obvestil $sql_string = "SELECT email FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND unsubscribed = '1'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $unsubscribed = array(); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0 ) { while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $unsubscribed[] = $sql_row['email']; } } #polovimo prejemnike ki ne želijo prejemati obvestil i datoteje srv_survey_unsubscribed $condition = (count($unsubscribed) > 0 ) ? " AND email NOT IN('".implode('\',\'',$unsubscribed)."')" : ''; $sql_string = "SELECT email FROM srv_survey_unsubscribe WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."'".$condition; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0 ) { while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $unsubscribed[] = $sql_row['email']; } } #array z veljavnimi zapisi $valid_recipiens_array = array(); # array z zapisi kjer so napake v geslih $invalid_password_array = array(); #array z zapisi kjer so neveljavna gesla $invalid_email_array = array(); #array z podvojenimi zapisi $duplicate_email_array = array(); #aray z zapisi kjer so uporabniki izbrali da ne želijo prejemat e-mailov $unsubscribed_recipiens_array = array(); if ( $num_recipients_list > 0 ) { foreach ($recipients_list AS $recipient_line) { $recipient_line = trim($recipient_line); if ($recipient_line != null && $recipient_line != '') { // interni delimiter in ne vejicaa!!!! $line_array = explode('|~|',$recipient_line); //$line_array = explode(',',$recipient_line); # predpostavljamo da je vrstica vredu $invalid_line = false; #prilagodimo izbrana polja $recipent_array = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($fields AS $field) { $recipent_array[$field] = $line_array[$i]; $i++; } # izvedemo validacijo posameznih polij # najprej preverimo gesla, če niso uporabniško določena, jih dodelimo sami if ( $invalid_line == false ) { # če še ni bilo napake ( da ne podvajamo zapisov pri katerih je več napak) if ($user_password == false) { # gesla določamo avtomatsko, (ne bo problemov :] ) # Izberemo random hash, ki se ni v bazi do { list($code,$cookie) = $this->generateCode(); #} while (in_array($code,$password_in_db) && !is_numeric($code)); } while (in_array($code,$password_in_db)); # je bil problem kadar so same številke # polje za geslo je na zadnjem mestu (smo ga dodali zgoraj) $recipent_array['inv_field_password'] = $code; $recipent_array['inv_field_cookie'] = $cookie; # če je vse ok, geslo dodamo v seznam že uporabljenih $password_in_db[$code] = $code; } else { # gesla je določil uporabnik, (dajmo ga malo preverit) $user_password = trim($recipent_array['inv_field_password']); # preverimo ali je geslo že v bazi if ($user_password == null || $user_password == '' || in_array($user_password,$password_in_db)) { $invalid_password_array[] = $recipient_line; $invalid_line = true; } # če je vse ok, geslo dodamo v seznam že uporabljenih if ($invalid_line == false) { $password_in_db[$user_password] = $user_password; #dodamo še piškotek list($code,$cookie) = $this->generateCode(); $recipent_array['inv_field_cookie'] = $cookie; } } } # če imamo emaile naredimo validacijo, preverimo zavrnitve.. itd if ($user_email == true && $invalid_line == false) { # preberemo uporabniški email $email_field = trim($recipent_array['inv_field_email']); #ali je email veljaven if (!$this->validEmail($email_field) && $invalid_line == false) { $invalid_email_array[] = $recipient_line; $invalid_line = true; } # ali je email podvojen /* brez preverjanja unikatnosti if (in_array(strtolower($email_field),$email_in_db) && $invalid_line == false) { $duplicate_email_array[] = strtolower($recipient_line); $invalid_line = true; } */ # ali uporabnik ne želi prejemati sporočil (opted out) if (in_array($email_field,$unsubscribed) && $invalid_line == false) { $unsubscribed_recipiens_array[] = $recipient_line; $invalid_line = true; } # če je vse ok, email dodamo v seznam že uporabljenih if ( $invalid_line == false) { $email_in_db[] = strtolower($email_field); } } # če je vse ok dodamo userja k veljavnim if ( $invalid_line == false) { $valid_recipiens_array[] = $recipent_array; } } } } if ($new_profile_id == null) { $list_id = (int)$_POST['pid']; } else { $list_id = $new_profile_id; } # pripravimo sql stavek za vstavljanje if (count($valid_recipiens_array ) > 0) { $sql_insert_start = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients (ank_id".$db_fields.",sent,responded,unsubscribed,deleted,date_inserted,inserted_uid,list_id) VALUES "; $count = 0; $sql_insert_array = array(); $cnt = 0; $max_in_array = 1000; # po koliko respondentov dodajamo naenkeat $array_loop = 0; foreach ( $valid_recipiens_array AS $recipent_fields) { $cnt++; $sql_insert = "('".$this->sid."'"; foreach ($recipent_fields as $field) { $sql_insert .= ", '" .str_replace (array('\\', "'"), array('', '''), $field) ."'"; } $sql_insert .= ",'0','0','0','0',NOW(),'".$global_user_id."','".$list_id."')"; $sql_insert_array[$array_loop][] = $sql_insert; if ($cnt >= $max_in_array) { $array_loop++; $cnt = 0; } } $sql_insert_end = " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE firstname=VALUES(firstname), lastname=VALUES(lastname), salutation=VALUES(salutation), phone=VALUES(phone), custom=VALUES(custom), relation=VALUES(relation), deleted='0', date_inserted=NOW()"; # v loopu dodamo posamezne respondente po skupinah (ker kadar je respondentov veliko mysql crkne) if (count($sql_insert_array) > 0) { foreach ($sql_insert_array AS $sub_insert_array) { $query_insert = $sql_insert_start. implode(',',$sub_insert_array) .$sql_insert_end; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($query_insert); $rows = mysqli_affected_rows($GLOBALS['connect_db']); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } } return array( 'valid_recipiens' => $valid_recipiens_array, 'invalid_password' => $invalid_password_array, 'invalid_email' => $invalid_email_array, 'duplicate_email' => $duplicate_email_array, 'unsubscribed' => $unsubscribed_recipiens_array); } else { # vabila brez emailov return $this->addMassRecipientsWithoutEmail($_recipients, $fields, $new_profile_id); } } function addMassRecipientsWithoutEmail($_recipients='', $fields=array(), $new_profile_id=null) { global $global_user_id; $inv_iid = $this->inv_iid; # povezava imena polji iz forem, z imeni polji v bazi $db_vs_form_array = array( 'inv_field_email' => 'email', 'inv_field_firstname' => 'firstname', 'inv_field_lastname' => 'lastname', 'inv_field_password' => 'password', 'inv_field_cookie' => 'cookie', 'inv_field_salutation' => 'salutation', 'inv_field_phone' => 'phone', 'inv_field_custom' => 'custom', 'inv_field_relation' => 'relation', ); #dodamo potrebna sistemska polja $this->addSystemVariables($fields); # dodamo ustrezne uporabnike, neustrezne izpišemo še enkrat da se lahko popravijo $_recipients = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $_recipients); $recipients_list = explode("\n",$_recipients); $num_recipients_list = count($recipients_list); # katero polje je za e-mail if (in_array('inv_field_email',$fields)) { $user_email = true; } else { } # polje cookie mora bit zraven if (!in_array('inv_field_cookie',$fields)) { $fields[] = 'inv_field_cookie'; } # polovimo že dodane prejemnike iz baze $user_in_db = array(); $sql_string = "SELECT firstname,lastname,salutation,phone,custom,relation,password FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0 ) { while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $user_in_db[] = $sql_row['firstname'].$sql_row['lastname'].$sql_row['salutation'].$sql_row['phone'].$sql_row['custom'].$sql_row['relation'].$sql_row['password']; } } # katero polje je za password if (in_array('inv_field_password',$fields)) { $user_password = true; } else { $user_password = false; # dodamo polje password $fields[] = 'inv_field_password'; } # polja za bazo $db_fields = ''; foreach ($fields as $field) { $db_fields .= ', '.$db_vs_form_array[$field]; } # katera gesla (code) že imamo v bazi za to anketo $password_in_db = array(); $sql_string = "SELECT password FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $password_in_db[$sql_row['password']] = $sql_row['password']; } $unsubscribed = array(); #polovimo prejemnike ki ne želijo prejemati obvestil # # $sql_string = "SELECT email FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE unsubscribed = '1'"; # $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); # $unsubscribed = array(); // if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0 ) { # while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { # $unsubscribed[] = $sql_row['email']; # } # } #array z veljavnimi zapisi $valid_recipiens_array = array(); # array z zapisi kjer so napake v geslih $invalid_password_array = array(); #array z zapisi kjer so neveljavna gesla $invalid_email_array = array(); #array z podvojenimi zapisi $duplicate_email_array = array(); #aray z zapisi kjer so uporabniki izbrali da ne želijo prejemat e-mailov $unsubscribed_recipiens_array = array(); if ( $num_recipients_list > 0 ) { foreach ($recipients_list AS $recipient_line) { $recipient_line = trim($recipient_line); if ($recipient_line != null && $recipient_line != '') { $line_array = explode('|~|',$recipient_line); # predpostavljamo da je vrstica vredu $invalid_line = false; #prilagodimo izbrana polja $recipent_array = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($fields AS $field) { $recipent_array[$field] = $line_array[$i]; $i++; } # izvedemo validacijo posameznih polij # najprej preverimo gesla, če niso uporabniško določena, jih dodelimo sami if ( $invalid_line == false ) { # če še ni bilo napake ( da ne podvajamo zapisov pri katerih je več napak) if ($user_password == false) { # gesla določamo avtomatsko, (ne bo problemov :] ) # Izberemo random hash, ki se ni v bazi do { list($code,$cookie) = $this->generateCode(); } while (in_array($code,$password_in_db)); # polje za geslo je na zadnjem mestu (smo ga dodali zgoraj) $recipent_array['inv_field_password'] = $code; $recipent_array['inv_field_cookie'] = $cookie; # če je vse ok, geslo dodamo v seznam že uporabljenih $password_in_db[$code] = $code; } else { # gesla je določil uporabnik, (dajmo ga malo preverit) $user_password = trim($recipent_array['inv_field_password']); # preverimo ali je geslo že v bazi if ($user_password == null || $user_password == '' || in_array($user_password,$password_in_db)) { $invalid_password_array[] = $recipient_line; $invalid_line = true; } # če je vse ok, geslo dodamo v seznam že uporabljenih if ($invalid_line == false) { $password_in_db[$user_password] = $user_password; #dodamo še piškotek list($code,$cookie) = $this->generateCode(); $recipent_array['inv_field_cookie'] = $cookie; } } } # če imamo emaile naredimo validacijo, preverimo zavrnitve.. itd // if ($user_email == true && $invalid_line == false) { if ($invalid_line == false) { # # preberemo uporabniški email $email_field = trim($recipent_array['inv_field_firstname']) . trim($recipent_array['inv_field_lastname']) . trim($recipent_array['inv_field_salutation']) . trim($recipent_array['inv_field_phone']) . trim($recipent_array['inv_field_custom']) . trim($recipent_array['inv_field_relation']) . trim($recipent_array['inv_field_password']); # # #ali je email veljaven // if (!$this->validEmail($email_field) && $invalid_line == false) { # $invalid_email_array[] = $recipient_line; # $invalid_line = true; # } # ali je email podvojen if (in_array(strtolower($email_field),$user_in_db) && $invalid_line == false) { $duplicate_email_array[] = strtolower($recipient_line); $invalid_line = true; } # ali uporabnik ne želi prejemati sporočil (opted out) // if (in_array($email_field,$unsubscribed) && $invalid_line == false) { # $unsubscribed_recipiens_array[] = $recipient_line; # $invalid_line = true; # } # če je vse ok, email dodamo v seznam že uporabljenih if ( $invalid_line == false) { $user_in_db[] = $email_field; } } # če je vse ok dodamo userja k veljavnim if ( $invalid_line == false) { $valid_recipiens_array[] = $recipent_array; } } } } # pripravimo sql stavek za vstavljanje if ($new_profile_id == null) { $list_id = (int)$_POST['pid']; } else { $list_id = $new_profile_id; } if (count($valid_recipiens_array ) > 0) { $sql_insert_start = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients (ank_id".$db_fields.",sent,responded,unsubscribed,deleted,date_inserted,inserted_uid,list_id) VALUES "; $count = 0; $sql_insert_array = array(); $cnt = 0; $max_in_array = 1000; # po koliko respondentov dodajamo naenkeat $array_loop = 0; foreach ( $valid_recipiens_array AS $recipent_fields) { $cnt++; $sql_insert = "('".$this->sid."'"; foreach ($recipent_fields as $field) { $sql_insert .= ", '$field'"; } $sql_insert .= ",'0','0','0','0',NOW(),'".$global_user_id."','".$list_id."')"; $sql_insert_array[$array_loop][] = $sql_insert; if ($cnt >= $max_in_array) { $array_loop++; $cnt = 0; } } $sql_insert_end = " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE firstname=VALUES(firstname), lastname=VALUES(lastname), salutation=VALUES(salutation), phone=VALUES(phone), custom=VALUES(custom), relation=VALUES(relation), deleted='0', date_inserted=NOW()"; # v loopu dodamo posamezne respondente po skupinah (ker kadar je respondentov veliko mysql crkne) if (count($sql_insert_array) > 0) { foreach ($sql_insert_array AS $sub_insert_array) { $query_insert = $sql_insert_start. implode(',',$sub_insert_array) .$sql_insert_end; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($query_insert); $rows = mysqli_affected_rows($GLOBALS['connect_db']); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } } return array( 'valid_recipiens' => $valid_recipiens_array, 'invalid_password' => $invalid_password_array, 'invalid_email' => $invalid_email_array, 'duplicate_email' => $duplicate_email_array, 'unsubscribed' => $unsubscribed_recipiens_array); } function generateCode() { // Zgeneriramo cookie $cookie = md5(mt_rand(1, mt_getrandmax()) . '@' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); // Ce je prvi znak stevilka jo spremenimo v crko ker drugace vcasih izvoz v excel ne dela ok $letters = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'); if(is_numeric(substr($cookie, 0, 1))) $cookie = $letters[array_rand($letters)].substr($cookie, 1); // Koda je prvi del cookija $code = substr($cookie, 0, 6); return array($code, $cookie); } #preglej prejemnike function viewRecipients($errors = array(), $msgs = array()) { global $lang, $site_url, $admin_type; $noEmailing = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing'); $row = $this->surveySettings; echo '

'; // Text s podatki o nastavitvah posiljanja $settings_text = ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_type'].':'; $individual = (int)$this->surveySettings['individual_invitation']; if($individual == 0){ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_individual_0'].''; } else{ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_individual_1'].''; } $settings_text .= ' - '; if($noEmailing == 0){ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_noEmail_0'].''; } else{ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_noEmail_1'].''; } $settings_text .= ' - '; if($row['usercode_required'] == 0 && $individual != 0){ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_URL_0']; $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_0'].')'; } else{ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_URL_1']; if($row['usercode_skip'] == 1 || $individual == 0){ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_2'].')'; } else{ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_1'].')'; } } $settings_text .= ' '.$lang['edit4'].''; echo $settings_text; echo '

'; #polovimo prejemnike ki ne želijo prejemati obvestil # nastavimo filter session_start(); $filter_duplicated = $_SESSION['inv_filter']['duplicated']; $filter = $_SESSION['inv_filter']['value']; if ($filter != '') { $mysql_filter = " AND (" . "i.email LIKE '%".$filter."%'" . "OR i.firstname LIKE '%".$filter."%'" . "OR i.lastname LIKE '%".$filter."%'" . "OR i.password LIKE '%".$filter."%'" . "OR i.salutation LIKE '%".$filter."%'" . "OR i.phone LIKE '%".$filter."%'" . "OR i.custom LIKE '%".$filter."%'" . "OR i.relation LIKE '%".$filter."%'" . ")"; } if (isset($_SESSION['inv_filter_on']) && $_SESSION['inv_filter_on'] == true ) { if (!isset($_SESSION['inv_filter']['send']) || (int)$_SESSION['inv_filter']['send'] == 0) { $mysql_filter .= ""; } else if ($_SESSION['inv_filter']['send'] == 2) { $mysql_filter .= " AND i.sent='1'"; } else if ($_SESSION['inv_filter']['send'] == 1) { $mysql_filter .= " AND i.sent='0'"; } if (!isset($_SESSION['inv_filter']['respondet']) || (int)$_SESSION['inv_filter']['respondet'] == 0) { $mysql_filter .= ""; } else if ($_SESSION['inv_filter']['respondet'] == 2) { $mysql_filter .= " AND i.responded='1'"; } else if ($_SESSION['inv_filter']['respondet'] == 1) { $mysql_filter .= " AND i.responded='0'"; } if (!isset($_SESSION['inv_filter']['unsubscribed']) || (int)$_SESSION['inv_filter']['unsubscribed'] == 0) { $mysql_filter .= ""; } else if ($_SESSION['inv_filter']['unsubscribed'] == 2) { $mysql_filter .= " AND i.unsubscribed='1'"; } else if ($_SESSION['inv_filter']['unsubscribed'] == 1) { $mysql_filter .= " AND i.unsubscribed='0'"; } if (!isset($_SESSION['inv_filter']['list']) || (int)$_SESSION['inv_filter']['list'] == -2) { $mysql_filter .= ""; } else { $mysql_filter .= " AND i.list_id='".(int)$_SESSION['inv_filter']['list']."'"; } } # preštejemo koliko imamo vseh respondentov in koliko jih je brez e-maila $sql_query_all = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted = '0'"); $count_all = mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_all); $sql_string_withot_email = "SELECT count(*) FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted = '0' AND email IS NULL AND sent='0'"; $sql_query_without_email = sisplet_query($sql_string_withot_email); $sql_row_without_email = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query_without_email); $count_without_email = $sql_row_without_email[0]; #koliko zapisov bi morali prikazovati $sql_string_filterd_all = "SELECT i.* FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS i WHERE i.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND i.deleted = '0'".$mysql_filter." ORDER BY i.id"; $sql_query_filterd_all = sisplet_query($sql_string_filterd_all); $filtred_all = mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_filterd_all); # Katera polja prikazujemo v seznamu prejemnikov $default_fields = array( 'sent' => 1, 'email' => 1, 'firstname' => 0, 'lastname' => 0, 'salutation' => 0, 'phone' => 0, 'custom' => 0, ); // Volitve nimajo nekaterih polj if(!SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){ $default_fields['responded'] = 1; $default_fields['unsubscribed'] = 1; $default_fields['password'] = 1; } // Ce imamo modul 360 imamo tudi odnos if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('360_stopinj')){ $default_fields['relation'] = 0; } # pogledamo katera polja dejansko prikazujemo $sql_select_fields = array(); while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_filterd_all)) { foreach ($default_fields AS $key => $value) { # če polje še ni dodano in če ni prazno, ga dodamo if ($fields[$key] == 0 && isset($sql_row[$key]) && trim($sql_row[$key]) != '') { $fields[$key] = 1; $sql_select_fields[] = 'i.'.$key; } } } // Dodamo še ostala polja // Volitve nimajo nekaterih polj if(!SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){ $fields['last_status'] = 1; $fields['date(date_expired)'] = 1; } $sql_select_fields[] = 'i.last_status'; $fields['date_inserted'] = 1; $fields['inserted_uid'] = 1; $sql_select_fields[] = 'i.inserted_uid'; $sql_select_fields[] = 'i.date_inserted'; $sql_select_fields[] = 'date(date_expired)'; $fields['list_id'] = 1; $sql_select_fields[] = 'i.list_id'; #dodamo paginacijo in poiščemo zapise $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : '1'; $limit_start = ($page*REC_ON_PAGE)-REC_ON_PAGE; $sort_string = $this->getSortString(); $sql_string_duplicated = null; if ($filter_duplicated == true) { $sql_string_duplicated = " JOIN( SELECT email, COUNT( email ) AS email_duplicated FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND deleted = '0' GROUP BY email HAVING email_duplicated >1 ) AS dup ON dup.email = i.email "; } $sql_string_filterd = "SELECT i.id, ".implode(',',$sql_select_fields)." FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS i ".$sql_string_duplicated." WHERE i.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND i.deleted = '0' ".$mysql_filter." ".$sort_string." LIMIT $limit_start,".REC_ON_PAGE; #koliko zapisov bi morali prikazovati # po potrebi upoštevamo filter pogojev $this->user_inv_ids = array(); if ((int)$this->invitationAdvancedConditionId > 0) { $this->user_inv_ids = $this->getConditionUserIds($this->invitationAdvancedConditionId); if (isset($this->user_inv_ids) && is_array($this->user_inv_ids) && count($this->user_inv_ids) > 0 ) { $sql_string_filterd = "SELECT i.id, ".implode(',',$sql_select_fields)." FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS i " . $sql_string_duplicated . " INNER JOIN srv_user AS su ON i.id = su.inv_res_id" ." WHERE su.ank_id = '$this->sid' AND su.inv_res_id IS NOT NULL AND su.deleted = '0' AND su.id IN ('".(implode('\',\'',$this->user_inv_ids))."')" ." AND i.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND i.deleted = '0'".$mysql_filter.' '.$sort_string." LIMIT $limit_start,".REC_ON_PAGE; } } $sql_query_filterd = sisplet_query($sql_string_filterd); # polovimo userje $uids = array(); $sql_string_users = "SELECT DISTINCT i.inserted_uid FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS i WHERE i.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND i.deleted = '0'".$mysql_filter." GROUP BY i.inserted_uid ORDER BY i.id"; $sql_query_users = sisplet_query($sql_string_users); while ($row_users = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_users)) { $uids[] = $row_users['inserted_uid']; } $users = array(); if (count($uids) > 0) { $sql_string_users = "SELECT id, email FROM users WHERE id IN(".implode(',',$uids).")"; $sql_query_users = sisplet_query($sql_string_users); while ($row_users = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_users)) { $users[$row_users['id']] = array('email'=>$row_users['email']); } } # polovimo sezname $lids = array(); $sql_string_users = "SELECT i.list_id FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS i WHERE i.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND i.deleted = '0'".$mysql_filter." GROUP BY i.list_id ORDER BY i.id"; $sql_query_users = sisplet_query($sql_string_users); while ($row_users = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_users)) { $lids[] = $row_users['list_id']; } #seznami $lists = array(); $lists['-1'] = array('name'=>$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist']); $lists['0'] = array('name'=>$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']); if (count($lids) > 0 ) { $sql_string_lists = "SELECT * from srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid IN(".implode(',',$lids).") "; $sql_query_lists = sisplet_query($sql_string_lists); while ($row_lists = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_lists)) { $lists[$row_lists['pid']] = array('name'=>$row_lists['name']); } } if (count($msgs) > 0) { echo ''; foreach($msgs as $msg) { echo '* '.$msg.'
'; } echo '
'; } if (count($errors) > 0) { echo ''; foreach($errors as $error) { echo '* '.$error.'
'; } echo '
'; } if ($count_all > 0 ) { # dodamo filtriranje echo '
'; echo ' '; echo '   '; if (isset($_SESSION['inv_filter_on']) && $_SESSION['inv_filter_on'] == true ) { echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ''; echo ' '; echo ''; echo ' '; echo ''; $this->listCondition(); $this->advancedCondition(); } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; if ($filter != '') { echo ''; printf($lang['srv_inv_list_no_recipients_filter'],$filter); #Podatki so filtrirani: "'.$filter.'"
'; echo '
'; } if ($count_all > 0 && mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_filterd) != $count_all ) { echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_invitation_num_respondents_filtred'].(int)mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_filterd); echo '
'; } else { echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_invitation_num_respondents'].(int)$this->count_all; echo '
'; } # duplicated echo '
'; if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_filterd) > 0 && $count_all > 0) { echo '
'; $this->displayPagination($filtred_all); echo '
'; echo '
'; # če že imamo prejemnike v bazi več kot 20 ponudimo gumb naprej tudi zgoraj if ($this->count_all > 20) { echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_forward'].''; } // Izvoz vseh v excel echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ' '.$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_export_all']; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; # checkbox echo ''; foreach ($fields AS $fkey =>$field) { if ($field == 1) { if ($fkey == 'sent' || $fkey == 'responded' || $fkey == 'unsubscribed' ) { #echo ''; echo 'addSortField($fkey).' class="anl_ac pointer tbl_icon_'.$fkey.'" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$fkey].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$fkey].$this->addSortIcon($fkey).''; } else if ($fkey == 'last_status' ) { echo 'addSortField($fkey).' class="anl_ac pointer" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$fkey].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$fkey].$this->addSortIcon($fkey).''; } else { echo 'addSortField($fkey).' class="pointer" title="'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$fkey].'">'.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$fkey].$this->addSortIcon($fkey).''; } } } echo ''; while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_filterd)) { echo ''; # checkbox echo ''; #izbriši #echo ''; echo ''; #uredi #echo ''; echo ''; // Skoci na urejanje odgovorov - ce imamo identifikatorje povezane s podatki if($this->surveySettings['show_email'] == 1) echo ''; foreach ($fields AS $fkey =>$field) { if ($field == 1) { switch ($fkey) { case 'sent': echo ''; break; case 'responded': echo ''; break; case 'unsubscribed': echo ''; break; case 'last_status': echo ''; break; case 'inserted_uid': echo ''; break; case 'email': echo ''; break; case 'list_id': echo ''; break; default: echo ''; break; } } } echo ''; @ob_flush(); } echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_list_profiles_delete'].''.$lang['srv_inv_list_profiles_edit'].''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '('.$sql_row[$fkey].') - '.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$sql_row[$fkey]].''.$users[$sql_row[$fkey]]['email'].''; if ($filter != '') { echo $this->hightlight($sql_row[$fkey],$filter); } else { echo $sql_row[$fkey]; } echo ''; if ((int)$sql_row[$fkey] > 0) { if ($lists[$sql_row[$fkey]]['name'] != '') { echo ''.$lists[$sql_row[$fkey]]['name'].''; } else { echo $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_deleted']; } } else { echo $lists[$sql_row[$fkey]]['name']; } echo ''; if ($filter != '') { echo $this->hightlight($sql_row[$fkey],$filter); } else { echo $sql_row[$fkey]; } echo '
'; echo ''; # če že imamo prejemnike v bazi ponudimo gumb naprej if ($count_all > 0) { echo ''; echo '

'; } echo '
'; } else { echo $lang['srv_inv_list_no_recipients_filtred'].'
'; } echo '
'; } else { echo $lang['srv_inv_list_no_recipients'].'
'; } } function viewMessage($mid = null) { global $lang, $global_user_id, $site_url; $row = $this->surveySettings; echo '

'; // Text s podatki o nastavitvah posiljanja $settings_text = ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_type'].':'; $individual = (int)$this->surveySettings['individual_invitation']; if($individual == 0){ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_individual_0'].''; } else{ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_individual_1'].''; } $settings_text .= ' - '; $noEmailing = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing'); if($noEmailing == 0){ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_noEmail_0'].''; } else{ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_noEmail_1'].''; } $settings_text .= ' - '; if($row['usercode_required'] == 0 && $individual != 0){ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_URL_0']; $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_0'].')'; } else{ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_URL_1']; if($row['usercode_skip'] == 1 || $individual == 0){ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_2'].')'; } else{ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_1'].')'; } } $settings_text .= ' '.$lang['edit4'].''; echo $settings_text; //echo ' '; //echo ' '; echo '

'; // Ce posiljamo preko emaila if($noEmailing != 1){ echo '
'; if ($this->checkDefaultMessage() == false) { echo ''; echo $lang['srv_invitation_note6']; echo ''; } else { $sql_string = "SELECT id, naslov, subject_text, body_text, reply_to, isdefault, comment, url FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $array_messages = array(); while ( list($id, $naslov, $subject_text, $body_text, $reply_to ,$isdefault, $comment, $url) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query) ) { $array_messages[$id] = array('id'=>$id, 'naslov' => $naslov, 'subject_text'=>$subject_text, 'body_text'=>$body_text, 'reply_to'=>$reply_to ,'isdefault'=>$isdefault, 'comment'=>$comment, 'url'=>$url); if ($isdefault == '1') { # če izbiramo profile in nismo postali še nobenga if ( $mid == null ) { $mid = $id; } } } $preview_message = $array_messages[$mid]; echo '
'; echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_message_choose'].':
'; echo '
'; echo '
    '; foreach ($array_messages AS $_m => $message) { echo '
  1. '; echo $message['naslov']; echo '
  2. '; } echo '
'; echo '
'; #invitation_messages echo '
'; if (count($array_messages) > 1) { echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_delete_profile'].'
'; } echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_rename_profile'].''; { # polovimo podatke profila $sql_string = "SELECT sim.*, u.name, u.surname, e.name as ename, e.surname as esurname FROM srv_invitations_messages AS sim LEFT JOIN users AS u ON sim.uid = u.id LEFT JOIN users AS e ON sim.edit_uid = e.id WHERE sim.id = '".(int)$mid."'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query); $avtor = array(); $edit = array(); if (trim($sql_row['name'])) { $avtor[] = trim ($sql_row['name']); } if (trim($sql_row['surname'])) { $avtor[] = trim ($sql_row['surname']); } if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) { echo '
'.$lang['srv_invitation_author'].' '.implode(' ',$avtor).'
'; } if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) { echo '
'.$lang['srv_invitation_author_day'].' '.date("d.m.Y",strtotime($sql_row['insert_time'])).'
'; } if (trim($sql_row['ename'])) { $edit[] = trim ($sql_row['ename']); } if (trim($sql_row['esurname'])) { $edit[] = trim ($sql_row['esurname']); } if ( count($edit) > 0 && $edit != $avtor) { echo '
'.$lang['srv_invitation_changed'].' '.implode(' ',$edit).'
'; } if ($sql_row['insert_time'] != $sql_row['edit_time']) { echo '
'.$lang['srv_invitation_changed_day'].' '.date("d.m.Y",strtotime($sql_row['insert_time'])).'
'; } echo '
'.$lang['srv_invitation_comment'].' '. trim ($sql_row['comment']).'
'; } echo '
'; #inv_messages_profiles_holder $MA = new MailAdapter($this->sid, $type='invitation'); # zlistamo seznam vseh sporočil # izpišemo primer besedila echo '
'; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_heading'].' '.Help::display('srv_inv_message_title'); //echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_settings'].''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $urls = $this->getUrlLists(); if (count($urls) > 0) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_from'].':'; if($MA->getMailFrom() == '') echo ''.$lang['srv_usermailing_setting'].''; else echo $MA->getMailFrom(); echo ''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_reply'].':'; echo $MA->getMailReplyTo(); echo ''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].':'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; ?>
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_url'].''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_forward'].''; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_save'].''; echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_message_saveNew'].''; echo '
'; echo '

'; $_indicators = $this->getAvailableIndicators(); $_sysVars = $this->getAvailableSysVars(); echo $lang['srv_inv_message_help']; // Poiščemo še sistemske spremenljivke iz ankete $prefix=''; if (count($_indicators ) > 0) { echo $lang['srv_inv_message_help_identifikators']; foreach ($_indicators AS $_identifikator) { echo $prefix.'
#'.strtoupper($_identifikator).'#'.$lang['srv_inv_message_help_system_'.strtolower($_identifikator)]; $prefix = ', '; } # preverimo ali imamo nastavljen mapping $prefix = ''; $sqlSysMapping = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_mapping WHERE sid = '$this->sid'"); if (count($_sysVars ) > 0 && mysqli_num_rows($sqlSysMapping) > 0) { echo '

'.$lang['srv_inv_message_help_systemvars']; foreach ($_sysVars AS $_sys_var => $_sysLabel) { echo $prefix.'
#'.strtoupper($_sys_var).'#'.$lang['srv_inv_message_help_system_'.strtolower($_sys_var)]; $prefix = ', '; } } } else { echo $lang['srv_invitation_note12']; } echo '

'; } echo '
'; } // Ce samo dokumentiramo - navadna posta, SMS... else{ echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_text']; // Izbira nacina posiljanja (navadna posta, sms...) - prestavljeno pod nastavitve /*echo '
'; $noEmailingType = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing_type'); echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type'].':'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
';*/ // Gumb naprej /*echo ''; echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_forward']; echo ''; echo '
';*/ echo '
'; echo '
'; if ($this->checkDefaultMessage() == false) { echo ''; echo $lang['srv_invitation_note6']; echo ''; } else { $sql_string = "SELECT id, naslov, subject_text, body_text, reply_to, isdefault, comment, url FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $array_messages = array(); while ( list($id, $naslov, $subject_text, $body_text, $reply_to ,$isdefault, $comment, $url) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query) ) { $array_messages[$id] = array('id'=>$id, 'naslov' => $naslov, 'subject_text'=>$subject_text, 'body_text'=>$body_text, 'reply_to'=>$reply_to ,'isdefault'=>$isdefault, 'comment'=>$comment, 'url'=>$url); if ($isdefault == '1') { # če izbiramo profile in nismo postali še nobenga if ( $mid == null ) { $mid = $id; } } } $preview_message = $array_messages[$mid]; echo '
'; echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_message_choose'].':
'; echo '
'; echo '
    '; foreach ($array_messages AS $_m => $message) { echo '
  1. '; echo $message['naslov']; echo '
  2. '; } echo '
'; echo '
'; #invitation_messages echo '
'; if (count($array_messages) > 1) { echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_delete_profile'].'
'; } echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_rename_profile'].''; { # polovimo podatke profila $sql_string = "SELECT sim.*, u.name, u.surname, e.name as ename, e.surname as esurname FROM srv_invitations_messages AS sim LEFT JOIN users AS u ON sim.uid = u.id LEFT JOIN users AS e ON sim.edit_uid = e.id WHERE sim.id = '".(int)$mid."'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query); $avtor = array(); $edit = array(); if (trim($sql_row['name'])) { $avtor[] = trim ($sql_row['name']); } if (trim($sql_row['surname'])) { $avtor[] = trim ($sql_row['surname']); } if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) { echo '
'.$lang['srv_invitation_author'].' '.implode(' ',$avtor).'
'; } if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) { echo '
'.$lang['srv_invitation_author_day'].' '.date("d.m.Y",strtotime($sql_row['insert_time'])).'
'; } if (trim($sql_row['ename'])) { $edit[] = trim ($sql_row['ename']); } if (trim($sql_row['esurname'])) { $edit[] = trim ($sql_row['esurname']); } if ( count($edit) > 0 && $edit != $avtor) { echo '
'.$lang['srv_invitation_changed'].' '.implode(' ',$edit).'
'; } if ($sql_row['insert_time'] != $sql_row['edit_time']) { echo '
'.$lang['srv_invitation_changed_day'].' '.date("d.m.Y",strtotime($sql_row['insert_time'])).'
'; } echo '
'.$lang['srv_invitation_comment'].' '. trim ($sql_row['comment']).'
'; } echo '
'; #inv_messages_profiles_holder $MA = new MailAdapter($this->sid, $type='invitation'); # zlistamo seznam vseh sporočil # izpišemo primer besedila echo '
'; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_heading'].' '.Help::display('srv_inv_message_title_noEmail'); //echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_settings'].''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; if (count($urls) > 0) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].':'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; ?>
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_url'].''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_forward'].''; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_save'].''; echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_message_saveNew'].''; echo '
'; } echo '
'; } echo '
'; } function checkDefaultMessage() { global $lang, $global_user_id; $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'"); $row = $this->surveySettings; # če privzeto sporočilo ne obstaja ga skreiramo if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) == 0 ) { Common::getInstance()->Init($this->sid); $reply_to = Common::getInstance()->getReplyToEmail(); # poiščemo ime seznama za sporočila $naslov = $this->generateMessageName(); $body_text = ($row['usercode_required'] == 1) ? $lang['srv_inv_message_body_text'].$lang['srv_inv_message_body_text_pass'] : $lang['srv_inv_message_body_text']; # skreiramo osnovno sporočilo $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_invitations_messages (ank_id, naslov, subject_text, body_text, reply_to, isdefault, uid, insert_time, comment, edit_uid, edit_time, url ) VALUES ('$this->sid', '".$naslov."', '".$lang['srv_inv_message_subject_text']."', '".$body_text."', '".$reply_to."', '1', '".$global_user_id."', NOW(), '', '".$global_user_id."', NOW(), '')"); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } $new_msg_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); if ((int)$new_msg_id > 0) { return true; } else { # insert ni uspel, in privzetega sporočila nimamo return false; } } else { # če smo tu, imamo privzeto sporočilo return true; } } function makeDefaultMessage($mid = null) { # preverimo kater message je trenutno privzet $sql_string = "SELECT id FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); list($def_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query); if ((int)$def_id > 0 && (int)$mid > 0 && (int)$def_id != (int)$mid) { # odstranimo privzet id in ga nastavimo na novo $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET isdefault = '0' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); # nastavimo na nov id $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET isdefault = '1' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='$mid'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } $this->viewMessage($mid); } function makeDefaultFromPreview($mid = null) { # preverimo kater message je trenutno privzet $sql_string = "SELECT id FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); list($def_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query); if ((int)$def_id > 0 && (int)$mid > 0 && (int)$def_id != (int)$mid) { # odstranimo privzet id in ga nastavimo na novo $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET isdefault = '0' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); # nastavimo na nov id $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET isdefault = '1' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='$mid'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } $this->displayMessagePreview(); } /** * shranimo v obstoječ profil */ function save_message_simple() { global $lang, $global_user_id; $return = array('msg'=>'', 'error'=>'0'); # shranimo vsebino #če so kakšne napake jih prikažemo v float oknu $mid = (int)$_POST['mid']; $subject = trim($_POST['subject']); $replyto = trim($_POST['replyto']); $body = trim($_POST['body']); $url = trim($_POST['url']); $newline = ''; if ($replyto == null || $replyto == '' ) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_from'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty']; $return['inv_message_replyto'] = '1'; $newline= '
'; } else { if (!$this->validEmail($replyto)) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_from'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_valid_email']; $return['inv_message_replyto'] = '1'; $newline= '
'; } } if ($subject == null || $subject == '' ) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty']; $return['inv_message_subject'] = '1'; $newline= '
'; } if ($body == null || $body == '' ) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty']; $return['inv_message_body'] = '1'; $newline= '
'; } # če ni napak shranim: if ( $return['error'] == '0') { if ((int)$mid > 0) { # shranjujemo v obstoječ msg $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET subject_text = '$subject', body_text = '$body', reply_to = '$replyto', edit_uid = '".$global_user_id."', edit_time = NOW(), url='".$url."' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='$mid'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); $return['mid'] = $mid; if ( $sqlQuery != 1) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4']; } } else { # mid manjka $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4']; $newline= '
'; } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } $return['msg'].=' '.$sql_string.$sql_insert; echo json_encode($return); exit; } /** * shranimo v obstoječ profil */ function save_message_simple_noEmail() { global $lang, $global_user_id; $return = array('msg'=>'', 'error'=>'0'); # shranimo vsebino #če so kakšne napake jih prikažemo v float oknu $mid = (int)$_POST['mid']; $subject = trim($_POST['subject']); $body = trim($_POST['body']); $url = trim($_POST['url']); $newline = ''; if ($subject == null || $subject == '' ) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty']; $return['inv_message_subject'] = '1'; $newline= '
'; } if ($body == null || $body == '' ) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty']; $return['inv_message_body'] = '1'; $newline= '
'; } # če ni napak shranim: if ( $return['error'] == '0') { if ((int)$mid > 0) { # shranjujemo v obstoječ msg $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET subject_text = '$subject', body_text = '$body', edit_uid = '".$global_user_id."', edit_time = NOW(), url='".$url."' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='$mid'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); $return['mid'] = $mid; if ( $sqlQuery != 1) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4']; } } else { # mid manjka $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4']; $newline= '
'; } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } $return['msg'].=' '.$sql_string.$sql_insert; echo json_encode($return); exit; } function messageSaveforward() { global $lang, $global_user_id; $return = array('msg'=>'', 'error'=>'0'); $mid = (int)$POST['mid']; #če so kakšne napake jih prikažemo v float oknu $subject = trim($_POST['subject']); $replyto = trim($_POST['replyto']); $body = trim($_POST['body']); $url = trim($_POST['url']); $newline = ''; if ($replyto == null || $replyto == '' ) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_from'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty']; $return['inv_message_replyto'] = '1'; $newline= '
'; } else { if (!$this->validEmail($replyto)) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_from'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_valid_email']; $return['inv_message_replyto'] = '1'; $newline= '
'; } } if ($subject == null || $subject == '' ) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty']; $return['inv_message_subject'] = '1'; $newline= '
'; } if ($body == null || $body == '' ) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty']; $return['inv_message_body'] = '1'; $newline= '
'; } # če ni napak shranim: if ( $return['error'] == '0') { # preverimo ali je kakšna sprememba, če je sprememba shranimo v nov profil $sql_string = "SELECT subject_text, body_text, reply_to, url FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='".(int)$_POST['mid']."'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); list($old_subject, $old_body_text, $old_reply_to, $old_url) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query); if ($old_subject != $subject || $old_body_text != $body || $old_reply_to != $replyto || $old_url != $url) { # shranjujemo v novo sporočilo $naslov = $this->generateMessageName(); $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_messages (ank_id, naslov, subject_text, body_text, reply_to, isdefault, uid, insert_time, comment, edit_uid, edit_time, url ) ". "VALUES ('$this->sid', '$naslov', '$subject', '$body', '$replyto', '1', '$global_user_id', NOW(), '$comment', '$global_user_id', NOW(), '$url')"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert); $newID = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); if ($newID > 0) { $return['mid'] = $newID; # popravmo še isdefault pri starem zapisz $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET isdefault = '0' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id != '$newID'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); } else { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4']; } } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } $return['msg'].=' '.$sql_string.$sql_insert; echo json_encode($return); exit; } function messageSaveforwardNoEmail() { global $lang, $global_user_id; $return = array('msg'=>'', 'error'=>'0'); $mid = (int)$POST['mid']; #če so kakšne napake jih prikažemo v float oknu $subject = trim($_POST['subject']); $body = trim($_POST['body']); $url = trim($_POST['url']); $newline = ''; if ($subject == null || $subject == '' ) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty']; $return['inv_message_subject'] = '1'; $newline= '
'; } if ($body == null || $body == '' ) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_field'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].'"'.$lang['srv_inv_msg_3_not_empty']; $return['inv_message_body'] = '1'; $newline= '
'; } # če ni napak shranim: if ( $return['error'] == '0') { # preverimo ali je kakšna sprememba, če je sprememba shranimo v nov profil $sql_string = "SELECT subject_text, body_text, reply_to, url FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='".(int)$_POST['mid']."'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); list($old_subject, $old_body_text, $old_reply_to, $old_url) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query); if ($old_subject != $subject || $old_body_text != $body || $old_url != $url) { # shranjujemo v novo sporočilo $naslov = $this->generateMessageName(); $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_messages (ank_id, naslov, subject_text, body_text, isdefault, uid, insert_time, comment, edit_uid, edit_time, url ) ". "VALUES ('$this->sid', '$naslov', '$subject', '$body', '1', '$global_user_id', NOW(), '$comment', '$global_user_id', NOW(), '$url')"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert); $newID = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); if ($newID > 0) { $return['mid'] = $newID; # popravmo še isdefault pri starem zapisz $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET isdefault = '0' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id != '$newID'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); } else { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4']; } } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } $return['msg'].=' '.$sql_string.$sql_insert; echo json_encode($return); exit; } function addUrl($what) { global $site_url; if ($what == null || trim($what) == '') { $what = 'add_recipients_view'; } $url = $site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m='.$what; return $url; } /** Validate an email address. */ function validEmail($email = null) { return Common::getInstance()->validEmail($email); } function displayRecipentsErrors($result) { global $lang; $valid_recipiens = is_array($result['valid_recipiens']) ? $result['valid_recipiens'] : array(); $invalid_password = is_array($result['invalid_password']) ? $result['invalid_password'] : array(); $invalid_email = is_array($result['invalid_email']) ? $result['invalid_email'] :array(); $duplicate_email = is_array($result['duplicate_email']) ? $result['duplicate_email'] : array(); $unsubscribed = is_array($result['unsubscribed']) ? $result['unsubscribed'] : array(); # dodani so bili nekateri uporabniki if (count($valid_recipiens) > 0) { echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_add_success_cnt'].''. count($valid_recipiens).''; echo '
'; echo '

'; foreach ($valid_recipiens AS $fields) { if (is_array($fields)) { $text = ''; $text .= mb_strtolower($fields['inv_field_email']); if (trim($fields['inv_field_firstname']) != '') { $text .= ', '.str_replace("|~|", ",", mb_strtolower($fields['inv_field_firstname'], 'UTF-8')); } if (trim($fields['inv_field_lastname']) != '') { $text .= ', '.str_replace("|~|", ",", mb_strtolower($fields['inv_field_lastname'], 'UTF-8')); } echo $text; } else { echo mb_strtolower($fields, 'UTF-8'); } echo '
'; } echo '
'; echo '
'; } if ( (count($invalid_password) + count($invalid_email) + count($duplicate_email) + count($unsubscribed)) > 0 ) { echo '
'; # ni veljavnih uporabnikov if (count($valid_recipiens) == 0 ) { echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_add_error'].'
'; } # zavrnjeni uporabniki if (count($unsubscribed)> 0) { echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_add_optedout_cnt'].''.count($unsubscribed).''; echo '
'; echo '
'; foreach ($unsubscribed AS $fields) { if (is_array($fields)) { echo strtolower($fields['inv_field_email']); if (trim($fields['inv_field_firstname']) != '') { echo ', '.$fields['inv_field_firstname']; } if (trim($fields['inv_field_lastname']) != '') { echo ', '.$fields['inv_field_lastname']; } } else { echo $fields; } echo '
'; } echo '
'; } # podvojeni uporabniki if (count($duplicate_email)> 0) { echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_add_exist_cnt'].''.count($duplicate_email).''; echo '
'; echo '
'; foreach ($duplicate_email AS $fields) { if (is_array($fields)) { echo strtolower($fields['inv_field_email']); if (trim($fields['inv_field_firstname']) != '') { echo ', '.$fields['inv_field_firstname']; } if (trim($fields['inv_field_lastname']) != '') { echo ', '.$fields['inv_field_lastname']; } } else { echo strtolower($fields); } echo '
'; } echo '
'; } # neveljaven e-mail if (count($invalid_email) > 0) { echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_add_invalid_cnt'].''.count($invalid_email).'!'; echo '
'; echo '
'; foreach ($invalid_email AS $fields) { if (is_array($fields)) { echo str_replace("|~|", ",", mb_strtolower($fields['inv_field_email'], 'UTF-8')); if (trim($fields['inv_field_firstname']) != '') { echo ', '.str_replace("|~|", ",", $fields['inv_field_firstname']); } if (trim($fields['inv_field_lastname']) != '') { echo ', '.str_replace("|~|", ",", $fields['inv_field_lastname']); } } else { echo str_replace("|~|", ",", mb_strtolower($fields, 'UTF-8')); } echo '
'; } echo '
'; } # neveljavena gesla if (count($invalid_password) > 0) { echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_add_invalid_password_cnt'].''.count($invalid_password).'!'; echo '
'; echo '
'; foreach ($invalid_password AS $fields) { if (is_array($fields)) { echo strtolower($fields['inv_field_email']); if (trim($fields['inv_field_firstname']) != '') { echo ', '.$fields['inv_field_firstname']; } if (trim($fields['inv_field_lastname']) != '') { echo ', '.$fields['inv_field_lastname']; } } else { echo strtolower($fields); } echo '
'; } echo '
'; } if (count($invalid_email) > 0 || count($invalid_password) > 0) { //echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_add_invalid_note']; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_add_invalid_note2'].'!'; echo Help::display('srv_inv_recipiens_add_invalid_note'); } echo '
'; return array_merge($unsubscribed, $duplicate_email, $invalid_email, $invalid_password) ; } return array(); } function displayNavigation() { global $lang, $admin_type, $global_user_id, $app_settings; $isEmail = (int)SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('email'); $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id); #če ni dostopa mu ne prikažemo linkov if ((int)$isEmail > 0 && $userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')) { } else { return false; } if (!isset($_POST['noNavi']) || (isset($_POST['noNavi']) && $_POST['noNavi'] != 'true')) { $_sub_action = $_GET['m']; if ($_sub_action == null && $_GET['t'] == 'invitations') { if ($_GET['a'] == 'use_recipients_list') { $_sub_action = 'add_recipients_view'; } if ($_GET['a'] == 'view_message' || $_GET['a'] == 'make_default' || $_GET['a'] == 'delete_msg_profile' ) { $_sub_action = 'view_message'; } if ($_GET['a'] == 'delete_recipient' || $_GET['a'] == 'add_recipients' || $_GET['a'] == 'view_recipients' || $_GET['a'] == 'export_recipients' || $_GET['a'] == 'add_checked_users_to_database' || $_GET['a'] == 'setAdvancedCondition' || $_GET['a'] == 'recipientsAddForward') { $_sub_action = 'view_recipients'; } if ($_GET['a'] == 'view_archive' ) { $_sub_action = 'view_archive'; } if ($_GET['a'] == 'send_mail') { $_sub_action = 'send_message'; #$_sub_action = 'view_archive'; } } else if( $_sub_action == 'send_mail') { #$_sub_action = 'view_archive'; $_sub_action = 'send_message'; } $active_step[] = array(1=>'',2=>'',3=>'',4=>'',5=>'',6=>'',7=>'',8=>''); switch ($_sub_action) { case 'inv_settings': $active_step['1'] = ' active'; break; case 'add_recipients_view': $active_step['2'] = ' active'; break; case 'view_recipients': $active_step['3'] = ' active'; break; case 'view_message': $active_step['4'] = ' active'; break; case 'send_message': $active_step['5'] = ' active'; break; case 'view_archive': $active_step['6'] = ' active'; break; case 'inv_lists': $active_step['7'] = ' active'; break; case 'inv_server': $active_step['8'] = ' active'; break; case 'inv_status': $active_step['9'] = ' active'; break; default: $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM srv_invitations_archive WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."')"); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql); // Ce imamo ze posiljanje je default stran "Pregled" if($row[0] == 1) $active_step['9'] = ' active'; // Drugace je default stran "Nastavitve" else $active_step['1'] = ' active'; break; } if (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('email') || SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('phone')) { $disabled = false; $css_disabled = ''; } else { $disabled = true; $css_disabled = '_disabled'; } if($isEmail) { #$spaceChar = '»'; $spaceChar = ' '; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; //echo '1'; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_settings'].''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; #space echo '
'; echo '
'; $class_yellow = ' yellow'; #navigacija echo '
'; if ($disabled == false) { echo ''; } echo '1'; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_nav_add_recipients'].''; if ($disabled == false) { echo ''; } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; if ($disabled == false) { echo ''; } echo '2'; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_nav_edit_recipiens'].''; if ($disabled == false) { echo ''; } echo '
'; echo '
'; if ($disabled == false) { echo ''; } echo '
'; echo '3'; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_nav_edit_message'].''; if ($disabled == false) { echo ''; } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; if ($disabled == false) { echo ''; } echo '4'; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_nav_send_message'].''; if ($disabled == false) { echo ''; } echo '
'; echo '
'; // Pregled #space echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; //echo '1'; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_review'].''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; // Seznami #space echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; //echo '1'; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_lists'].''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } } echo ''; } function sendMessage() { global $lang, $site_url; // Ali posiljamo maile ali ne $noEmailing = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing'); $row = $this->surveySettings; # Pripravimo izbor komu lahko pošiljamo echo '

'; // Text s podatki o nastavitvah posiljanja $settings_text = ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_type'].':'; $individual = (int)$this->surveySettings['individual_invitation']; if($individual == 0){ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_individual_0'].''; } else{ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_individual_1'].''; } $settings_text .= ' - '; if($noEmailing == 0){ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_noEmail_0'].''; } else{ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_noEmail_1'].''; } $settings_text .= ' - '; if($row['usercode_required'] == 0 && $individual != 0){ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_URL_0']; $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_0'].')'; } else{ $settings_text .= ''.$lang['srv_inv_settings_URL_1']; if($row['usercode_skip'] == 1 || $individual == 0){ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_2'].')'; } else{ $settings_text .= ' ('.$lang['srv_inv_settings_code_1'].')'; } } $settings_text .= ' '.$lang['edit4'].''; echo $settings_text; echo '

'; if ($this->checkDefaultMessage() == false) { echo ''; echo $lang['srv_invitation_note6']; echo ''; exit(); } echo '
'; # damo v tabelo zaradi prilagajanja oblike levo/desno echo ''; // Pri volitvah vedno posiljamo samo tistim, katerim se nismo poslali if(!SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){ echo ''; } echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_inv_send_who_database'].'
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $this->advancedCondition(); echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; $this->displayMailToSourceLists((int)$_POST['source_type']); echo '
'; #id="inv_select_mail_to_source_lists" echo '
'; # polovimo sporočilo in prejemnike $sql_query_m = sisplet_query("SELECT id, naslov, subject_text, body_text, reply_to, isdefault, comment, url FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'"); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_m) > 0 ) { $preview_message = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_m); } else { #nimamo še vsebine sporočila skreiramo privzeto. echo ''; echo $lang['srv_invitation_note6']; echo ''; exit(); } echo '
'; // Ce posiljamo preko navadne poste ali smsov, nimamo sporocila if($noEmailing == 0){ echo ''; echo '
'; $this->displayMessagePreview(); echo '
'; // inv_select_mail_preview echo '
'; echo '
'; $this->selectSendTo(); echo '
'; // inv_select_mail_to_respondents } else{ echo ''; $noEmailingType = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing_type'); echo ''; echo '
'; $this->selectSendToNoEmailing(); echo '
'; // inv_select_mail_to_respondents } echo '
'; echo '
'; //inv_send_mail } function displayMailToSourceLists($source_type) { global $lang, $site_url; $canShowSubOption = false; echo '

'; echo $lang['srv_inv_send_who_create1'].''.$lang['srv_inv_send_who_create2'].'
'; if ((int)$source_type == 0) { # vsi respondenti v bazi echo $lang['srv_inv_send_who_database_note']; $canShowSubOption = true; } elseif ((int)$source_type == 1) { # Arhivi pošiljanja # poiščemo arhiv mailingov # zloopamo še po posameznih pošiljanjih $sql_string_arc = "SELECT sia.*, DATE_FORMAT(sia.date_send,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS ds, u.name, u.surname, u.email FROM srv_invitations_archive AS sia LEFT JOIN users AS u ON sia.uid = u.id WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' ORDER BY sia.date_send ASC;"; $sql_query_arc = sisplet_query($sql_string_arc); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_arc) > 0) { $canShowSubOption = true; echo $lang['srv_inv_send_who_archive_note']; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; while ($row_arc = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_arc)) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
'; } else{ echo $lang['srv_inv_send_who_archive_no_archive']; } } elseif ((int)$source_type == 2) { # seznami respondentov # zloopamo skozi posamezne sezname respondentov $sql_string_arc =""; $sql_query_arc = sisplet_query("SELECT list_id as id, COUNT(*) as cnt_succsess, list_id, sirp.name as naslov, DATE_FORMAT(sirp.insert_time,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS ds FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS sirp ON sir.list_id = sirp.pid WHERE ank_id ='".$this->sid."' AND sir.deleted ='0' group BY list_id "); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_arc) > 0) { $canShowSubOption = true; echo $lang['srv_inv_send_who_all_units_note']; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; while ($row_arc = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_arc)) { if ($row_arc['id'] > 0 && $row_arc['naslov'] == '') { # če ni imena in je id < 0 je bil izbrisan } else { if ($row_arc['id'] > 0) { if ($row_arc['naslov'] != '') { $_naslov = $row_arc['naslov']; } else { $_naslov = $lang['srv_inv_send_who_table_list_deleted']; } } else if ($row_arc['id'] == 0) { $_naslov = $lang['srv_inv_send_who_table_list_temporary']; } else if ($row_arc['id'] < 0) { $_naslov = $lang['srv_inv_send_who_table_list_noname']; } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } } echo '
'; } else{ echo $lang['srv_inv_send_who_no_lists']; } } echo '

'; if ($canShowSubOption == true) { echo ''; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_send_note'].'
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_send_advanced'].'
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; // inv_select_mail_to } } function selectSendTo($send_type = 0, $checkboxes = array()) { global $lang, $site_url, $global_user_id; if ((int)$this->surveySettings['active'] !== 1) { $activity = SurveyInfo:: getSurveyActivity(); $_last_active = end($activity); echo $lang['srv_inv_error9']; echo ''; if ((int)$_last_active > 0 ) { # anketa je zaključena echo ' '.$lang['srv_inv_activate_survey_here'].''; } else { # anketa je neaktivna echo ' '.$lang['srv_inv_activate_survey_here'].''; } echo ''; } # anketa je aktivna lahko pošiljamo else { // Preverimo ce je vklopljen modul za volitve - obvestilo, da ni naknadnega posiljanja if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){ echo '


'; } $sql_string = "SELECT comment FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); list($comment) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query); $_msg = ''.$lang['srv_invitation_note3'].''; if (isset($_POST['send_type'])) { $send_type = (int)$_POST['send_type']; } $checkboxes = array(); if (isset($_POST['checkboxes']) && trim($_POST['checkboxes']) != '') { $checkboxes = explode(',',$_POST['checkboxes']); } $source_type = (int)$_POST['source_type']; $source_lists = trim($_POST['source_lists']); $respondents = $this->getRespondents2Send($send_type, $checkboxes, $source_type, $source_lists); #koliko strani imamp $numRespondents = count($respondents); $pages = ceil($numRespondents / $this->rec_send_page_limit); if (count($respondents) > 0) { echo '
'; // Način pošiljanja echo ''; echo $lang['srv_inv_message_type'].': '; echo $lang['email']; echo '

'; echo '
'; // Komentar pri posiljanju echo '

'; // Pobrisi podvojene maile echo ' '.Help::display('srv_inv_sending_double').'
'; // Gumb Poslji echo '
'; // Komentiram kot workaround (če ni zakomentiran, ob ajaxu tu vrine konec forme) - MISLIM DA JE TA POPRAVEK ŠE VEDNO POTREBEN (v kombinaciji z Robertovim) //echo '
'; // Seznam mailov na katere bomo poslali if ((int)$this->invitationAdvancedConditionId > 0) { //if (is_array($this->user_inv_ids) && count($this->user_inv_ids) > 0) { echo ''; $scp = new SurveyCondition($this->sid); $note = $scp -> getConditionString($this->invitationAdvancedConditionId ); echo $note; #$scp -> displayConditionNote($this->invitationAdvancedConditionId ); echo ''; echo '
'; } } # izpišemo seznam e-mailov in dodamo checkboxe echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_potencial_respondents'].' '.count($respondents).'
'; # izpišemo opozorilo kadar pošiljamo na več kakor 5000 naslovov $text = (Common::checkModule('gorenje')) ? $lang['srv_inv_potencial_respondents_limit_gorenje'] : $lang['srv_inv_potencial_respondents_limit']; echo '
'; echo ''; # da preprečimo večkratno pošiljanje session_start(); list($short,$long) = $this->generateCode(); $_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid] = $long; echo ''; if ($pages > 1 || $numRespondents > REC_ON_SEND_PAGE) { echo '
'; $this->displaySendPagination($numRespondents); echo '
'; } # polovimo sezname $lists = array(); $sql_string = "SELECT pid, name,comment FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."')"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $lists[$sql_row['pid']] = $sql_row['name']; } $lists['-1'] = $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist']; $lists['0'] = $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']; echo '
Pošiljam . . . Prosimo počakajte.
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $cnt=1; foreach ($respondents as $pass => $respondent) { echo ' $this->rec_send_page_limit ? ' class="displayNone"' : '').'>'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; if ($lists[$respondent['list_id']] != '') { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } echo ''; $cnt++; } echo '
'.$respondent['email'].''.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$respondent['status']].' ('.$respondent['status'].')'.''.$lists[$respondent['list_id']].''.$lang['srv_inv_send_who_table_list_deleted'].'
'; echo ''; echo ''; } } if ($cnt == 0) { # ni respondentov echo $_msg; } } function selectSendToNoEmailing($send_type = 0, $checkboxes = array()) { global $lang, $site_url, $global_user_id; if ((int)$this->surveySettings['active'] !== 1) { #anketa ni aktivna, ne pustimo pošiljanja # aktivnost $activity = SurveyInfo:: getSurveyActivity(); $_last_active = end($activity); echo $lang['srv_inv_error9']; echo ''; if ((int)$_last_active > 0 ) { # anketa je zaključena echo ' '.$lang['srv_inv_activate_survey_here'].''; } else { # anketa je neaktivna echo ' '.$lang['srv_inv_activate_survey_here'].''; } echo ''; } else { # anketa je aktivna lahko pošiljamo $sql_string = "SELECT comment FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); list($comment) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query); $_msg = ''.$lang['srv_invitation_note3'].''; if (isset($_POST['send_type'])) { $send_type = (int)$_POST['send_type']; } $checkboxes = array(); if (isset($_POST['checkboxes']) && trim($_POST['checkboxes']) != '') { $checkboxes = explode(',',$_POST['checkboxes']); } $source_type = (int)$_POST['source_type']; $source_lists = trim($_POST['source_lists']); $respondents = $this->getRespondents2Send($send_type, $checkboxes, $source_type, $source_lists, $noEmailing=1); #koliko strani imamp $numRespondents = count($respondents); $pages = ceil($numRespondents / $this->rec_send_page_limit); if (count($respondents) > 0) { echo '
'; // Način pošiljanja $noEmailingType = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing_type'); echo ''; echo $lang['srv_inv_message_type_external'].': '; if($noEmailingType == 1) echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type2']; elseif($noEmailingType == 2) echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type3']; else echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type1']; echo '

'; echo '
'; // Komentar pri posiljanju echo '

'; // Pobrisi podvojene maile echo ' '.Help::display('srv_inv_sending_double').'
'; // Gumb poslji echo '
'; echo '
'; // Seznam mailov na katere bomo poslali if ((int)$this->invitationAdvancedConditionId > 0) { #if (is_array($this->user_inv_ids) && count($this->user_inv_ids) > 0) { echo ''; $scp = new SurveyCondition($this->sid); $note = $scp -> getConditionString($this->invitationAdvancedConditionId ); echo $note; #$scp -> displayConditionNote($this->invitationAdvancedConditionId ); echo ''; echo '
'; } } # izpišemo seznam e-mailov in dodamo checkboxe echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_potencial_respondents'].' '.count($respondents).'
'; # izpišemo opozorilo kadar pošiljamo na več kakor 5000 naslovov $text = (Common::checkModule('gorenje')) ? $lang['srv_inv_potencial_respondents_limit_gorenje'] : $lang['srv_inv_potencial_respondents_limit']; echo '
'; echo ''; # da preprečimo večkratno pošiljanje session_start(); list($short,$long) = $this->generateCode(); $_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid] = $long; echo ''; if ($pages > 1 || $numRespondents > REC_ON_SEND_PAGE) { echo '
'; $this->displaySendPagination($numRespondents); echo '
'; } # polovimo sezname $lists = array(); $sql_string = "SELECT pid, name,comment FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."')"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $lists[$sql_row['pid']] = $sql_row['name']; } $lists['-1'] = $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist']; $lists['0'] = $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']; echo '
Pošiljam . . . Prosimo počakajte.
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $cnt=1; foreach ($respondents as $pass => $respondent) { echo ' $this->rec_send_page_limit ? ' class="displayNone"' : '').'>'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; if ($lists[$respondent['list_id']] != '') { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } echo ''; $cnt++; } echo '
'.$respondent['email'].''.$respondent['firstname'].''.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$respondent['status']].' ('.$respondent['status'].')'.''.$lists[$respondent['list_id']].''.$lang['srv_inv_send_who_table_list_deleted'].'
'; echo ''; } } if ($cnt == 0) { # ni respondentov echo $_msg; } } function mailToSourceChange() { $this->displayMailToSourceLists((int)$_POST['source_type']); } function viewAarchive() { global $lang; echo '
'; #preglej prejemnike #echo '


'; //echo '


'; # normalno pošiljanje $sql_string = "SELECT sia.*, u.name, u.surname, u.email, DATE_FORMAT(sia.date_send,'%d.%m.%Y') AS ds, DATE_FORMAT(sia.date_send,'%T') AS hs FROM srv_invitations_archive AS sia LEFT JOIN users AS u ON sia.uid = u.id WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' ORDER BY sia.date_send DESC;"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); # enostavno pošiljanje na posamezne maile $SSMI = new SurveySimpleMailInvitation($this->sid); $simple_recipents = $SSMI -> getRecipients(); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0 || count($simple_recipents) > 0) { echo '


'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; #echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; #echo ''; echo ''; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { echo ''; // Datum echo ''; // Ura echo ''; // Email sporocilo echo ''; // Subject echo ''; #echo ''; // Nacin posiljanja (email, posta, sms...) echo ''; # uspešno poslani echo ''; # neuspešno poslani echo ''; # poslal $avtor = array(); if (trim($row['name'])) { $avtor[] = trim ($row['name']); } if (trim($row['surname'])) { $avtor[] = trim ($row['surname']); } echo ''; # komentar echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_date_send'].''.$lang['srv_inv_archive_hour_send'].''.$lang['srv_inv_archive_naslov'].''.$lang['srv_inv_archive_subject_text'].''.$lang['srv_inv_archive_body_text'].''.$lang['srv_inv_message_type'].''.$lang['srv_inv_archive_cnt_succsess'].' '.Help::display('srv_inv_archive_sent').''.$lang['srv_inv_archive_cnt_error'].''.$lang['srv_inv_archive_sender'].''.$lang['srv_inv_archive_comment'].' 
'.$row['ds'].''.$row['hs'].''; echo ''.$row['naslov'].''; echo ''; echo $row['subject_text']; echo ''.$row['body_text'].''; if ($row['tip'] == '0') echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type1'].''; elseif($row['tip'] == '1') echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type2'].''; elseif($row['tip'] == '2') echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type3'].''; else echo ''.$lang['email'].''; echo ''; if ((int)$row['cnt_succsess'] > 0 ) { echo ''.$row['cnt_succsess'].''; } else { echo ''.$row['cnt_succsess'].''; } echo ''; if ((int)$row['cnt_error'] > 0 ) { echo ''.$row['cnt_error'].''; } else { echo ''.$row['cnt_error'].''; } echo ''; echo ''.implode(' ',$avtor).''; echo ''; echo ''.$row['comment']; echo '
'; # dodamo simpl pošiljanje if ( count($simple_recipents) > 0 ) { if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0) { echo '
'; echo '
'; } echo 'Prejemniki enostavnih email vabil:'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; foreach ($simple_recipents as $row) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; # poslal $avtor = array(); if (trim($row['name'])) { $avtor[] = trim ($row['name']); } if (trim($row['surname'])) { $avtor[] = trim ($row['surname']); } echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
'.$row['send_time'].''.$row['email'].''.$row['state'].''; echo ''.implode(' ',$avtor).''; echo '
'; } } else { echo '
'; echo ''.$lang['srv_archive_invitation'].''; echo $lang['srv_invitation_note4'].''; echo '
'; } echo '
'; # id="div_archive_content">'; echo '
'; } // Glavno posiljanje mail vabil function sendMail() { global $lang, $site_path, $site_url, $global_user_id, $lastna_instalacija; Common::getInstance()->Init($this->sid); if (isset($_POST['rids'])) { session_start(); # preverimo token, da ne pošiljamo večkrat if (isset($_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid]) && isset($_POST['_token']) && $_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid] != null && $_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid] == isset($_POST['_token'])){ // na send smo kliknili samo 1x unset($_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid]); session_commit(); $dont_send_duplicated = false; if (isset($_POST['dont_send_duplicated']) && $_POST['dont_send_duplicated'] == 'on') { $dont_send_duplicated = true; } $rids = $_POST['rids']; $return = array(); $return['error'] = '0'; $return['msg'] = '
'; // Shranimo komentar h posiljanju if(isset($_POST['comment']) && $_POST['comment'] != ''){ $comment = $_POST['comment']; $sqlC = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET comment='$comment' WHERE ank_id='$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'"); } if ($this->checkDefaultMessage() == false) { echo ''; echo $lang['srv_invitation_note6']; echo ''; exit(); } else { // polovimo sporočilo in prejemnike $sql_query_m = sisplet_query("SELECT id, subject_text, body_text, reply_to, isdefault, comment, naslov, url FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'"); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_m) > 0 ) { $sql_row_m = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_m); } else { #nimamo še vsebine sporočila skreiramo privzeto. echo ''; echo $lang['srv_invitation_note6']; echo ''; exit(); } } $subject_text = $sql_row_m['subject_text']; $body_text = $sql_row_m['body_text']; $msg_url = $sql_row_m['url']; // naslov za odgovor je avtor ankete if ($this->validEmail($sql_row_m['reply_to'])) { $reply_to = $sql_row_m['reply_to']; } else { $reply_to = Common::getInstance()->getReplyToEmail(); } // prejeminki besedila $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT id, firstname, lastname, email, password, password, cookie, phone, salutation, custom, relation FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0' AND id IN (".implode(',',$rids).") ORDER BY id "); # zloopamo skozi prejemnike in personaliziramo sporočila in jih pošljemo $date_sent = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $numRows = mysqli_num_rows($sql_query); # če pošiljamo na večje število reposndentov obvestimo info@1ka.si if ($numRows > NOTIFY_INFO1KA && (!isset($lastna_instalacija) || $lastna_instalacija == false)) { // Gorenje tega nima if (!Common::checkModule('gorenje')){ global $site_url, $global_user_id; $sqlinfo_query = sisplet_query("SELECT email, name, surname FROM users WHERE id = '".$global_user_id."'"); list($infoEmail,$infoName,$infoSurname) = mysqli_fetch_row($sqlinfo_query); $infourl = 'anketi'; $format = $lang['srv_inv_send_finish_note']; $info1ka_mass_email_note = sprintf($format, $infoName, $infoSurname, $infoEmail, $infourl, $numRows); try{ $MA = new MailAdapter($this->sid, $type='admin'); $MA->addRecipients('info@1ka.si'); $resultX = $MA->sendMail($info1ka_mass_email_note, 'Masovno pošiljanje vabil (poslanih več kot '.NOTIFY_INFO1KA.')'); } catch (Exception $e){ } } } // Pripravimo arhiv pošiljanj, da dobimo arch_id $sql_query_all = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted = '0'"); list($count_all) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query_all); $archive_naslov = 'mailing_'.date("d.m.Y").', '.date("H:i:s"); $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_invitations_archive (id, ank_id, date_send, subject_text, body_text, uid, comment, naslov, rec_in_db) VALUES (NULL , '$this->sid', '$date_sent', '".addslashes($subject_text)."', '".addslashes($body_text)."', '$global_user_id','$comment','$archive_naslov','$count_all') "); $arch_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); // Podatki posiljatelja list($name, $surname, $email) = mysqli_fetch_row(sisplet_query("SELECT name, surname, email FROM users WHERE id='$global_user_id'")); // Podatki za posiljanje $sending_data = array( 'body_text' => $body_text, 'subject_text' => $subject_text, 'arch_id' => $arch_id, 'msg_url' => $msg_url, 'date_sent' => $date_sent, 'from_email' => $email, 'from_name' => $name.' '.$surname, 'reply_to_email' => $reply_to ); // Loop po prejemnikih in posiljanje mailov $squalo = new SurveyInvitationsSqualo($this->sid); if($squalo->getSqualoActive()){ $sending_results = $squalo->sendSqualoInvitations($sql_query, $sending_data); } else{ $sending_results = $this->sendMailToUsers($sql_query, $sending_data); } $send_ok = $sending_results['send_ok']; $send_ok_ids = $sending_results['send_ok_ids']; $send_users_data = $sending_results['send_users_data']; $send_error = $sending_results['send_error']; $send_error_ids = $sending_results['send_error_ids']; // dodajmo še userje v povezovalno tabelo (arhiv) if ($arch_id > 0) { // updejtamo še tabelo arhivov $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_archive SET cnt_succsess='".count($send_ok_ids)."', cnt_error='".count($send_error_ids)."' WHERE id ='$arch_id'"); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } // za arhive $_archive_recipients = array(); // za tracking $_tracking = array(); if (count($send_ok_ids) > 0) { foreach ( $send_ok_ids AS $id) { $_archive_recipients[] = "('$arch_id','$id','1')"; #status 1=pošta poslana $_tracking[] = "('$arch_id',NOW(),'$id','1')"; } } if (count($send_error_ids) > 0) { foreach ( $send_error_ids AS $id) { $_archive_recipients[] = "('$arch_id','$id','0')"; #status 2=pošta - napaka $_tracking[] = "('$arch_id',NOW(),'$id','2')"; } } if (count($_archive_recipients) > 0) { $sqlString = 'INSERT INTO srv_invitations_archive_recipients (arch_id,rec_id,success) VALUES '; $sqlString .= implode(', ', $_archive_recipients); $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString); } if (count($_tracking) > 0) { $sqlStrTracking = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_tracking (inv_arch_id, time_insert, res_id, status) VALUES "; $sqlStrTracking .= implode(', ', $_tracking); $sqlQueryTracking = sisplet_query($sqlStrTracking); } } // Izpis rezultatov - errors and successes if (count($send_error) > 0 ) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] = '
'; } else if (count($send_ok) > 0 ) { $who=''; if (trim($name) != '') { $who = $name; } if (trim($surname) != '') { if ($who != '') { $who .=' '; } $who .= $surname; } if ($email != '') { if ($who != '') { $who .=' ('.$email.')'; } else { $who = $email; } } $return['error'] = '0'; // Uspesno poslano sporocilo $return['msg'] = '
'; $return['msg'] .= '
'; $return['msg'] .= ''; $return['msg'] .= ''; $return['msg'] .= ''; $return['msg'] .= ''; $return['msg'] .= ''; $return['msg'] .= '
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].':'; $return['msg'] .= ''.$sql_row_m['subject_text'].''; $return['msg'] .= '
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].':'; $return['msg'] .= ''.($sql_row_m['body_text']).''; $return['msg'] .= '
'; $return['msg'] .= '
'; // Je uporabnik poslal na ... $return['msg'] .= sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_note8b'], $who, date("d.m.y", time())); $return['msg'] .= ''.sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_note8'], count($send_ok)).'
'; // Arhivi $return['msg'] .= ''.sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_note8c'], $site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=view_archive').'
'; // Seznam emailov... $return['msg'] .= ''.$lang['srv_invitation_note8d'].'
'; // Seznam mailov na katere je bilo uspesno poslano if (count($send_ok) > 0) { $return['msg'] .= '
'; foreach ($send_ok AS $email) { $return['msg'] .= ' '.$email.'
'; } $return['msg'] .= '
'; } } else { $return['error'] = '0'; $return['msg'] = '

'; } } else { #old session token $return['msg'] = '
'; } } else { #nimamo $rids $return['msg'] = '
'; } # popravimo timestamp za regeneracijo dashboarda Common::getInstance()->Init($anketa); Common::getInstance()->updateEditStamp(); #$this->viewAarchive($return['msg']); $this->viewSendMailFinish($return['msg']); } // Posljemo mail userjem - loop in send private function sendMailToUsers($sql_recipients_query, $sending_data){ global $global_user_id; global $site_url; // Preverimo ce je vklopljen modul za volitve $voting = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting'); # če mamo SEO $nice_url = SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink(); // Polovimo sistemske spremenljivke $sys_vars = $this->getSystemVars(); # zakeširamo user_id za datapiping $arryDataPiping = array(); $qryDataPiping = sisplet_query("SELECT id, inv_res_id FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id='$this->sid' AND inv_res_id IS NOT NULL"); while (list($dpUid, $dpInvResId) = mysqli_fetch_row($qryDataPiping)) { if ((int)$dpInvResId > 0 && (int)$dpUid > 0) { $arryDataPiping[$dpInvResId] = (int)$dpUid; } } $duplicated = array(); # array za rezultate $send_ok = array(); $send_ok_ids = array(); $send_users_data = array(); $send_error = array(); $send_error_ids = array(); // Loop po prejemnikih while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_recipients_query)) { $password = $sql_row['password']; $email = $sql_row['email']; // Preverimo ce je duplikat if ($dont_send_duplicated == true && isset($duplicated[$email])) { $duplicated[$email] ++; continue; } $duplicated[$email] = 1; $individual = (int)$this->surveySettings['individual_invitation']; if ( ($individual == 1 && trim($email) != '' && trim($password) != '') || ($individual == 0 && trim($email) != '') ){ // odvisno ali imamo url za jezik. if ($sending_data['msg_url'] != null && trim($sending_data['msg_url']) != '' ) { $url = $sending_data['msg_url'] . ($individual == 1 ? '?code='.$password : ''); } else { $url = $nice_url . ($individual == 1 ? '&code='.$password : ''); } $url .= '&ai='.(int)$sending_data['$arch_id']; // odjava $unsubscribe = $site_url . 'admin/survey/unsubscribe.php?anketa=' . $this->sid . '&code='.$password; $user_body_text = str_replace( array( '#URL#', '#URLLINK#', '#UNSUBSCRIBE#', '#FIRSTNAME#', '#LASTNAME#', '#EMAIL#', '#CODE#', '#PASSWORD#', '#PHONE#', '#SALUTATION#', '#CUSTOM#', '#RELATION#', ), array( '' . $url . '', $url, '' . $lang['user_bye_hl'] . '', $sql_row['firstname'], $sql_row['lastname'], $sql_row['email'], $sql_row['password'], $sql_row['password'], $sql_row['phone'], $sql_row['salutation'], $sql_row['custom'], $sql_row['relation'], ), $sending_data['body_text'] ); // naredimo DataPiping; if (isset($arryDataPiping[$sql_row['id']])) { $user_body_text = Common::getInstance()->dataPiping($user_body_text, $arryDataPiping[$sql_row['id']], 0); } $resultX = null; try{ $MA = new MailAdapter($this->sid, $type='invitation'); $MA->addRecipients($email); $resultX = $MA->sendMail($user_body_text, $sending_data['subject_text']); } catch (Exception $e){ // todo fajn bi bilo zalogirat kaj se dogaja $__error = $e->getMessage(); $__errStack = $e->getTraceAsString(); } $_user_data = $sql_row; if ($resultX) { $send_ok[] = $email; $send_ok_ids[] = $sql_row['id']; $_user_data['status'] = 1; # poslalo ok } else { // ni poslalo $send_error[] = $email; $send_error_ids[] = $sql_row['id']; $_user_data['status'] = 2; } $send_users_data[] = $_user_data; // updejtamo userja da mu je bilo poslano - PO NOVEM TO DELAMO SPROTI if ( count($send_ok_ids) > 0) { $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET sent='1', date_sent='".$sending_data['date_sent']."' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).")"); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } // statuse popravimo samo če vabilo še ni bilo poslano ali je bila napaka $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET last_status='1' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).") AND last_status IN ('0','2')"); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } // Pri volitvah za sabo pobrisemo podatke preko katerih bi lahko povezali prejemnike z responsi if($voting){ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET cookie='', password='' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).") AND sent='1' AND last_status='1' AND ank_id='".$this->sid."' "); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } } } # updejtamo status za errorje if ( count($send_error_ids) > 0) { $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET last_status = GREATEST(last_status,2) WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_error_ids).") AND last_status IN ('0')"); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } } // če mamo personalizirana email vabila, userje dodamo v bazo if ($individual == 1) { // dodamo še userja v srv_user da je kompatibilno s staro logiko $strInsertDataText = array(); $strInsertDataVrednost = array(); // Pri volitvah zaradi anonimizacije ignoriramo vse identifikatorje if($voting){ $_r = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_user (ank_id, cookie, pass, last_status, inv_res_id) VALUES ('".$this->sid."', '".$_user_data['cookie']."', '".$_user_data['password']."', '".$_user_data['status']."', '-1') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cookie = '".$_user_data['cookie']."', pass='".$_user_data['password']."' "); // Ce ne belezimo parapodatka za cas responsa, anonimno zabelezimo cas zadnjega responsa sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_anketa SET last_response_time=NOW() WHERE id='".$this->sid."'"); } else{ $_r = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_user (ank_id, email, cookie, pass, last_status, time_insert, inv_res_id) VALUES ('".$this->sid."', '".$_user_data['email']."', '".$_user_data['cookie']."', '".$_user_data['password']."', '".$_user_data['status']."', NOW(), '".$_user_data['id']."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cookie = '".$_user_data['cookie']."', pass='".$_user_data['password']."' "); } $usr_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); if ($usr_id) { // dodamo še srv_userbase in srv userstatus sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_userbase (usr_id, tip, datetime, admin_id) VALUES ('".$usr_id."','0',NOW(),'".$global_user_id."')"); sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_userstatus (usr_id, tip, status, datetime) VALUES ('".$usr_id."', '0', '0', NOW())"); // dodamo še podatke za posameznega userja za sistemske spremenljivke foreach ($sys_vars AS $sid => $spremenljivka) { $_user_variable = $this->inv_variables_link[$spremenljivka['variable']]; if (trim($_user_data[$_user_variable]) != '' && $_user_data[$_user_variable] != null) { if($spremenljivka['variable'] == 'odnos') $strInsertDataVrednost[] = "('".$sid."','".$spremenljivka['vre_id'][trim($_user_data[$_user_variable])]."','".$usr_id."')"; else $strInsertDataText[] = "('".$sid."','".$spremenljivka['vre_id']."','".trim($_user_data[$_user_variable])."','".$usr_id."')"; } } } else { // lahko da user že obstaja in je šlo za duplicated keys } // Pri volitvah zaradi anonimizacije ne vsatvimo nicesar v sistemske spremenljivke if(!$voting){ // vstavimo v srv_data_text if (count($strInsertDataText) > 0) { $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_data_text".$this->db_table." (spr_id, vre_id, text, usr_id) VALUES "; $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertDataText); sisplet_query($strInsert); } // vstavimo v srv_data_vrednost if (count($strInsertDataVrednost) > 0) { $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_data_vrednost".$this->db_table." (spr_id, vre_id, usr_id) VALUES "; $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertDataVrednost); sisplet_query($strInsert); } } } } } $results = array( 'send_ok' => $send_ok, 'send_ok_ids' => $send_ok_ids, 'send_users_data' => $send_users_data, 'send_error' => $send_error, 'send_error_ids' => $send_error_ids, ); return $results; } private function getSystemVars(){ // polovimo sistemske spremenljivke z vrednostmi $qrySistemske = sisplet_query("SELECT s.id, s.naslov, s.variable FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE s.sistem='1' AND s.gru_id=g.id AND g.ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND variable IN ("."'" . implode("','",$this->inv_variables)."') ORDER BY g.vrstni_red, s.vrstni_red "); $sys_vars = array(); $sys_vars_ids = array(); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qrySistemske)) { $sys_vars[$row['id']] = array('id'=>$row['id'], 'variable'=>$row['variable'],'naslov'=>$row['naslov']); $sys_vars_ids[] = $row['id']; } $sqlVrednost = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, id AS vre_id, vrstni_red, variable FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id IN(".implode(',',$sys_vars_ids).") ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC "); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednost)) { // Ce gre za odnos imamo radio if($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['variable'] == 'odnos'){ if(!isset($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'][$row['vrstni_red']])) $sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'][$row['variable']] = $row['vre_id']; } elseif (!isset($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'])) { $sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'] = $row['vre_id']; } } return $sys_vars; } // Rocna aktivacija vabil function sendMailNoEmailing() { global $lang, $site_path, $site_url, $global_user_id; Common::getInstance()->Init($this->sid); if (isset($_POST['rids'])) { session_start(); # preverimo token, da ne pošiljamo večkrat if (isset($_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid]) && isset($_POST['_token']) && $_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid] != null && $_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid] == isset($_POST['_token'])) { # na send smo kliknili samo 1x unset($_SESSION['snd_inv_token'][$this->sid]); session_commit(); $dont_send_duplicated = false; if (isset($_POST['dont_send_duplicated']) && $_POST['dont_send_duplicated'] == 'on') { $dont_send_duplicated = true; } $rids = $_POST['rids']; $return = array(); $return['error'] = '0'; $return['msg'] = '
'.sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_note5_noEmailing'], $site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=view_archive').'

'; $return['msg'] .= sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_note5_noEmailing2'], $site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=view_recipients').'
'; // Shranimo komentar h posiljanju if(isset($_POST['comment']) && $_POST['comment'] != ''){ $comment = $_POST['comment']; $sqlC = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET comment='$comment' WHERE ank_id='$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'"); } // Preberemo tip posiljanja (navadna posta, sms...) $noMail_type = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing_type'); // Pripravimo arhiv pošiljanj, da dobimo arch_id $sql_query_all = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted = '0'"); list($count_all) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query_all); $date_sent = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $archive_naslov = 'mailing_'.date("d.m.Y").', '.date("H:i:s"); // Naslov in body // polovimo sporočilo in prejemnike $sql_query_m = sisplet_query("SELECT id, subject_text, body_text, reply_to, isdefault, comment, naslov, url FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'"); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_m) > 0 ) { $sql_row_m = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_m); } else { $subject_text = $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_subject']; $body_text = ''; } $subject_text = $sql_row_m['subject_text']; $body_text = $sql_row_m['body_text']; $msg_url = $sql_row_m['url']; // Vstavimo podatke v arhiv $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_invitations_archive (id, ank_id, date_send, subject_text, body_text, tip, uid, comment, naslov, rec_in_db) VALUES (NULL , '$this->sid', '$date_sent', '".addslashes($subject_text)."', '".addslashes($body_text)."', '$noMail_type', '$global_user_id', '$comment', '$archive_naslov', '$count_all') "); $arch_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); $duplicated = array(); // Polovimo sistemske spremenljivke $sys_vars = $this->getSystemVars(); // prejeminki besedila $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT id, firstname, lastname, email, password, cookie, phone, salutation, custom, relation FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0' AND id IN (".implode(',',$rids).") ORDER BY id "); while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $password = $sql_row['password']; $email = $sql_row['email']; if ($dont_send_duplicated == true && isset($duplicated[$email]) && $email != '') { $duplicated[$email] ++; continue; } $duplicated[$email] = 1; $individual = (int)$this->surveySettings['individual_invitation']; $_user_data = $sql_row; $send_ok[] = $email; $send_ok_ids[] = $sql_row['id']; $_user_data['status'] = 1; $send_users_data[] = $_user_data; } // updejtamo userja da mu je bilo poslano if ( count($send_ok_ids) > 0) { $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET sent = '1', date_sent = '".$date_sent."' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).")"); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } // statuse popravimo samo če vabilo še ni bilo poslano ali je bila napaka $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET last_status = '1' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).") AND last_status IN ('0','2')"); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } } $comment = $_POST['comment']; // dodajmo še userje v povezovalno tabelo if ($arch_id > 0) { // updejtamo še tabelo arhivov $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_archive SET cnt_succsess='".count($send_ok_ids)."' WHERE id ='$arch_id'"); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } # za arhive $_archive_recipients = array(); # za tracking $_tracking = array(); if (count($send_ok_ids) > 0) { foreach ( $send_ok_ids AS $id) { $_archive_recipients[] = "('$arch_id','$id','1')"; #status 1=pošta poslana $_tracking[] = "('$arch_id',NOW(),'$id','1')"; } } if (count($_archive_recipients) > 0) { $sqlString = 'INSERT INTO srv_invitations_archive_recipients (arch_id,rec_id,success) VALUES '; $sqlString .= implode(', ', $_archive_recipients); $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString); } if (count($_tracking) > 0) { $sqlStrTracking = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_tracking (inv_arch_id, time_insert, res_id, status) VALUES "; $sqlStrTracking .= implode(', ', $_tracking); $sqlQueryTracking = sisplet_query($sqlStrTracking); } } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); # če mamo personalizirana email vabila, userje dodamo v bazo if ($individual == 1 && count($send_users_data) > 0) { # dodamo še userja v srv_user da je kompatibilno s staro logiko $strInsertDataText = array(); $strInsertUserbase = array(); $strInsertUserstatus = array(); foreach ($send_users_data AS $user_data) { $_r = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_user (ank_id, email, cookie, pass, last_status, time_insert, inv_res_id) VALUES ('".$this->sid."', '".$user_data['email']."', '".$user_data['cookie']."', '".$user_data['password']."', '".$user_data['status']."', NOW(), '".$user_data['id']."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cookie = '".$user_data['cookie']."', pass='".$user_data['password']."' "); $usr_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); sisplet_query("COMMIT"); if ($usr_id) { # dodamo še srv_userbase in srv userstatus $strInsertUserbase[] = "('".$usr_id."','0',NOW(),'".$global_user_id."')"; $strInsertUserstatus[] = "('".$usr_id."', '0', '0', NOW())"; # dodamo še podatke za posameznega userja za sistemske spremenljivke foreach ($sys_vars AS $sid => $spremenljivka) { $_user_variable = $this->inv_variables_link[$spremenljivka['variable']]; if (trim($user_data[$_user_variable]) != '' && $user_data[$_user_variable] != null) { $strInsertDataText[] = "('".$sid."','".$spremenljivka['vre_id']."','".trim($user_data[$_user_variable])."','".$usr_id."')"; } } } else { // lahko da user že obstaja in je šlo za duplicated keys } } // vstavimo v srv_userbase if (count($strInsertUserbase) > 0) { $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_userbase (usr_id, tip, datetime, admin_id) VALUES "; $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertUserbase); sisplet_query($strInsert); } // vstavimo v srv_userstatus if (count($strInsertUserstatus) > 0) { $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_userstatus (usr_id, tip, status, datetime) VALUES "; $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertUserstatus); sisplet_query($strInsert); } // vstavimo v srv_data_text if (count($strInsertDataText) > 0) { $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_data_text".$this->db_table." (spr_id, vre_id, text, usr_id) VALUES "; $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertDataText); sisplet_query($strInsert); } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } if (count($send_ok) > 0 ) { list($name,$surname,$email) = mysqli_fetch_row(sisplet_query("SELECT name, surname, email FROM users WHERE id='$global_user_id'")); $who=''; if (trim($name) != '') { $who = $name; } if (trim($surname) != '') { if ($who != '') { $who .=' '; } $who .= $surname; } if ($email != '') { if ($who != '') { $who .=' ('.$email.')'; } else { $who = $email; } } $return['error'] = '0'; } else { $return['error'] = '0'; $return['msg'] = '

'; } } else { #old session token $return['msg'] = '
'; } } else { #nimamo $rids $return['msg'] = '
'; } # popravimo timestamp za regeneracijo dashboarda Common::getInstance()->Init($anketa); Common::getInstance()->updateEditStamp(); $this->viewSendMailFinish($return['msg']); } function viewSendMailFinish($msg) { global $lang, $site_url; echo $msg; echo '
'; echo '
'; } function uploadRecipients() { global $lang; $errors = array(); $allowedExtensions = array("txt","csv","dat"); $_fields = trim($_POST['fields']); if ($_fields != null && $_fields != '') { $fields = explode(',',$_fields); } else { $fields = array(); } $file_name = $_FILES["recipientsFile"]["name"]; $file_type = $_FILES["recipientsFile"]["type"]; $file_size = $_FILES["recipientsFile"]["size"] > 0 ? $_FILES["recipientsFile"]["size"] / 1024 : 0; $file_tmp = $_FILES["recipientsFile"]["tmp_name"]; $okFileType = ( $file_type == 'text/plain' || $file_type == 'text/csv' || $file_type == 'application/vnd.ms-excel' ); $okFileEnd = (pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'txt' || pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'csv'); # preverimo ali smo uploadali datoteko in če smo izbrali katero polje if ($_POST['posted'] == '1' && count($fields) == 0) { $errors[] = $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_upload_error_no_fields']; } #preverimo ime datoteke if ( trim($file_name) == '' || $file_name == null ) { $errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file']; # preverimo tip: } else if ( $okFileType == false ) { $errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file_type']; # prevermio še končnico (.txt) } else if ($okFileEnd == false) { $errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file_type']; } # preverimo velikost else if ( (float)$file_size == 0 ) { $errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file_size']; } # če so napake jih prikažemo če ne obdelamo datoteko if (count($errors) > 0) { echo '
'; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_upload_error'].''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; foreach($errors as $error) { echo '* '.$error.'
'; } echo '
'; $this->addRecipientsView($fields, $invalid_recipiens_array); } else { $fh = @fopen($file_tmp, "rb"); if ($fh) { $recipients_list = fread($fh, filesize($file_tmp)); fclose($fh); } # po potrebi zamenjamo delimiter iz (;) v (,) // Vejica NI kul, ker se uporablja pri nazivih in v custom poljih Za interni delimiter naj bo recimo " | "... $recipients_list = str_replace ($_POST['recipientsDelimiter'], "|~|", $recipients_list); // Shranimo v seznam $pid = $this->saveAppendRecipientList($pid=0, $fields, $recipients_list, $profileName='', $profileComment=''); // Dodamo polja $result = $this->addMassRecipients($recipients_list, $fields, $pid); // Prikažemo napake $invalid_recipiens_array = $this->displayRecipentsErrors($result); $this->addRecipientsView($fields, $invalid_recipiens_array); } } function viewArchiveRecipients() { $data = explode('_',$_POST['arch_to_view']); $_success = (int)$data[2]; $_arch_id = $data[3]; $archType = $_POST['archType']; # za novejše ankete prikažemo nov način if ($this->newTracking) { $this->showArchiveRecipients($_arch_id, $archType); return; } global $lang,$site_url,$global_user_id; echo '
'; # polovimo sezname $lists = array(); $sql_string = "SELECT pid, name,comment FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."')"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $lists[$sql_row['pid']] = $sql_row['name']; } $lists['-1'] = $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist']; $lists['0'] = $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']; $data = explode('_',$_POST['arch_to_view']); $_success = (int)$data[2]; $_arch_id = $data[3]; $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_archive WHERE id = '$_arch_id'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $sql_a_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query); $sql_string = "SELECT email,firstname,lastname, password,salutation,phone,custom,relation,sent,responded,unsubscribed,deleted,last_status,list_id FROM srv_invitations_archive_recipients AS siar LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_recipients AS sir on siar.rec_id = sir.id WHERE arch_id = '$_arch_id' AND success = '$_success'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; // Pri volitvah ne prikazemo nekaterih stolpcev if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){ echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } else{ echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { echo ''; // Pri volitvah ne prikazemo nekaterih stolpcev if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){ echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } else{ echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; } echo '
'.$sql_row['email'].''.$sql_row['firstname'].''.$sql_row['lastname'].''.$lists[$sql_row['list_id']].''.$sql_row['email'].''.$sql_row['password'].''.$sql_row['firstname'].''.$sql_row['lastname'].''.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$sql_row['last_status']].' ('.$sql_row['last_status'].')'.''.$lists[$sql_row['list_id']].'
'; echo '
'; // id="arc_content" echo '
'; echo ''; } function editArchiveComment() { global $lang,$site_url; echo '
'; $data = explode('_',$_POST['arch_to_view']); $_success = (int)$data[2]; $_arch_id = $data[3]; #polovimo podatke arhiva $sql_string = "SELECT comment FROM srv_invitations_archive WHERE id = '".$_arch_id."'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); list($comment) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query); echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_invitation_comment']; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; // id="arc_content" echo '
'; echo ''; } function deleteRecipientConfirm() { global $lang; if (isset($_POST['inv_rid']) && trim($_POST['inv_rid']) != '') { $rid = $_POST['inv_rid']; echo '
'; echo 'Ali ste prepričani da želite izbrisati respondenta:'; echo '
'; echo '
'; # polovimo podatke respondenta $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE id = '".(int)$_POST['inv_rid']."'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query); echo ''; # id="inv_delete_rec_confirm" } } function deleteRecipient() { global $lang, $global_user_id, $site_url; $return = array('success'=>'0'); #array z napakami $errors = array(); $rids = $_POST['inv_rids']; if (isset($rids) && is_array($rids) && count($rids)) { $sqlString = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET deleted='1', date_deleted=NOW(), uid_deleted='".$global_user_id."' WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND id IN(".implode(',',$rids).")"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString); sisplet_query("COMMIT"); if (!$sqlQuery) { $errors[] = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_delete_error']; } else { # updejtamo še srv_users $sqlString = "UPDATE srv_user SET inv_res_id=NULL WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND inv_res_id IN(".implode(',',$rids).")"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString); sisplet_query("COMMIT"); $return['success'] = 2; //$this->viewRecipients(); } } else { $errors[] = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_delete_error']; } header('location: ' . $site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=view_recipients'); } function deleteRecipientSingle() { global $lang, $global_user_id, $site_url; $return = array('success'=>'0'); # single delete $inv_rid = $_POST['inv_rid']; if ((int)$inv_rid > 0) { $sqlString = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET deleted='1', date_deleted=NOW(), uid_deleted='".$global_user_id."' WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND id ='$inv_rid'"; sisplet_query("COMMIT"); $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString); if (!$sqlQuery) { $return['error'] = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_delete_error']; } else { $return['success'] = 1; echo json_encode($return); exit; } } else { $return['error'] = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_delete_error']; } echo json_encode($return); exit; } function deleteRecipientAll() { global $lang, $global_user_id, $site_url; $return = array('success'=>'0'); # all delete $sqlString = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET deleted='1', date_deleted=NOW(), uid_deleted='".$global_user_id."' WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND deleted ='0'"; sisplet_query("COMMIT"); $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString); if (!$sqlQuery) { $return['error'] = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_delete_error']; } else { $return['success'] = 1; echo json_encode($return); exit; } echo json_encode($return); exit; } function addSystemVariables($variables) { global $site_path, $lang; // Pri modulu za volitve so responsi anonimni, zato nimamo nobenih sistemskih spremenljivk if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')) return; $system_fields = array( 'inv_field_email' => 'email', 'inv_field_firstname' => 'ime', 'inv_field_lastname' => 'priimek', # 'inv_field_password' => 'geslo', # gesla ne dodajamo kot sistemsko spremenljivko 'inv_field_salutation' => 'naziv', 'inv_field_phone' => 'telefon', 'inv_field_custom' => 'drugo', 'inv_field_relation' => 'odnos', ); $ba = new BranchingAjax($this->sid); if (count($variables) > 0) { // zakaj je bi ta reverse??? //$variables = array_reverse($variables,true); foreach ($variables as $var) { if (isset($system_fields[$var])) { $spr_id = null; $variable = $system_fields[$var]; $sqlVariable = sisplet_query("SELECT s.id FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE s.variable='".$variable."' AND s.gru_id=g.id AND g.ank_id='".$this->sid."'"); if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlVariable) == 0 && $variable!='pass') { // če varabla še ne obstaja jo kreiramo // za polje pass - Geslo ne kreiramo sistemske variable if ($variable != 'language') $user_base = 1; // za polje odnos (module 360 - adecco) ustvarimo radio tip spremenljivke if($system_fields[$var] == 'odnos'){ ob_start(); $ba->ajax_spremenljivka_new(0, 0, 1, 0, 1); $spr_id = $ba->spremenljivka; ob_clean(); $s = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_spremenljivka SET variable='".$variable."', variable_custom='1', naslov='".$variable."', sistem='1', visible='0' WHERE id='$spr_id'"); if (!$s) echo 'err435'.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); // če gre za sistemsko "odnos" za module 360 (adecco) ustvarimo 4 vrednosti (nadrejeni, podrejeni, sodelavec, samoocenjevalec) $sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_vrednost SET naslov='".$lang['srv_inv_field_relation_1']."', variable='1' WHERE spr_id='".$spr_id."' AND vrstni_red='1'"); $sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_vrednost SET naslov='".$lang['srv_inv_field_relation_2']."', variable='2' WHERE spr_id='".$spr_id."' AND vrstni_red='2'"); $sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_vrednost SET naslov='".$lang['srv_inv_field_relation_3']."', variable='3' WHERE spr_id='".$spr_id."' AND vrstni_red='3'"); $sql = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_vrednost (id, spr_id, naslov, variable, vrstni_red) VALUES ('', '$spr_id', '".$lang['srv_inv_field_relation_4']."', '4', '4')"); } // dodamo novo spremenljivko na konec, tip je 21 else{ ob_start(); $ba->ajax_spremenljivka_new(0, 0, 1, 0, 21); $spr_id = $ba->spremenljivka; ob_clean(); $s = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_spremenljivka SET variable='".$variable."', variable_custom='1', naslov='".$variable."', sistem='1', visible='0' WHERE id='$spr_id'"); if (!$s) echo 'err435'.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); #MAPPING za povezavo podatkov # če smo dodajali email, ga dodamo tudi v mapping if ($variable == 'email' && (int)$spr_id > 0) { $insertString = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_mapping (sid, spr_id, field) VALUES ('$this->sid','$spr_id','email')"; sisplet_query($insertString); } } } } } } } function listRecipientsProfiles() { global $lang, $global_user_id; $ppid = isset($_POST['pid']) ? (int)$_POST['pid'] : -1; # polovimo vse profile $array_profiles = array(); session_start(); # če obstaja seznam iz seje za to anketo if (isset($_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid])) { $array_profiles[-1] = array('name' => $_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid]['name']); } $array_profiles[0] = array('name' => $lang['srv_temp_profile_author']); $onlyThisSurvey = (isset($_SESSION['inv_rec_only_this_survey']) && (int)$_SESSION['inv_rec_only_this_survey'] == 1) ? false : true; if ($onlyThisSurvey == 0) { #id-ji profilov do katerih lahko dostopamo $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."') OR pid IN (SELECT DISTINCT pid FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles_access where uid = '$global_user_id')"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); } else { # 1 $sql_string = "SELECT rp.* FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS rp WHERE from_survey = '$this->sid'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); } $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $array_profiles[$sql_row['pid']] = array('name' => $sql_row['name']); } echo '
'; echo '
    '; foreach ($array_profiles AS $_pid => $profile) { echo '
  1. '; echo $profile['name']; echo '
  2. '; } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; if ((int)$ppid > 0) { # polovimo še ostale porfile $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid='".(int)$ppid."' AND from_survey ='".$this->sid."' "; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0) { # če je iz iste ankete, potem lahko urejamo echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_delete_profile'].'
'; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_edit_profile'].'
'; echo '
'; } } echo '
'; } function getRecipientsProfile($pid) { global $lang, $global_user_id; session_start(); $fields = array(); $recipients_list = null; $noEmailing = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing'); # če ne obstaja začasen seznam ga naredimo (praznega) if (!isset($_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid])) { $_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid] = array( 'pid' => -1, 'name' => $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist'], 'fields' => ($noEmailing == 1 ? 'firstname,lastname' : 'email'), 'respondents' => '', 'comment' => $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist'] ); } #polovimo emaile in poljaiz seznama if ($pid > 0) { # če imamo pid in je večji kot nič polovimo podatke iz tabele $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT fields,respondents FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid = '".$pid."'"); $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query); if (trim($sql_row['respondents']) != '') { //$recipients_list = explode("\n",trim($sql_row['respondents'])); // Zamenjamo 1ka delimiter z default vejico, ker drugače je v seznamih porušeno $recipients_list = explode("\n",str_replace ("|~|", ",", trim($sql_row['respondents']))); } $_fields = explode(",", $sql_row['fields']); if (count($_fields) > 0) { foreach ($_fields AS $field) { $fields[] = 'inv_field_'.$field; } } } else if ($pid == 0) { # če ne je začasin porfil - avtor $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT email, name, surname FROM users WHERE id = '".$global_user_id."'"); $rowEmail = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query); // default smo rekli je vejica, ane? $recipients_list[] = $rowEmail['email']; //$recipients_list[] = $rowEmail['email'].','.$rowEmail['name'].','.$rowEmail['surname']; $fields[]= 'inv_field_email'; /*$fields[]= 'inv_field_firstname'; $fields[]= 'inv_field_lastname';*/ } else if ($pid == -1) { # začasen profil iz seje $_fields = explode(",",$_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid]['fields']); if (count($_fields) > 0) { foreach ($_fields AS $field) { $fields[] = 'inv_field_'.$field; } } if (trim($_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid]['respondents']) != '') { $recipients_list = explode("\n",trim($_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid]['respondents'])); } } else { $recipients_list[] = ''; $fields[]= 'inv_field_email'; } return array($recipients_list,$fields); } function useRecipientsList($profile_id = null) { if (isset($profile_id) && !is_null($profile_id)) { $pid = $profile_id; $_POST['pid'] = $profile_id; } else if (isset($_POST['pid'])) { $pid = (int)$_POST['pid']; } else { if (isset($_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid])) { $pid = -1; } else { $pid = 0; } } list($recipients_list,$fields) = $this->getRecipientsProfile($pid); $this->addRecipientsView($fields,$recipients_list); } function saveRecipientList() { global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id; echo 'DEPRCATED!'; return false; $return = array('success'=>'0'); # shranjujemo v nov profil $post_fields = str_replace('inv_field_','',implode(',',$_POST['fields'])); $post_recipients = $this->getCleanString($_POST['recipients_list']); $pid = (int)$_POST['pid']; # če je pid < 0 shranimo v nov porfil if ($pid <= 0) { # dodelimo ime #zaporedno številčimo ime seznama1,2.... če slučajno ime že obstaja $new_name = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new']; $names = array(); $s = "SELECT name FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE name LIKE '%".$new_name."%' AND uid='$global_user_id'"; $q = sisplet_query($s); while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q)) { $names[] = $r['name']; } if (count($names) > 0) { $cnt = 1; while (in_array($lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'].$cnt, $names)) { $cnt++; } $new_name = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'].$cnt; } $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients_profiles". " (name,uid,fields,respondents,insert_time,comment, from_survey) ". " VALUES ('$new_name', '$global_user_id', '$post_fields', '$post_recipients', NOW(), '', '".$this->sid."' )"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert); if (!$sqlQuery) { $return['success'] = '0'; $return['msg'] = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } else { $return['success'] = '1'; $return['pid'] = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } } else { # updejtamo obstoječ profil $sql_update = " UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles". " SET fields = '$post_fields', respondents ='$post_recipients' WHERE pid = '$pid'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_update); if (!$sqlQuery) { $return['success'] = '0'; $return['msg'] = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } else { $return['success'] = '1'; $return['pid'] = $pid; } } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); echo json_encode($return); exit; } function getProfileName() { echo 'DEPRECATED'; } function saveRecProfile() { global $lang, $site_url, $global_user_id; $return = array('error'=>'0'); $profile_id = isset($_POST['profile_id'])? (int)$_POST['profile_id'] : -1; $profile_name = (isset($_POST['profile_name']) && trim($_POST['profile_name']) != '') ? trim($_POST['profile_name']) : $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist']; $profile_comment = (isset($_POST['profile_comment']) && trim($_POST['profile_comment']) != '') ? trim($_POST['profile_comment']) : ''; $recipients_list = trim($this->getCleanString($_POST['recipients_list'])); $field_list = (isset($_POST['field_list']) && trim($_POST['field_list']) != '') ? trim($_POST['field_list']) : 'email'; if ((int)$profile_id == -1) { # shranimo v začasni profil session_start(); $_SESSION['inv_rec_profile'][$this->sid] = array( 'pid'=>-1, 'name'=>$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist'], 'fields'=>$field_list, 'respondents'=>$recipients_list, 'comment'=>$profile_comment ); $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>'x0', 'pid'=>-1); } else if ((int)$profile_id == 0) { # shranjujemo v nov profil $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients_profiles (name,uid,fields,respondents,insert_time,comment, from_survey) VALUES ('$profile_name', '$global_user_id', '$field_list', '$recipients_list', NOW(), '$profile_comment', '".$this->sid."' )"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$error, 'pid'=>mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db'])); } else { $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>'x1', 'pid'=>mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db'])); } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } else { # dodajamo v obstoječ profil # polovimo podatke obstoječega profila $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."') AND pid = '".$profile_id."'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query); $respondents = $sql_row['respondents']."\n".$recipients_list; $sql_string_update = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles SET respondents = '".$respondents."', comment='".$profile_comment."' WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."') AND pid = '".$profile_id."'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string_update); sisplet_query("COMMIT"); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$error, 'pid'=>$profile_id()); } else { $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>'x2', 'pid'=>$profile_id); } } echo json_encode($return); exit; } function updateRecProfile() { global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id; $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>''); $pid = (int)(int)$_POST['pid']; $profile_name = (isset($_POST['profile_name']) && trim($_POST['profile_name']) != '') ? trim($_POST['profile_name']) : ''; /*$profile_comment = (isset($_POST['profile_comment']) && trim($_POST['profile_comment']) != '') ? trim($_POST['profile_comment']) : ''; $profile_respondents = (isset($_POST['profile_respondents']) && trim($_POST['profile_respondents']) != '') ? trim($_POST['profile_respondents']) : '';*/ if ($pid > 0) { if ($profile_name != '') { //$sql_update = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles SET name = '$profile_name', comment = '$profile_comment', respondents = '$profile_respondents' WHERE pid = '$pid'"; $sql_update = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles SET name = '$profile_name' WHERE pid = '$pid'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_update); sisplet_query("COMMIT"); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$error); } else { $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>$sql_update); } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } else { $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$lang['srv_inv_msg_1']); } } else { $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$lang['srv_inv_msg_2']); } echo json_encode($return); exit; } function deleteRecProfile() { global $lang, $site_url, $global_user_id; $return = array('error'=>'0'); $pid = isset($_POST['pid']) && (int)$_POST['pid'] > 0 ? (int)$_POST['pid'] : null; if ($_POST['pid']) { $sql_string = "DELETE FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid='".$pid."' AND uid='".$global_user_id."'"; $return['str'] = $sql_string; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] = $error; } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } echo json_encode($return); exit; } function editRecProfile() { global $lang, $site_url, $global_user_id; $return = array('error'=>'0'); $pid = (int)$_POST['pid']; if ($pid > 0) { $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid='".$pid."'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); $sqlRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlQuery); echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_name'].''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''.$lang['srv_cancel'].''; echo ''.$lang['save'].''; echo '
'; echo '
'; # id="inv_view_arch_recipients" sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } echo json_encode($return); exit; } function deleteMsgProfile() { global $lang, $site_url, $global_user_id; $return = array('error'=>'0'); $mid = isset($_POST['mid']) && (int)$_POST['mid'] > 0 ? (int)$_POST['mid'] : null; # preštejemo koliko profilov imamo. Zadnjega ne pustimo izbrisati $sql_string = "SELECT id FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id <> '".$mid."' LIMIT 1"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); list($id) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query); if ((int)$id > 0 ) { # nastavimo na nov id $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET isdefault = '1' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='$id'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); # če imamo še kak profil pustimo zbrisat izbranega if ((int)$mid > 0) { $sql_string = "DELETE FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE id='".$mid."'"; $return['str'] = $sql_string; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] = $error; } } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); $this->viewMessage($id); } #$this->viewMessage(); # echo json_encode($return); # exit; } function showMessageRename() { global $lang; $mid = (int)$_POST['mid']; echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_inv_message_rename_new_name'].' '; # polovimo vsa sporočila $sql_string = "SELECT naslov, comment FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id = '$mid'"; list($naslov, $comment) = mysqli_fetch_row(sisplet_query($sql_string)); echo ''; echo '

'; echo $lang['srv_inv_message_draft_list_comment']; echo ''; echo '

'; echo ''.$lang['save'].''; echo ''.$lang['srv_cancel'].''; echo '
'; echo '
'; } function messageRename() { global $lang; $return = array('msg'=>'', 'error'=>'0'); $mid = (int)$_POST['mid']; $return['mid'] = $mid; $name = trim($_POST['name']); $comment = trim($_POST['comment']); if ($name == '' || $name == null) { $name = $this->generateMessageName(); } if ($mid > 0) { #updejtamo obstoječ profil $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET naslov='".$name."', comment='".$comment."', edit_uid='".$global_user_id."', edit_time=NOW() WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='$mid'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); if ( $sqlQuery != 1) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4']; } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } else { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4']; } echo json_encode($return); exit; } function editRecipient() { global $lang; echo '
'; echo '

Urejanje respondenta

'; if ((int)$_POST['inv_rid'] > 0) { # polovimo podatke respondenta $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE id = '".(int)$_POST['inv_rid']."'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query); echo ''; } function saveRecipient() { global $lang; $return = array('msg'=>$lang['srv_inv_error1'], 'error'=>'0'); $rid = (int)trim($_POST['inv_rid']); $rec_email = trim($_POST['rec_email']); $rec_password = trim($_POST['rec_password']); $rec_firstname = trim($_POST['rec_firstname']); $rec_lastname = trim($_POST['rec_lastname']); $rec_salutation = trim($_POST['rec_salutation']); $rec_phone = trim($_POST['rec_phone']); $rec_custom = trim($_POST['rec_custom']); $rec_relation = (int)trim($_POST['rec_relation']); $return['rid'] = $rid; $sql_string = "SELECT email FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND id = '".$rid."'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query); $newline= '
'; # če smo imeli polje email ga preverjamo if ($sql_row['email'] != null || trim($sql_row['email']) != '' || ($rec_email != null && $rec_email != '')) { # email ne sme biti prazen if (($sql_row['email'] != null || trim($sql_row['email']) != '') && ($rec_email == null || $rec_email == '')) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_error2']; $return['error_email'] = '1'; $newline= '
'; } else if (!$this->validEmail($rec_email)) { # email mora biti pravilne oblike $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_error3']; $return['error_email'] = '1'; $newline= '
'; } } # password ne sme biti prazen if ($rec_password == null || $rec_password == '') { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_error4']; $return['error_password'] = '1'; $newline= '
'; } else { #preverimo da geslo še ni uporabljeno za to anketo za katerega drugega respondenta $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND password = '".$rec_password."' AND id != '".$rid."'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_error5']; $return['error_password'] = '1'; $newline= '
'; } } # če ni napak shranimo if ( $return['error'] == '0') { # ali shranjujemo obstoječ msg $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET" ." email = '".strtolower($rec_email)."'," ." password = '$rec_password'," ." firstname = '$rec_firstname'," ." lastname = '$rec_lastname'," ." salutation = '$rec_salutation'," ." phone = '$rec_phone'," ." custom = '$rec_custom'," ." relation = '$rec_relation'" ." WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='$rid'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); sisplet_query("COMMIT"); if ( $sqlQuery != 1) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_error6']; } } # MAP: če imamo mapirano, updejtamo tudi pri podatkih $strMap = "SELECT spr_id FROM srv_invitations_mapping WHERE sid = '".$this->sid."' AND field='email'"; $qryMap = sisplet_query($strMap); list($mapSprId) = mysqli_fetch_row($qryMap); if ((int)$mapSprId > 0) { # preverimo ali ima respondent povezavo na srv_user $selectUser = "SELECT id FROM srv_user where ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND inv_res_id='$rid' AND deleted='0'"; $qryUser = sisplet_query($selectUser); list($uid) = mysqli_fetch_row($qryUser); if ((int)$uid > 0 && $this->validEmail($rec_email)) { $updateStr = "UPDATE srv_data_text".$this->db_table." SET text = '$rec_email' WHERE spr_id='$mapSprId' AND usr_id='".(int)$uid."'"; $qryUpdate = sisplet_query($updateStr); if ((int)$qryUpdate > 0) { # updejtamo še timestamp userja $updateUserString = "UPDATE srv_user SET time_edit=NOW() WHERE id='".(int)$uid."'"; $qryUserUpdate = sisplet_query($updateUserString); } } } $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND id = '".$rid."'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $return['rec'] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query); echo json_encode($return); exit; } function setRecipientFilter(){ session_start(); if (isset($_POST['inv_filter_on']) && $_POST['inv_filter_on'] == 'true') { $_SESSION['inv_filter_on'] = true; } else { $_SESSION['inv_filter_on'] = false; } $_SESSION['inv_filter']['value'] = trim($_POST['inv_filter_value']); $_SESSION['inv_filter']['send'] = (int)$_POST['inv_filter_send']; $_SESSION['inv_filter']['respondet'] = (int)$_POST['inv_filter_respondet']; $_SESSION['inv_filter']['unsubscribed'] = (int)$_POST['inv_filter_unsubscribed']; # če ni seznama privzeto damo na vsi if (!isset($_POST['inv_filter_list']) && !isset($_SESSION['inv_filter']['list'])) { $_SESSION['inv_filter']['list'] = '-2'; } else { $_SESSION['inv_filter']['list'] = (int)$_POST['inv_filter_list']; } if (isset($_POST['inv_filter_duplicates']) && $_POST['inv_filter_duplicates'] == 'true') { $_SESSION['inv_filter']['duplicated'] = true; } else { $_SESSION['inv_filter']['duplicated'] = false; } session_commit(); return; } function exportRecipients() { global $lang; $convertTypes = array('charSet' => 'UTF-8', # windows-1250', 'delimit' => ';', 'newLine' => "\n", 'BOMchar' => "\xEF\xBB\xBF"); #header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset='.$convertTypes['charSet']); header('Content-type: application/csv; charset='.$convertTypes['charSet']); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="respondenti_anketa_'.$this->sid.'-'.date('Y-m-d').'.csv"'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Cache-Control: private',false); ob_clean(); # dodami boomchar za utf-8 echo $convertTypes['BOMchar']; #array z napakami $errors = array(); $inv_rids = $_POST['inv_rids']; if (is_array($inv_rids) && count($inv_rids) > 0) { // Ce delamo izvoz za telefonski modul if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('phone')){ $delimit = ''; foreach ($this->inv_variables_tel_excel AS $vkey => $inv_variable) { echo $delimit.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$inv_variable]; $delimit = $convertTypes['delimit']; } #echo $delimit.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_count_inv']; echo $convertTypes['newLine']; $sqlString = "SELECT sir.*, IF(sirp.name IS NULL, '".$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']."', sirp.name) AS list_name, scm.comment, scs.call_time, sch.status " ." FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir" ." LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS sirp ON (sir.list_id = sirp.pid)" ." LEFT JOIN srv_telephone_comment AS scm ON (scm.rec_id = sir.id)" ." LEFT JOIN srv_telephone_schedule AS scs ON (scs.rec_id = sir.id)" ." LEFT JOIN srv_telephone_history AS sch ON (sch.rec_id = sir.id)" ." WHERE sir.id IN(".implode(',',$inv_rids).") ORDER BY id"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString); if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlQuery)) { while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlQuery)) { foreach ($this->inv_variables_tel_excel AS $vkey => $inv_variable) { if($inv_variable == 'status' && $sql_row[$inv_variable] == '') echo $lang['srv_telephone_status_'].$convertTypes['delimit']; else echo $sql_row[$inv_variable].$convertTypes['delimit']; } echo $convertTypes['newLine']; } } } // Izvoz za navadna vabila else{ $delimit = ''; foreach ($this->inv_variables_excel AS $vkey => $inv_variable) { echo $delimit.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$inv_variable]; $delimit = $convertTypes['delimit']; } #echo $delimit.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_count_inv']; echo $convertTypes['newLine']; $sqlString = "SELECT sir.*, IF(sirp.name IS NULL, '".$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']."', sirp.name) AS list_name " ." FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir" ." LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS sirp ON (sir.list_id = sirp.pid)" #." LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_archive_recipients AS siar ON (sir.id = siar.rec_id)" ." WHERE sir.id IN(".implode(',',$inv_rids).") ORDER BY id"; /* $sqlString = "SELECT sir.*, IF(sirp.name IS NULL, '".$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']."', sirp.name) AS list_name, count(siar.arch_id) AS count_inv" ." FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir" ." LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS sirp ON (sir.list_id = sirp.pid)" ." LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_archive_recipients AS siar ON (sir.id = siar.rec_id)" ." WHERE sir.id IN(".implode(',',$inv_rids).") GROUP BY siar.rec_id ORDER BY id"; */ $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString); if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlQuery)) { while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlQuery)) { foreach ($this->inv_variables_excel AS $vkey => $inv_variable) { echo $sql_row[$inv_variable].$convertTypes['delimit']; } # echo $sql_row['count_inv']; echo $convertTypes['newLine']; } } } } else { echo $lang['srv_inv_error7']; } ob_flush(); } function exportRecipients_all() { global $lang; $convertTypes = array('charSet' => 'UTF-8', # windows-1250', 'delimit' => ';', 'newLine' => "\n", 'BOMchar' => "\xEF\xBB\xBF"); #header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset='.$convertTypes['charSet']); header('Content-type: application/csv; charset='.$convertTypes['charSet']); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="respondenti_anketa_'.$this->sid.'-'.date('Y-m-d').'.csv"'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Cache-Control: private',false); ob_clean(); # dodami boomchar za utf-8 echo $convertTypes['BOMchar']; // Ce delamo izvoz za telefonski modul if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('phone')){ #array z napakami $errors = array(); $delimit = ''; foreach ($this->inv_variables_tel_excel AS $vkey => $inv_variable) { echo $delimit.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$inv_variable]; $delimit = $convertTypes['delimit']; } #echo $delimit.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_count_inv']; echo $convertTypes['newLine']; $sqlString = "SELECT sir.*, IF(sirp.name IS NULL, '".$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']."', sirp.name) AS list_name, scm.comment, scs.call_time, sch.status " ." FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir" ." LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS sirp ON (sir.list_id = sirp.pid)" ." LEFT JOIN srv_telephone_comment AS scm ON (scm.rec_id = sir.id)" ." LEFT JOIN srv_telephone_schedule AS scs ON (scs.rec_id = sir.id)" ." LEFT JOIN srv_telephone_history AS sch ON (sch.rec_id = sir.id)" ." WHERE sir.ank_id = '$this->sid' AND deleted='0' ORDER BY id"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString); if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlQuery)) { while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlQuery)) { foreach ($this->inv_variables_tel_excel AS $vkey => $inv_variable) { if($inv_variable == 'status' && $sql_row[$inv_variable] == '') echo $lang['srv_telephone_status_'].$convertTypes['delimit']; else echo $sql_row[$inv_variable].$convertTypes['delimit']; } echo $convertTypes['newLine']; } } } // Izvoz za navadna vabila else{ #array z napakami $errors = array(); $delimit = ''; foreach ($this->inv_variables_excel AS $vkey => $inv_variable) { echo $delimit.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_'.$inv_variable]; $delimit = $convertTypes['delimit']; } echo $convertTypes['newLine']; $sqlString = "SELECT sir.*, IF(sirp.name IS NULL, '".$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']."', sirp.name) AS list_name " ." FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir" ." LEFT JOIN srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS sirp ON (sir.list_id = sirp.pid)" ." WHERE sir.ank_id = '$this->sid' AND deleted='0' ORDER BY id"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString); if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlQuery)) { while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlQuery)) { foreach ($this->inv_variables_excel AS $vkey => $inv_variable) { echo $sql_row[$inv_variable].$convertTypes['delimit']; } echo $convertTypes['newLine']; } } } ob_flush(); } function onlyThisSurvey() { session_start(); $_SESSION['inv_rec_only_this_survey'] = (isset($_POST['checked']) && $_POST['checked'] == 'true'); } function hightlight($str, $keywords = '') { $keywords = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', strip_tags(trim($keywords))); // filter $style = 'inv_high'; $style_i = 'inv_high_i'; /* Apply Style */ $var = ''; foreach(explode(' ', $keywords) as $keyword) { $replacement = "".$keyword.""; $var .= $replacement." "; $str = str_ireplace($keyword, $replacement, $str); } /* Apply Important Style */ $str = str_ireplace(rtrim($var), "".$keywords."", $str); return $str; } // Dodamo vse userje v bazo podatkov kot respondente function add_users_to_database() { // Preverimo ce je vklopljen modul za volitve $voting = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting'); # prejeminki besedila $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT id, firstname, lastname, email, password, password, cookie, phone, salutation, custom, relation FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0' AND sent='0' "); # polovimo sistemske spremenljivke z vrednostmi $qrySistemske = sisplet_query("SELECT s.id, s.naslov, s.variable FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE s.sistem='1' AND s.gru_id=g.id AND g.ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND variable IN("."'" . implode("','",$this->inv_variables)."') ORDER BY g.vrstni_red, s.vrstni_red "); $sys_vars = array(); $sys_vars_ids = array(); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qrySistemske)) { $sys_vars[$row['id']] = array('id'=>$row['id'], 'variable'=>$row['variable'],'naslov'=>$row['naslov']); $sys_vars_ids[] = $row['id']; } $sqlVrednost = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, id AS vre_id, vrstni_red, variable FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id IN(".implode(',',$sys_vars_ids).") ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC "); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednost)) { // Ce gre za odnos imamo radio if($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['variable'] == 'odnos'){ if(!isset($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'][$row['vrstni_red']])) $sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'][$row['variable']] = $row['vre_id']; } elseif (!isset($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'])) { $sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'] = $row['vre_id']; } } # array za rezultate $send_users_data = array(); # zloopamo skozi prejemnike in personaliziramo sporočila in jih pošljemo $date_sent = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s"); while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $_user_data = $sql_row; $_user_data['status'] = 1; $send_users_data[] = $_user_data; } # dodamo še userja v srv_user da je kompatibilno s staro logiko $strInsertDataText = array(); $strInsertUserbase = array(); $strInsertUserstatus = array(); foreach ($send_users_data AS $user_data) { // Pri volitvah zaradi anonimizacije ignoriramo vse identifikatorje if($voting){ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_user (ank_id, cookie, pass, last_status, inv_res_id) VALUES ('".$this->sid."', '".$user_data['cookie']."', '".$user_data['password']."', '".$user_data['status']."', '-1') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE last_status=VALUES(last_status) "); // Ce ne belezimo parapodatka za cas responsa, anonimno zabelezimo cas zadnjega responsa sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_anketa SET last_response_time=NOW() WHERE id='".$this->sid."'"); } else{ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_user (ank_id, email, cookie, pass, last_status, time_insert, inv_res_id) VALUES ('".$this->sid."', '".$user_data['email']."', '".$user_data['cookie']."', '".$user_data['password']."', '".$user_data['status']."', NOW(), '".$user_data['id']."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE last_status=VALUES(last_status), inv_res_id=VALUES(inv_res_id) "); } $usr_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); if ($usr_id) { # za update v srv_invitations_respondents $send_ok_ids[] = $user_data['id']; } else { $send_error_ids[] = $user_data; } # dodamo še srv_userbase in srv userstatus $strInsertUserbase[] = "('".$usr_id."','0',NOW(),'".$global_user_id."')"; $strInsertUserstatus[] = "('".$usr_id."', '0', '0', NOW())"; # dodamo še podatke za posameznega userja za sistemske spremenljivke foreach ($sys_vars AS $sid => $spremenljivka) { $_user_variable = $this->inv_variables_link[$spremenljivka['variable']]; if (trim($user_data[$_user_variable]) != '' && $user_data[$_user_variable] != null) { if($spremenljivka['variable'] == 'odnos') $strInsertDataVrednost[] = "('".$sid."','".$spremenljivka['vre_id'][trim($user_data[$_user_variable])]."','".$usr_id."')"; else $strInsertDataText[] = "('".$sid."','".$spremenljivka['vre_id']."','".trim($user_data[$_user_variable])."','".$usr_id."')"; } } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } # vstavimo v srv_userbase if (count($strInsertUserbase) > 0) { $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_userbase (usr_id, tip, datetime, admin_id) VALUES "; $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertUserbase); sisplet_query($strInsert); } # vstavimo v srv_userstatus if (count($strInsertUserstatus) > 0) { $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_userstatus (usr_id, tip, status, datetime) VALUES "; $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertUserstatus); sisplet_query($strInsert); } // Pri volitvah zaradi anonimizacije ne vsatvimo nicesar v sistemske spremenljivke if(!$voting){ # vstavimo v srv_data_text if (count($strInsertDataText) > 0) { $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_data_text".$this->db_table." (spr_id, vre_id, text, usr_id) VALUES "; $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertDataText); sisplet_query($strInsert); } # vstavimo v srv_data_vrednost if (count($strInsertDataVrednost) > 0) { $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_data_vrednost".$this->db_table." (spr_id, vre_id, usr_id) VALUES "; $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertDataVrednost); sisplet_query($strInsert); } } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); # zloopamo skozi prejemnike in personaliziramo sporočila in jih pošljemo $date_sent = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s"); # updejtamo userja da mu je bilo poslano if ( count($send_ok_ids) > 0) { $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET sent='1', date_sent = '".$date_sent."' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).")"); if (!$sqlQuery) $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET last_status='1' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).") AND last_status IN ('0','2')"); if (!$sqlQuery) $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } $msg = array($lang['srv_inv_activate_respondents']. count($send_ok_ids)); if (count($send_error_ids) > 0) { print_r("
"); } # popravimo timestamp za regeneracijo dashboarda Common::getInstance()->Init($anketa); Common::getInstance()->updateEditStamp(); $this->viewRecipients(/*array(),$msg*/); } // Dodamo samo izbrane userje v bazo podatkov kot respondente function add_checked_users_to_database() { global $site_url; // Prejemniki, ki jih ročno dodajamo med respondente $inv_rids = $_POST['inv_rids']; # prejeminki besedila $sql_string = "SELECT id, firstname, lastname, email, password, cookie, phone, salutation, custom, relation FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0' AND sent='0' AND id IN(".implode(',',$inv_rids).")"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); # polovimo sistemske spremenljivke z vrednostmi $strSistemske = "SELECT s.id, s.naslov, s.variable FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE s.sistem='1' AND s.gru_id=g.id AND g.ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND variable IN("."'" . implode("','",$this->inv_variables)."') ORDER BY g.vrstni_red, s.vrstni_red"; $qrySistemske = sisplet_query($strSistemske); $sys_vars = array(); $sys_vars_ids = array(); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qrySistemske)) { $sys_vars[$row['id']] = array('id'=>$row['id'], 'variable'=>$row['variable'],'naslov'=>$row['naslov']); $sys_vars_ids[] =$row['id']; } $sqlVrednost = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id, id AS vre_id, vrstni_red, variable FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id IN(".implode(',',$sys_vars_ids).") ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC "); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednost)) { // Ce gre za odnos imamo radio if($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['variable'] == 'odnos'){ if(!isset($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'][$row['vrstni_red']])) $sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'][$row['variable']] = $row['vre_id']; } elseif (!isset($sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'])) { $sys_vars[$row['spr_id']]['vre_id'] = $row['vre_id']; } } # array za rezultate $send_users_data = array(); # zloopamo skozi prejemnike in personaliziramo sporočila in jih pošljemo $date_sent = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s"); while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $_user_data = $sql_row; $_user_data['status'] = 1; $send_users_data[] = $_user_data; } # dodamo še userja v srv_user da je kompatibilno s staro logiko $strInsertDataText = array(); $strInsertUserbase = array(); $strInsertUserstatus = array(); foreach ($send_users_data AS $user_data) { $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_user (ank_id, email, cookie, pass, last_status, time_insert, inv_res_id) VALUES ('".$this->sid."', '".$user_data['email']."', '".$user_data['cookie']."', '".$user_data['password']."', '".$user_data['status']."', NOW(), '".$user_data['id']."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE last_status=VALUES(last_status), inv_res_id=VALUES(inv_res_id)"; sisplet_query($strInsert); $usr_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); if ($usr_id) { # za update v srv_invitations_respondents $send_ok_ids[] = $user_data['id']; } else { $send_error_ids[] = $user_data; } # dodamo še srv_userbase in srv userstatus $strInsertUserbase[] = "('".$usr_id."','0',NOW(),'".$global_user_id."')"; $strInsertUserstatus[] = "('".$usr_id."', '0', '0', NOW())"; # dodamo še podatke za posameznega userja za sistemske spremenljivke foreach ($sys_vars AS $sid => $spremenljivka) { $_user_variable = $this->inv_variables_link[$spremenljivka['variable']]; if (trim($user_data[$_user_variable]) != '' && $user_data[$_user_variable] != null) { if($spremenljivka['variable'] == 'odnos') $strInsertDataVrednost[] = "('".$sid."','".$spremenljivka['vre_id'][trim($user_data[$_user_variable])]."','".$usr_id."')"; else $strInsertDataText[] = "('".$sid."','".$spremenljivka['vre_id']."','".trim($user_data[$_user_variable])."','".$usr_id."')"; } } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } # vstavimo v srv_userbase if (count($strInsertUserbase) > 0) { $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_userbase (usr_id, tip, datetime, admin_id) VALUES "; $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertUserbase); sisplet_query($strInsert); } # vstavimo v srv_userstatus if (count($strInsertUserstatus) > 0) { $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_userstatus (usr_id, tip, status, datetime) VALUES "; $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertUserstatus); sisplet_query($strInsert); } # vstavimo v srv_data_text if (count($strInsertDataText) > 0) { $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_data_text".$this->db_table." (spr_id, vre_id, text, usr_id) VALUES "; $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertDataText); sisplet_query($strInsert); } # vstavimo v srv_data_vrednost if (count($strInsertDataVrednost) > 0) { $strInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_data_vrednost".$this->db_table." (spr_id, vre_id, usr_id) VALUES "; $strInsert .= implode(',',$strInsertDataVrednost); sisplet_query($strInsert); } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); # zloopamo skozi prejemnike in personaliziramo sporočila in jih pošljemo $date_sent = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s"); # updejtamo userja da mu je bilo poslano if ( count($send_ok_ids) > 0) { $sqlString = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET sent = '1', date_sent = '".$date_sent."' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).")"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } $sqlString = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients SET last_status = '1' WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$send_ok_ids).") AND last_status IN ('0','2')"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sqlString); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } } $msg = array($lang['srv_inv_activate_respondents']. count($send_ok_ids)); if (count($send_error_ids) > 0) { print_r("
"); } # popravimo timestamp za regeneracijo dashboarda Common::getInstance()->Init($anketa); Common::getInstance()->updateEditStamp(); header('location: ' . $site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->sid.'&a='.A_INVITATIONS.'&m=view_recipients'); } function getRespondents2Send($send_type, $checkboxes, $source_type, $source_lists, $noEmailing=0) { $respondenti = array(); # če imamo dodatne omejitve source_type > 0 (arhivi, seznami) dodamo dodatno kontrolo na id-je respondentov $advancedConditionJoin = ''; $advancedCondition = ''; if ($source_type == 0) { $this->user_inv_ids = array(); if ((int)$this->invitationAdvancedConditionId > 0) { $this->user_inv_ids = $this->getConditionUserIds($this->invitationAdvancedConditionId); if (isset($this->user_inv_ids) && is_array($this->user_inv_ids) && count($this->user_inv_ids) > 0 ) { $advancedConditionJoin = " INNER JOIN srv_user AS su ON i.id = su.inv_res_id"; $advancedCondition = " AND su.ank_id = '$this->sid' AND su.inv_res_id IS NOT NULL AND su.deleted = '0' AND su.id IN ('".(implode('\',\'',$this->user_inv_ids))."')"; } } } else if ($source_type == 1) { # arhivi if ($source_lists != '') { $sub_query = " AND i.id IN(SELECT rec_id AS id FROM srv_invitations_archive_recipients WHERE arch_id IN(".$source_lists.")) "; } else { $sub_query = " AND 0=1 "; } } else if ($source_type == 2) { if ($source_lists != '') { $sub_query = " AND i.list_id IN(".$source_lists.") "; } else { $sub_query = " AND 0=1 "; } } # polovimo respondente ki ustrezajo posameznemu statusu if ($send_type == 0 ) { } if ($send_type == 1) { $sql_sub_condition = " AND i.sent = '0'"; } if ($send_type == 2) { $sql_sub_condition = " AND i.sent = '1' AND i.responded = '0'"; } if ($send_type == 3) { $sql_sub_condition = " AND i.sent = '1' AND i.responded = '1'"; } if ($send_type == 4) { if ($_POST['checkboxes'] != null && trim($_POST['checkboxes']) != '' ) { $sql_sub_condition = " AND i.last_status IN (".$_POST['checkboxes'].")"; } } // Ce imamo vklopljene volitve potem posiljamo samo tistim, katerim še nismo poslali vabila (ponovno posiljanje ni mogoce) $sql_voting_condition = (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')) ? " AND i.sent = '0' AND i.cookie != '' AND i.password != ''" : ""; // Ce imamo posiljanje brez emaila, ni potrebno da je email vnesen za posameznega respondenta if($noEmailing == 1){ $sql_fields = "SELECT DISTINCT i.password, i.id, i.email, i.firstname, i.last_status, i.list_id FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS i"; $sql_main_condition = " WHERE i.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND i.deleted = '0' AND i.unsubscribed = '0'"; $sql_sort = " ORDER BY i.id ASC"; $sql_string = $sql_fields . $advancedConditionJoin . $sql_main_condition . $advancedCondition . $sql_sub_condition . $sub_query . $sql_sort; if ($sql_string != null) { $qry = sisplet_query($sql_string); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) { $respondenti[$row['password']] = array('id'=>$row['id'], 'email'=>$row['email'], 'firstname'=>$row['firstname'], 'status'=>$row['last_status'], 'list_id'=>$row['list_id']); } } } else{ $sql_fields = "SELECT DISTINCT i.password, i.id, i.email, i.last_status, i.list_id FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS i"; $sql_main_condition = " WHERE i.ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND i.deleted = '0' AND i.unsubscribed = '0' AND i.email IS NOT NULL"; $sql_sort = " ORDER BY i.id ASC"; $sql_string = $sql_fields . $advancedConditionJoin . $sql_main_condition . $sql_voting_condition . $advancedCondition . $sql_sub_condition . $sub_query . $sql_sort; if ($sql_string != null) { $qry = sisplet_query($sql_string); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) { $respondenti[$row['password']] = array('id'=>$row['id'], 'email'=>$row['email'], 'status'=>$row['last_status'], 'list_id'=>$row['list_id']); } } } return($respondenti); } /* Paginacija za pregled respondentov pred pošiljanjem * */ function displaySendPagination($all_records) { global $lang,$site_url; #trenutna stran $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : '1'; $current = is_numeric($_GET['page']) && (int)$_GET['page'] > 0 ? $page : '1'; $all = ceil($all_records / $this->rec_send_page_limit); # current nastavimo na zadnji element if ( $all > 1 ) { echo ''; } echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_pagination_shown']; $rec_on_page_options = array(20,50,100,200,500,1000); $none_added = true; $added_over = false; echo ''; echo $lang['srv_inv_pagination_shown_records'].'
'; } /* Paginacija za pregled reposndentov * */ function displayPagination($all_records) { global $lang, $site_url; #trenutna stran $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : '1'; $current = is_numeric($_GET['page']) && (int)$_GET['page'] > 0 ? $page : '1'; $all = ceil($all_records / REC_ON_PAGE); # current nastavimo na zadnji element if ( $all > 1) { echo ''; } } function saveArchiveComment() { $id = $_POST['aid']; $comment = $_POST['comment']; if ((int)$id > 0) { $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_archive SET comment= '".$comment ."' WHERE id = '".$id."'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } } function generateMessageName() { global $lang; # poiščemo nov naslov # zaporedno številčimo ime sporočilo1,2.... če slučajno ime že obstaja $new_name = $lang['srv_inv_message_draft_name']; $names = array(); $s = "SELECT naslov FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND naslov LIKE '%".$new_name."%'"; $q = sisplet_query($s); while (list($naslov) = mysqli_fetch_row($q)) { $names[] = $naslov; } if (count($names) > 0) { $cnt = 1; while (in_array($lang['srv_inv_message_draft_name'].$cnt, $names)) { $cnt++; } $new_name = $lang['srv_inv_message_draft_name'].$cnt; } return $new_name; } function editMessageDetails() { global $lang; echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_inv_message_draft_new_save'].': '; # polovimo vsa sporočila $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); echo ''; #'.((int)$_POST['mid'] > 0 ? ' class="displayNone"' : '').' echo ''; echo '

'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '

'; echo $lang['srv_inv_message_draft_list_comment']; #.((int)$_POST['mid'] > 0 ? $messages[(int)$_POST['mid']]['comment'] : ''). echo ''; echo '

'; echo ''.$lang['save'].''; echo ''.$lang['srv_cancel'].''; echo '
'; echo '
'; # id="inv_view_arch_recipients" } function messageSaveDetails() { global $lang, $global_user_id; $return = array('msg'=>'', 'error'=>'0'); #echo json_encode($return); $mid = (int)$_POST['mid']; $return['mid'] = $mid; $comment = trim($_POST['profile_comment']); $naslov = trim($_POST['naslov']); $body = $_POST['body']; $subject = $_POST['subject']; if ($mid > 0) { #updejtamo obstoječ profil $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET subject_text='".$subject."', body_text='".$body."', comment='".$comment."', edit_uid='".$global_user_id."', edit_time=NOW() WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id='$mid'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); $return['mid'] = $mid; if ( $sqlQuery != 1) { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4']; } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } else { # shranimo v nov profil # ali shranjujemo v novo sporočilo $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_messages (ank_id, naslov, isdefault, uid, insert_time, comment, edit_uid, edit_time, subject_text, body_text) " ."VALUES ('$this->sid', '$naslov', '1', '$global_user_id', NOW(), '$comment', '$global_user_id', NOW(), '$subject', '$body')"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert); $mid = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); if ($mid > 0) { $return['mid'] = $mid; # popravmo še isdefault pri starem zapisz $sql_string = "UPDATE srv_invitations_messages SET isdefault = '0' WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND id != '$mid'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); } else { $return['error'] = '1'; $return['msg'] .= $newline.$lang['srv_inv_msg_4']; } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } echo json_encode($return); exit; } function prepareSaveMessage() { global $lang; echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_inv_message_draft_new_save'].': '; # polovimo vsa sporočila $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); echo ''; echo ' 0 ? ' class="displayNone"' : '').'>'; echo '

'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '

'; echo $lang['srv_inv_message_draft_list_comment']; echo ''; echo '

'; echo ''.$lang['srv_cancel'].''; echo ''.$lang['save'].''; echo '
'; echo '
'; # id="inv_view_arch_recipients" } function showRecipientTracking() { global $lang,$site_url,$global_user_id; $_rec_id = $_POST['rid']; # polovimo podatke o uporabniku $sql_string = "SELECT firstname,lastname,email,last_status, DATE_FORMAT(date_inserted,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS di FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE id = '".(int)$_rec_id."'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query); $avtor = array(); if (trim($sql_row['firstname'])) { $avtor[] = iconv("iso-8859-2", "utf-8",trim ($sql_row['firstname'])); } if (trim($sql_row['lastname'])) { $avtor[] = iconv("iso-8859-2", "utf-8",trim ($sql_row['lastname'])); } $lastStatus = $sql_row['last_status']; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_user_chronology_note']; if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) { echo ''; echo implode(' ',$avtor); if($sql_row['email'] != '') echo ' ('.trim($sql_row['email']).')'; echo ''; } else { # izpišemo samo email echo trim($sql_row['email']); } echo ''; echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_inv_recipients_date_inserted'].': '.$sql_row['di']; # polovimo podatke uporabnikovih arhivov $sql_string = "SELECT ia.*, u.name, u.surname, u.email FROM srv_invitations_archive AS ia LEFT JOIN users AS u ON ia.uid = u.id WHERE ia.id IN (SELECT inv_arch_id FROM srv_invitations_tracking WHERE res_id = '$_rec_id' ) "; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $cnt =0; while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $cnt++; $avtor_email = iconv("iso-8859-2", "utf-8",trim ($sql_row['email'])); $avtor = array(); if (trim($sql_row['name'])) { $avtor[] = trim ($sql_row['name']); } if (trim($sql_row['surname'])) { $avtor[] = trim ($sql_row['surname']); } if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) { $avtor_name = implode(' ',$avtor); } else { $avtor_name = $avtor_email; } echo '
'; echo $cnt.$lang['srv_invitation_user_chronology_sending']; echo ' ('.$lang['srv_invitation_user_chronology_send_by']; echo ' '.$avtor_name.''; echo ')'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; // Volitve nimajo nekaterih polj if(!SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')) echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $sql_string1 = "SELECT status, DATE_FORMAT(time_insert,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS status_time FROM srv_invitations_tracking WHERE res_id = '$_rec_id' AND inv_arch_id='".$sql_row['id']."' ORDER BY uniq ASC"; $sql_query1 = sisplet_query($sql_string1); while ($sql_row1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query1)) { echo ''; echo ''; // Volitve nimajo nekaterih polj if(!SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')) echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
'.$sql_row1['status_time'].'('.$sql_row1['status'].') - '.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$sql_row1['status']].''; if ($sql_row['tip'] == '0') echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type1']; elseif($sql_row['tip'] == '1') echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type2']; elseif($sql_row['tip'] == '2') echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type3']; else echo $lang['email']; echo '
'; echo '
'; } // Volitve nimajo nekaterih polj if(!SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){ echo '
'; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_recipients_final_status'].' ('.$lastStatus.') - '.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$lastStatus]; echo '
'; } echo '
'; // inv_select_mail_preview echo '
'; // id="arc_content" echo '
'; echo ''; } function showArchiveRecipients($_arch_id = null, $archType = 'all') { global $lang,$site_url,$global_user_id; echo '
'; if ($_arch_id == null) { $_arch_id = $_POST['aid']; } #polovimo podatke arhiva $sql_string = "SELECT sia.*, DATE_FORMAT(sia.date_send,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS ds, u.name, u.surname, u.email FROM srv_invitations_archive AS sia LEFT JOIN users AS u ON sia.uid = u.id WHERE sia.id = '".$_arch_id."'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query); # polovimo sezname $lists = array(); $sql_string = "SELECT pid, name,comment FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."')"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $lists[$sql_row['pid']] = $sql_row['name']; } $lists['-1'] = $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist']; $lists['0'] = $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']; #max ststusi po userjih $arch_user_max_status = array(); $str_max_status = "select res_id AS rid, max(status) AS usr_status from srv_invitations_tracking where inv_arch_id = '$_arch_id' GROUP BY res_id"; $qry_max_status = sisplet_query($str_max_status); while (list($res_id,$arch_status) = mysqli_fetch_row($qry_max_status)) { $arch_user_max_status[$res_id] = $arch_status; } #$data = explode('_',$_POST['arch_to_view']); #$_success = (int)$data[2]; #$_arch_id = $data[3]; $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_archive WHERE id = '$_arch_id'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $sql_a_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query); #$sql_string = "SELECT id as res_id,email,firstname,lastname, password,sent,responded,unsubscribed,deleted,list_id,last_status FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE id IN (SELECT DISTINCT res_id FROM srv_invitations_tracking WHERE inv_arch_id = '$_arch_id' )"; $sql_string = "SELECT DISTINCT sir.id as res_id,sir.email,sir.firstname,sir.lastname, sir.password,sir.sent,sir.responded,sir.unsubscribed,sir.deleted," ."sir.list_id,sir.last_status FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir INNER JOIN srv_invitations_tracking AS sit ON sir.id = sit.res_id WHERE sit.inv_arch_id = '$_arch_id'"; // prikazujemo samo napake if ($archType == 'err') { $sql_string = "SELECT DISTINCT sir.id as res_id,sir.email,sir.firstname,sir.lastname, sir.password,sir.sent,sir.responded,sir.unsubscribed,sir.deleted," ."sir.list_id,sir.last_status FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir INNER JOIN srv_invitations_tracking AS sit ON sir.id = sit.res_id " ." JOIN srv_invitations_archive_recipients siar ON sir.id = siar.rec_id AND siar.arch_id = sit.inv_arch_id AND siar.success = '0'" ."WHERE sit.inv_arch_id = '$_arch_id'"; } // priazujemo samo ok if ($archType == 'succ') { $sql_string = "SELECT DISTINCT sir.id as res_id,sir.email,sir.firstname,sir.lastname, sir.password,sir.sent,sir.responded,sir.unsubscribed,sir.deleted," ."sir.list_id,sir.last_status FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir INNER JOIN srv_invitations_tracking AS sit ON sir.id = sit.res_id " ." JOIN srv_invitations_archive_recipients siar ON sir.id = siar.rec_id AND siar.arch_id = sit.inv_arch_id AND siar.success = '1'" ."WHERE sit.inv_arch_id = '$_arch_id'"; } $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); echo '
'; $avtor_email = iconv("iso-8859-2", "utf-8",trim ($row['email'])); $avtor = array(); if (trim($row['name'])) { $avtor[] = trim ($row['name']); } if (trim($row['surname'])) { $avtor[] = trim ($row['surname']); } if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) { $avtor_name = implode(' ',$avtor); } else { $avtor_name = $avtor_email; } echo '
'; echo ''; echo $lang['srv_inv_archive_naslov']; echo ': '.$row['naslov'].''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo $lang['srv_invitation_user_chronology_send_by']; echo ' '.$avtor_name.''; echo ', '; echo $row['ds']; echo '
'; echo ''; echo $lang['srv_inv_message_type']; echo ': '; if ($row['tip'] == '0') echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type1']; elseif($row['tip'] == '1') echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type2']; elseif($row['tip'] == '2') echo $lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type3']; else echo $lang['email']; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; // Pri volitvah ne prikazemo nekaterih stolpcev if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){ echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } else{ echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { echo ''; // Pri volitvah ne prikazemo nekaterih stolpcev if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){ echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } else{ echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $status = $arch_user_max_status[$sql_row['res_id']]; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; } echo '
'.$sql_row['email'].''.$sql_row['firstname'].''.$sql_row['lastname'].''.$lists[$sql_row['list_id']].''.$sql_row['email'].''.$sql_row['password'].''.$sql_row['firstname'].''.$sql_row['lastname'].''.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$status].' ('.$status.')'.''.$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$sql_row['last_status']].' ('.$sql_row['last_status'].')'.''.$lists[$sql_row['list_id']].'
'; echo '
'; // inv_select_mail_preview echo '
'; // id="arc_content" echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; } function editArchiveDetails() { global $lang,$site_url; echo '
'; $_arch_id = $_POST['aid']; #polovimo podatke arhiva $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_archive WHERE id = '".$_arch_id."'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].':'; echo ''.$row['subject_text'].''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].':'; echo ''.($row['body_text']).''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_comment'].':'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; // inv_select_mail_preview echo '
'; // id="arc_content" echo '
'; echo ''; } function showArchiveDetails() { global $lang,$site_url; echo '
'; $_arch_id = $_POST['aid']; #polovimo podatke arhiva $sql_string = "SELECT * FROM srv_invitations_archive WHERE id = '".$_arch_id."'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].':'; echo ''.$row['subject_text'].''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].':'; echo ''.($row['body_text']).''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_comment'].':'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; // inv_select_mail_preview echo '
'; // id="arc_content" echo '
'; echo ''; } function showInvitationStatus() { global $admin_type, $app_settings, $global_user_id; $isEmail = (int)SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('email'); $d = new Dostop(); echo ''; // Pri volitvah prikazemo samo osnovne stevilke - zaradi anonimizacije ni trackinga if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){ $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id); // Ce so izklopljena ne prikazemo leve strani if((int)$isEmail > 0 && $userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')){ echo ''; } } // Nov način z trackingom elseif($this->newTracking == true) { $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id); // Ce so izklopljena ne prikazemo leve strani if((int)$isEmail > 0 && $userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')){ echo ''; } } # star način brez trackinga else { echo ''; } echo '
'; $this->displayInvitationStatusVoting(); echo ''; $this->displayInvitationStatusNew(); echo ''; $this->displayInvitationStatusOld(); echo '
'; } function displayInvitationStatusOld() { global $lang, $admin_type, $global_user_id, $site_url, $site_path; $isEmail = (int)SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('email'); # polovimo lurkerje echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_status'].''; echo '
'; echo '

'; if ((int)$isEmail > 0) { # preštejemo respondente po statusu $recipients_by_status = array(); $sql_string = "SELECT count(*) as cnt, last_status FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0' GROUP BY last_status"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0) { while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $recipients_by_status['all'] += (int)$row['cnt']; switch ((int)$row['last_status']) { # 0 - E-pošta - ni poslana case 0: $recipients_by_status['not_send'] += (int)$row['cnt']; break; # 1 - E-pošta - neodgovor case 1: $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt']; break; # 2 - E-pošta - napaka case 2: $recipients_by_status['not_send'] += (int)$row['cnt']; $recipients_by_status['error'] += (int)$row['cnt']; break; # 3 - klik na nagovor case 3: $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt']; $recipients_by_status['clicked'] += (int)$row['cnt']; break; # 4 - klik na anketo case 4: $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt']; $recipients_by_status['clicked'] += (int)$row['cnt']; break; # 5 - delno prazna case 5: $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt']; $recipients_by_status['clicked'] += (int)$row['cnt']; break; # 6 - končana case 6: $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt']; #$recipients_by_status['clicked'] += (int)$row['cnt']; $recipients_by_status['finished'] += (int)$row['cnt']; break; # null - neznan default: $recipients_by_status['unknown'] += (int)$row['cnt']; break; } } $all_rec_in_survey = (int)$recipients_by_status['all']; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; #popslano enotam echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; #neodgovori echo ''; echo ''; $unanswered = ((int)$recipients_by_status['send']-(int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']-(int)$recipients_by_status['finished']); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; #če se slučajno pojavijo kaki neznani statusi if ((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_send'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['send'].''.((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? '100%' : '0%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['send']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_unanswered'].''.$unanswered.''.$this->formatNumber(($unanswered > 0 ? $unanswered*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').''.$this->formatNumber(($unanswered > 0 ? $unanswered*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_clicked'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'].''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_unknown'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'].''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['unknown']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['unknown']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_finished'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['finished'].''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['finished'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['finished']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['finished'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['finished']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'
'; echo '
'; # zloopamo še po posameznih pošiljanjih $sql_string_arc = "SELECT sia.*, DATE_FORMAT(sia.date_send,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS ds, u.name, u.surname, u.email FROM srv_invitations_archive AS sia LEFT JOIN users AS u ON sia.uid = u.id WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND cnt_succsess > 0 ORDER BY sia.date_send ASC;"; $sql_query_arc = sisplet_query($sql_string_arc); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_arc) > 1) { $cnt=0; while($row_arc = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_arc)) { $cnt++; # preštejemo respondente po statusu $recipients_by_status = array(); $sql_string = "SELECT count(*) as cnt, last_status FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted='0' AND id IN (select rec_id from srv_invitations_archive_recipients where arch_id = ".$row_arc['id']." AND success !='0') GROUP BY last_status"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0) { while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $recipients_by_status['all'] += (int)$row['cnt']; switch ((int)$row['last_status']) { # 0 - E-pošta - ni poslana case 0: $recipients_by_status['not_send'] += (int)$row['cnt']; break; # 1 - E-pošta - neodgovor case 1: $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt']; break; # 2 - E-pošta - napaka case 2: $recipients_by_status['not_send'] += (int)$row['cnt']; $recipients_by_status['error'] += (int)$row['cnt']; break; # 3 - klik na nagovor case 3: $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt']; $recipients_by_status['clicked'] += (int)$row['cnt']; break; # 4 - klik na anketo case 4: $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt']; $recipients_by_status['clicked'] += (int)$row['cnt']; break; # 5 - delno prazna case 5: $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt']; $recipients_by_status['clicked'] += (int)$row['cnt']; break; # 6 - končana case 6: $recipients_by_status['send'] += (int)$row['cnt']; #$recipients_by_status['clicked'] += (int)$row['cnt']; $recipients_by_status['finished'] += (int)$row['cnt']; break; # null - neznan default: $recipients_by_status['unknown'] += (int)$row['cnt']; break; } } $avtor_email = iconv("iso-8859-2", "utf-8",trim ($row_arc['email'])); $avtor = array(); if (trim($row_arc['name'])) { $avtor[] = trim ($row_arc['name']); } if (trim($row_arc['surname'])) { $avtor[] = trim ($row_arc['surname']); } if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) { $avtor_name = implode(' ',$avtor); } else { $avtor_name = $avtor_email; } echo ''; echo ''; echo '+ '; echo '- '; echo $cnt.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_list_cnt_title']; echo ''; echo ''.$avtor_name.''; echo ', '; echo ''.$row_arc['ds'].''; echo ''; echo ' arhiv '; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; #echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; #popslano enotam echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; #neodgovori echo ''; echo ''; $unanswered = ((int)$recipients_by_status['send']-(int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']-(int)$recipients_by_status['finished']); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; #če se slučajno pojavijo kaki neznani statusi if ((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_all'].''.(int)$all_rec_in_survey.''.(int)$recipients_by_status['all'].' 100%
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_send'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['send'].''.((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? '100%' : '0%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['send']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_unanswered'].''.$unanswered.''.$this->formatNumber(($unanswered > 0 ? $unanswered*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').''.$this->formatNumber(($unanswered > 0 ? $unanswered*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_clicked'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'].''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_unknown'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'].''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['unknown']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['unknown']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_finished'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['finished'].''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['finished'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['finished']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['finished'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['finished']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'
'; } } } } else { #Vabil še nismo pošiljali echo $lang['srv_inv_dashboard_empty'].' '.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_add_link'].''; } } else { echo $lang['srv_inv_dashboard_not_enabled']; } echo '

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; #pošiljanje po enotah $cnt_by_sendings = array(); $all_units_count = 0; # najprej koliko enotam še ni bilo poslano $sel = "select count(*) FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id='$this->sid' AND sent = '0'"; $query = sisplet_query($sel); list($count) = mysqli_fetch_row($query); if ($count > 0) { $cnt_by_sendings[0] = (int)$count; } $all_units_count = (int)$count; $sel1 = "select count(*) as cnt, rec_id FROM srv_invitations_archive_recipients WHERE arch_id in (select id from srv_invitations_archive where ank_id = '".$this->sid."') AND success !='0' group by rec_id ORDER BY cnt ASC;"; $query1 = sisplet_query($sel1); while (list($count, $rec_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($query1)) { $cnt_by_sendings[(int)$count] ++; $all_units_count++; } if (count($cnt_by_sendings) > 0) { echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '+ '; echo '- '; echo $lang['srv_inv_nav_email_sending_status']; echo ''; echo Help::display('srv_inv_cnt_by_sending'); echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; foreach ($cnt_by_sendings AS $cnt => $units) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $percent = ($all_units_count > 0) ? $units / $all_units_count * 100 : 0; echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $percent = ($all_units_count > 0) ? $all_units_count / $all_units_count * 100 : 0; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'.$cnt.''.$units.''.Common::formatNumber ($percent,0,null,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_sending_overview_sum'].''.$all_units_count.''.Common::formatNumber ($percent,0,null,'%').'
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } } // Prikaz statusov posiljanj private function displayInvitationStatusNew() { global $lang, $admin_type, $global_user_id, $site_url, $site_path, $app_settings; $isEmail = (int)SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('email'); $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id); // Email vabila so omogocena if ((int)$isEmail > 0 && $userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')) { echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_status'].''; echo '
'; echo '

'; #koliko je vseh uporabnikov v bazi $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted ='0'"); list($cnt_all_in_db) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query); #zloopamo skozi posamezna pošiljanja in preštejemo vse potrebno $sql_query = sisplet_query("SELECT sia.id, sia.tip, rec_in_db, DATE_FORMAT(sia.date_send,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS ds, u.name, u.surname, u.email FROM srv_invitations_archive AS sia INNER JOIN users AS u ON sia.uid = u.id WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' ORDER BY sia.date_send ASC; "); $array_dashboard = array(); $array_archive_subdata = array(); $user_max_status = array(); $user_lurker = array(); # štetje po pošiljanjih $cnt_by_user = array(); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query) > 0) { #loop po vseh arhivih while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $array_archive_subdata[$row['id']] = $row; $sql_subStr = "SELECT sit.res_id,sit.status FROM srv_invitations_tracking AS sit WHERE sit.inv_arch_id = '".$row['id']."' AND sit.res_id IN (SELECT id FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted ='0')"; $sql_subStr = "SELECT sit.res_id,sit.status, su.lurker FROM srv_invitations_tracking AS sit" ." INNER JOIN srv_invitations_recipients AS sir ON sit.res_id = sir.id" ." INNER join srv_user AS su ON sit.res_id = su.inv_res_id" ." WHERE sir.ank_id='$this->sid' AND sir.deleted ='0' AND su.ank_id='$this->sid' AND sit.inv_arch_id = '$row[id]'"; $sql_subQry = sisplet_query($sql_subStr); $sub_max = array(); #loop po vseh trackingih posameznega arhiva while($subRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_subQry)) { if ((int)$subRow['status'] == 2) { $subRow['status'] = -2; } if ((int)$subRow['status'] == 1) { $cnt_by_user[$subRow['res_id']]++; } #maximalni status uporabnika za posamezen arhiv $sub_max[$subRow['res_id']] = max($sub_max[$subRow['res_id']],$subRow['status']); #globalni max statusi posameznih uporabnikov $_userMaxStatus = max($user_max_status[$subRow['res_id']],$subRow['status']); $user_max_status[$subRow['res_id']] = $_userMaxStatus; $user_lurker[$subRow['res_id']] = $subRow['lurker']; } #maximalni statusi uporabniak v posameznem arhivu $array_dashboard[$row['id']] = $sub_max; } } # preštejemo respondente po statusu $recipients_by_status = array(); $recipients_by_status['all']=(int)$cnt_all_in_db; $user_by_status_for_archive = array(); if (count($user_max_status) > 0) { foreach ($user_max_status AS $uid => $status) { switch ((int)$status) { # 2 - E-pošta - napaka case -2: $recipients_by_status['not_send'] ++; $recipients_by_status['error'] ++; break; # 0 - E-pošta - ni poslana case 0: $recipients_by_status['not_send'] ++; break; # 1 - E-pošta - neodgovor case 1: $recipients_by_status['send'] ++; break; # 3 - klik na nagovor case 3: $recipients_by_status['send'] ++; $recipients_by_status['clicked'] ++; break; # 4 - klik na anketo case 4: $recipients_by_status['send'] ++; $recipients_by_status['clicked'] ++; break; # 5 - delno prazna case 5: $recipients_by_status['send'] ++; #$recipients_by_status['clicked'] ++; if ($user_lurker[$uid] == 1) { # če je lurker $recipients_by_status['clicked'] ++; } else { $recipients_by_status['finished'] ++; } break; # 6 - končana case 6: $recipients_by_status['send'] ++; if ($user_lurker[$uid] == 1) { # če je lurker $recipients_by_status['clicked'] ++; } else { $recipients_by_status['finished'] ++; } break; # null - neznan default: $recipients_by_status['unknown'] ++; break; } } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; #popslano enotam echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; #neodgovori echo ''; echo ''; $unanswered = ((int)$recipients_by_status['send']-(int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']-(int)$recipients_by_status['finished']); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; #če se slučajno pojavijo kaki neznani statusi if ((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_send'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['send'].''.((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? '100%' : '0%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['send']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_unanswered'].''.$unanswered.''.$this->formatNumber(($unanswered > 0 ? $unanswered*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').''.$this->formatNumber(($unanswered > 0 ? $unanswered*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_clicked'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'].''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_unknown'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'].''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['unknown']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['unknown']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_finished'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['finished'].''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['finished'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['finished']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['finished'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['finished']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['all'] : 0),0,'%').'
'; echo '
'; # POSAMEZNA pošiljanja if (count($array_dashboard ) > 0) { foreach ($array_dashboard AS $archive_id => $archive_data) { if (count($archive_data ) > 0) { foreach ($archive_data AS $uid => $status) { if ((int)$status == 6 && $user_lurker[$uid] == 1) { $user_by_status_for_archive[$archive_id]['6l']++; } else if ((int)$status == 5 && $user_lurker[$uid] == 1) { $user_by_status_for_archive[$archive_id]['5l']++; } else { $user_by_status_for_archive[$archive_id][$status]++; } } } } } $cnt = 0; if (count($user_by_status_for_archive ) > 0) { foreach ($user_by_status_for_archive AS $arch_id => $archive_data) { $cnt++; if (count($archive_data ) > 0) { $recipients_by_status = array(); $recipients_by_status['all']=(int)$array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['rec_in_db']; foreach ($archive_data AS $status => $cntUsers) { # 0 - E-pošta - ni poslana if( $status == '0') { $recipients_by_status['not_send'] +=$cntUsers; # 1 - E-pošta - neodgovor' } else if( $status == '1') { $recipients_by_status['send'] +=$cntUsers; # 2 - E-pošta - napaka } else if( $status == '2') { $recipients_by_status['error'] +=$cntUsers; # 3 - klik na nagovor } else if( $status == '3') { $recipients_by_status['send'] +=$cntUsers; $recipients_by_status['clicked'] +=$cntUsers; # 4 - klik na anketo } else if( $status == '4') { $recipients_by_status['send'] +=$cntUsers; $recipients_by_status['clicked'] +=$cntUsers; # 5 - delno prazna } else if( $status == '5') { $recipients_by_status['send'] +=$cntUsers; #$recipients_by_status['clicked'] +=$cntUsers; $recipients_by_status['finished'] +=$cntUsers; # 5 - delno prazna -lurker } else if( $status == '5l') { $recipients_by_status['send'] +=$cntUsers; $recipients_by_status['clicked'] +=$cntUsers; # 6 - končana } else if( $status == '6') { $recipients_by_status['send'] +=$cntUsers; $recipients_by_status['finished'] +=$cntUsers; # 6 - končana - lurker } else if( $status == '6l') { $recipients_by_status['send'] +=$cntUsers; $recipients_by_status['clicked'] +=$cntUsers; } else { # null - neznan $recipients_by_status['unknown'] +=$cntUsers; } } $avtor_email = iconv("iso-8859-2", "utf-8",trim ($array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['email'])); $avtor = array(); if (trim($array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['name'])) { $avtor[] = trim ($array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['name']); } if (trim($array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['surname'])) { $avtor[] = trim ($array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['surname']); } if ( count($avtor) > 0 ) { $avtor_name = implode(' ',$avtor); } else { $avtor_name = $avtor_email; } $all_rec_in_survey = (int)$recipients_by_status['all']; echo ''; echo ''; echo '+ '; echo '- '; echo $cnt.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_list_cnt_title']; echo ''; // avtor echo ''.$avtor_name.''; // datum echo ', '; echo ''.$array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['ds'].''; // nacin posiljanja echo ', '; echo ''; if ($array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['tip'] == '0') echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type1'].''; elseif($array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['tip'] == '1') echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type2'].''; elseif($array_archive_subdata[$arch_id]['tip'] == '2') echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_noemailing_type3'].''; else echo ''.$lang['email'].''; echo ''; echo ''; // arhiv echo ' arhiv '; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; #echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; # poslano enotam echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; # neodgovori echo ''; echo ''; $unanswered = ((int)$recipients_by_status['send']-(int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']-(int)$recipients_by_status['finished']); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; #če se slučajno pojavijo kaki neznani statusi if ((int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'] > 0) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; #napake if ((int)$recipients_by_status['error'] > 0) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_all'].''.(int)$all_rec_in_survey.''.(int)$recipients_by_status['all'].' 100%
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_send'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['send'].''.((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? '100%' : '0%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$all_rec_in_survey > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['send']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_unanswered'].''.$unanswered.''.$this->formatNumber(($recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? $unanswered*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').''.$this->formatNumber(($all_rec_in_survey > 0 ? $unanswered*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_clicked'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['clicked'].''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$all_rec_in_survey > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['clicked']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_unknown'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['unknown'].''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['unknown']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$all_rec_in_survey > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['unknown']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_finished'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['finished'].''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['send'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['finished']*100/(int)$recipients_by_status['send'] : 0),0,'%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$all_rec_in_survey > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['finished']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_error'].''.(int)$recipients_by_status['error'].' '.$this->formatNumber(((int)$recipients_by_status['error'] > 0 ? (int)$recipients_by_status['error']*100/(int)$all_rec_in_survey : 0),0,'%').'
'; } } } } else { // Imamo sezname, ni pa poslanih vabil if ((int)$cnt_all_in_db > 0){ echo $lang['srv_inv_dashboard_has_list2']; //echo '


'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; //echo '


'; } // Ni seznamov in ni poslanih vabil else{ echo $lang['srv_inv_dashboard_empty']; //echo '


'; echo ''; echo '

'; } } echo '

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } // Email vabila niso omogocena else { echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_status'].''; echo '
'; echo '

'; echo $lang['srv_inv_dashboard_not_enabled']; # uporabnik nima pravic omogočit vabil if (!$userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')) { echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_no_permissions']; } # uporabnik lahko vklopi email vabila else { echo ' '.$lang['srv_omogoci'].''; } echo '

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } // predpripravimo podatke za vsa pošiljanja $cnt_by_sendings = array(); $all_units_count = count($cnt_by_user); if ($all_units_count > 0) { foreach ($cnt_by_user AS $uid => $ucnt) { $cnt_by_sendings[$ucnt]++; } echo '
'; #pregled po pošiljanjih echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '+ '; echo '- '; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_sending_status'].''; echo ''; echo Help::display('srv_inv_cnt_by_sending'); echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; if ($cnt_by_sendings > 0) { foreach ($cnt_by_sendings AS $cnt => $units) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $percent = ($all_units_count > 0) ? $units / $all_units_count * 100 : 0; echo ''; echo ''; } } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $percent = ($all_units_count > 0) ? $all_units_count / $all_units_count * 100 : 0; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'.$cnt.''.$units.''.Common::formatNumber ($percent,0,null,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_sending_overview_sum'].''.$all_units_count.''.Common::formatNumber ($percent,0,null,'%').'
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } } // Prikaz statusov posiljanj pri volitvah private function displayInvitationStatusVoting() { global $lang, $admin_type, $global_user_id, $site_url, $site_path, $app_settings; $isEmail = (int)SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('email'); $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id); // Email vabila so omogocena if ((int)$isEmail > 0 && $userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')) { echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_status'].''; echo '
'; echo '

'; #koliko je vseh uporabnikov v bazi in kolkim je bil mail poslan $sql_count = sisplet_query("SELECT count(id) as cnt, sent FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND deleted ='0' GROUP BY sent "); $cnt_all_in_db = 0; $cnt_sent_in_db = 0; while($row_count = mysqli_fetch_array($sql_count)){ $cnt_all_in_db += (int)$row_count['cnt']; if($row_count['sent'] == '1'){ $cnt_sent_in_db += (int)$row_count['cnt']; } } echo ''; // Vsi v bazi echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; // Poslani echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_tbl_send'].''.(int)$cnt_sent_in_db.''.((int)$cnt_sent_in_db > 0 ? '100%' : '0%').''.$this->formatNumber(((int)$cnt_sent_in_db > 0 ? (int)$cnt_sent_in_db*100/(int)$cnt_all_in_db : 0),0,'%').'
'; echo '

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } // Email vabila niso omogocena else { echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_status'].''; echo '
'; echo '

'; echo $lang['srv_inv_dashboard_not_enabled']; # uporabnik nima pravic omogočit vabil if (!$userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')) { echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_dashboard_no_permissions']; } # uporabnik lahko vklopi email vabila else { echo ' '.$lang['srv_omogoci'].''; } echo '

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } // predpripravimo podatke za vsa pošiljanja /*$cnt_by_sendings = array(); $all_units_count = count($cnt_by_user); if ($all_units_count > 0) { foreach ($cnt_by_user AS $uid => $ucnt) { $cnt_by_sendings[$ucnt]++; } echo '
'; #pregled po pošiljanjih echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '+ '; echo '- '; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_nav_email_sending_status'].''; echo ''; echo Help::display('srv_inv_cnt_by_sending'); echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; if ($cnt_by_sendings > 0) { foreach ($cnt_by_sendings AS $cnt => $units) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $percent = ($all_units_count > 0) ? $units / $all_units_count * 100 : 0; echo ''; echo ''; } } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $percent = ($all_units_count > 0) ? $all_units_count / $all_units_count * 100 : 0; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'.$cnt.''.$units.''.Common::formatNumber ($percent,0,null,'%').'
'.$lang['srv_inv_sending_overview_sum'].''.$all_units_count.''.Common::formatNumber ($percent,0,null,'%').'
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; }*/ } function showInvitationSettings() { global $lang, $admin_type, $global_user_id, $site_url, $site_path, $app_settings; $row = $this->surveySettings; $_email = (int)SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('email'); $sqlu = sisplet_query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE id='".$global_user_id."'"); $rowu = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlu); if ($rowu['email'] == '') { $sqlm = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM misc WHERE what = 'AlertFrom'"); $rowm = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlm); $rowu['email'] = $rowm['value']; } $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id); $noEmailing = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing'); # Admini, managerji in Clani, ki imajo odobren dostop - lahko vklopijo vabila if ($userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='invitations')) { // Vklop vabil if ($_email == 0) { echo '
'.$lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_title'].''; echo '
'; echo '

'; echo $lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text1']; echo '

'; echo '

'; if($lang['id'] == '1') echo sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text2'], 'https://www.1ka.si/d/sl/pomoc/prirocniki/posiljanje-email-vabil-pridobitev-dovoljenja?from1ka=1'); else echo sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text2'], 'https://www.1ka.si/d/en/help/manuals/sending-email-invitations-and-obtaining-authorization?from1ka=1'); echo '

'; echo '

'; // Za gorenje popravimo text $text3 = (Common::checkModule('gorenje')) ? str_replace('1KA', 'ESurvey', $lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text3']) : $lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text3']; echo $text3; echo '

'; // Gumb OMOGOCI VABILA $text_button = (Common::checkModule('gorenje')) ? str_replace('1KA', 'ESurvey', $lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_button_activate']) : $lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_button_activate']; echo ''.$text_button.''; //echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_more'].''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } // Vabila so vklopljena - NASTAVITVE else{ if($noEmailing == 1){ echo ''; } else{ echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; // Leva stran - navadne nastavitve echo ''; // desna stran - nastavitve streznika - samo ce imamo posiljanje preko emaila if($noEmailing != 1){ // Gorenje tega nima if (!Common::checkModule('gorenje')){ echo ''; } } echo '
'; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_nav_invitations_settings_general'].' '.Help::display('srv_inv_general_settings').''; echo '
'; echo '
'; // Preverimo ce je vklopljen modul za volitve - potem ne pustimo nobenih preklopov $voting_disabled = ''; if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('voting')){ $voting_disabled = ' disabled'; // Warning za volitve echo '


'; } $individual = (int)$this->surveySettings['individual_invitation']; // Individualizirana vabila - GLAVNA NASTAVITEV echo '

'; echo ''; else echo ' '.Help::display('srv_user_base_individual_invitaition_note').' '; echo ''; echo ''; echo '

'; // Ce niso indvidualizirana imamo samo nacin posiljanja if ($individual == 0) { // Nacin posiljanja (email, posta, sms...) echo '

'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '

'; // Nacin dokumentiranja (posta, sms, drugo) if($noEmailing == 1){ $noEmailingType = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing_type'); echo '

'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '

'; } } # Normalna vabila z unikatinim URL else { // Nacin posiljanja (email, posta, sms...) echo '

'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '

'; // Nacin dokumentiranja (posta, sms, drugo) if($noEmailing == 1){ $noEmailingType = SurveySession::get('inv_noEmailing_type'); echo '

'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '

'; } // Vnos kode - samo ce je email (drugace itak vedno rocni vnos) if($noEmailing != 1){ echo '

'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '

'; } if ($row['usercode_required'] != 0) { echo '

'; if($noEmailing == 1) echo '
'; else echo '
'; $nagovorText = ($row['usercode_text'] && $row['usercode_text'] != null && $row['usercode_text'] != "") ? $row['usercode_text'] : $lang['srv_basecode']; echo ''; echo '

'; } // Dostop brez kode echo '

'; if($row['usercode_skip'] > 0){ echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; } /*echo '

'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
* '.$lang['srv_user_base_access_alert_'.$row['usercode_skip'].''].''; echo '

';*/ } echo '
'; // Gumb shrani - samo provizorično echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'.$lang['srv_email_setting_title'].''; echo '
'; echo '
'; $this->viewServerSettings(); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } } # navadni uporabniki, ki nimajo dostopa - text kako lahko pridobijo dostop else { echo '
'.$lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_title'].''; echo '
'; echo '

'; echo $lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text1']; echo '

'; echo '

'; if($lang['id'] == '1') echo sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text2'], 'https://www.1ka.si/d/sl/pomoc/prirocniki/posiljanje-email-vabil-pridobitev-dovoljenja?from1ka=1'); else echo sprintf($lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text2'], 'https://www.1ka.si/d/en/help/manuals/sending-email-invitations-and-obtaining-authorization?from1ka=1'); echo '

'; echo '

'; echo $lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_text3']; echo '

'; // Gumb ZAPROSI ZA DOSTOP DO VABIL echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_button_details'].''; //echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_nonActivated_more'].''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } } function formatNumber ($value, $digit = 0, $sufix = "") { if ($value <> 0 && $value != null) $result = round($value, $digit); else $result = "0"; # polovimo decimalna mesta in vejice za tisočice $decimal_point = SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('decimal_point'); $thousands = SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('thousands'); $result = number_format($result, $digit, $decimal_point, $thousands) . $sufix; return $result; } function showInvitationLists($profile_id=null) { global $lang,$global_user_id; echo '


'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; $this->showInvitationListsNames($profile_id); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; $doEdit = $_SESSION['inv_edit_rec_profile'][$this->sid] == 'true' ? true : false; if ($doEdit) { $this->showEditRecList($profile_id); } else { $this->showNoEditRecList($profile_id); } echo '
'; echo '
'; } function showInvitationListsNames($profile_id=null) { global $lang,$global_user_id; $onlyThisSurvey = isset($_POST['onlyThisSurvey']) ? (int)$_POST['onlyThisSurvey'] : 1; if ($profile_id == null) { $pids = explode(',',$_POST['pids']); } else { $pids = explode(',',$profile_id); } if ($onlyThisSurvey == 0) { #id-ji profilov do katerih lahko dostopamo $accPid = ''; $accStr = "SELECT DISTINCT pid FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles_access where uid = '$global_user_id'"; $accQry = sisplet_query($accStr); while (list($pid) = mysqli_fetch_row($accQry)) { $accPid .= $prefix ."'".$pid."'"; $prefix = ','; } # polovimo še ostale porfile $sql_string = "SELECT rp.*,DATE_FORMAT(rp.insert_time,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS ds, u.name as firstname, u.surname, u.email FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS rp LEFT JOIN users AS u ON rp.uid = u.id WHERE rp.uid in('".$global_user_id."')".($accPid != '' ? ' OR pid IN ('.$accPid.')':''); $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); } else if ($onlyThisSurvey == 2) { $sql_string = "SELECT sia.*,sia.id as pid, sia.naslov AS name, DATE_FORMAT(sia.date_send,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS ds, u.name as firstname, u.surname, u.email FROM srv_invitations_archive AS sia LEFT JOIN users AS u ON sia.uid = u.id WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' ORDER BY sia.date_send DESC;"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); } else { # 1 $sql_string = "SELECT rp.*, DATE_FORMAT(rp.insert_time,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS ds , u.name as firstname, u.surname, u.email FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS rp LEFT JOIN users AS u ON rp.uid = u.id WHERE from_survey = '$this->sid'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); } if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query)>0) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; if ($onlyThisSurvey != 2) { echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { echo ''; echo ''; if ($onlyThisSurvey != 2) { echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; echo ''; #echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
   '; echo $lang['srv_inv_list_table_name']; echo ''; echo $lang['srv_inv_list_table_cnt_receive']; echo ''; echo $lang['srv_inv_list_table_comment']; echo ''; echo $lang['srv_inv_list_table_date_create']; echo ''; echo $lang['srv_inv_list_table_author']; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; if (isset($sql_row['respondents'])) { $_recipients = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $sql_row['respondents']); $_recipients = explode("\n",$_recipients); echo count($_recipients); } else if (isset($sql_row['cnt_succsess']) || isset($sql_row['cnt_error'])) { echo (int)$sql_row['cnt_succsess']+(int)$sql_row['cnt_error']; } echo ''; #$_fields = explode(",",$sql_row['fields']); #$_fields_lang = array(); #foreach ($_fields as $_field) { # $_fields_lang[] = $lang['srv_inv_field_'.$_field]; #} #echo implode(',',$_fields_lang); #echo ''; echo $sql_row['comment']; echo ''; echo $sql_row['ds']; echo ''; echo $sql_row['firstname']; echo ' '.$sql_row['surname']; echo '
'; /* * Osznačevanje vseh seznamov in brisanje le teh*/ echo ''; } else { echo $lang['srv_inv_list_no_lists']; } return (int)mysqli_num_rows($sql_query); } function showNoEditRecList($profile_id = null) { global $lang; $pids=array(); $onlyThisSurvey = (int)$_POST['onlyThisSurvey']; if ($profile_id == null) { # preberemo id-je profilov in respondente if ($_POST['pids'] != '') { $pids = explode(',',$_POST['pids']); } } else { # preberemo id-je profilov in respondente if ($profile_id != '') { $pids = explode(',',$profile_id); } } if (empty($pids)) { echo $lang['srv_inv_list_choose_left'].'
'; } session_start(); $infoBox = null; if (is_array($pids) && count($pids) > 0) { echo '
'; $respondents = array(); $fields = array(); # info box prikazujemo samo ko imamo izbran 1 seznam if ($onlyThisSurvey <= 1) { # če imamo normalne sezname if (is_array($pids) && count($pids) == 1) { $sql_string = "SELECT rp.respondents, fields,rp.name, rp.comment, u.email AS iemail, DATE_FORMAT(rp.insert_time,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS fitime, e.email AS eemail, DATE_FORMAT(rp.edit_time,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS fetime FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS rp LEFT JOIN users AS u ON rp.uid = u.id LEFT JOIN users AS e ON rp.uid = e.id WHERE rp.pid IN(".(implode(',',$pids)).")"; } else { $sql_string = "SELECT rp.respondents, fields FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS rp WHERE rp.pid IN(".(implode(',',$pids)).")"; } $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { # info box prikazujemo samo ko imamo izbran 1 seznam if (is_array($pids) && count($pids) == 1) { $infoBox .= ''; $infoBox .= $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_added']; $infoBox .= trim($sql_row['iemail']) != '' ? $sql_row['iemail'] : $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_1kasi']; $infoBox .= $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_date'].$sql_row['fitime']; if ($sql_row['fitime'] != $sql_row['fetime']) { $infoBox .= '
'.$lang['srv_inv_list_edit_changed']; $infoBox .= trim($sql_row['eemail']) != '' ? $sql_row['eemail'] : $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_1kasi']; $infoBox .= $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_date'].$sql_row['fetime']; } $infoBox .= '
'; $infoBox .= '
'; } #$array_profiles[$sql_row['pid']] = array('name' => $sql_row['name']); $respondents_list = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $sql_row['respondents']); $respondents_list = explode("\n",$respondents_list); $respondents = array_merge($respondents,$respondents_list); $_fields = explode(",",$sql_row['fields']); foreach ($_fields as $_field) { if (!in_array($_field,$fields)) { $fields[] = $_field; } } } # end-while } else { # imamo arhive $fields = array(); $_recipients = array(); $sql_string = "SELECT email,firstname,lastname,salutation,phone,custom,relation FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir WHERE sir.id IN (SELECT siar.rec_id FROM srv_invitations_archive_recipients siar WHERE siar.arch_id IN (".(implode(',',$pids))."))"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query) ) { $_recipients[] = $row; foreach ($row AS $key => $value) { if ($value !== null && !in_array($key,$fields)) { $fields[] = $key; } } } # pripravimo respondente foreach ($_recipients AS $_recipient) { $recipient = ''; $prefix=''; foreach ($fields AS $field) { $recipient.=$prefix.$_recipient[$field]; $prefix=','; } if ($recipient != '') { $respondents[] = $recipient; } } } # pohandlamo polja $field_list = array(); $default_fields = array( 'inv_field_email' => count($fields) == 0 ? 1 : 0, 'inv_field_firstname' => 0, 'inv_field_lastname' => 0, 'inv_field_password' => 0, 'inv_field_salutation' => 0, 'inv_field_phone' => 0, 'inv_field_custom' => 0, ); // Ce imamo modul 360 imamo tudi odnos if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('360_stopinj')){ $default_fields['inv_field_relation'] = 0; } # skreiramo nov vrstni red polj if (count($fields) > 0) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $field_list['inv_field_'.$field] = 1; if (isset($default_fields['inv_field_'.$field])) { unset($default_fields['inv_field_'.$field]); } } } if (count($default_fields) > 0) { foreach ($default_fields as $key =>$field) { $field_list[$key] = $field; unset($default_fields[$key]); } } $respondents = array_unique($respondents); echo ''; echo ''; $fields_cnt = 0; foreach ($field_list AS $field => $checked) { if ($checked == 1) { $fields_cnt++; echo ''; } } echo ''; if (is_array($respondents) && count($respondents) > 0 ) { foreach ($respondents AS $respondent_data) { $row_cnt = 0; echo ''; $respondent_data_array = explode('|~|',$respondent_data); if (count($respondent_data_array) > 0) { foreach ($respondent_data_array AS $tekst) { if ($row_cnt < $fields_cnt) { echo ''; $row_cnt++; } } } echo ''; } } echo '
'.str_replace ("|~|", ",", $tekst).'
'; } echo $infoBox; } function showEditRecList($profile_id = null) { global $lang; $pids=array(); $onlyThisSurvey = (int)$_POST['onlyThisSurvey']; if ($profile_id == null) { # preberemo id-je profilov in respondente if ($_POST['pids'] != '') { $pids = explode(',',$_POST['pids']); } } else { # preberemo id-je profilov in respondente if ($profile_id != '') { $pids = explode(',',$profile_id); } } if (is_array($pids) && count($pids) == 0) { echo $lang['srv_inv_list_choose_left'].'
'; } session_start(); if (is_array($pids) && !empty($pids)) { echo '
'; $respondents = array(); $fields = array(); $infoBox = null; if ($onlyThisSurvey <= 1) { # če imamo normalne sezname if (is_array($pids) && count($pids) == 1) { $sql_string = "SELECT rp.respondents, fields,rp.name, rp.comment, u.email AS iemail, DATE_FORMAT(rp.insert_time,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS fitime, e.email AS eemail, DATE_FORMAT(rp.edit_time,'%d.%m.%Y, %T') AS fetime FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS rp LEFT JOIN users AS u ON rp.uid = u.id LEFT JOIN users AS e ON rp.uid = e.id WHERE rp.pid IN(".(implode(',',$pids)).")"; } else { $sql_string = "SELECT rp.respondents, fields FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles AS rp WHERE rp.pid IN(".(implode(',',$pids)).")"; } $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { # info box prikazujemo samo ko imamo izbran 1 seznam if (is_array($pids) && count($pids) == 1) { $infoBox = ''; $infoBox .= $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_added']; $infoBox .= trim($sql_row['iemail']) != '' ? $sql_row['iemail'] : $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_1kasi']; $infoBox .= $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_date'].$sql_row['fitime']; if ($sql_row['fitime'] != $sql_row['fetime']) { $infoBox .= '
'.$lang['srv_inv_list_edit_changed']; $infoBox .= trim($sql_row['eemail']) != '' ? $sql_row['eemail'] : $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_1kasi']; $infoBox .= $lang['srv_inv_list_edit_date'].$sql_row['fetime']; } $infoBox .= '
'; $infoBox .= '
'; } #$array_profiles[$sql_row['pid']] = array('name' => $sql_row['name']); $respondents_list = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $sql_row['respondents']); $respondents_list = explode("\n",$respondents_list); $respondents = array_merge($respondents,$respondents_list); $_fields = explode(",",$sql_row['fields']); foreach ($_fields as $_field) { if (!in_array($_field,$fields)) { $fields[] = $_field; } } } } else { # imamo arhive $fields = array(); $_recipients = array(); $sql_string = "SELECT email,firstname,lastname,salutation,phone,custom,relation FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS sir WHERE sir.id IN (SELECT siar.rec_id FROM srv_invitations_archive_recipients siar WHERE siar.arch_id IN (".(implode(',',$pids))."))"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query) ) { $_recipients[] = $row; foreach ($row AS $key => $value) { if ($value !== null && !in_array($key,$fields)) { $fields[] = $key; } } } # pripravimo respondente foreach ($_recipients AS $_recipient) { $recipient = ''; $prefix=''; foreach ($fields AS $field) { $recipient.=$prefix.$_recipient[$field]; $prefix=','; } if ($recipient != '') { $respondents[] = $recipient; } } } # pohandlamo polja $field_list = array(); $default_fields = array( 'inv_field_email' => count($fields) == 0 ? 1 : 0, 'inv_field_firstname' => 0, 'inv_field_lastname' => 0, 'inv_field_password' => 0, 'inv_field_salutation' => 0, 'inv_field_phone' => 0, 'inv_field_custom' => 0, ); // Ce imamo modul 360 imamo tudi odnos if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('360_stopinj')){ $default_fields['inv_field_relation'] = 0; } # skreiramo nov vrstni red polj if (count($fields) > 0) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $field_list['inv_field_'.$field] = 1; if (isset($default_fields['inv_field_'.$field])) { unset($default_fields['inv_field_'.$field]); } } } if (count($default_fields) > 0) { foreach ($default_fields as $key =>$field) { $field_list[$key] = $field; unset($default_fields[$key]); } } $respondents = array_unique($respondents); echo '
'; echo '
    '; $field_lang = array(); if (count($field_list ) > 0) { foreach ($field_list AS $field => $checked) { # ali je polje izbrano ( če imamo personalizirano e-vabilo, moramo nujno imeti polje email $is_selected = ($checked == 1 ) ? true : false; # če je polje obkljukano $css = $is_selected ? ' class="inv_field_enabled"' : ''; # ali labela sproži klik checkboxa $label_for = ' for="'.$field.'_chk"'; echo '
  • '; echo ''; echo ''.$lang['srv_'.$field].''; echo '
  • '; } if ($is_selected == 1) { $field_lang[] = $lang['srv_'.$field]; } } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo $infoBox; echo '
'; echo '
'; if (count($pids) <= 1 ) { echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_list_save_old'].''; } echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_list_save_new'].''; echo '
'; } } function invListEdit() { global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id; # polovimo podatke profila $sql_string = "SELECT pid, name, comment, uid FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid='".$_POST['pid']."'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); list($pid, $name, $comment, $uid) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query); echo '
'; echo '
'; /* echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '

'; echo $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_comment']; echo ''; echo '
'; */ $this->displayListAccess($pid); # skrita polja za respondente in polja echo ''; echo '

'; echo ''.$lang['save'].''; echo ''.$lang['srv_cancel'].''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; # id="inv_view_arch_recipients" /* echo ''; */ } function listGetName() { global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id; $saveNew = $_POST['saveNew'] == 'true' ? true : false; $array_profiles = array(); #ne vem če je fino da lahko dodaja kar na vse sezname session_start(); # polovimo še ostale porfile $sql_string = "SELECT pid, name,comment FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."')"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $array_profiles[$sql_row['pid']] = array('name' => $sql_row['name'], 'comment'=>$sql_row['comment']); } echo '
'; if ($saveNew == true) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } else { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo '

'; echo $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_comment']; echo ''; # skrita polja za respondente in polja $_fields = str_replace('inv_field_','',implode(',',$_POST['fields'])); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '

'; echo ''.$lang['srv_cancel'].''; echo ''.$lang['save'].''; echo '
'; echo '
'; # id="inv_view_arch_recipients" echo ''; } function invListSaveOld() { global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id; $return = array('error'=>'0'); $recipients_list = trim($this->getCleanString($_POST['recipients_list'])); $field_list = (is_array($_POST['field_list']) && count($_POST['field_list']) > 0) ? implode(',',$_POST['field_list']) : trim($_POST['field_list']); $field_list = str_replace('inv_field_','',$field_list); $profile_id = explode(',',$_POST['profile_id']); $profile_id = $profile_id[0]; $rec_profile_name = $_POST['rec_profile_name']; $rec_profile_comment = $_POST['rec_profile_comment']; # dodajamo v obstoječ profil $sql_string_update = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles SET name='$rec_profile_name', comment='$rec_profile_comment', respondents = '$recipients_list', fields='$field_list' WHERE uid in('$global_user_id') AND pid = '$profile_id'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string_update); sisplet_query("COMMIT"); $this->removeDuplicates($profile_id); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$error, 'pid'=>$profile_id()); } else { $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>'x2', 'pid'=>$profile_id); } #echo json_encode($return); $this->showInvitationLists($profile_id); } function listSave() { global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id; $return = array('error'=>'0'); $profile_name = (isset($_POST['profile_name']) && trim($_POST['profile_name']) != '') ? trim($_POST['profile_name']) : $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist']; $profile_comment = (isset($_POST['profile_comment']) && trim($_POST['profile_comment']) != '') ? trim($_POST['profile_comment']) : ''; $recipients_list = trim($this->getCleanString($_POST['recipients_list'])); $field_list = (isset($_POST['field_list']) && trim($_POST['field_list']) != '') ? trim($_POST['field_list']) : 'email'; $profile_id = explode(',',$_POST['profile_id']); $profile_id = $profile_id[0]; $saveNew = $_POST['saveNew'] == 'true' ? true : false; if ($saveNew == true) { # shranjujemo v nov profil $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients_profiles (name,uid,fields,respondents,insert_time,comment, from_survey) VALUES ('$profile_name', '$global_user_id', '$field_list', '$recipients_list', NOW(), '$profile_comment', '".$this->sid."' )"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert); $new_pid = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); sisplet_query("COMMIT"); #odstranimo podvojene $this->removeDuplicates($new_pid); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$error, 'pid'=>$new_pid); } else { $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>'x1', 'pid'=>$new_pid); } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } else { # dodajamo v obstoječ profil $sql_string_update = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles SET name='$profile_name', respondents = '$recipients_list', comment='$profile_comment' WHERE uid in('$global_user_id') AND pid = '$profile_id'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string_update); sisplet_query("COMMIT"); #odstranimo podvojene $this->removeDuplicates($profile_id); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$error, 'pid'=>$profile_id()); } else { $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>'x2', 'pid'=>$profile_id); } } #echo json_encode($return); $this->showInvitationLists(); } function invListEditSave() { global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id; /* * rec_profile_name] => Seznam1 [rec_profile_comment] => Komentar [uid] => Array ( [0] => 1045 [1] => 1049 [2] => 1046 ) [profile_id] => 2 [anketa] => 94 ) */ $return = array('error'=>'0'); $profile_name = (isset($_POST['rec_profile_name']) && trim($_POST['rec_profile_name']) != '') ? trim($_POST['rec_profile_name']) : $lang['srv_invitation_new_templist']; $profile_comment = (isset($_POST['rec_profile_comment']) && trim($_POST['rec_profile_comment']) != '') ? trim($_POST['rec_profile_comment']) : ''; $uids = $_POST['uid']; $pid = (int)$_POST['profile_id']; # pripravimo insert query (id avtorja ne dodajamo v dostope, ker je tako v uid profila) $insert_string = array(); if (count($uids) > 0) { foreach ($uids AS $key => $uid) { $insert_string[] = "('".$pid."','".$uid."')"; } } # pobrišemo stare vrednosti dostopov in jih nastavimo na novo $delStr = "DELETE FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles_access WHERE pid = '$pid'"; $delQuery = sisplet_query($delStr); if (count($insert_string)) { # dodamo nove vrednosti dostopov $insStr = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients_profiles_access VALUES ".implode(',',$insert_string); $insQuery = sisplet_query($insStr); } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); # dodajamo v obstoječ profil # $sql_string_update = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles SET name='$profile_name', comment='$profile_comment' WHERE pid = '$pid'"; # $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string_update); # sisplet_query("COMMIT"); // if (!$sqlQuery) { # $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); # $return = array('error'=>'1', 'msg'=>$error, 'pid'=>$pid); # } else { # $return = array('error'=>'0', 'msg'=>'x2', 'pid'=>$pid); # } #echo json_encode($return); $this->showInvitationLists(); } function deleteRecipientsList() { global $global_user_id; $id = (int)$_POST['id']; if ($id > 0 ) { $sql_string = "DELETE FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid='".$id."' AND uid='".$global_user_id."'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } $this->showInvitationLists(); } function deleteRecipientsListMulti() { $return = array('success'=>'0'); global $global_user_id; $ids = $_POST['ids']; if(count($ids) > 0){ $sql_string = "DELETE FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid='".$global_user_id."' AND pid IN(".implode(',',$ids).")"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string); $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } if (!$sqlQuery) { $errors[] = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_delete_error']; } else { $return['success'] = 2; //$this->showInvitationLists(); } } function removeDuplicates($pid) { # dodamo tracking if ((int)$pid > 0) { $sql_string = "SELECT respondents FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid = '$pid'"; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); $respondents = array(); list ($new_recipients) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_query); $new_recipients = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $new_recipients); $new_recipients = explode("\n",$new_recipients); $new_recipients = implode("\n",array_unique($new_recipients)); $sql_string_update = "UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles SET respondents='".$new_recipients."' WHERE pid = '$pid'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_string_update); sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } } function displayListAccess($pid) { global $lang, $global_user_id, $admin_type; # polovimo avtorja profila $uidQuery = sisplet_query("SELECT uid FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid ='$pid'"); list($uid) = mysqli_fetch_row($uidQuery); # polovimo id-je userjev ki imajo dostop do tega profila $accessArray = array(); $accessQuery = sisplet_query("SELECT uid FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles_access WHERE pid ='$pid'"); while (list($uid_) = mysqli_fetch_row($accessQuery)) { $accessArray[] = $uid_; } $sqlQuery = null; // tip admina: 0=>admin, 1=>manager, 2=>clan, 3=>user switch ( $admin_type ) { case 0: // admin vidi vse $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("SELECT name, surname, id, email FROM users ORDER BY name ASC"); break; case 1: // manager vidi ljudi pod sabo // polovimo vse clane ki spo pod managerjem $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("SELECT DISTINCT name, surname, id, email FROM users WHERE id IN (SELECT DISTINCT user FROM srv_dostop_manage WHERE manager='$global_user_id') OR id = '$global_user_id'"); break; case 2: case 3: // TODO // clani in userji lahko vidijo samo tiste ki so jim poslali maile in so se registrirali $sqlQuery = sisplet_query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE 1 = 0"); break; } echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_list_access'].'
'; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_list_access_legend'].'

'; echo ''.$lang['srv_dostop_show_all'].''; echo ''.$lang['srv_dostop_hide_all'].''; echo '
'; while ($row1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlQuery)) { $checked = ( in_array($row1[id],$accessArray) ||$uid == $row1['id']) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $_css_hidden = ($checked != '' ? '' : ' displayNone'); echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; } echo '
'; } function changeInvRecListEdit() { session_start(); $_SESSION['inv_edit_rec_profile'][$this->sid] = ($_POST['checked'] == 'true' ? true : false); session_commit(); } function getUrlLists() { global $lang,$site_url; $result = array(); $p = new Prevajanje($this->sid); $lang_array = $p->get_all_translation_langs(); $link = SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink(); $sqll = sisplet_query("SELECT link FROM srv_nice_links WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' ORDER BY id ASC"); $default_checked =false; $cnt=0; #lepi linki while ($rowl = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqll)) { $result[$cnt] = array('url'=>$site_url.$rowl['link'], 'name'=>$site_url.$rowl['link'].(count($lang_array) > 0 ? ' - '.$lang['language'].' ' : '')); if ($default_checked == false) { $result[$cnt]['dc'] = true; $default_checked = true; } $cnt++; if (count($lang_array) > 0) { #jezikovni podlinki foreach ($lang_array AS $lang_id => $lang_name) { $result[$cnt] = array('url'=>$site_url.$rowl['link'].'?language='.$lang_id, 'name'=>$site_url.$rowl['link'].'?language='.$lang_id.' - '.$lang_name); $cnt++; } } } $link1 = $site_url.'a/'.Common::encryptAnketaID($this->sid); # normalen link $result[$cnt] = array('url'=>$link1, 'name'=>$link1.(count($lang_array) > 0 ? ' - '.$lang['language'] : '')); if ($default_checked == false) { $result[$cnt]['dc'] = true; $default_checked = true; } $cnt++; #jezikovni link if (count($lang_array) > 0) { foreach ($lang_array AS $lang_id => $lang_name) { $result[$cnt] = array('url'=>$link1.'?language='.$lang_id, 'name'=>$link1.'?language='.$lang_id.' - '.$lang_name); if ($default_checked == false) { $result[$cnt]['dc'] = true; $default_checked = true; } $cnt++; } } return $result; } function upload_list() { global $lang, $site_path, $site_url; $fields = array(); $field_list = array(); # odvisno od tipa sporočil prikažemo različna polja # Personalizirano e-poštno vabilo $default_fields = array( 'inv_field_email' => 1, 'inv_field_firstname' => 0, 'inv_field_lastname' => 0, 'inv_field_password' => 0, 'inv_field_salutation' => 0, 'inv_field_phone' => 0, 'inv_field_custom' => 0, ); // Ce imamo modul 360 imamo tudi odnos if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('360_stopinj')){ $default_fields['inv_field_relation'] = 0; } # pri personaliziranih aporočilih je e-mail obvezno polje array_push($fields, 'inv_field_email'); # skreiramo nov vrstni red polj if (count($fields) > 0) { foreach ($fields as $key=>$field) { $field_list[$field] = 1; if (isset($default_fields[$field])) { unset($default_fields[$field]); } } } if (count($default_fields) > 0) { foreach ($default_fields as $key =>$field) { $field_list[$key] = $field; unset($default_fields[$key]); } } echo '
'; echo '


'; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_field_note'].':'; echo '
'; echo '
    '; $field_lang = array(); if (count($field_list ) > 0) { foreach ($field_list AS $field => $checked) { # ali je polje izbrano ( če imamo personalizirano e-vabilo, moramo nujno imeti polje email # $is_selected = ($checked == 1 || $field == 'inv_field_email' ) ? true : false; $is_selected = ($checked == 1 ) ? true : false; # če je polje obkljukano $css = $is_selected ? ' class="inv_field_enabled"' : ''; # ali prikazujemo checkbox # $hidden_checkbox = $field == 'inv_field_email' ? ' hidden' : ''; # ali labela sproži klik checkboxa # $label_for = $field != 'inv_field_email' ? ' for="'.$field.'_chk"' : ''; $label_for = ' for="'.$field.'_chk"'; echo '
  • '; echo ''; echo ''.$lang['srv_'.$field].''; echo '
  • '; if ($is_selected == 1) { $field_lang[] = $lang['srv_'.$field]; } } } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_file_note_1'].''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_fields'].' '; echo implode(',',$field_lang); echo ''; echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_mailing_upload_list']; echo ''; if (count($errors) > 0) { echo '
'; echo ''; foreach($errors as $error) { echo '* '.$error.'
'; } echo '
'; } echo '

'; echo ' '; echo '
'; echo ''; echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_sample'].' '; echo $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_sample1']; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; } function send_upload_list() { global $lang, $global_user_id; $errors = array(); $allowedExtensions = array("txt","csv","dat"); $_fields = trim($_POST['fields']); if ($_fields != null && $_fields != '') { $fields = explode(',',$_fields); } else { $fields = array(); } $file_name = $_FILES["invListFile"]["name"]; $file_type = $_FILES["invListFile"]["type"]; $file_size = $_FILES["invListFile"]["size"] > 0 ? $_FILES["invListFile"]["size"] / 1024 : 0; $file_tmp = $_FILES["invListFile"]["tmp_name"]; $okFileType = ( $file_type == 'text/plain' || $file_type == 'text/csv' || $file_type == 'application/vnd.ms-excel' ); $okFileEnd = ( pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'txt' || pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'csv' || pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'dat'); # preverimo ali smo uploadali datoteko in če smo izbrali katero polje if ($_POST['posted'] == '1' && count($fields) == 0) { $errors[] = $lang['srv_inv_recipiens_upload_error_no_fields']; } #preverimo ime datoteke if ( trim($file_name) == '' || $file_name == null ) { $errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file']; # preverimo tip: } else if ( $okFileType == false ) { $errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file_type']; # prevermio še končnico (.txt) } else if ($okFileEnd == false) { $errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file_type']; } # preverimo velikost else if ( (float)$file_size == 0 ) { $errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file_size']; } # če so napake jih prikažemo če ne obdelamo datoteko if (count($errors) > 0) { echo '
'; echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_recipiens_upload_error'].''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; foreach($errors as $error) { echo '* '.$error.'
'; } echo '
'; #$this->addRecipientsView($fields, $invalid_recipiens_array); } else { $fh = @fopen($file_tmp, "rb"); if ($fh) { $_recipients = fread($fh, filesize($file_tmp)); fclose($fh); } $_recipients = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $_recipients); $recipients_list = explode("\n",$_recipients); $num_recipients_list = count($recipients_list); # pri prejemnikih odrežemo "polja", katerih nismo navedli $fields_cont = (int)count($fields); $fields = str_replace('inv_field_','',$fields); $clean_recipients = array(); if (count($recipients_list) > 0) { if (isset ($_POST['recipientsDelimiter'])) { $delimiter = $_POST['recipientsDelimiter']; } else { $delimiter = "|~|"; } foreach ($recipients_list AS $recipient) { #poiščemo n-ti delimiter $clean_recipients[] = trim(substr($recipient, 0, $this->strpos_offset($delimiter, $recipient, $fields_cont))); } } $clean_fields = trim(implode(',', $fields)); $clean_recipients = trim(implode("\n", $clean_recipients)); if ($fields!=null && $fields != '' && $clean_recipients != null && $clean_recipients != '') { $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients_profiles". " (name,uid,fields,respondents,insert_time,comment, from_survey) ". " VALUES ('Uploaded list', '$global_user_id', '$clean_fields', '$clean_recipients', NOW(), 'Uploaded list', '".$this->sid."' )"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert); } } $this->showInvitationLists(); } /* function strpos_index($haystack = '',$needle = '',$offset = 0,$limit = 99,$return = null) { $length = strlen($needle); $occurances = array(); while((($count = count($occurances)) < $limit) && (false !== ($offset = strpos($haystack,$needle,$offset)))) { $occurances[$count]['length'] = $length; $occurances[$count]['start'] = $offset; $occurances[$count]['end'] = $offset = $offset + $length; } return $return === null ? $occurances : $occurances[$return]; } */ /** * Find position of Nth $occurrence of $needle in $haystack * Starts from the beginning of the string **/ function strpos_offset($needle, $haystack, $occurrence) { // explode the haystack $arr = explode($needle, $haystack); // check the needle is not out of bounds switch( $occurrence ) { case $occurrence == 0: return false; case $occurrence > max(array_keys($arr)): return strlen($haystack); default: $index = (int)strlen(implode($needle, array_slice($arr, 0, $occurrence))); return $index; } } function changePaginationLimit() { session_start(); if (isset($_POST['limit']) && (int)$_POST['limit'] > 0) { $_SESSION['rec_on_send_page'] = (int)$_POST['limit']; $this->rec_send_page_limit = (int)$_POST['limit']; } session_commit(); $this->displaySendPagination((int)$_POST['cnt']); } function displayMessagePreview() { global $lang; $sql_string_m = "SELECT id, naslov, subject_text, body_text, reply_to, isdefault, comment, url FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid' AND isdefault='1'"; $sql_query_m = sisplet_query($sql_string_m); $preview_message = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_m); # polovimo imena vseh sporocil $sql_string_m = "SELECT id, naslov FROM srv_invitations_messages WHERE ank_id = '$this->sid'"; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_name'].':'; echo ''; $sql_query_m = sisplet_query($sql_string_m); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql_query_m) > 0 ) { echo ''; } #.$preview_message['naslov']; echo ''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_subject'].':'; echo ''.$preview_message['subject_text'].''; echo '
'.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_content_body'].':'; echo ''.($preview_message['body_text']).''; echo '
'; // Opozorilo ce manjka #URL# v besedilu maila in imamo individualizirano vabilo if(strpos($preview_message['body_text'], '#URL#') == false && $this->surveySettings['usercode_required'] == 0 && $this->surveySettings['individual_invitation'] != 0) echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_nourl_warning'].'
'; // Opozorilo ce je #URL# v besedilu maila in imamo neindividualizirano vabilo elseif(strpos($preview_message['body_text'], '#URL#') == true && $this->surveySettings['individual_invitation'] == 0) echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_message_draft_url_warning'].'
'; // Popravi sporocilo echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_reedit_message'].''; } function addSortField($field){ $type = 'ASC'; session_start(); if ($_SESSION['rec_sort_field'] == $field) { if ($_SESSION['rec_sort_type'] == 'DESC') { $type = 'ASC'; } else { $type = 'DESC'; } } else { $type = 'ASC'; } return ' onclick="inv_set_sort_field(\''.$field.'\',\''.$type.'\');" '; } function addSortIcon($field){ session_start(); if ($_SESSION['rec_sort_field'] == $field) { if ($_SESSION['rec_sort_type'] == 'DESC') { return ' '; } else { return ' '; } } return; } function setSortField() { session_start(); if (isset($_POST['field']) && trim($_POST['field']) != '') { $_SESSION['rec_sort_field'] = trim($_POST['field']); } else { $_SESSION['rec_sort_field'] = 'date_inserted'; } if (isset($_POST['type']) && trim($_POST['type']) != '') { $_SESSION['rec_sort_type'] = trim($_POST['type']); } else { $_SESSION['rec_sort_type'] = 'ASC'; } session_commit(); } function getSortString() { session_start(); $sort_string = ' ORDER BY i.last_status'; if (isset($_SESSION['rec_sort_field']) && trim($_SESSION['rec_sort_field']) != '') { $prefix = 'i.'; if ($_SESSION['rec_sort_field'] == 'count_inv') { $prefix = ''; } if ($_SESSION['rec_sort_field'] == 'date(date_expired)') { $sort_string = ' ORDER BY '.$prefix.'date_expired'; } else{ $sort_string = ' ORDER BY '.$prefix.trim($_SESSION['rec_sort_field']); } if ($_SESSION['rec_sort_type'] == 'DESC') { $sort_string .= ' DESC'; } else { $sort_string .= ' ASC'; } } // Vedno dodatno se sortirtamo po mailu $sort_string .= ', i.email'; return $sort_string; } function getAvailableSysVars() { $result = array(); $qry = sisplet_query("SELECT s.variable, s.naslov FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE g.ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND s.gru_id=g.id AND s.tip!='5' AND (s.tip < '10' OR s.tip = '22' OR s.tip = '25' OR s.tip='21') AND s.sistem='1'"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) { $result[$row['variable']] = $row['naslov']; } return $result; } function getAvailableIndicators() { $result = array(); $_indicators = array('email','password','firstname','lastname','salutation','phone','custom','relation'); #za vsako spremenljivko preverimo zapise v bazi foreach ($_indicators AS $indicator) { $sql_string = "SELECT count(*) FROM srv_invitations_recipients WHERE ank_id = '".$this->sid."' AND deleted = '0' AND $indicator IS NOT NULL"; list($cnt) = mysqli_fetch_row(sisplet_query($sql_string)); if ((int)$cnt > 0) { $result[] = $indicator; } } return $result; } function createSystemVariablesMapping() { global $lang; # polovimo sistemske variable $sys_db_maps = array('email'); $strSelect = "SELECT spr_id, field FROM srv_invitations_mapping WHERE sid = '".$this->sid."'"; $qrySelect = sisplet_query($strSelect); $mappingArray = array(); while (list($spr_id,$field) = mysqli_fetch_row($qrySelect)) { $mappingArray[$spr_id] = $field; } $qryString = "SELECT s.id, s.naslov, s.variable, s.variable_custom, s.coding FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE s.sistem='1' AND s.tip IN (1,3,17,21) AND s.gru_id=g.id AND g.ank_id='".$this->sid."' ORDER BY g.vrstni_red, s.vrstni_red"; $sqlSpremenlivka = sisplet_query($qryString); if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlSpremenlivka) > 0) { echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_invitation_system_email_choose']; echo ''; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSpremenlivka)) { $system_variables[$row['id']] = $row; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
'; $checked = (isset($mappingArray[$row['id']]) && $mappingArray[$row['id']] == 'email' )?' checked="checked"':''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; } else { echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_system_error3'].''; } } function validateSysVarsMapping() { global $lang,$global_user_id; # preverimo sistemske spremenljivke $strSistemske = "SELECT count(*) FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE s.sistem='1' AND s.gru_id=g.id AND g.ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND variable IN("."'" . implode("','",$this->inv_variables)."') ORDER BY g.vrstni_red, s.vrstni_red"; list($cntSistemske) = mysqli_fetch_row(sisplet_query($strSistemske)); $emailsToAdd = array(); $invalidEmails = array(); $errors = array(); $emailSpr = (int)$_POST['sysVarMap']; if ((int)$emailSpr > 0) { # preverimo ali lovimo samo ustrezne ali vse userje , preverimo kako imamo nastavljeno pri podatkih global $global_user_id; $_POST['meta_akcija'] = 'data'; SurveyStatusProfiles :: Init($this->sid, $global_user_id); $currentProfileId = SurveyStatusProfiles :: getCurentProfileId(); $statusProfileCondition = SurveyStatusProfiles :: getStatusAsQueryString($currentProfileId); #zloopamo skozi userje in dodamo kateri še niso bili dodani $selectUser = "SELECT id,cookie,pass,last_status,lurker,unsubscribed FROM srv_user where ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND inv_res_id IS NULL AND deleted='0' ".$statusProfileCondition; $queryUser = sisplet_query($selectUser ); if (mysqli_num_rows($queryUser) ) { #zakeširamo vrednosti za email $this->getUsersDataForSpr($emailSpr); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($queryUser)) { $email = trim($this->cacheArrayVrednost[$emailSpr][$row['id']]); if ($this->validEmail($email)) { $emailsToAdd[] = $email; } else { $invalidEmails[] = $email; } } if (count($invalidEmails) > 0) { $errors[] = $lang['srv_invitation_system_error1']."(".count($invalidEmails).')'; } } else { $errors[] = $lang['srv_invitation_system_error2']; } } else { if ((int)$cntSistemske == 0) { # ni sistemskih spremenljivk $errors[] = $lang['srv_invitation_system_error3']; } else { # ni določena email spremenljivka $errors[] = $lang['srv_invitation_system_error4']; } } echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_system_validate'].''; if (count($emailsToAdd)) { echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_system_validateAndAdd'].''; } if (mysqli_num_rows($queryUser) > 0) { # če je kaj novih zapisov v bazi # če že imamo prejemnike v bazi ponudimo gumb naprej echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_forward'].''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; printf($lang['srv_invitation_system_found'],mysqli_num_rows($queryUser)); echo ''; echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_invitation_system_from_this']; if (count($emailsToAdd)) { echo $lang['srv_invitation_system_from_this_valid'].(int)count($emailsToAdd); if (count($invalidEmails) > 0) { echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_invitation_system_and']; } } if (count($invalidEmails) > 0) { echo $lang['srv_invitation_system_from_this_invalid'].(int)count($invalidEmails); } } else { echo '
'; echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_invitation_system_not_found']; } } function addSysVarsMapping() { global $lang,$global_user_id; $addedEmails = array(); $errorEmails = array(); $invalidEmails = array(); $errors = array(); #pobrišemo obstoječe povezave $strDelete = "DELETE FROM srv_invitations_mapping WHERE sid = '".$this->sid."'"; $qryDelete = sisplet_query($strDelete); $emailSpr = (int)$_POST['sysVarMap']; if ((int)$emailSpr > 0) { $insertString = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_mapping (sid, spr_id, field) VALUES ('$this->sid','$emailSpr','email')"; sisplet_query($insertString); sisplet_query("COMMIT"); # preverimo ali lovimo samo ustrezne ali vse userje , preverimo kako imamo nastavljeno pri podatkih global $global_user_id; $_POST['meta_akcija'] = 'data'; SurveyStatusProfiles :: Init($this->sid, $global_user_id); $currentProfileId = SurveyStatusProfiles :: getCurentProfileId(); $statusProfileCondition = SurveyStatusProfiles :: getStatusAsQueryString($currentProfileId); #zloopamo skozi userje in dodamo kateri še niso bili dodani $selectUser = "SELECT id,cookie,pass,last_status,lurker,unsubscribed FROM srv_user where ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND inv_res_id IS NULL AND deleted='0' ".$statusProfileCondition; $queryUser = sisplet_query($selectUser ); if (mysqli_num_rows($queryUser)) { #zakeširamo vrednosti za email $this->getUsersDataForSpr($emailSpr); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($queryUser)) { $email = trim($this->cacheArrayVrednost[$emailSpr][$row['id']]); if ($this->validEmail($email)) { $pass = (trim($row['pass']) != '') ? trim($row['pass']) : substr($row['cookie'],0,6); #dodamo respondenra in naredimo povezav $sql_insert = "INSERT IGNORE INTO srv_invitations_recipients (ank_id,email,password,cookie,sent,responded,unsubscribed,deleted,date_inserted,inserted_uid,list_id,last_status) VALUES "; $sql_insert .= "('".$this->sid."','$email','$pass','".$row['cookie']."'"; $sql_insert .= ",'0','0','".(int)$row['unsubscribed']."','0',NOW(),'".$global_user_id."','".$list_id."','".$row['last_status']."')"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert); if (!$sqlQuery) { $error = mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); $errorEmails[] = $email; } else { $rid = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); if ((int)$rid > 0) { # updejtamo srv user $sqlString2 = "UPDATE srv_user SET inv_res_id='$rid' WHERE id='".$row['id']."'"; $updateQuery2 = sisplet_query($sqlString2); $addedEmails[] = $email; } else { $errorEmails[] = $email; } } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } else { if ($email != '') { $invalidEmails[] = $email; } else { $invalidEmails[] = $lang['srv_invitation_system_empty_email']; } } } } else { #V bazi ni respondentov, katere lahko dodam v vabila! $errors[] = $lang['srv_invitation_system_error2']; } } else { # ni določena email spremenljivka $errors[] = $lang['srv_invitation_system_error4']; } echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_system_validate'].''; echo '
'; echo '
'; if (count($errors) > 0) { foreach ($errors AS $error) { echo '
'.$error.''; } } if (count($addedEmails) > 0) { echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_system_added_users_finish']."(".(int)count($addedEmails)."): "; foreach ($addedEmails AS $email) { echo '
'.$email.''; } } if (count($errorEmails) > 0) { echo $lang['srv_invitation_system_error6']." (".(int)count($errorEmails)."): "; foreach ($errorEmails AS $email) { echo '
'.$email.''; } } if (count($invalidEmails) > 0) { echo ''.$lang['srv_invitation_system_error6'].'('.(int)count($invalidEmails).'):
'; foreach ($invalidEmails AS $email) { echo ''.$email.'
'; } } } private $cacheArrayVrednost = array(); function getUsersDataForSpr($spr_id = 0) { if ((int)$spr_id > 0 ) { if (!isset($this->cacheArrayVrednost[$spr_id])) { list($tip) = mysqli_fetch_row(sisplet_query("SELECT tip FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE id = '$spr_id'")); switch ($tip) { case 21: $str = "SELECT u.id, sdt.text FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table." AS sdt LEFT JOIN srv_user AS u ON u.id=sdt.usr_id WHERE sdt.spr_id ='$spr_id' AND ank_id='".$this->sid."' AND inv_res_id IS NULL AND deleted='0'"; $sql = sisplet_query($str); while (list($uid,$txt) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql)) { if ((int)$uid > 0 && trim($txt) != '') { $this->cacheArrayVrednost[$spr_id][$uid] = $txt; } } break; return $this->cacheArrayVrednost[$spr_id]; } } else { return $this->cacheArrayVrednost[$spr_id]; } } } function saveRecipientListName() { global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id; $array_profiles = array(); #ne vem če je fino da lahko dodaja kar na vse sezname session_start(); $_only_this_survey = (isset($_SESSION['inv_rec_only_this_survey']) && (int)$_SESSION['inv_rec_only_this_survey'] == 1) ? '' : " AND from_survey = '".$this->sid. "'" ; # polovimo še ostale porfile $sql_string = "SELECT pid, name,comment FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE uid in('".$global_user_id."')".$_only_this_survey; $sql_query = sisplet_query($sql_string); while ($sql_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) { $array_profiles[$sql_row['pid']] = array('name' => $sql_row['name'], 'comment'=>$sql_row['comment']); } echo '
'; # echo ''; # echo $lang[''].'Izberite seznam kamor želite dodati prejemnike. Izbirate lahko med:
  • \'Nov seznam\' - prejemniki se dodajo v nov seznam, kateremu določite ime
  • \'Začasen seznam\' - seznam obstaja samo v času seje brskalnika
  • ali izberete obstoječ seznam, h kateremu se bodo dodali prejemniki

'; # echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_invitation_recipients_list_add'].': '; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo $lang[''].'Uporabniki bodo dodani v seznam: '; echo $array_profiles[$_POST['pid']]['name']; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ' 0 ? ' class="displayNone"' : '' ).'>'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '

'; echo $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_comment']; echo ''; echo '
'; } function getCleanString($string) { return preg_replace ("/'/", "`", $string); } function recipientsAddForward() { $doSave = $_POST['doSave'] == 'true' ? true : false; $doAdd = $_POST['doAdd'] == 'true' ? true : false; $fields = $_POST['fields']; $recipients_list = $this->getCleanString($_POST['recipients_list']); $delimiter = $_POST['recipientsDelimiter']; $profileName = $_POST['profile_name']; $profileComment = $_POST['profile_comment']; $pid = $_POST['profile_id']; // Bom kar tule rešil konverzijo iz delimiterja v |~| $recipients_list = str_replace ($delimiter, "|~|", $recipients_list); # če shranjujemo respondente if ($doSave == true){ $pid = $this->saveAppendRecipientList($pid, $fields, $recipients_list, $profileName, $profileComment); } # če dodajamo respondente v bazo if ($doAdd == true){ #dodamo polja $result = $this->addMassRecipients($recipients_list, $fields, $pid); # prikažemo napake $invalid_recipiens_array = $this->displayRecipentsErrors($result); } # če smo dodajali repsondente v bazo, prikažemo tabelo respondentov if ($doAdd == true){ $this->viewRecipients(); } # če ne prikažemo profile respondentov else { $this->useRecipientsList($pid); } // Ce smo dodajali respondente rocno v bazo, to shranimo, ker potem ne smemo povezati mailov s podatki // TEGA NE SMEMO NAREDITI, KER DRUGACE SE VSAKIC OB DODAJANJU NA NOVO UGASNE /*if ($doAdd == true) { $update = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_anketa SET show_email='0' WHERE id='".$this->sid."'"); }*/ } function saveAppendRecipientList($pid, $fields, $recipients, $profileName, $profileComment) { global $lang,$site_url, $global_user_id; # shranjujemo v nov profil $post_fields = str_replace('inv_field_','',implode(',',$fields)); $post_recipients = $this->getCleanString($recipients); $pid = (int)$pid; # če je pid < 0 shranimo v nov porfil if ($pid <= 0) { # ali shranjujemo v sejo if ($pid == -1) { $this->saveSessionRecipients($post_recipients,$post_fields,$profileComment); } else { # dodelimo ime if ($profileName == NULL || trim($profileName) == '') { #zaporedno številčimo ime seznama1,2.... če slučajno ime že obstaja $profileName = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new']; $names = array(); $s = "SELECT name FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE name LIKE '%".$new_name."%' AND uid='$global_user_id'"; $q = sisplet_query($s); while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q)) { $names[] = $r['name']; } if (count($names) > 0) { $cnt = 1; while (in_array($lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'].$cnt, $names)) { $cnt++; } $profileName = $lang['srv_inv_recipient_list_new'].$cnt; } } $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO srv_invitations_recipients_profiles". " (name,uid,fields,respondents,insert_time,comment, from_survey) ". " VALUES ('$profileName', '$global_user_id', '$post_fields', '$post_recipients', NOW(), '$profileComment', '".$this->sid."' )"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_insert); if (!$sqlQuery) { } else { $pid = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } } } else { # polovimo obstoječe podatke $s = "SELECT fields, respondents FROM srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid ='$pid'"; $q = sisplet_query($s); list($old_fields, $old_respondents) = mysqli_fetch_row($q); # najprej polja $old_fields = explode(',',$old_fields); $post_fields = explode(',',$post_fields); foreach ($post_fields AS $post_field ) { #če polje še ni v bazi ga dodamo if (!in_array($post_field, $old_fields)) { $old_fields[] = $post_field; } } # nato porihtamo podatke $old_recipients_list = explode("\n", $old_respondents); $new_recipients_list = explode("\n", $post_recipients); foreach ($new_recipients_list AS $post_recipient ) { #če polje še ni v bazi ga dodamo if (!in_array($post_recipient, $old_recipients_list)) { $old_recipients_list[] = $post_recipient; } } # počistimo prazne foreach ($old_recipients_list AS $k => $post_recipient ) { if (is_null($post_recipient) || $post_recipient == '') { unset($old_recipients_list[$k]); } } $post_fields = implode(",",$old_fields);; $post_recipients = implode("\n",$old_recipients_list); # updejtamo obstoječ profil $sql_update = " UPDATE srv_invitations_recipients_profiles". " SET fields = '$post_fields', respondents ='$post_recipients' WHERE pid = '$pid'"; $sqlQuery = sisplet_query($sql_update); if (!$sqlQuery) { } else { } } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); #vrnemo pid seznama (če smo kreirali nov seznam je tako now pid) return $pid; } function showAdvancedConditions() { global $lang; $scp = new SurveyCondition($this->sid); $scp->setChooseAction('invitationSetCondition()'); $scp->displayConditions($_POST['cid']); } function setAdvancedCondition() { global $lang; SurveySession::sessionStart($this->sid); SurveySession::set('invitationAdvancedConditionId', (int)$_POST['cid']); $this->invitationAdvancedConditionId = (int)$_POST['cid']; $this->viewRecipients(); } function getConditionUserIds($cid = 0){ global $global_user_id; if ($cid > 0){ // Poskrbimo za datoteko s podatki $SDF = SurveyDataFile::get_instance(); $SDF->init($this->sid); $SDF->prepareFiles(); $headFileName = $SDF->getHeaderFileName(); $dataFileName = $SDF->getDataFileName(); $dataFileStatus = $SDF->getStatus(); if ($dataFileStatus >= 0){ $_HEADERS = unserialize(file_get_contents($headFileName)); SurveyConditionProfiles :: Init($this->sid, $global_user_id); SurveyConditionProfiles :: setHeader($_HEADERS); $_condition_profile_AWK = SurveyConditionProfiles:: getAwkConditionString($cid); if (IS_WINDOWS) { $_command = 'gawk -F"'.STR_DLMT.'" "'.$_condition_profile_AWK.' { if ('.USER_ID_FIELD.'!=0) print \"$invUsrId[]=\",'.USER_ID_FIELD.',\";\" }" '.$dataFileName .' >> '. $dataFileName.'.tmp'; } else { $_command = 'awk -F"'.STR_DLMT.'" \' '.$_condition_profile_AWK.' { if ('.USER_ID_FIELD.'!=0) print "$invUsrId[]=",'.USER_ID_FIELD.',";" }\' '.$dataFileName .' >> '.$dataFileName.'.tmp'; } $file_handler = fopen($dataFileName.'.tmp',"w"); fwrite($file_handler,"'); fclose($file_handler); include($dataFileName.'.tmp'); if (file_exists($dataFileName.'.tmp')) { unlink($dataFileName.'.tmp'); } if (is_array($invUsrId) && count($invUsrId) > 0){ return $invUsrId; } } else{ echo '!!!OLD DATA FILE!!!'; } } return array(); } function advancedCondition() { global $lang; echo ''; echo $lang['srv_inv_condition_filter'].' '; if ((int)$this->invitationAdvancedConditionId > 0) { $scp = new SurveyCondition($this->sid); echo ' '.$scp->getConditionName((int)$this->invitationAdvancedConditionId).' '; $this->user_inv_ids = $this->getConditionUserIds($this->invitationAdvancedConditionId); $note = $scp -> getConditionString($this->invitationAdvancedConditionId ); echo $note; if (is_array($this->user_inv_ids) && count($this->user_inv_ids) > 0) { } else { } echo ''.$lang['srv_profile_edit'].''; echo ''.$lang['srv_profile_remove'].''; } else { echo ''.$lang['srv_inv_condition_no_filter'].''; echo ' '; } echo ''; } function listCondition() { global $lang; # get all lists $lists = $this->getSurveyInvitationLists(true); $selected = (int)(isset($_SESSION['inv_filter']['list']) ? (int)$_SESSION['inv_filter']['list'] : -2); echo ' '; echo ''; } function getSurveyInvitationLists($add_all = false) { global $lang; # polovimo sezname $lists = array(); if ($add_all) { $lists['-2'] = array('name'=>$lang['srv_invitation_recipients_filter_list_all']); } $lists['-1'] = array('name'=>$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist']); $lists['0'] = array('name'=>$lang['srv_invitation_new_templist_author']); $sql_string_lists = "SELECT * from srv_invitations_recipients_profiles WHERE pid IN(SELECT i.list_id FROM srv_invitations_recipients AS i WHERE i.ank_id = '{$this->sid}' AND i.deleted = '0' GROUP BY i.list_id ORDER BY i.id) "; $sql_query_lists = sisplet_query($sql_string_lists); while ($row_lists = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_query_lists)) { $lists[$row_lists['pid']] = array('name'=>$row_lists['name']); } return $lists; } function viewServerSettings(){ global $lang; global $site_url; global $site_url; global $site_path; global $admin_type; global $global_user_id; global $mysql_database_name; global $aai_instalacija; $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow(); echo '' . "\n\r"; echo ' ' . "\n\r"; echo ' ' . "\n\r"; echo ' ' . "\n\r"; $MA = new MailAdapter($this->sid, $type='invitation'); // Dostop za posiljanje mailov preko 1ka serverja $enabled1ka = $MA->is1KA() ? true : false; // Admini na testu, www in virtualkah imajo 1ka smtp if(($admin_type == 0) && ($mysql_database_name == 'www1kasi' || $mysql_database_name == 'test1kasi' || $mysql_database_name == 'real1kasi')) $enabled1ka = true; // Squalo $squalo = new SurveyInvitationsSqualo($this->sid); if($squalo->getSqualoEnabled()){ // Vklop squalo echo '

'; echo ''.$lang['srv_squalo'].': '; echo ''; echo ''; echo '

'; // Squalo nastavitve... echo '
'; echo $lang['srv_squalo_active']; echo '
'; } // Izbira streznika echo '
'; // Opozorilo, ce imamo vklopljena vabila, da gre za iste nastavitve echo '


'; // Izbira SMTP streznika echo ''.$lang['srv_email_setting_select_server'].' '; // AAI ima Arnesov smtp if($aai_instalacija){ echo ''; } else{ echo ''; } // Google smtp je viden samo starim, kjer je ze vklopljen if($MA->isGoogle()){ echo ''; } // Lastni smtp echo ''; echo Help :: display('srv_mail_mode'); echo '
'; #1KA $enkaSettings = $MA->get1KASettings($raziskave=true); echo '
is1KA() || $squalo->getSqualoActive() ? ' class="displayNone"' : '').'>'; echo '
'.$lang['srv_email_setting_settings'].''; echo '
'; # from echo '

'; echo '

'; # replyTo echo '

'; echo '

'; #delay echo '

'; echo '

'; echo '
'; #GMAIL - Google $enkaSettings = $MA->getGoogleSettings(); echo '
isGoogle() || $squalo->getSqualoActive() ? ' class="displayNone"' : '').'>'; echo '
'; echo '
'; # from echo '

'; echo '

'; # replyTo echo '

'; echo '

'; #Password echo '

'; echo '

'; echo '
'; #SMTP $enkaSettings = $MA->getSMTPSettings(); echo '
isSMTP() || $squalo->getSqualoActive() ? ' class="displayNone"' : '').'>'; echo '
'; echo '
'; # from - NICE echo '

'; echo '

'; # from echo '

'; echo '

'; # replyTo echo '

'; echo '

'; #Username echo '

'; echo '

'; #Password echo '

'; echo '

'; #autentikacija echo '

'; echo $lang['srv_email_setting_autentication']; echo ''; echo ''; echo '

'; #Varnost SMTPSecure echo '

'; echo $lang['srv_email_setting_encryption']; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '

'; #port echo '

'; echo ' '.$lang['srv_email_setting_port_note']; echo '

'; #host echo '

'; echo '

'; #delay echo '

'; echo '

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; // Gumb shrani echo ''; // Gumb preveri nastavitve echo ''; if ($_GET['s'] == '1') { echo '
'; echo ''; } } // V session nastavimo nastavitev da se posilja z/brez email posiljanja function setNoEmailing(){ if(isset($_POST['value'])){ SurveySession::sessionStart($this->sid); SurveySession::set('inv_noEmailing', (int)$_POST['value']); // Ce preklopimo na drugo posiljanje (posta, sms...) moramo tudi preklopiti na rocni vnos kode if($_POST['value'] == '1'){ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_anketa SET usercode_required='1' WHERE id='".$this->sid."'"); } } } // V session nastavimo tip posiljanja (ce ni email - posta, sms, drugo...) function setNoEmailingType(){ if(isset($_POST['value'])){ SurveySession::sessionStart($this->sid); SurveySession::set('inv_noEmailing_type', (int)$_POST['value']); } } // Prikazemo popup za vklop arnes smtp-ja na aai private function showAAISmtpPopup(){ global $lang; echo ''; echo '


'; echo ''; echo ''; } }