array('naslov'=>$lang['srv_system_variables_email']), 'ime' => array('naslov'=>$lang['srv_system_variables_name']), 'priimek' => array('naslov'=>$lang['srv_system_variables_surname']), 'telefon' => array('naslov'=>$lang['srv_system_variables_phone']), 'naziv' => array('naslov'=>$lang['srv_system_variables_title'])); */ protected function __construct() { global $lang; self::$systemVariables = array( 'email' => array('naslov'=>$lang['srv_system_variables_email']), 'pass' => array('naslov'=>$lang['password']), 'ime' => array('naslov'=>$lang['srv_system_variables_name']), 'priimek' => array('naslov'=>$lang['srv_system_variables_surname']), 'telefon' => array('naslov'=>$lang['srv_system_variables_phone']), 'naziv' => array('naslov'=>$lang['srv_system_variables_title']), 'drugo' => array('naslov'=>$lang['srv_system_variables_custom']), 'odnos' => array('naslov'=>$lang['srv_system_variables_relation'])); } final private function __clone() {} /** Poskrbimo za samo eno instanco razreda * */ static function getInstance() { if(!self::$instance) { self::$instance = new SurveyRespondents(); } return self::$instance; } /** napolnimo podatke * */ static function Init($_surveyId) { global $global_user_id; if ($_surveyId && $global_user_id) { self::$surveyId = $_surveyId; self::$uId = $global_user_id; // inicializiramo datoteko z nastavitvami SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->Init(self::$surveyId, self::$uId); // polovimo uporabnikovo privzeto listo self::getProfileId(); self::getProfiles(); self::getSistemVariables(); } else { die("Mandatory data missing in SurveyRespondents class!"); } } static function getSurveyId() { return self::$surveyId; } static function getGlobalUserId() { return self::$uId; } static function getCurentProfileId() { return self::$currentProfileId; } static function getProfileId() { // preverimo ali obstaja nastavitev // poiščemo kateri profil variabel imamo $drl = SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('default_respondent_profile'); if ($drl == null || $drl < 1) { $drl = self::checkDefaultProfile(); if ($drl > 0) SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_respondent_profile', $drl); } self::$currentProfileId = $drl; return self::$currentProfileId; } static function checkDefaultProfile() { global $lang; # če smo v telefonski anketi skreiramo začasen prazen profil, if ($_GET['a'] == A_PHONE || $_POST['profile_from'] == A_PHONE) { // najprej preverimo ali obstaja seja začasin profil if ( isset($_SESSION['respondent_profile']) ) { # preverimo ali obstaja variabla telefon, potem je bil provil pravilno skreiran if (strpos($_SESSION['respondent_profile']['variables'],'telefon')) { // vrnemo id iz seje return $_SESSION['respondent_profile']['id']; } } # če profil ne obstaja skreiramo nov zacasni prodil v obliki seje $_SESSION['respondent_profile'] = array( 'id' => 0, 'uid' => self::getGlobalUserId(), 'variables' => 'telefon', 'lines' => array()); if (!isset($_SESSION['respondent_profile']['name'])) { $_SESSION['respondent_profile']['name'] = $lang['srv_temp_profile_author']; } return 0; # vrnemo id = 0, pravkar skreiranega profila } # če pa smo v e-mail anketi pa skreiramo prazen e-mail profil if ($_GET['a'] == A_EMAIL || $_POST['profile_from'] == A_EMAIL) { // najprej preverimo ali obstaja seja začasin profil if ( isset($_SESSION['respondent_profile']) ) { # preverimo ali obstaja variabla email, potem je bil provil pravilno skreiran if (strpos($_SESSION['respondent_profile']['variables'],'email')) { // vrnemo id iz seje return $_SESSION['respondent_profile']['id']; } } # če profil ne obstaja skreiramo nov zacasni prodil v obliki seje # in dodamo listo z avtorjevim e-mailom $qryEmail = sisplet_query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE id = '".self::getGlobalUserId()."'"); $rowEmail = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qryEmail); $_SESSION['respondent_profile'] = array( 'id' => 0, 'uid' => self::getGlobalUserId(), 'variables' => 'email', 'lines' => array($rowEmail['email'])); if (!isset($_SESSION['respondent_profile']['name'])) { $_SESSION['respondent_profile']['name'] = $lang['srv_temp_profile_author']; } return 0; # vrnemo id = 0, pravkar skreiranega profila } # če smo tukaj je napaka ! return 0; } /** Pridobimo seznam vseh list uporabnika * v obliki arraya */ static function getProfiles() { self::$profiles = array(); // dodamo profil iz seje , če obstaja if ( isset($_SESSION['respondent_profile']) ) { self::$profiles[$_SESSION['respondent_profile']['id']] = $_SESSION['respondent_profile']; } // dodamo še ostale profile iz baze $stringSelect = "SELECT * FROM srv_respondent_profiles WHERE uid = '".self::getGlobalUserId()."' ORDER BY id"; $querySelect = sisplet_query($stringSelect); while ( $rowSelect = mysqli_fetch_assoc($querySelect) ) { self::$profiles[$rowSelect['id']] = $rowSelect; } return self::$profiles; } static function getProfileData($pid = null) { $result = array(); if($pid == null) { $pid = self::$currentProfileId; } if (isset($_SESSION['respondent_profile']['id']) && $pid == $_SESSION['respondent_profile']['id']) { $result[$_SESSION['respondent_profile']['id']] = array('pid'=> $_SESSION['respondent_profile']['id'], 'lines'=>$_SESSION['respondent_profile']['lines']); return $result; } // cene dodamo podatke iz baze $selectString = "SELECT * FROM srv_respondents WHERE pid = '".$pid."'"; $querySelect = sisplet_query($selectString); $_lines = array(); while ( $rowSelect = mysqli_fetch_assoc($querySelect) ){ $_lines[] = $rowSelect['line']; } $result[$pid] = array('pid'=> $pid, 'lines'=>$_lines); return $result; } static function getSistemVariables() { // osnovnm sistemskim variablam dodamo tiste iz ankete $sqlSistemske = sisplet_query("SELECT, s.naslov, s.variable FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE s.sistem='1' AND AND g.ank_id='".self::getSurveyId()."' ORDER BY g.vrstni_red, s.vrstni_red"); if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlSistemske) > 0) { while ($rowSistemske = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSistemske)) { if (!isset(self::$systemVariables[$rowSistemske['variable']])) { self::$systemVariables[$rowSistemske['variable']] = array('naslov'=>$rowSistemske['naslov']); } } } return self::$systemVariables; } static function displayProfiles() { global $admin_type; global $lang; ?>
$profile ) { echo '
' . $profile['name'] . '
'; } ?>

: ?
'.$lang['srv_respondents_variables'].':'; echo '
'; foreach (self::$systemVariables as $sysKey =>$sysVar) { echo '',$sysVar['naslov']; } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ' '; echo '

'; echo '

'.$lang['srv_respondents_respondents'].':'; echo ''; echo '

'; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo '
'; echo '
'; } static function CheckUploadedFile() { global $lang; $error = array(); $fileName = $_FILES['ul']['name']; $tmpName = $_FILES['ul']['tmp_name']; $fileSize = $_FILES['ul']['size']; $fileType = $_FILES['ul']['type']; $okFileType = ( $fileType == 'text/plain' || $fileType == 'application/' ); $okFileEnd = (pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'txt' || pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'csv'); // preverimo tip: if ( $okFileType = false ) { $error[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file_type']; } // prevermio še končnico (.txt) else if ($okFileEnd = false) $error[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file_type']; // preverimo velikost if ( $fileSize == 0 ) $error[] = $lang['srv_respondents_invalid_file_size']; // ce je do tu vse ok pregledamo vsebino $respondents = array(); $fh = @fopen($tmpName, "rb"); if ($fh) { //$data = fread($fh, 4096); // zakaj je ta limit? $data = fread($fh, filesize($tmpName)); fclose($fh); // počistimo prazne vrstice in kakšno zlonamerno kodo $data = strip_tags(str_replace(array("\n\r","\n"),array("\n","\n"),$data)); $respondents = explode("\n",$data); $respondents = array_values(array_filter($respondents)); } else { $error[] = 'file read'; } // ce ni napak in ce imamo zapise kreiramo nov zacasni profil v seji if (count($error) == 0 && count($respondents) > 0) { $_SESSION['respondent_profile'] = array( 'id' => 0, 'uid' => self::getGlobalUserId(), 'variables' => 'email', 'lines' => $respondents); $_SESSION['respondent_profile']['name'] = $lang['srv_respondents_temp_profile']; // nastavimo profil self::$currentProfileId = 0; } else { echo $lang['error'].'
'; foreach ( $error as $value ) { echo $value,"
"; } } // prikazemo vrednosti self::getProfiles(); self::displayProfiles(); } static function checkSystemVariables($variables, $setUserbase=true) { $user_base = 0; global $site_path; $sqlb = sisplet_query("SELECT branching, user_base FROM srv_anketa WHERE id = '".self::getSurveyId()."'"); $rowb = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlb); $ba = new BranchingAjax(self::getSurveyId()); if (count($variables) > 0) { // zakaj je bi ta reverse??? //$variables = array_reverse($variables,true); foreach ($variables as $variable) { $sqlVariable = sisplet_query("SELECT FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE s.variable='".$variable."' AND AND g.ank_id='".self::getSurveyId()."'"); if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlVariable) == 0 && $variable!='pass') { // če varabla še ne obstaja jo kreiramo // za polje pass - Geslo ne kreiramo sistemske variable if ($variable != 'language') $user_base = 1; // dodamo novo spremenljivko na konec, tip je 21 ob_start(); $ba->ajax_spremenljivka_new(0, 0, 1, 0, 21); $spr_id = $ba->spremenljivka; ob_clean(); $s = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_spremenljivka SET variable='".$variable."', variable_custom='1', naslov='".((isset($allowed[$variable]['naslov']) ? $allowed[$variable]['naslov'] : $variable))."', sistem='1', visible='0' WHERE id='$spr_id'"); if (!$s) echo 'err435'.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } } } // če je potreben updejt (ampak najbrž je itak na 1 zaradi e-mail) if ($setUserbase == true && $user_base > 0 && $user_base != $rowb['user_base']) { $sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_anketa SET user_base='$user_base' WHERE id='" . self::getSurveyId() . "'"); SurveyInfo :: getInstance()->resetSurveyData(); } } static function displayAddedUsers() { global $site_path, $site_url, $lang; SurveyInfo::getInstance()->SurveyInit(self::getSurveyId()); $db_table = (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyColumn('db_table') == 1) ? '_active' : ''; echo ''.$lang['srv_respondents_added_respondents'].':'; echo ''.$lang['forward'].''; echo '
'; echo '
'; $temp_user_data = array(); $data = array(); $header = array(); // poiščemo sistemske spremenljivke ki so navedene za spremenlivko $sprList = ""; $prefix=""; $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT, s.variable, s.naslov FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE s.sistem='1' AND AND g.ank_id='".self::getSurveyId()."' ORDER BY g.vrstni_red, s.vrstni_red ASC"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql)) { $sprList .= $prefix.$row['id']; $prefix=","; $header[$row['id']] = $row['naslov']; } // dodamo sistemske podatke $header_sys = array('pass'=>$lang['srv_respondents_cookie'], 'status'=>$lang['srv_respondents_status'], 'datetime'=>$lang['srv_respondents_datetime'], 'admin_id'=>$lang['srv_respondents_admin']); $str_qry_users = "SELECT AS usr_id, u.cookie, u.pass, u.unsubscribed, IF(u.last_status = '-1','null',u.last_status) as status FROM srv_user as u WHERE u.ank_id = '".self::getSurveyId()."' AND u.preview = '0' "; $qry_users = sisplet_query($str_qry_users); while ( $row_users = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry_users)) { // polovimo podatke sistemskih spremenljivk od userja if ($sprList != "") { $sqlSprData = sisplet_query("SELECT spr_id,text FROM srv_data_text".$db_table." WHERE usr_id='".$row_users['usr_id']."' AND spr_id IN (".$sprList.")"); while ($rowSprData = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSprData)) { $data[$row_users['usr_id']][$rowSprData['spr_id']] = $rowSprData['text']; } } // uporabniku dodamo podatke o kookiju in statusu $data[$row_users['usr_id']]['pass'] = $row_users['pass']; $data[$row_users['usr_id']]['status'] = $row_users['status'] . ' - ' .$lang['srv_userstatus_'.$row_users['status']]; if ($row_users['unsubscribed'] == 1) $data[$row_users['usr_id']]['status'] .= ', '.$lang['srv_unsubscribed']; // polovimo podatke iz userbase // $str_ub = "SELECT ub.*,, usr.surname, FROM srv_userbase AS ub LEFT JOIN (SELECT usr.* FROM users as usr) as usr ON = ub.admin_id WHERE ub.usr_id = '".$row_users['usr_id']."' ORDER BY ub.tip ASC LIMIT 1"; $str_ub = "SELECT ub.* FROM srv_userbase AS ub WHERE ub.usr_id = '".$row_users['usr_id']."' ORDER BY ub.tip ASC LIMIT 1"; $qry_ub = sisplet_query($str_ub); $row_ub = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry_ub); $data[$row_users['usr_id']]['datetime'] = $row_ub['datetime']; // user insert data if (!isset($temp_user_data[$row_ub['admin_id']])) { $str_user = "SELECT, usr.surname, FROM users as usr WHERE = '".$row_ub['admin_id']."'"; $qry_user = sisplet_query($str_user); $row_user = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry_user); $data[$row_users['usr_id']]['admin_id'] = $row_user['name']." ".$row_user['surname']; $temp_user_data[$row_ub['admin_id']] = $row_user['name']." ".$row_user['surname']; } else $data[$row_users['usr_id']]['admin_id'] = $temp_user_data[$row_ub['admin_id']]; } echo '' . "\n"; // naslovna vrstica echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; foreach ($header as $header_key => $headerTitle) { echo ''; } foreach ($header_sys as $header_key => $headerTitle) { echo ''; } echo ''."\n"; foreach ( $data as $user_id => $user_data ) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; // držimo se vrstnega reda header polij foreach ($header as $header_key => $headerTitle) { echo ''; } foreach ($header_sys as $header_key => $headerTitle) { echo ''; } echo ''."\n"; } echo '
'.$lang['srv_anketadelete_txt'].''.$lang['srv_unsubscribe_1'].''. $headerTitle .''. $headerTitle .'
' . $lang['srv_delete_respondent'] . '' . $lang['srv_unsubscribe_2'] . ''.($data[$user_id][$header_key] != null && $data[$user_id][$header_key] != "" ? $data[$user_id][$header_key] : ' ').''.($data[$user_id][$header_key] != null && $data[$user_id][$header_key] != "" ? $data[$user_id][$header_key] : ' ').'
'. "\n"; } static function Ajax($action) { switch ( $action ) { case 'save_new_respondent_profile': // shranimo podatek self::ajaxSaveNewProfile(); // osvezimo self::getProfileId(); self::getProfiles(); self::displayProfiles(); break; case 'change_respondent_profile': // osvezimo $pid = (isset($_POST['pid']) ? $_POST['pid'] : SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('default_respondent_profile') ); // if ($pid > 0) // če ni seja, shranimo kot privzeti SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_respondent_profile', $pid); self::$currentProfileId = $pid; self::getProfileId(); self::getProfiles(); self::displayProfiles(); // self::displayProfileData($pid); break; case 'save_respondent_profile': // shranimo podatek self::ajaxSaveProfile(); self::getProfileId(); self::getProfiles(); self::displayProfiles(); break; case 'run_respondent_profile': // shranimo podatek self::ajaxRunProfile(); // osvežimo # odvisno ali smo v telefonu ali e-mail vabilih if ($_POST['profile_from'] == A_PHONE) { # če smo telefon echo 'index.php?anketa=',self::getSurveyId(),'&a='.A_PHONE.'&m=start'; } else { # če smo e-mail echo 'index.php?anketa=',self::getSurveyId(),'&a=email&m=respondenti_view'; } break; case 'rename_respondent_profile': // shranimo podatek self::ajaxRenameProfile(); // osvežimo self::getProfileId(); self::getProfiles(); self::displayProfiles(); break; case 'delete_respondent_profile': // pobrišemo self::ajaxDeleteProfile(); // osvežimo self::getProfileId(); self::getProfiles(); self::displayProfiles(); break; default: self::displayProfiles(); break; } } static function ajaxSaveNewProfile() { global $lang; if ( isset($_POST['name']) && isset($_POST['pid']) ) { if ( !isset($_POST['variables']) ) self::$messages[] = 'Manjka podatek spremenljivke!'; if ( !isset($_POST['data']) ) self::$messages[] = 'Polje respondenti je prazno!'; // shranimo vrednosti $new_name = $_POST['name']; $variables = $_POST['variables']; $stringInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_respondent_profiles (uid, name, variables) VALUES ('".self::getGlobalUserId()."', '".$new_name."', '".$variables."')"; $queryInsert = sisplet_query($stringInsert) or die(mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db'])); $newId = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); if ($newId > 0) { SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_respondent_profile', $newId); self::$currentProfileId = $newId; // dodamo še podatke (najprej pobrišemo stare če obstajajo) $lines = explode("\n",$_POST['data']); if (count($lines)) { foreach ( $lines as $line ) { $stringInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_respondents (pid, line) VALUES ('".$newId."', '".$line."')"; $queryInsert = sisplet_query($stringInsert) or die(mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db'])); } } } else { self::$errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_error_create']; } } else { self::$errors[] = $lang['srv_respondents_error_data']; } // posodobimo podatke } static function ajaxSaveProfile() { if (isset($_POST['pid'])) { $pid = $_POST['pid']; if ($pid == 0) { // imamo profil iz seje //popravimo podatke v seji $lines = explode("\n",$_POST['data']); $_SESSION['respondent_profile']['lines'] = $lines; $_SESSION['respondent_profile']['variables'] = $_POST['variables']; } else { // popravimo podatek za variables v bazi $stringUpdate = "UPDATE srv_respondent_profiles SET variables = '".$_POST['variables']."' WHERE id = '".$pid."'"; sisplet_query($stringUpdate); // pobrisemo stare zapise (podatke) $stringDelete = "DELETE FROM srv_respondents WHERE pid = '".$pid."'"; sisplet_query($stringDelete); // dodamo še podatke $lines = explode("\n",$_POST['data']); if (count($lines)) { foreach ( $lines as $line ) { $stringInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_respondents (pid, line) VALUES ('".$pid."', '".$line."')"; $queryInsert = sisplet_query($stringInsert) or die(mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db'])); } } } } } static function ajaxRunProfile() { global $admin_type; SurveyInfo::getInstance()->SurveyInit(self::getSurveyId()); $db_table = (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyColumn('db_table') == 1) ? '_active' : ''; // preverimo potrebne sistemske variable // tu je lahko vejica $variables = explode(",",$_POST['variables']); self::checkSystemVariables($variables); // poskrbeti moramo za pravilni vrstni red shranjevanja (vrstni red in id-je spremenljivk) $cnt=0; $spremenlivke = array(); // array kam po vrstnem redu shranimo id-je spremenlivk $vrednosti = array(); // poleg IDja spremenljivk potrebujemo tudi ID vrednosti (ker za tip 21 imamo lahko vec text fieldov) foreach ($variables as $variabla) { // za vsako variablo dobimo id spremenlivke if ($variabla != 'pass') { $sqlSpremenlivka = sisplet_query("SELECT FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE s.sistem='1' AND s.variable = '".$variabla."' AND AND g.ank_id='".self::$surveyId."' ORDER BY g.vrstni_red, s.vrstni_red"); $rowSpremenlivka = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSpremenlivka); $spremenlivke[$cnt] = $rowSpremenlivka['id']; $sqlVrednost = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id = '$rowSpremenlivka[id]' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC LIMIT 1"); $rowVrednost = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlVrednost); $vrednosti[$cnt] = $rowVrednost['id']; } else { $spremenlivke[$cnt] = -1; $vrednosti[$cnt] = -1; } $cnt++; } $delimiter = $_POST['recipientsDelimiter']; $users = mysql_real_unescape_string($_POST['data']); // najprej razdelimo vrstice $vrstice = explode("\n", $users); // navadni userji lahko dodajo najvec 20 respondentov if ($admin_type <= 1) { $count = null; } else { $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id='".self::$surveyId."' AND preview='0'"); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql); $count = $row['count']; } // shranjujemo v session za progress bar session_start(); $_SESSION['progressBar'][self::$surveyId]['status'] = 'ok'; $_SESSION['progressBar'][self::$surveyId]['total'] = (int)count($vrstice); $_SESSION['progressBar'][self::$surveyId]['current'] = (int)0; session_commit(); $progressCounter = 0; foreach ($vrstice AS $vrstica) { if ($count === null || $count < 20) { if ($vrstica != '') { // izberemo random hash, ki se ni v bazi do { $rand = md5(mt_rand(1, mt_getrandmax()) . '@' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_user WHERE SUBSTRING(cookie, 1, 6) = SUBSTRING('".$rand."', 1, 6)"); } while (mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0); sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_user (ank_id, cookie, pass, last_status, time_insert) VALUES ('".self::$surveyId."', '".$rand."', '".substr($rand, 0, 6)."', '0', NOW())"); $usr_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_userbase (usr_id, tip, datetime, admin_id) VALUES ('".$usr_id."', '0', NOW(), '" . self::$uId . "')"); sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_userstatus (usr_id, tip, status, datetime) VALUES ('".$usr_id."', '0', '0', NOW())"); // vrstico razbijemo v data, v $i pa mamo stevec in dodajamo po vrsti v while zanki // pa smo spet pri vejicah ipd. $data = explode($delimiter, $vrstica); $i = 0; if (count($data) > 0) { foreach ( $data as $value ) { $value = trim($value); if (isset($spremenlivke[$i])) { if ($spremenlivke[$i] > 0) { // sistemska if (!isset($value) || $value == "") $value = -1; sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_data_text".$db_table." (spr_id, vre_id, text, usr_id) VALUES ('".$spremenlivke[$i]."', '".$vrednosti[$i]."', '" . trim($value) . "', '".$usr_id."')"); } elseif ($spremenlivke[$i] == -1) { // pass - Geslo sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_user SET pass='".strtolower($value)."' WHERE id='$usr_id'"); } } $i++; } } session_start(); $_SESSION['progressBar'][self::$surveyId]['current'] = (int)++$progressCounter; session_commit(); } } if ($count !== null) $count++; } session_start(); $_SESSION['progressBar'][self::$surveyId]['status'] = 'end'; session_commit(); } static function ajaxRenameProfile() { $pid = $_POST['pid']; $name = $_POST['name']; if (isset($pid) && $pid > 0 && isset($name) && $name != "") { // popravimo podatek za variables $stringUpdate = "UPDATE srv_respondent_profiles SET name = '".$name."' WHERE id = '".$pid."'"; sisplet_query($stringUpdate); } else { global $lang; die($lang['srv_respondents_error_data']); } } static function ajaxDeleteProfile() { $pid = $_POST['pid']; if ($pid == 0) { // brišemo session (to lahko samo če imamo še druge profile) unset( $_SESSION['respondent_profile'] ); } else if (isset($pid) && $pid > 0) { // pobrišemo vrednosti $stringDelete = "DELETE FROM srv_respondents WHERE pid = '".$pid."'"; sisplet_query($stringDelete); // pobrišemo profil $stringDelete = "DELETE FROM srv_respondent_profiles WHERE id = '".$pid."'"; sisplet_query($stringDelete); // nastavimo nov privzet profil $stringSelect = "SELECT id FROM srv_respondent_profiles WHERE uid = '".self::getGlobalUserId()."' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1"; $querySelect = sisplet_query($stringSelect); $rowSelect = mysqli_fetch_assoc($querySelect); if ($rowSelect['id']) SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_respondent_profile', $rowSelect['id']); else SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_respondent_profile', 0); } } } ?>