0) { self :: $uid = $uid ; } else { global $global_user_id; self :: $uid = $global_user_id; } SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->Init(self::$sid, self::$uid); if (self::$inited == false) { self::$inited = self :: RefreshData(); } } static function RefreshData() { self::$profiles = array(); # dodamo sistemske profile, skreiramo jih "on the fly" self :: addSystemProfiles(); # preberemo podatke vseh profilov ki so na voljo in jih dodamo v array $stringSelect = "SELECT * FROM srv_condition_profiles WHERE sid='" . self::$sid . "' AND uid='" . self::$uid . "' "; $querySelect = sisplet_query($stringSelect); if (mysqli_num_rows($querySelect)) { while ( $rowSelect = mysqli_fetch_assoc($querySelect) ) { self::$profiles[$rowSelect['id']] = $rowSelect; } } # poiscemo privzet profil self::$currentProfileId = SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('default_condition_profile'); if (!self::$currentProfileId) { self::$currentProfileId = 1; } # ce imamo nastavljen curent pid in profil z tem pid ne obstaja nastavomo na privzet profil if (self::$currentProfileId != 1) { if (!isset(self::$profiles[self::$currentProfileId])) { self::$currentProfileId = 1; self::setDefaultProfileId(self::$currentProfileId); } } # ce ne obstajajo podatki za cpid damo error if (!isset(self::$profiles[self::$currentProfileId])) { die("Profile data is missing!"); return false; } else { return true; } } public static function getSystemDefaultProfile() { return (int)1; } public static function getCurentProfileId() { return (int)self::$currentProfileId; } public static function setCurrentProfileId($id) { if (isset(self::$profiles[$id])) { self::$currentProfileId = $id; } } public function getProfileName($pid) { return self::$profiles[$pid]['name']; } /* Vrne ID in ime trenutno izbranega profila * */ function getCurentProfile() { return array('id'=>self::$currentProfileId,'name'=>self::$profiles[self::$currentProfileId]['name']); } static function setDefaultProfileId($pid = 0) { if (!$pid) { $pid = 1; } # profila inspect ne pustimo nastavit za privzetega, ker je tako izbran preko inspect, pustimo pa urejanje if( self::$profiles[$pid]['type'] != 'inspect') { # če smo izbrali drug profil resetiramo še profil profilov na trenutne nastavitve SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_profileManager_pid', '0'); SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_condition_profile', $pid); self::$currentProfileId = $pid; } return true; } static function addSystemProfiles() { global $lang; # skreiramo sistemske profile za vse spremenljivke self::$profiles['1'] = array('id'=>'1','uid'=>self::$uid,'name'=>$lang['srv_condition_profile_all'],'system'=>1, 'if_id'=>0); } static function DisplayLink($hideAdvanced = true) { global $lang; // profili statusov $allProfiles = self :: $profiles; $css = (self :: $currentProfileId == SCP_DEFAULT_PROFILE ? ' gray' : ''); if ($hideAdvanced == false || self :: $currentProfileId != SCP_DEFAULT_PROFILE) { echo '
  • '; echo '
  • '; echo '' . $lang['srv_condition'] . ''."\n"; echo '
  • '; } } static function getProfileData($pid) { // preverimo ali smo v razredu že lovili podatke za ta profil, potem jih preberemo čene jih osvežimo if ( isset( self::$profiles[$pid] ) ) { return self::$profiles[$pid]; } else { self::$inited = self :: RefreshData(); return self::$profiles[$pid]; } } static function ajax() { $pid = $_POST['pid']; switch ($_GET['a']) { case 'show_condition_profile' : self :: showProfiles($pid); break; case 'change_condition_profile' : # if (isset($_POST['condition_label']) && $_POST['condition_label'] != '') { # self :: setConditionLabel($pid,$_POST['condition_label']); # } if (isset($_POST['condition_error']) && $_POST['condition_error'] != '') { self :: setConditionError($pid,$_POST['condition_error']); } self :: setDefaultProfileId($pid); break; case 'condition_remove' : self :: conditionRemove(); break; case 'create_condition_profile' : self :: createNewProfile(); break; case 'delete_condition_profile' : self :: deleteProfile(); break; case 'rename_condition_profile' : self :: renameProfile(); break; default: echo 'ERROR! Missing function for action: '.$_GET['a'].'! (SurveyConditionProfile)'; break; } } static function showProfiles ($pid = -1) { global $global_user_id, $lang; if ($pid > 0) { $_currMPID = $pid; } else { // poiščmo uporabniški privzeti profil $_currMPID = self::$currentProfileId; } // Naslov echo '


    '; echo ''; if ( self :: $currentProfileId != SCP_DEFAULT_PROFILE ) { echo '
    '; echo $lang['srv_not_default_setting']; echo '

    '; } echo '
    '; echo '
    '; foreach (self :: $profiles as $key => $value) { echo '
    '; echo $value['name']; if($_currMPID == $value['id']){ if ( self :: $profiles[$_currMPID]['if_id'] != 0) { echo ''; } if ( self :: $profiles[$_currMPID]['if_id'] != 0) { echo ''; } } echo '
    '; } echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo '
    '; // tukaj prikazemo vsebino ifa echo '
    '; echo '
    '; if (self :: $profiles[$_currMPID]['if_id'] > 0) { $b = new Branching(self::$sid); $b->condition_editing(self :: $profiles[$_currMPID]['if_id'], -2); } else { echo $lang['srv_filter_profiles_note']; } echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo '
    '; // gumbi: preklici, ustvari nov, pozeni trenutni echo ''.$lang['srv_run_selected_profile'].''; echo ''.$lang['srv_create_new_profile'].''; echo ''.$lang['srv_close_profile'].''; echo '
    '; // cover Div echo '
    '; // div za shranjevanje novega profila echo '
    '.$lang['srv_missing_profile_name'].': '; echo ''; echo ''.$lang['srv_close_profile'].''; echo ''.$lang['srv_save_profile'].''; echo '
    '; // div za preimenovanje echo '
    '.$lang['srv_missing_profile_name'].': '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''.$lang['srv_close_profile'].''; echo ''.$lang['srv_rename_profile_yes'].''; echo '
    '; // div za brisanje echo '
    '.$lang['srv_missing_profile_delete_confirm'].': ' . self :: $profiles[$_currMPID]['name'] . '?'; echo ''; echo ''.$lang['srv_close_profile'].''; echo ''.$lang['srv_delete_profile_yes'].''; echo '
    '; } static function createNewProfile() { $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : 'Nov profil'; $sql = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_if (id) VALUES ('')"); if (!$sql) echo '-1'; $if_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_condition (id, if_id, vrstni_red) VALUES ('', '$if_id', '1')"); $sql = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_condition_profiles (id, sid, uid, name, if_id) VALUES ('', '".self::$sid."', '".self::$uid."', '$name', '$if_id')"); if (!$sql) echo '-2'; $pid = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); echo $pid; } static function deleteProfile() { $pid = $_POST['pid']; if ($pid > 0 ) { $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_condition_profiles WHERE id = '$pid'"); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql); $if = $row['if_id']; # če je inspect pobrišemo inspect profil if ($row['type'] == 'inspect') { #preverimi ali imamo nastavljen pogoj za inspect $if_id = (int)SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('inspect_if_id'); if ($if_id > 0) { #odstranimo zapis za inspect SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->removeSettings('inspect_if_id'); } } /* pobrisemo se za ifom*/ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_condition WHERE if_id = '$if'"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) { if ((int)$row[id] > 0) { sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_condition_vre WHERE cond_id='$row[id]'"); } } if ((int)$if > 0) { sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_condition WHERE if_id = '$if'"); sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_if WHERE id = '$if'"); } /*-- pobrisemo se za ifom*/ $deleteString = "DELETE FROM srv_condition_profiles WHERE id = '" . $pid . "' "; $sqlDelete = sisplet_query($deleteString); if (!$sqlDelete) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } $pid = 1; SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_condition_profile', $pid); self::$currentProfileId = $pid; } static function renameProfile() { global $lang; $sqlInsert = -1; $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : 'Nov profil'; $pid = $_POST['pid']; if ( $pid != null && $pid != "" && $pid > 1) { if ( $name == null || $name == "" ) { $name = $lang['srv_new_profile_ime']; } $updateString = "UPDATE srv_condition_profiles SET name = '" . $name . "' WHERE id = '" . $pid . "'"; $sqlInsert = sisplet_query($updateString); } return $sqlInsert; } static public function setHeader($_header) { self::$_HEADER = $_header; } static function getAwkConditionString($if_id = null) { $awkFilter = ''; if ($if_id != null) { $awkFilter = self :: generateAwkCondition($if_id); } else if (self :: $currentProfileId > 1 && (int)self::$profiles[self :: $currentProfileId]['condition_error'] == 0) { $awkFilter = self :: $currentProfileId; $stringSelect = "SELECT if_id from srv_condition_profiles where id = '".self :: $currentProfileId."'"; $querySelect = sisplet_query($stringSelect); list($if_id) = mysqli_fetch_row($querySelect); if ($if_id > 0) { $awkFilter = self :: generateAwkCondition($if_id); } } return $awkFilter; } /** * @desc zgenerira pogoje za AWK branching */ static function generateAwkCondition ($if) { global $lang; $echo = ''; $sql = Cache::srv_condition($if); if (!$sql) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); $i = 0; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql)) { $_spr_id = $row['spr_id']; if ($i++ != 0) if ($row['conjunction'] == 0) $echo .= '&&'; else $echo .= '||'; for ($i=1; $i<=$row['left_bracket']; $i++) $echo .= '('; # imamo spremenljivke (ni kalkulacija ali modercnum) if ($_spr_id > 0) { $echo .= self::getAWKSpremenljivka($row); // recnum } elseif ($_spr_id == -1) { $echo .= '('.MOD_REC_FIELD.' % '.$row['modul'].'=='.$row['ostanek'].')'; // naprava } elseif ($_spr_id == -4) { foreach (self::$_HEADER['meta']['grids'] as $vkey => $variables) { if ($variables['variables'][0]['variable'] == 'Device') { $sequence = $variables['variables'][0]['sequence']; $echo .= '($'.$sequence.' == '; $device = $lang['srv_para_graph_device'.$row['text']]; # ta tekstovne if (IS_WINDOWS) { # za windows $echo .= "\\\"".$device."\\\""; } else { # za linux $echo .= '"'.$device.'"'; } $echo .= ')'; } } // calculations - TODO } elseif ($_spr_id == -2) { /*$_calc = self :: generateCalculationAWK($row['id']); $echo .= '('; $echo .= $_calc; # dodoamo operacijo $echo .= self::echoOperator($row['negation'], $row['operator']); $echo .= $row['text']; $echo .= ')';*/ } for ($i=1; $i<=$row['right_bracket']; $i++) $echo .= ')'; } // failsafe, ce se poklika if, pa se ne nastavi pogoja if ($echo == '') { $echo .= ' true '; } else { $echo = '('.$echo.')'; } return $echo; } private static function getAWKSpremenljivka($row) { $_spr_id = $row['spr_id']; $row2 = self :: select_from_srv_spremenljivka($_spr_id); $_spr_tip = $row2['tip']; $echo = ''; // radio, checkbox, dropdown in multigrid, in multi check if ( $_spr_tip <= 3 || $_spr_tip == 6 || $_spr_tip == 16 || $_spr_tip == 17) { #radio, drop, checkbox if ($_spr_tip <= 3) { $sql3 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_condition_vre c, srv_vrednost v WHERE cond_id='$row[id]' AND c.vre_id=v.id"); if (!$sql3) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); $j = 0; # pogoje z več opcijami združenimi z OR dodamo v oklepaj zaradi pravilnosti if (mysqli_num_rows($sql3) > 1) { $echo .= '('; } while ($row3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql3)) { if ($j++ != 0) { $echo .= '||'; } if ($_spr_tip == 1 || $_spr_tip == 3|| $_spr_tip == 17) { # radio, dropdown $seq = self ::getSequenceForAWKCondition(array('spr'=>$_spr_id)); } else if ($_spr_tip == 2) { # checkbox $seq = self ::getSequenceForAWKCondition(array('spr'=>$_spr_id,'vre'=>$row3['vre_id'])); } $echo .= '$'.$seq; # dodoamo operacijo $echo .= self::echoOperator($row['negation'], $row['operator']); # dodamo vrednost ali 1 za checkbox if ($_spr_tip == 1 || $_spr_tip == 3 || $_spr_tip == 17) { $echo .= $row3['variable']; } else if ($_spr_tip == 2) { $echo .='1'; } } # pogoje z več opcijami združenimi z OR dodamo v oklepaj zaradi pravilnosti if (mysqli_num_rows($sql3) > 1) { $echo .= ')'; } // multigrid tip = 6,16 } elseif ( $_spr_tip == 6 || $_spr_tip == 16 || $_spr_tip == 17) { $sql3 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_condition_grid c WHERE cond_id='$row[id]'"); if (!$sql3) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); $sqlMgrid = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_vrednost WHERE id = '$row[vre_id]'"); if (!$sqlMgrid) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); $rowMgrid = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlMgrid); $j = 0; # pogoje z več opcijami združenimi z OR dodamo v oklepaj zaradi pravilnosti if (mysqli_num_rows($sql3) > 1) { $echo .= '('; } # preverimo ali je dvojna tabela $isDouble == false; if ($row2['enota'] == 3 ) { $isDouble=true; } while ($row3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql3)) { if ($j++ != 0) $echo .= '||'; if ($isDouble == false || 1) { $seq = self ::getSequenceForAWKCondition(array('spr'=>$_spr_id, 'vre'=>$rowMgrid['id'], 'grd'=>$row3['grd_id'], 'isDouble' => $isDouble)); $echo .= '$'.$seq; # dodoamo operacijo $echo .= self::echoOperator($row['negation'], $row['operator']); if ($row2['tip'] == 16) { $echo .= '1'; } else { if (!$isDouble) { $echo .= $row3['grd_id']; } else { $str = "select variable from srv_grid where spr_id='$_spr_id' AND id= '$row3[grd_id]'"; $qry = sisplet_query($str); list($variable) = mysqli_fetch_row($qry); $echo .= $variable; } } } else { echo 'Error! (SurveyConditionProdiles)'; var_dump($_spr_id); var_dump($rowMgrid['id']); var_dump($row3['grd_id']); } } # pogoje z več opcijami združenimi z OR dodamo v oklepaj zaradi pravilnosti if (mysqli_num_rows($sql3) > 1) { $echo .= ')'; } } // textbox, number in compute majo drugacne pogoje in opcije } elseif ($_spr_tip == 4 || $_spr_tip == 7 || $_spr_tip == 18 || $_spr_tip == 19 || $_spr_tip == 20 || $_spr_tip == 21 || $_spr_tip == 22 || $_spr_tip == 25) { if ($_spr_tip == 7 || $_spr_tip == 18 || $_spr_tip == 19 || $_spr_tip == 20 ) { $grd = $row['grd_id']; } else { $grd = null; } if (isset($row['vre_id'])) { $vre = $row['vre_id']; } else { $vre = null; } $seq = self ::getSequenceForAWKCondition(array('spr'=>$_spr_id, 'vre'=>$vre, 'grd'=> $grd)); $echo .= '$'.$seq; # dodoamo operacijo $echo .= self::echoOperator($row['negation'], $row['operator']); # za numerične if ($_spr_tip == 7 || $_spr_tip == 18) { $echo .= $row['text']; } else { # ta tekstovne if (IS_WINDOWS) { # za windows $echo .= "\\\"".$row['text']."\\\""; } else { # za linux $echo .= '"'.$row['text'].'"'; } } } #DATUM elseif ($_spr_tip == 8) { $grd = $row['grd_id']; if (isset($row['vre_id'])) { $vre = $row['vre_id']; } else { $vre = null; } $seq = self ::getSequenceForAWKCondition(array('spr'=>$_spr_id, 'vre'=>$vre, 'grd'=> $grd)); $echo .= 'substr($'.$seq.',7,4)substr($'.$seq.',4,2)substr($'.$seq.',1,2)'; # dodoamo operacijo $echo .= self::echoOperator($row['negation'], $row['operator']); $echo .= date("Ymd", strtotime($row['text']));; #$echo .= $row['text']; } return $echo; } /** Vrne awk matematični operator glede na polje operator in negacijo * * @param (0,1) $negation * @param (0,1) $operator */ private static function echoOperator($negation = 0, $operator= 0) { $echo = '=='; if ($negation == 0) { if ($operator == 0) $echo = '=='; elseif ($operator == 1) $echo = '!='; elseif ($operator == 2) $echo = '<'; elseif ($operator == 3) $echo = '<='; elseif ($operator == 4) $echo = '>'; elseif ($operator == 5) $echo = '>='; } else { if ($operator == 0) $echo = '!='; elseif ($operator == 1) $echo = '=='; elseif ($operator == 2) $echo = '>'; elseif ($operator == 3) $echo = '>='; elseif ($operator == 4) $echo = '<'; elseif ($operator == 5) $echo = '<='; } return $echo; } private static $select_from_srv_spremenljivka = array(); /** * pobere in zakesira podatke o spremenljivki (ker se to zlo velikokrat bere) * * @param mixed $spremenljivka */ static function select_from_srv_spremenljivka ($spremenljivka) { if (array_key_exists($spremenljivka, self::$select_from_srv_spremenljivka)) { return self::$select_from_srv_spremenljivka[$spremenljivka]; } // tole se splaca tam kjer se itak vse spremenljivke preberejo, sam vprasanje, ce se povsod?? $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT s.* FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE s.gru_id=g.id AND g.ank_id='".self::$sid."'"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql)) { self :: $select_from_srv_spremenljivka[$row['id']] = $row; } if (array_key_exists($spremenljivka, self :: $select_from_srv_spremenljivka)) { return self :: $select_from_srv_spremenljivka[$spremenljivka]; } $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE id = '$spremenljivka'"); self::$select_from_srv_spremenljivka[$spremenljivka] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql); return self::$select_from_srv_spremenljivka[$spremenljivka]; } static function getSequenceForAWKCondition ($options = array()) { $spr_id = (isset($options['spr']) && $options['spr'] != null) ? $options['spr'] : null; $vre_id = (isset($options['vre']) && $options['vre'] != null) ? $options['vre'] : null; $grd_id = (isset($options['grd']) && $options['grd'] != null) ? $options['grd'] : null; $isDouble = (isset($options['isDouble']) && $options['isDouble'] != null) ? $options['isDouble'] : false; $tip = self::$_HEADER[$spr_id.'_0']['tip']; if ( $spr_id != null && count(self::$_HEADER[$spr_id.'_0']['grids']) > 0 ) { switch ($tip) { case 1 : case 3 : $grd = 0; $var = 0; break; case 2: case 21: case 17: case 18: $grd = 0; if ($vre_id > 0 && count(self::$_HEADER[$spr_id.'_0']['grids'][$grd]['variables']) > 0) { foreach (self::$_HEADER[$spr_id.'_0']['grids'][$grd]['variables'] AS $vkey =>$variables) { if ($variables['vr_id'] == $vre_id && $variables['other'] != 1) { $var = $vkey; } } } else { $var = 0; } break; case 7: $grd = 0; $var = $grd_id; break; case 8: $grd = 0; $var = $grd_id; break; case 6: case 16: case 19: case 20: if ($isDouble == true) { #polovimo part $str = "select part from srv_grid where spr_id='$spr_id' AND id= '$grd_id'"; $qry = sisplet_query($str); list($part) = mysqli_fetch_row($qry); } else { $part = 1; } if (count(self::$_HEADER[$spr_id.'_0']['grids']) > 0) { foreach (self::$_HEADER[$spr_id.'_0']['grids'] AS $gkey => $grids) { if (count ($grids['variables']) > 0) { foreach ($grids['variables'] AS $vkey => $variables) { if (($tip == 6 && $variables['vr_id'] == $vre_id && $variables['other'] != 1 && $part == $grids['part']) || ( ($tip == 16 || $tip == 19 || $tip == 20) && $variables['vr_id'] == $vre_id && $grd_id == $variables['gr_id']) && $variables['other'] != 1) { $grd = $gkey; $var = $vkey; } } } } } break; } if ($grd !== null && $var !== null) { return self::$_HEADER[$spr_id.'_0']['grids'][$grd]['variables'][$var]['sequence']; } } return; } # static function setConditionLabel($pid,$condition_label) { # if ((int)$pid > 0 ) { # $updateString = "UPDATE srv_condition_profiles SET condition_label = '" . $condition_label . "' WHERE id = '" . $pid . "'"; # $sqlInsert = sisplet_query($updateString); # } # } static function setConditionError($pid,$condition_error) { if ((int)$pid > 0 ) { $updateString = "UPDATE srv_condition_profiles SET condition_error = '" . $condition_error . "' WHERE id = '" . $pid . "'"; $sqlInsert = sisplet_query($updateString); } } static function getConditionString($if_id = null) { global $lang; # $condition_label = self::$profiles[self::$currentProfileId]['condition_label']; ob_start(); $b = new Branching(self::$sid ); if ($if_id == null || (int)$if_id == 0) { $if_id = (int)self::$profiles[self :: $currentProfileId]['if_id']; } $b->display_if_label($if_id); #$condition_label = mysqli_escape_string(ob_get_contents()); $condition_label = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ( $if_id > 0 && $condition_label != '') { echo '
    '; #if (self::$profiles[self :: $currentProfileId]['type'] == 'inspect') { # echo ''.$lang['srv_profile_data_is_filtred_zoom'].''; #} else { echo ''.$lang['srv_profile_data_is_filtred'].''; #} echo '('.self::$profiles[self :: $currentProfileId]['name'].')'; echo ''.$condition_label.''; // ali imamo napake v ifu if ((int)self::$profiles[$if_id]['condition_error'] != 0) { echo '
    '; echo ' '; echo ''.$lang['srv_profile_condition_has_error'].''; echo ''; } echo ''.$lang['srv_profile_edit'].''; echo ''.$lang['srv_profile_remove'].''; #if (self::$profiles[self :: $currentProfileId]['type'] == 'inspect') { # echo ''.$lang['srv_zoom_link_whoisthis'].''; #} echo '
    '; echo '
    '; return true; } return false; } /** * @desc zgenerira kalkulacijo za vstavitev v AWK */ # TODO!!!! # kalkulacije so rešene samo za silo (delujejo samo za tip radio function generateCalculationAWK ($condition) { $result = ''; $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_calculation WHERE cnd_id = '$condition' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC"); if (!$sql) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); $i = 0; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql)) { $_tmp_result = ''; $_valid = false; $_spr_id = $row['spr_id']; if ($i++ != 0) { if ($row['operator'] == 0) $_tmp_result .= '+'; elseif ($row['operator'] == 1) $_tmp_result .= '-'; elseif ($row['operator'] == 2) $_tmp_result .= '*'; elseif ($row['operator'] == 3) $_tmp_result .= '/'; } for ($j=1; $j<=$row['left_bracket']; $j++) { $_tmp_result .= '('; } // obi�ajne spremenljivke if ($_spr_id > 0) { $_tmp_result .= self::getAWKSpremenljivka($row); // konstante } elseif ($row['spr_id'] == -1) { $_tmp_result .= $row['number']; $_valid = true; } for ($j=1; $j<=$row['right_bracket']; $j++) { $_tmp_result .= ')'; } if ($_valid === true) { $result .= $_tmp_result; } } return $result; } static function conditionRemove() { # nastavimo privzet profil oziroma brez pogojev. #Če pa je izbran profil bil slučajno inspect, ga v celoti odstranimo, da pobrišemo predhodne nastavitve zaradi gnezdenja if (isset($_POST['pid']) && (int)$_POST['pid'] > 0) { $currentProfileId = (int)$_POST['pid']; } else { $currentProfileId = SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('default_condition_profile'); } echo ($currentProfileId); # preberemo podatke o profilu $stringSelect = "SELECT * FROM srv_condition_profiles WHERE sid='" . self::$sid . "' AND uid='" . self::$uid . "' AND id = '".$currentProfileId."'"; $querySelect = sisplet_query($stringSelect); # če je if_profil inspect, ga v celoti zbrišemo if (mysqli_num_rows($querySelect)) { $rowSelect = mysqli_fetch_assoc($querySelect); # če je inspect if ($rowSelect['type'] == 'inspect') { $if_id = $rowSelect['if_id']; if ((int)$if_id > 0) { $delStr = "DELETE FROM srv_if WHERE if = '".(int)$if_id."'"; sisplet_query($delStr); } # zbrišemo še condition_profil if ($currentProfileId > 0) { $delStr = "DELETE FROM srv_condition_profiles WHERE sid='" . self::$sid . "' AND uid='" . self::$uid . "' AND id = '".$currentProfileId."'"; sisplet_query($delStr); } sisplet_query("COMMIT"); } # če smo izbrali drug profil resetiramo še profil profilov na trenutne nastavitve SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_profileManager_pid', '0'); SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->removeSettings('default_condition_profile'); } # drugače samo nastavimo na privzet profil = 1 $currentProfileId = 1; SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_condition_profile', $currentProfileId); self::$currentProfileId = $currentProfileId; } /** preveri obstoj profila in vrne enak id če obstaja, če ne vrne id privzetega profila * * @param unknown_type $pid * @return unknown */ function checkProfileExist($pid) { if (isset(self::$profiles[$pid])) { return true; } return false; } } ?>